11 research outputs found

    On the origin of the marine zinc–silicon correlation

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    The close linear correlation between the distributions of dissolved zinc (Zn) and silicon (Si) in seawater has puzzled chemical oceanographers since its discovery almost forty years ago, due to the apparent lack of a mechanism for coupling these two nutrient elements. Recent research has shown that such a correlation can be produced in an ocean model without any explicit coupling between Zn and Si, via the export of Zn-rich biogenic particles in the Southern Ocean, consistent with the observation of elevated Zn quotas in Southern Ocean diatoms. Here, we investigate the physical and biological mechanisms by which Southern Ocean uptake and export control the large-scale marine Zn distribution, using suites of sensitivity simulations in an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) and a box-model ensemble. These simulations focus on the sensitivity of the Zn distribution to the stoichiometry of Zn uptake relative to phosphate (PO4), drawing directly on observations in culture. Our analysis reveals that OGCM model variants that produce a well-defined step between relatively constant, high Zn:PO4 uptake ratios in the Southern Ocean and low Zn:PO4 ratios at lower latitudes fare best in reproducing the marine Zn–Si correlation at both the global and the regional Southern Ocean scale, suggesting the presence of distinct Zn-biogeochemical regimes in the high- and low-latitude oceans that may relate to differences in physiology, ecology or (micro-)nutrient status. Furthermore, a study of the systematics of both the box model and the OGCM reveals that regional Southern Ocean Zn uptake exerts control over the global Zn distribution via its modulation of the biogeochemical characteristics of the surface Southern Ocean. Specifically, model variants with elevated Southern Ocean Zn:PO4 uptake ratios produce near-complete Zn depletion in the Si-poor surface Subantarctic Zone, where upper-ocean water masses with key roles in the global oceanic circulation are formed. By setting the main preformed covariation trend within the ocean interior, the subduction of these Zn- and Si-poor water masses produces a close correlation between the Zn and Si distributions that is barely altered by their differential remineralisation during low-latitude cycling. We speculate that analogous processes in the high-latitude oceans may operate for other trace metal micronutrients as well, splitting the ocean into two fundamentally different biogeochemical, and thus biogeographic, regimes

    Fossil fuels in a trillion tonne world.

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    The useful energy services and energy density value of fossil carbon fuels could be retained for longer timescales into the future if their combustion is balanced by CO2 recapture and storage. We assess the global balance between fossil carbon supply and the sufficiency (size) and capability (technology, security) of candidate carbon stores. A hierarchy of value for extraction-to-storage pairings is proposed, which is augmented by classification of CO2 containment as temporary (100,000 yr). Using temporary stores is inefficient and defers an intergenerational problem. Permanent storage capacity is adequate to technically match current fossil fuel reserves. However, rates of storage creation cannot balance current and expected rates of fossil fuel extraction and CO2 consequences. Extraction of conventional natural gas is uniquely holistic because it creates the capacity to re-inject an equivalent tonnage of carbon for storage into the same reservoir and can re-use gas-extraction infrastructure for storage. By contrast, balancing the extraction of coal, oil, biomass and unconventional fossil fuels requires the engineering and validation of additional carbon storage. Such storage is, so far, unproven in sufficiency

    Anthropogenic perturbation of the carbon fluxes from land to ocean

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    A substantial amount of the atmospheric carbon taken up on land through photosynthesis and chemical weathering is transported laterally along the aquatic continuum from upland terrestrial ecosystems to the ocean. So far, global carbon budget estimates have implicitly assumed that the transformation and lateral transport of carbon along this aquatic continuum has remained unchanged since pre-industrial times. A synthesis of published work reveals the magnitude of present-day lateral carbon fluxes from land to ocean, and the extent to which human activities have altered these fluxes. We show that anthropogenic perturbation may have increased the flux of carbon to inland waters by as much as 1.0 Pg C yr-1 since pre-industrial times, mainly owing to enhanced carbon export from soils. Most of this additional carbon input to upstream rivers is either emitted back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (~0.4 Pg C yr-1) or sequestered in sediments (~0.5 Pg C yr-1) along the continuum of freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters, leaving only a perturbation carbon input of ~0.1 Pg C yr-1 to the open ocean. According to our analysis, terrestrial ecosystems store ~0.9 Pg C yr-1 at present, which is in agreement with results from forest inventories but significantly differs from the figure of 1.5 Pg C yr-1 previously estimated when ignoring changes in lateral carbon fluxes. We suggest that carbon fluxes along the land–ocean aquatic continuum need to be included in global carbon dioxide budgets.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of the transport matrix method for simulation of ocean biogeochemical tracers

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    Conventional integration of Earth system and ocean models can accrue considerable computational expenses, particularly for marine biogeochemical applications. Offline numerical schemes in which only the biogeochemical tracers are time stepped and transported using a pre-computed circulation field can substantially reduce the burden and are thus an attractive alternative. One such scheme is the transport matrix method (TMM), which represents tracer transport as a sequence of sparse matrix–vector products that can be performed efficiently on distributed-memory computers. While the TMM has been used for a variety of geochemical and biogeochemical studies, to date the resulting solutions have not been comprehensively assessed against their online counterparts. Here, we present a detailed comparison of the two. It is based on simulations of the state-of-the-art biogeochemical sub-model embedded within the widely used coarse-resolution University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM). The default, non-linear advection scheme was first replaced with a linear, third-order upwind-biased advection scheme to satisfy the linearity requirement of the TMM. Transport matrices were extracted from an equilibrium run of the physical model and subsequently used to integrate the biogeochemical model offline to equilibrium. The identical biogeochemical model was also run online. Our simulations show that offline integration introduces some bias to biogeochemical quantities through the omission of the polar filtering used in UVic ESCM and in the offline application of time-dependent forcing fields, with high latitudes showing the largest differences with respect to the online model. Differences in other regions and in the seasonality of nutrients and phytoplankton distributions are found to be relatively minor, giving confidence that the TMM is a reliable tool for offline integration of complex biogeochemical models. Moreover, while UVic ESCM is a serial code, the TMM can be run on a parallel machine with no change to the underlying biogeochemical code, thus providing orders of magnitude speed-up over the online model

