127 research outputs found

    Plasma dispersion of multisubband electron systems over liquid helium

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    Density-density response functions are evaluated for nondegenerate multisubband electron systems in the random-phase approximation for arbitrary wave number and subband index. We consider both quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one- dimensional systems for electrons confined to the surface of liquid helium. The dispersion relations of longitudinal intrasubband and transverse intersubband modes are calculated at low temperatures and for long wavelengths. We discuss the effects of screening and two-subband occupancy on the plasmon spectrum. The characteristic absorption edge of the intersubband modes is shifted relatively to the single-particle intersubband separation and the depolarization shift correction can be significant at high electron densities

    Inhomogeneous broadening of tunneling conductance in double quantum wells

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    The lineshape of the tunneling conductance in double quantum wells with a large-scale roughness of heterointerfaces is investigated. Large-scale variations of coupled energy levels and scattering due to the short-range potential are taken into account. The interplay between the inhomogeneous broadening, induced by the non-screened part of large-scale potential, and the homogeneous broadening due to the scattering by short-range potentials is considered. It is shown that the large inhomogeneous broadening can be strongly modified by nonlocal effects involved in the proposed mechanism of inhomogeneity. Related change of lineshape of the resonant tunneling conductance between Gaussian and Lorentzian peaks is described. The theoretical results agree quite well with experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Coupled phonon-ripplon modes in a single wire of electrons on the liquid-helium surface

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    The coupled phonon-ripplon modes of the quasi-one-dimensional electron chain on the liquid helium sutface are studied. It is shown that the electron-ripplon coupling leads to the splitting of the collective modes of the wire with the appearance of low-frequency modes and high-frequency optical modes starting from threshold frequencies. The effective masses of an electron plus the associated dimple for low frequency modes are estimated and the values of the threshold frequencies are calculated. The results obtained can be used in experimental attempts to observe the phase transition of the electron wire into a quasi-ordered phase.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Physical Review (in press

    Hidden spin-current conservation in 2d Fermi liquids

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    We report the existence of regimes of the two dimensional Fermi liquid that show unusual conservation of the spin current and may be tuned by varying some parameter like the density of fermions. We show that for reasonable models of the effective interaction the spin current may be conserved in general in 2d, not only for a particular regime. Low temperature spin waves propagate distinctively in these regimes and entirely new ``spin-acoustic'' modes are predicted for scattering-dominated temperature ranges. These new high-temperature propagating spin waves provide a clear signature for the experimental search of such regimes.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revised version, accepted for pub. in the PR

    Renormalization approach for quantum-dot structures under strong alternating fields

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    We develop a renormalization method for calculating the electronic structure of single and double quantum dots under intense ac fields. The nanostructures are emulated by lattice models with a clear continuum limit of the effective-mass and single-particle approximations. The coupling to the ac field is treated non-perturbatively by means of the Floquet Hamiltonian. The renormalization approach allows the study of dressed states of the nanoscopic system with realistic geometries as well arbitrary strong ac fields. We give examples of a single quantum dot, emphasizing the analysis of the effective-mass limit for lattice models, and double-dot structures, where we discuss the limit of the well used two-level approximation.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Decoherence in trapped ions due to polarization of the residual background gas

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    We investigate the mechanism of damping and heating of trapped ions associated with the polarization of the residual background gas induced by the oscillating ions themselves. Reasoning by analogy with the physics of surface electrons in liquid helium, we demonstrate that the decay of Rabi oscillations observed in experiments on 9Be+ can be attributed to the polarization phenomena investigated here. The measured sensitivity of the damping of Rabi oscillations with respect to the vibrational quantum number of a trapped ion is also predicted in our polarization model.Comment: 26 pdf pages with 5 figures, http://www.df.ufscar.br/~quantum

    Shape programming for narrow ribbons of nematic elastomers

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    Using the theory of Γ-convergence, we derive from three-dimensional elasticity new one-dimensional models for non-Euclidean elastic ribbons, i.e., ribbons exhibiting spontaneous curvature and twist. We apply the models to shape-selection problems for thin films of nematic elastomers with twist and splay-bend texture of the nematic director. For the former, we discuss the possibility of helicoid-like shapes as an alternative to spiral ribbons

    Origin of micro-scale heterogeneity in polymerisation of photo-activated resin composites

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    Photo-activated resin composites are widely used in industry and medicine. Despite extensive chemical characterisation, the micro-scale pattern of resin matrix reactive group conversion between filler particles is not fully understood. Using an advanced synchrotron-based wide-field IR imaging system and state-of-the-art Mie scattering corrections, we observe how the presence of monodispersed silica filler particles in a methacrylate based resin reduces local conversion and chemical bond strain in the polymer phase. Here we show that heterogeneity originates from a lower converted and reduced bond strain boundary layer encapsulating each particle, whilst at larger inter-particulate distances light attenuation and monomer mobility predominantly influence conversion. Increased conversion corresponds to greater bond strain, however, strain generation appears sensitive to differences in conversion rate and implies subtle distinctions in the final polymer structure. We expect these findings to inform current predictive models of mechanical behaviour in polymer-composite materials, particularly at the resin-filler interface

    Mild reductions in cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase activity result in lower amino acid contents and pigmentation without impacting growth

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    Transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were generated targeting the cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase gene (SlICDH1) via the RNA interference approach. The resultant transformants displayed a relatively mild reduction in the expression and activity of the target enzyme in the leaves. However, biochemical analyses revealed that the transgenic lines displayed a considerable shift in metabolism, being characterized by decreases in the levels of the TCA cycle intermediates, total amino acids, photosynthetic pigments, starch and NAD(P)H. The plants showed little change in photosynthesis with the exception of a minor decrease in maximum photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), and a small decrease in growth compared to the wild type. These results reveal that even small changes in cytosolic NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase activity lead to noticeable alterations in the activities of enzymes involved in primary nitrate assimilation and in the synthesis of 2-oxoglutarate derived amino acids. These data are discussed within the context of current models for the role of the various isoforms of isocitrate dehydrogenase within plant amino acid metabolism