23 research outputs found

    Psychometric Properties of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory : A Review

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms cause a significant burden to individuals with neurocognitive disorders and their families. Insights into the clinical associations, neurobiology, and treatment of these symptoms depend on informant questionnaires, such as the commonly used Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). As with any scale, the utility of the NPI relies on its psychometric properties, but the NPI faces unique challenges related to its skip-question and scoring formats. In this narrative review, we examined the psychometric properties of the NPI in a framework including properties pertinent to construct validation, and health-related outcome measurement in general. We found that aspects such as test-retest and inter-rater reliability are major strengths of the NPI in addition to its flexible and relatively quick administration. These properties are desired in clinical trials. However, the reported properties appear to cover only some of the generally examined psychometric properties, representing perhaps necessary but insufficient reliability and validity evidence for the NPI. The psychometric data seem to have significant gaps, in part because small sample sizes in the relevant studies have precluded more comprehensive analyses. Regarding construct validity, only one study has examined structural validity with the NPI subquestions. Measurement error was not assessed in the reviewed studies. For future validation, we recommend using data from all subquestions, collecting larger samples, paying specific attention to construct validity and formulating hypotheses a priori. Because the NPI is an outcome measure of interest in clinical trials, examining measurement error could be of practical importance.Peer reviewe

    The influence of implicit and explicit biofeedback in first-person shooter games

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    To understand how implicit and explicit biofeedback work in games, we developed a first-person shooter (FPS) game to experiment with different biofeedback techniques. While this area has seen plenty of discussion, there is little rigorous experimentation addressing how biofeedback can enhance human–computer interaction. In our two-part study, (N=36) subjects first played eight different game stages with two implicit biofeedback conditions, with two simulation-based comparison and repetition rounds, then repeated the two biofeedback stages when given explicit information on the biofeedback. The biofeedback conditions were respiration and skin-conductance (EDA) adaptations. Adaptation targets were four balanced player avatar attributes. We collected data with psychophysiological measures (electromyography, respiration, and EDA), a game experience questionnaire, and game-play measures. According to our experiment, implicit biofeedback does not produce significant effects in player experience in an FPS game. In the explicit biofeedback conditions, players were more immersed and positively affected, and they were able to manipulate the game play with the biosignal interface. We recommend exploring the possibilities of using explicit biofeedback interaction in commercial games. Author Keywords Games, playing, affective computing, biosignals

    Psychological Science Accelerator: A Promising Resource for Clinical Psychological Science

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    The Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA) is an international collaborative network of psychological scientists that facilitates rigorous and generalizable research. In this chapter, we describe how the PSA can help clinical psychologists and clinical psychological science more broadly. We first describe the PSA and outline how individual clinical psychologists can use the PSA as a helpful resource in numerous capacities: leading or contributing to clinical research or research with clinical relevance, building collaborative relationships, obtaining experience and expertise, and learning about systems and tools, particularly those related to open science practices, that they can adapt to their own research. We then describe how the PSA supports rigor and transparency at each stage of the research process. Finally, we discuss the challenges of the PSA’s large, collaborative approach to research

    Computer-based Eye-tracking Analysis of King-Devick Test Differentiates Persons with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus from Cognitively Unimpaired

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. All rights reserved.Background: Functional defects in eye movements and reduced reading speed in neurodegenerative diseases represent a potential new biomarker to support clinical diagnosis. We investigated whether computer-based eye-tracking (ET) analysis of the King-Devick (KD) test differentiates persons with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) from cognitively unimpaired [control (CO)] and persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: We recruited 68 participants (37 CO, 10 iNPH, and 21 AD) who underwent neurological examination, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease neuropsychological test battery (CERAD-NB), and a Clinical Dementia Rating interview. The KD reading test was performed using computer-based ET. We analyzed the total time used for the reading test, number of errors, durations of fixation and saccade, and saccade amplitudes. Results: The iNPH group significantly differed from the CO group in the KD test mean total time (CO 69.3 s, iNPH 87.3 s; P≤0.009) and eye-tracking recording of the mean saccade amplitude (CO 3.6 degree, iNPH 3.2 degree; P≤0.001). The AD group significantly differed from the CO group in each tested parameter. No significant differences were detected between the iNPH and AD groups. Conclusion: For the first time, we demonstrated altered reading ability and saccade amplitudes in patients with iNPH.Peer reviewe

