8 research outputs found

    “Till Death Do Us Part”: A Potential Irreversible Link Between Aberrant Cell Cycle Control and Neurodegeneration in the Adult Olfactory Bulb

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    Adult neurogenesis (AN) is an ongoing developmental process that generates newborn neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) and the hippocampus (Hi) throughout life and significantly contributes to brain plasticity. Adult neural stem and progenitor cells (aNSPCs) are relatively limited in number and fate and are spatially restricted to the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone (SGZ). During AN, the distinct roles played by cell cycle proteins extend beyond cell cycle control and constitute key regulatory mechanisms involved in neuronal maturation and survival. Importantly, aberrant cell cycle re-entry (CCE) in post-mitotic neurons has been strongly linked to the abnormal pathophysiology in rodent models of neurodegenerative diseases with potential implications on the etiology and progression of such diseases in humans. Here, we present an overview of AN in the SVZ-OB and olfactory epithelium (OE) in mice and humans followed by a comprehensive update of the distinct roles played by cell cycle proteins including major tumors suppressor genes in various steps during neurogenesis. We also discuss accumulating evidence underlining a strong link between abnormal cell cycle control, olfactory dysfunction and neurodegeneration in the adult and aging brain. We emphasize that: (1) CCE in post-mitotic neurons due to loss of cell cycle suppression and/or age-related insults as well as DNA damage can anticipate the development of neurodegenerative lesions and protein aggregates, (2) the age-related decline in SVZ and OE neurogenesis is associated with compensatory pro-survival mechanisms in the aging OB which are interestingly similar to those detected in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in humans, and (3) the OB represents a well suitable model to study the early manifestation of age-related defects that may eventually progress into the formation of neurodegenerative lesions and, possibly, spread to the rest of the brain. Such findings may provide a novel approach to the modeling of neurodegenerative diseases in humans from early detection to progression and treatment as well

    Rb deficiency, neuronal survival and neurodegeneration: In search of the perfect mouse model

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    Three decades following the introduction of the first Rb knockout (KO) mouse model, the role of this critical protein in regulating brain development during embryogenesis and beyond remains a major scientific interest. Rb is a tumor suppressor gene known as the master regulator of the G1/S checkpoint and control of cell cycle progression in stem and progenitor cells, but also their differentiated progeny. Here, we review the recent literature about the various Rb conditional Knockout (cKO) and inducible Knockout (iKO) models studied thus far, highlighting how findings should always be interpreted in light of the model and context under inquiry especially when studying the role of Rb in neuronal survival. There is indeed evidence of age-specific, cell type-specific and region-specific effects following Rb KO in the embryonic and the adult mouse brain. In terms of modeling neurodegenerative processes in human diseases, we discuss cell cycle re-entry (CCE) as a candidate mechanism underlying the increased vulnerability of Rb-deficient neurons to cell death. Notably, mouse models may limit the extent to which CCE due to Rb inactivation can mimic the pathological course of these disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. These remarks ought to be considered in future research when studying the consequences of Rb inactivation on neuronal generation and survival in rodents and their corresponding clinical significance in humans

    Cell-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: Promises and Trajectories

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    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a debilitating condition that poses a significant public health concern. Historically linked to motor vehicle accidents, the epidemiology of TBI has evolved. Falls now emerge as the predominant cause, particularly among older adults. Sport-related TBIs have also garnered increased attention due to concerns regarding long-term neurological sequelae. To date, therapeutic interventions remain limited and have yet to yield substantial clinical benefits. Cell-based therapies offer promising avenues for neural repair and regeneration: endogenous stem cell therapies capitalize on endogenous pools that can be triggered by the injury and further enhanced by therapeutic approaches. In contrast, exogenous cell therapies provide an exogenous source of cells. However, challenges such as age-related decline in neurogenesis, age-related inflammation, and the heterogeneity of TBI present significant hurdles to overcome. Moreover, translating stem cell research from the laboratory to clinical applications necessitates the adherence to good manufacturing practice standards, which presents distinct obstacles. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, including careful patient selection in clinical trials, appropriate experimental models, and the optimization of therapeutic techniques. Ultimately, a combination of strategies is likely to yield the most promising outcomes in the pursuit of effective TBI therapies

    Role of Rb during neurogenesis and axonal guidance in the developing olfactory system

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    The Retinoblastoma protein, Rb, was shown to regulate distinct aspects of neurogenesis in the embryonic and adult brain besides its primary role in cell cycle control. It is still unknown, however, whether Rb is required for tissue morphogenesis and the establishment of synaptic connections between adjacent tissues during development. We have investigated here the role of Rb during development of the olfactory system (OS), which heavily relies on reciprocal interactions between the olfactory epithelium (OE) and the olfactory bulb (OB). We show that mice carrying a telencephalic-specific deletion of Rb display several neurogenic defects in the OS during late development. In the OE, loss of Rb leads to ectopic proliferation of late-born progenitors (Tuj-1+), abnormal radial migration and terminal maturation of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). In the OB, deletion of Rb causes severe lamination defects with loss of clear boundaries between distinct layers. Importantly, starting around E15.5 when OB glomerulogenesis is initiated, many OSNs axons that project along the olfactory nerve layer (ONL) fail to properly innervate the nascent bulb, thus resulting in partial loss of connectivity between OE-OB and gradual neuronal degeneration in both tissues peaking at birth. This deficiency correlates with deregulated expressions of two key chemo-repellant molecules, Robo2/Slit1 and Nrp2/sema3F that control the formation of dorsal-ventral topographic map of OSNs connections with OB glomeruli. This study highlights a critical requirement for Rb during neurogenesis and the establishment of proper synaptic connections inside the OS during development

    Role of the Retinoblastoma protein, Rb, during adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb

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    Adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) are relatively quiescent populations that give rise to distinct neuronal subtypes throughout life, yet, at a very low rate and restricted differentiation potential. Thus, identifying the molecular mechanisms that control their cellular expansion is critical for regeneration after brain injury. Loss of the Retinoblastoma protein, Rb, leads to several defects in cell cycle as well as neuronal differentiation and migration during brain development. Here, we investigated the role of Rb during adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb (OB) by inducing its temporal deletion in aNSCs and progenitors. Loss of Rb was associated with increased proliferation of adult progenitors in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the rostral migratory stream (RMS) but did not alter self-renewal of aNSCs or neuroblasts subsequent migration and terminal differentiation. Hence, one month after their birth, Rb-null neuroblasts were able to differentiate into distinct subtypes of GABAergic OB interneurons but were gradually lost after 3 months. Similarly, Rb controlled aNSCs/progenitors proliferation in vitro without affecting their differentiation capacity. This enhanced SVZ/OB neurogenesis associated with loss of Rb was only transient and negatively affected by increased apoptosis indicating a critical requirement for Rb in the long-term survival of adult-born OB interneurons

    “Till Death Do Us Part”: A Potential Irreversible Link Between Aberrant Cell Cycle Control and Neurodegeneration in the Adult Olfactory Bulb

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