61 research outputs found

    Les ocupacions neolítiques de la Bauma del serrat del Pont (la Garrotxa)

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    La Balma del Serrat del Pont és un jaciment ubicat a la vall del Llierca (Garrotxa), una zona ben estudiada des d'un punt de vista arqueològic atès que des de l'any 1981 s'hi han dut a terme d'una manera continuada diversos projectes d'investigació arqueològica,entre els quals cal esmentar els relacionats amb l'excavació de la Cova 120, la cova dels Ermitons o Plansallosa, jaciments situats a poca distància d'aquesta Balma. Concretament, la Balma del Serrat del Pont és a la confluència mateix de dos ecosistemes diferenciats, la muntanya abrupta (el massís calcari de l'Alta Garrotxa) i la plana, a una altitud d'uns 300m sobre el nivell del mar

    La Prunera, un assentament del neolític final a l'aire lliure a la zona dels Prepirineus catalans

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    El projecte d'investigació arqueològica de l'excavació del jaciment de la Prunera és un projecte que a hores d'ara encara es realitza. Tot i que s'han finalitzat els treballs sobre el terreny, en aquests moments el projecte està centrat en el desenvolupament de les analítiques de les diferents categories de materials arqueològics recuperats. Per tant, els resultats que us avancem són preliminars i no són definitius

    Investigating livestock management in the early Neolithic archaeological site of Cabecicos Negros (Almería, Spain) from the organic residue analysis in pottery

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MThis paper seeks to reconstruct the management of food resources in the early Neolithic site of Cabecicos Negros in southeastern Spain. For this purpose, we have studied 29 potsherds from Cabecicos Negros (Andalusia, Spain). Applying the methods of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry we were able to recompose the daily use of the sherds related to the consumption and storage of food products. Among the results obtained in this work, we were able to show new evidence of the exploitation of dairy products in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide information on the exploitation and management of the early domestic animals herds. To improve the archaeological results obtained, isotopic results were compared with a modern reference of 53 fat samples from the adipose tissue of domestic pigs and wild boars

    14C dating of the last Croscat volcano eruption (Garrotxa Region, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    In this shortnote, we present the results of a geochronological study of the last eruption in the volcanic region of the Garrotxa (NE Iberian Peninsula). Four 14C analysis of organic matter contained in palaeosols located under volcanic pyroclastic fall deposits of the Croscat volcano were made. The samples gave ages between 13160 and 15710 years cal BP, and are in accord with our palynological analysis and climate reconstruction at that time. The ages that we report are the youngest obtained for volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula

    La Cova del Sardo de Boí i l'explotació de l'alta muntanya als Pirineus occidentals en època neolítica

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    Les excavacions arqueològiques a la Cova del Sardo de Boí (anys 2006 a 2008) junt a un extens programa de prospecció arqueològica al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici han permès documentar el procés de colonització i poblament dels espais d'alta muntanya del nord-oest de Catalunya des de inicis de l'Holocè. La seqüència prehistòrica de la Cova del Sardo cobreix pràcticament tres mil anys, entre el 5.500 i el 2.500 ca lANE. Junt amb d'altres jaciments documentats aporta indicis sobre les dinàmiques del poblament neolític en petits abrics i cavitats, que a partir del 3.000 calANE esdevé molt més intens i extens i experimenta una profunda modificació entorn el 2.400 calANE. Les dades paleoecològiques obtingudes a la zona completen la imatge d'aquestes primeres ocupacions humanes en aquest sector dels Pirineu

    Genome data from a sixteenth century pig illuminate modern breed relationships

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds

    Prácticas alimentarias en la Edad del Hierro en Cataluña

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a state of the research on the eating habits concerning the Iron Age populations of Catalonia, with particular attention to the Iberian period, under the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya project “Eating and Drinking in the periphery of the Graeco-Roman world: cultural and food habits of the northern Iberian (6th-2nd cent. BCE)”. The main goal of this project is the study of food habits in the Catalan Iberian world from a global and interdisciplinary approach that considers all aspects of the food phenomenon (technical, instrumental, social, cognitive) as an expression of a specific cultural reality

    La ramaderia en les societats ibèriques del NE de la Península Ibèrica : diversificació i especialització

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    During this period the economic activites related with the management of animal resources tend to centre to the livestock. The registred tendencies in this chronologies talks about a specialized stock breeding; this one is not centre to a concret specy. It is centre to the products that are available to be obtained from the livestock as a whole. Cattle, pig, sheep and goat become the main exploited animals, although their representation is not homogeneus in all sites. An intensified and specialized exploitation of the livestock, made some changes to the size and morphology of the animals. During this period, these changes clearly appear at the archaeologycal record, been noted that sheeps, cattles and pigs reduced their size more than preceding chronologies