    Shortening of Saccades as a Possible Easy-to-Use Biomarker to Detect Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background: Wide-ranging functional defects in eye movements have been reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia. The detection of abnormal eye movements and reading problems may identify persons at risk of AD when clear clinical symptoms are lacking. Objective: To examine whether computer-based eye-tracking (ET) analysis of King-Devick (KD) test results differentiates cognitively healthy persons from persons with minor problems in cognitive testing or diagnosed mild AD. Methods: We recruited 78 participants (57 non-demented, 21 with mild AD) who underwent neurological examination, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease neuropsychological test battery (CERAD-NB), and a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) interview. The non-demented participants were further divided into control (normal CERAD subtests, mean MMSE= 28) and objective mild cognitive impairment (MCI; decline in at least one CERAD memory score, mean MMSE= 27) groups. The KD reading test was performed using computer-based ET. The total time used for the reading test, errors made, fixation and saccade durations, and saccade amplitudes were analyzed. Results: We found significant differences between the control, objective MCI, and AD groups in regard to the mean saccade amplitude (3.58, 3.33, and 3.21 ms, respectively, p < 0.03) and duration (27.1, 25.3, and 24.8 ms, respectively, p < 0.05). The KD error scores in the AD group differed significantly (p < 0.01) from the other groups. Conclusion: Computed ET analysis of the KD test may help detect persons with objective MCI early when clear clinical symptoms are lacking. The portable device for ET is easy to use in primary health care memory clinics.Peer reviewe

    Biometal Dyshomeostasis in Olfactory Mucosa of Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    Olfactory function, orchestrated by the cells of the olfactory mucosa at the rooftop of the nasal cavity, is disturbed early in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Biometals including zinc and calcium are known to be important for sense of smell and to be altered in the brains of AD patients. Little is known about elemental homeostasis in the AD patient olfactory mucosa. Here we aimed to assess whether the disease-related alterations to biometal homeostasis observed in the brain are also reflected in the olfactory mucosa. We applied RNA sequencing to discover gene expression changes related to metals in olfactory mucosal cells of cognitively healthy controls, individuals with mild cognitive impairment and AD patients, and performed analysis of the elemental content to determine metal levels. Results demonstrate that the levels of zinc, calcium and sodium are increased in the AD olfactory mucosa concomitantly with alterations to 17 genes related to metal-ion binding or metal-related function of the protein product. A significant elevation in alpha-2-macroglobulin, a known metal-binding biomarker correlated with brain disease burden, was observed on the gene and protein levels in the olfactory mucosa cells of AD patients. These data demonstrate that the olfactory mucosa cells derived from AD patients recapitulate certain impairments of biometal homeostasis observed in the brains of patients.Peer reviewe

    Scoping studies to establish the capability and utility of a real-time bioaerosol sensor to characterise emissions from environmental sources

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    A novel dual excitation wavelength based bioaerosol sensor with multiple fluorescence bands called Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS) has been assessed across five contrasting outdoor environments. The mean concentrations of total and fluorescent particles across the sites were highly variable being the highest at the agricultural farm (2.6 cm−3 and 0.48 cm−3, respectively) and the composting site (2.32 cm−3 and 0.46 cm−3, respectively) and the lowest at the dairy farm (1.03 cm−3 and 0.24 cm−3, respectively) and the sewage treatment works (1.03 cm−3 and 0.25 cm−3, respectively). In contrast, the number-weighted fluorescent fraction was lowest at the agricultural site (0.18) in comparison to the other sites indicating high variability in nature and magnitude of emissions from environmental sources. The fluorescence emissions data demonstrated that the spectra at different sites were multimodal with intensity differences largely at wavelengths located in secondary emission peaks for λex 280 and λex 370. This finding suggests differences in the molecular composition of emissions at these sites which can help to identify distinct fluorescence signature of different environmental sources. Overall this study demonstrated that SIBS provides additional spectral information compared to existing instruments and capability to resolve spectrally integrated signals from relevant biological fluorophores could improve selectivity and thus enhance discrimination and classification strategies for real-time characterisation of bioaerosols from environmental sources. However, detailed lab-based measurements in conjunction with real-world studies and improved numerical methods are required to optimise and validate these highly resolved spectral signatures with respect to the diverse atmospherically relevant biological fluorophores

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Olfactory Mucosal Cells of Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    Olfaction is orchestrated by olfactory mucosal cells located in the upper nasal cavity. Olfactory dysfunction manifests early in several neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease, however, disease-related alterations to the olfactory mucosal cells remain poorly described. The aim of this study was to evaluate the olfactory mucosa differences between cognitively healthy individuals and Alzheimer's disease patients. We report increased amyloid-beta secretion in Alzheimer's disease olfactory mucosal cells and detail cell-type-specific gene expression patterns, unveiling 240 differentially expressed disease-associated genes compared to the cognitively healthy controls, and five distinct cell populations. Overall, alterations of RNA and protein metabolism, inflammatory processes, and signal transduction were observed in multiple cell populations, suggesting their role in Alzheimer's disease-related olfactory mucosa pathophysiology. Furthermore, the single-cell RNA-sequencing proposed alterations in gene expression of mitochondrially located genes in AD OM cells, which were verified by functional assays, demonstrating altered mitochondrial respiration and a reduction of ATP production. Our results reveal disease-related changes of olfactory mucosal cells in Alzheimer's disease and demonstrate the utility of single-cell RNA sequencing data for investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with the disease.Peer reviewe

