262 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016-2019

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    The purpose of this study is only to test whether there is an effect of Capital Structure (DER), Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM), and Firm Size (UP) on Firm Value (NP). This research was conducted on Manufacturing Companies in the Consumer Goods Industry Sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2019. This research uses quantitative descriptive analysis. This type of research is in the form of knowledge that uses numerical data as a measuring tool to analyze. The number of samples used as many as 41 companies. Sample selection was made using purposive sampling. The data used for this research is secondary data, namely data in the form of annual financial report data for the 2016-2019 period. The data were tested by statistical data analysis in multiple regression analysis, where the classical assumption test was first tested using SPSS

    Distribuzione dei fenomeni di fulminazione in relazione all'orografia e alla tipologia di suolo sul Gran Sasso.

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    Il fulmine rappresenta il meccanismo con cui una nube scarica parzialmente parte della propria energia. Nel corso degli anni, questo singolare evento è stato un centro di particolare interesse. Difatti, esso è associato a fenomeni intensi quali tempeste e a ingenti danni a strutture, agricolutura e a ciò che fa parte della vita di tutti i giorni. Di recente, i fenomeni di fulminazione ricevono attenzione dalla comunità scientifica perché, dal punto di vista fisico, i meccanismi di formazione di questi eventi non sono del tutto chiari. Inoltre i fulmini e l'aumento della frequenza di fulminazione possono essere sintomi di cambiamenti climatici sia globali sia locali e che siano positivamente correlati all'aumento di temperatura, di concentrazione di ossido d'azoto, di PM10 e ozono nell'aria, conseguentemente all'aumento di aree urbane e al riscaldamento globale. Studi mostrano una relazione tra occorenza di fulminazioni e uso del suolo in più località europee; altri ne esplicitano la reale dipendenza con le caratteristiche orografiche del territorio. Questo elaborato e il lavoro che lo caratterizza sono rivolti all'approfondimento e allo studio di una possibile dipendenza tra densità di fulminazione e caratteristiche del suolo nel Gran Sasso abruzzese. Una parte introduttiva chiarisce le cause fisiche che portano alla formazione dei fulmini, la loro classificazione e le tecniche di rilevazione del fenomeno. In seguito, sono esposte le reti di fulminazione, in particolare la rete LINET, le loro principali caratteristiche e le possibili applicazioni dei dati di fulminazione in fisica dell'atmosfera. La sezione principale della tesi è dedicata ad un'analisi statistica di dati di fulminazione, di dati del suolo, di quota e pendenza, in modo da investigare possibili correlazioni positive tra caratteri del suolo, orografici e ambientali e densità di fulminazioni nella regione di interesse

    KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL STUNTING (Studi Sosiologis Pada Orang Tua Balita Stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga)

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    Stunting disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor lintas sektoral baik berasal dari eksternal keluarga maupun internal keluarga yang berdampang pada pola pengasuhan serta dipengaruhi oleh konstruksi sosial yang dibangun mengenai pola pengasuhan dan pemenuhan gizi. Dalam skripsi ini penulis mencoba menggambarkan kontruksi sosial yang telah dibangun mengenai pola pengasuhan dan pemenuhan gizi pada anak dengan ditinjau melalui faktor-faktor penyebab kejadian stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga. Menggunakan teori Konstruksi Sosial Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann dengan tiga elemen utama yaitu Eksternalisasi, Internalisasi dan Obyektivasi. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan obyek atau variabel penelitian itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan konstruksi sosial stunting pada orang tua balita stunting dibangun dari faktor-faktor penyebab kejadian stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul. Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Pola Asuh dan Sanitasi air lingkungan menjadi faktor terjadinya stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga. Konstruksi sosial dibangun melalui tiga proses dialektika yaitu Eksternalisasi, Internalisasi dan Obyektivasi untuk mengetahi konstruksi sosial stunting.Stunting is caused by various cross-sectoral factors, both from external families and internal families that are affected by parenting patterns and are influenced by social constructions regarding parenting patterns and nutrition fulfillment. In this thesis the author tries to describe the social construction that has been built regarding parenting patterns and nutrition fulfillment in children by reviewing the factors that cause stunting in the Kauman Kidul Village, Salatiga City. Using Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann's Social Construction theory with three main elements namely Externalization, Internalization and Objectivation. Using a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research that aims to describe the object or research variable itself. The results of this study show that the social construction of stunting in parents of stunted toddlers is built from the factors that cause stunting in the Kauman Kidul Village. Knowledge, education, upbringing and environmental water sanitation are factors in the occurrence of stunting in Kauman Kidul Village, Salatiga City. Social construction is built through three dialectical processes namely Externalization, Internalization and Objectivation to understand the social construction of stunting

    KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL STUNTING (Studi Sosiologis Pada Orang Tua Balita Stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga)

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    Stunting disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor lintas sektoral baik berasal dari eksternal keluarga maupun internal keluarga yang berdampang pada pola pengasuhan serta dipengaruhi oleh konstruksi sosial yang dibangun mengenai pola pengasuhan dan pemenuhan gizi. Dalam skripsi ini penulis mencoba menggambarkan kontruksi sosial yang telah dibangun mengenai pola pengasuhan dan pemenuhan gizi pada anak dengan ditinjau melalui faktor-faktor penyebab kejadian stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga. Menggunakan teori Konstruksi Sosial Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann dengan tiga elemen utama yaitu Eksternalisasi, Internalisasi dan Obyektivasi. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan obyek atau variabel penelitian itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan konstruksi sosial stunting pada orang tua balita stunting dibangun dari faktor-faktor penyebab kejadian stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul. Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Pola Asuh dan Sanitasi air lingkungan menjadi faktor terjadinya stunting di Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Kota Salatiga. Konstruksi sosial dibangun melalui tiga proses dialektika yaitu Eksternalisasi, Internalisasi dan Obyektivasi untuk mengetahi konstruksi sosial stunting.Stunting is caused by various cross-sectoral factors, both from external families and internal families that are affected by parenting patterns and are influenced by social constructions regarding parenting patterns and nutrition fulfillment. In this thesis the author tries to describe the social construction that has been built regarding parenting patterns and nutrition fulfillment in children by reviewing the factors that cause stunting in the Kauman Kidul Village, Salatiga City. Using Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann's Social Construction theory with three main elements namely Externalization, Internalization and Objectivation. Using a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research that aims to describe the object or research variable itself. The results of this study show that the social construction of stunting in parents of stunted toddlers is built from the factors that cause stunting in the Kauman Kidul Village. Knowledge, education, upbringing and environmental water sanitation are factors in the occurrence of stunting in Kauman Kidul Village, Salatiga City. Social construction is built through three dialectical processes namely Externalization, Internalization and Objectivation to understand the social construction of stunting

    Pendampingan Pembenahan dan Pengelolaan Rumah Dataku dan Informasi Keluarga Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas (KB) Kelurahan Kauman Kidul Salatiga

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    Pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan kegiatan yang berusaha memberikan kemajuan bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dalam artikel ini pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui kegiatan Praktek Lapangan Terpadu (PLT) akan memaparkan kegiatan pembenahan klasifikasi Rumah Data Kependudukan dan Informasi Keluarga, pendamping inputting data dan pembuatan format variabel data serta pembuatan akun sosial media dan video profil Kampung KB Teratai. Berdasarkan hasil praktek lapangan yang dilakukan, pembenahan dan pendampingan ini memberikan manfaat bagi pengurus Rumah Data dan Kampung KB dimana para pengurus mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam akan inputting data secara digital dengan didukung oleh kelengkapan format data yang ada, tersedianya tempat untuk melakukan verifikasi, analisis dan pengarsipan data serta adanya media promosi kegiatan dan potensi wisata yang ada di Kauman Kidul.Community service and empowerment are activities that try to provide progress for the welfare of society and educate the life of the nation. In this article community service and empowerment through the Integrated Field Practice (IFP) activities will describe the activities of improving the classification of the Population Data and Family Information Houses, assisting data input and making data variable formats as well as making social media accounts and video profiles of Kampung KB Teratai. Based on the results of field practice that was carried out, this improvement and assistance provided benefits for administrators of Rumah Data and Kampung KB where the administrators got a deeper understanding of digital data input, supported by the completeness of existing data formats, availability of places to verify, analyse. and data archiving and the existence of media to promote tourism activities and potential in Kauman Kidul

