65 research outputs found

    Thin Disk Theory with a Non-Zero Torque Boundary Condition and Comparisons with Simulations

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    We present an analytical solution for thin disk accretion onto a Kerr black hole that extends the standard Novikov-Thorne alpha-disk in three ways: (i) it incorporates nonzero stresses at the inner edge of the disk, (ii) it extends into the plunging region, and (iii) it uses a corrected vertical gravity formula. The free parameters of the model are unchanged. Nonzero boundary stresses are included by replacing the Novikov-Thorne no torque boundary condition with the less strict requirement that the fluid velocity at the innermost stable circular orbit is the sound speed, which numerical models show to be the correct behavior for luminosities below ~30% Eddington. We assume the disk is thin so we can ignore advection. Boundary stresses scale as alpha*h and advection terms scale as h^2 (where h is the disk opening angle (h=H/r)), so the model is self-consistent when h < alpha. We compare our solution with slim disk models and general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic disk simulations. The model may improve the accuracy of black hole spin measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Spectra of black hole accretion models of ultraluminous X-ray sources

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    © 2017 The Authors. We present general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of super- Eddington accretion on a 10M ☉ black hole. We consider a range of mass accretion rates, black hole spins and magnetic field configurations. We compute the spectra and images of the models as a function of viewing angle and compare them with the observed properties of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The models easily produce apparent luminosities in excess of 10 40 erg s -1 for pole-on observers. However, the angle-integrated radiative luminosities rarely exceed 2.5 × 10 39 erg s -1 even for mass accretion rates of tens of Eddington. The systems are thus radiatively inefficient, though they are energetically efficient when the energy output in winds and jets is also counted. The simulated models reproduce the main empirical types of spectra - disc-like, supersoft, soft, hard - observed in ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The magnetic field configuration, whether 'standard and normal evolution' (SANE) or 'magnetically arrested disc' (MAD), has a strong effect on the results. In SANE models, the X-ray spectral hardness is almost independent of accretion rate, but decreases steeply with increasing inclination. MAD models with non-spinning black holes produce significantly softer spectra at higher values of M●, even at low inclinations. MAD models with rapidly spinning black holes are unique. They are radiatively efficient (efficiency factor ~10-20 per cent), superefficient when the mechanical energy output is also included (70 per cent) and produce hard blazar-like spectra. In all models, the emission shows strong geometrical beaming, which disagrees with the more isotropic illumination favoured by observations of ULX bubbles

    Constraints on the black hole spin in the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1

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    The spin of the black hole is an important parameter which may be responsible for the properties of the inflow and outflow of the material surrounding a black hole. Broad band IR/optical/UV spectrum of the quasar SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 is clearly disk-dominated, with the spectrum peaking up in the observed frequency range. Therefore, disk fitting method usually used for Galactic black holes can be used in this object to determine the black hole spin. We develop the numerical code for computing disk properties, including radius-dependent hardening factor, and we apply the ray-tracing method to incorporate all general relativity effects in light propagation. We show that the simple multicolor disk model gives a good fit, without any other component required, and the disk extends down to the marginally stable orbit. The best fit accretion rate is 0.13, well below the Eddington limit, and the black hole spin is moderate, 0.3. The contour error for the fit combined with the constraints for the black hole mass and the disk inclination gives a constraint that the spin is lower than 0.8. We discuss the sources of possible systematic errors in the parameter determinations

    Current Status of Simulations

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    As the title suggests, the purpose of this chapter is to review the current status of numerical simulations of black hole accretion disks. This chapter focuses exclusively on global simulations of the accretion process within a few tens of gravitational radii of the black hole. Most of the simulations discussed are performed using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) schemes, although some mention is made of Newtonian radiation MHD simulations and smoothed particle hydrodynamics. The goal is to convey some of the exciting work that has been going on in the past few years and provide some speculation on future directions.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the ISSI-Bern workshop on "The Physics of Accretion onto Black Holes" (8-12 October 2012

    Two eclipsing ultraluminous X-ray sources in M51

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    We present the discovery, from archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data, of X-ray eclipses in two ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), located in the same region of the galaxy M51: CXOM51 J132940.0+471237 (ULX-1, for simplicity) and CXOM51 J132939.5+471244 (ULX-2). Three eclipses were detected for ULX-1 and two for ULX-2. The presence of eclipses puts strong constraints on the viewing angle, suggesting that both ULXs are seen almost edge-on and are certainly not beamed toward us. Despite the similar viewing angles and luminosities ( erg s-1 in the 0.3-8 keV band for both sources), their X-ray properties are different. ULX-1 has a soft spectrum, well fitted by Comptonization emission from a medium with electron temperature . ULX-2 is harder, well fitted by a slim disk with -1.8 keV and normalization consistent with a ~10 M o black hole. ULX-1 has a significant contribution from multi-temperature thermal-plasma emission ( erg s-1). About 10% of this emission remains visible during the eclipses, proving that the emitting gas comes from a region slightly more extended than the size of the donor star. From the sequence and duration of the Chandra observations in and out of eclipse, we constrain the binary period of ULX-1 to be either days, or ˜12.5-13 days. If the donor star fills its Roche lobe (a plausible assumption for ULXs), both cases require an evolved donor, most likely a blue supergiant, given the young age of the stellar population in that Galactic environment. © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Spectropolarimetry of high-redshift obscured and red quasars

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    Spectropolarimetry is a powerful technique that has provided critical support for the geometric unification model of local active galactic nuclei. In this paper, we present optical (rest-frame UV) Keck spectropolarimetry of five luminous obscured (Type 2) and extremely red quasars (ERQs) at z~2.5. Three objects reach polarization fractions of >10% in the continuum. We propose a model in which dust scattering is the dominant scattering and polarization mechanism in our targets, though electron scattering cannot be completely excluded. Emission lines are polarized at a lower level than is the continuum. This suggests that the emission-line region exists on similar spatial scales as the scattering region. In three objects we detect an intriguing 90 degree swing in the polarization position angle as a function of line-of-sight velocity in the emission lines of Ly-alpha, CIV and NV. We interpret this phenomenon in the framework of a geometric model with an equatorial dusty scattering region in which the material is outflowing at several thousand km/sec. Emission lines may also be scattered by dust or resonantly. This model explains several salient features of observations by scattering on scales of a few tens of pc. Our observations provide a tantalizing view of the inner region geometry and kinematics of high-redshift obscured and extremely red quasars. Our data and modeling lend strong support for toroidal obscuration and powerful outflows on the scales of the UV emission-line region, in addition to the larger scale outflows inferred previously from the optical emission-line kinematics.Comment: 26 pages, MNRAS, in pres