    Tiedonkäsittelyn heikentymät ja työkyky

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    Tiedonkäsittelyn heikentymät ja työkyky -hankkeessa tutkittiin yliopistosairaalan muistipoliklinikoille ohjautuneiden työikäisten kognitiivisia heikentymiä ja niiden taustalla olevia tekijöitä. Lisäksi kehitettiin työssä ilmenevien kognitiivisten vaikeuksien yksilölliseen arviointiin ja työn muokkaukseen soveltuvia menetelmiä. Hankkeen yleisinä tavoitteina oli tiedonkäsittelyn häiriöiden varhaistunnistuksen ja hoitoonohjauksen, sekä niiden työkykyvaikutusten arvioinnin kehittäminen

    Kiusaaminen päiväkodissa : Henkilökunnan näkemyksiä lasten keskuudessa tapahtuvasta kiusaamisesta

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    Opinnäytetyön kuvaus: Opinnäytetyössäni tarkastelen pienen paikkakunnan päiväkodin henkilökunnan kokemuksia ja nä-kemyksiä, siitä millaista kiusaamista päiväkodissa esiintyy lasten keskuudessa. Haastattelun avulla pyrin selvittämään millaista kiusaamista lasten keskuudessa esiintyy, kuinka henkilökunta puuttuu siihen ja miten sitä voi ennaltaehkäistä. Teoreettinen ja käsitteellinen esittely: Keskeiset teoreettiset käsitteeni liittyvät kiusaamiseen ja lapsen sosiaaliseen kehitykseen. Kiusaa-misen muodot, syyt, ehkäisy ja puuttuminen liittyvät olennaisesti tutkimusongelmiini, ja antavat teo-riapohjan haastattelun analysoinnille ja johtopäätöksille. Sosiaalisesta kehityksestä voi ymmärtää lapsen käyttäytymistä eri ikävuosina. Metodologinen esittely: Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusta. Haastattelumenetelmänä käytän teemahaastattelua ryhmähaastattelun muodossa. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmä koostuu kolmesta päiväkodissa työskentelevästä henkilöstä. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset: Kiusaamista esiintyy lasten keskuudessa jo päiväkodissa. Kiusaamismuotoja on sekä fyysisiä että psyykkisiä, kuten lyöminen tai leikistä poissulkeminen. Puuttumiskeinoina parhaita ovat pikainen puuttuminen kiusaamiseen ja keskustelu lapsen kanssa sekä yhteydenotto vanhempiin. Kiusaamisen ehkäisykeinoista parhaita ovat pienet ryhmäkoot ja lasten valvonnan tehostaminen. Johtopäätökset: Kiusaamismuodot sekä kiusaamiseen puuttuminen olivat samankaltaisia myös toiseen tutkimukseen verrattaessa. Kiusaamisen ehkäisyssä on huomioitava monia eri asioita, kuten kodin ja päiväkodin välinen yhteistyö. Myös eroavaisuuksia aiempiin tutkimuksiin verrattaessa löytyi, esimerkiksi kiu-saajan fyysisien ominaisuuksien vaikutus kiusaamiseen. Asiasanat: Päiväkoti, kiusaaminen, lapsen sosiaalinen kehitysThesis description: The aim of this thesis was to describe the experiences and views of a small community kindergar-tens staffs of bullying in kindergarten among children. With the help of interview I’m trying to re-search what kind of bullying there is among children and how to prevent it or how to find resources to intervene with it. Theoretical summary: The main theoretical concepts in this thesis are bullying and child’s social evolution. The way of bullying the causes of bullying preventing it and interfering with it are related with the problems of research. The social evolution of children helps understanding children’s behaviour in different ages. Methodological summary: Thesis was a qualitative research. The method of interview was theme interview and an interview was done in a group. Staffs were interviewed for the thesis. Main results: As the results there are bullying in kindergarten among children and there is different kinds of bul-lying like physical and psychological bullying. The best ways of interfering in bullying were fast interfering and discussion with parents and children. The best ways of preventing were small group sizes and increasing supervising among children Conclusions: The ways of bullying and interfering in bullying were related to another research of same kind. There are many different things included preventing bullying like cooperation with home and kin-dergarten. There were also differences with my thesis and other research like teaser’s physical fea-tures effect in bullying. Key words: Kindergarten, bullying, social evolution of chil