    One nanometer thin carbon nanosheets with tunable conductivity and stiffness

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    We present a new route for the fabrication of ultrathin (~1 nm) carbon films and membranes, whose electrical behavior can be tuned from insulating to conducting. Self-assembled monolayers of biphenyls are cross-linked by electrons, detached from the surfaces and subsequently pyrolized. Above 1000K, the cross-linked aromatic monolayer forms a mechanically stable graphitic phase. The transition is accompanied by a drop of the sheet resistivity from ~10^8 to ~10^2 kOhm/sq and a mechanical stiffening of the nanomembranes from ~10 to ~50 GPa. The technical applicability of the nanosheets is demonstrated by incorporating them into a microscopic pressure sensorComment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    3D-Ensembles of gold nanowires: preparation, characterization and electroanalytical prospects

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    Nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) of gold nanodisks, prepared by electroless template deposition of gold within the pores of track-etched polycarbonate membranes, are treated with oxygen plasma or with solvent mixtures in order to achieve controlled etching of part of the polycarbonate of the template. This causes the structure of the final ensemble to change from a 2-D flat structure into a 3-D one. The cyclic voltammetric (CV) behavior of redox probes at the 3DNEEs is examined and compared with the behavior observed at 2D-NEEs. Finally, 3D-NEEs are examined in order to test possible applications for the development of mediated sensors

    Development of electrochemical biosensors by e-beam lithography for medical diagnostics

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    In this work the fabrication and characterization of boron-doped diamond (BDD) nanoelectrode arrays are discussed. The use of boron-doped diamond electrodes is very attractive due to advantageous properties including high reproducibility, stability, and robustness under extreme conditions, where conventional electrode materials may undergo severe erosion. BDD electrodes have also proved to be very useful because they show an extremely wide potential window in aqueous solutions without oxidation of the electrode itself. This allows electrochemical detection, at tiny background currents, of a number of substances that oxidize at very positive potentials, where other electrodic materials are not suitable. BDD based NEAs were prepared using Si substrates coated with a layer of Boron doped diamond as macroelectrode. NEAs were obtained by creating an array of nanoholes by electron beam lithography (EBL) in a thin film of polycarbonate deposited on top of the macroelectrode. This approach leads to the formation of recessed nanoelectrodes. The parameters for using polycarbonate as a novel electron beam resist have been optimized and successfully used for fabrication of NEAs. The most interesting properties of this polymer for nanofabrication purposes are the high lithographic contrast, which allows the creation of structures of dimensions less than 100 nm; chemical stability, which guarantees a long-term use in electrochemical solutions and the possibility of functionalization with biological molecules (DNA and proteins). NEAs have been characterized with cyclic voltammetry and have provided voltammetric signals controlled by pure radial diffusion. The low background current of BDD added to the properties of NEAs indicate that this system can be applied for the development of sensors with high sensitivity. Polycarbonate surface of NEAs was successfully functionalized with small ss-DNA sequence, confirming the possibility of exploiting these systems as diagnostic biosensors

    Optimalisasi Lingkungan untuk Mendukung Potensi Pengembangan Wisata Pantai di Desa Ketapang Raya Kecamatan Keruak, Lombok Timur.

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    Potensi desa yang ada di Desa Ketapang Raya cukup besar, salah satunya adalah destinasi wisata pantai Lungkak yang mulai mendapat perhatian dari para wisatawan yang banyak datang berkunjung, akan tetapi kurangnya kesadaran dan perhatian masyarakat akan kebersihan lingkungan sekitar dan juga penghijauan di area wisata pantai tersebut menjadi kendala dalam perkembangan destinasi wisata pantai di desa ini. ujuan dilakukan kegiatan ini adalah untuk membersihkan lingkungan sekitar dan perbaikan lingkungan guna melestarikan tempat wisata di pantai Lungkak Desa Ketapang Raya serta membangun kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Kegiatan pembersihan pantai  ini berfokus  disekitaran taman lungkak hingga pesisir pantai. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan mahasiswa KKN dan masyarakat setempat serta mitra kerja seperti karang taruna dan pokdarwis. Kegiatan penanaman dilaksanakan pada minggu pertama di sekitar pesisir pantai, jenis yang ditanam merupakan jenis tanaman lokal setempat. Bibit diperoleh dari pihak BPDASL Pringgabaya. Luas areal tanam ± 10 are. Kegiatan penanaman melibatkan mahasiswa KKN dan masyarakat setempat. Hasil dari kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat di area pantai maupun pengunjung masih memiliki kesadaran yang minim terkait pentingnya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dan juga kurangnya dukungan pembuangan sampah dari pihak desa membuat mereka terkadang membuang sampah di laut atau membakarnya, namun masyarakat terlihat antusias saat adanya kegiatan penghijauan yaitu penanaman pohon
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