    Agreement of CMIP5 simulated and observed ocean anthropogenic CO2 uptake

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    Previous studies found large biases between individual observational and model estimates of historical ocean anthropogenic carbon uptake. We show that the largest bias between the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) ensemble mean and between two observational estimates of ocean anthropogenic carbon is due to a difference in start date. After adjusting the CMIP5 and observational estimates to the 1791–1995 period, all three carbon uptake estimates agree to within 3 Pg of C, about 4% of the total. The CMIP5 ensemble mean spatial bias compared to the observations is generally smaller than the observational error, apart from a negative bias in the Southern Ocean and a positive bias in the Southern Indian and Pacific Oceans compensating each other in the global mean. This dipole pattern is likely due to an equatorward and weak bias in the position of Southern Hemisphere westerlies and lack of mode and intermediate water ventilation

    Modeling the distribution of Nd isotopes in the oceans using an ocean general circulation model

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    Nd isotopic compositions of authigenic phases in marine archives are increasingly used as a tracer of past changes in ocean circulation. Such applications assume that water masses are "tagged" with distinct Nd isotope compositions in source regions and that away from these regions the Nd isotope ratios observed in deep waters mainly reflect water mass mixing. However, the degree to which the simple assumption of "quasi-conservative mixing" reflects the complicated reality of general circulation in the oceans is not well understood. Here, we present numerical simulations of the Nd isotope distribution in seawater using an offline ocean general circulation model (OGCM), treating the Nd isotopic composition of seawater as a conservative tracer. Nd isotope data from modern surface waters are used to generate an interpolated map of Nd isotope compositions for the entire surface ocean. This map is treated as a fixed surface boundary condition that is propagated into the interior ocean by the advective-diffusive transport of the ocean model until a steady state is reached. This treatment of Nd isotopes was chosen because it mimics the behavior of well-known and well-understood conservative tracers, such as potential temperature and salinity. The model results for all non-surface grid points are then compared to published data. This simple approach produces Nd isotope estimates for North Atlantic Deep Water that are consistent with observations, but produces values lower than observed in the deep Pacific and Southern Oceans, indicating the need for a source of radiogenic Nd directly to the deep Pacific Ocean. Sensitivity tests show this to be a robust result. By fixing the return flow of the Pacific Ocean to the Southern Ocean with Nd isotope ratios that are consistent with modern observations, the model results are brought into close agreement with a majority of the available data. With the addition of a deep Pacific source of radiogenic Nd, more than half of the simulated values from the interior ocean fall within one Δ-unit of the corresponding observations. Our results thus indicate that the deep Pacific Ocean requires a source of radiogenic Nd in addition to inputs to the surface ocean, and that when the deep waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific are set with realistic values, a majority of intermediate areas are consistent with quasi-conservative mixing of these two end-members. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Paracrine interactions between mesenchymal stem cells affect substrate driven differentiation toward tendon and bone phenotypes

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    We investigated substrate dependent paracrine signaling between subpopulations of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) that may affect the formation, or perhaps malformation, of the regenerating tendon to bone enthesis. Polyacrylamide substrates approximating the elastic modulus of tendon granulation tissue and the osteoid of healing bone (10-90 kPa) were functionalized with whole length fibronectin (Fn), type-I collagen (Col), or a mixed ligand solution (Fn/Col), and BMSCs were cultured in growth media alone or media supplemented with soluble Col or Fn. More rigid substrates with a narrow mechanical gradient (70-90 kPa) robustly induced osteogenic cell differentiation when functionalized with either Col or Fn. On broader mechanical gradient substrates (with a linear elastic modulus gradient from 10-90 kPa), cell differentiation was markedly osteogenic on subregions of Fn functionalized substrates above 20 kPa, but osteogenic activity was inhibited on all subregions of Col substrates. Osteogenic behavior was not observed when cells were cultured on Fn substrates if Col was present either in the media or on the substrate (Fn/Col). Tenogenic differentiation markers were observed only on Col substrates with moderate rigidity (∌30-50 kPa). Tenogenic differentiation was unaltered by soluble or substrate bound Fn. Co-culture of narrow gradient subsections revealed that any inclusion of tenogenic substrates (30-50 kPa, Col), caused otherwise osteogenic substrates to not develop markers of osteogenic differentiation, while increasing cell proliferation. These apparently paracrine effects could be mediated by bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), as first confirmed by gene-level expression of BMP-2 and the transcription factor Smad8, and verified by BMP-2 media supplementation at levels similar to observed cell-secreted concentrations, which arrested osteogenic differentiation in 14 day cultures. Thus, cell instructive biomaterials with engineered mechanical and biochemical properties represent potentially powerful tools for directing BMSC differentiation to tendon and bone, however paracrine signals from tenogenic cells may delay osteogenesis at the healing enthesis

    Role for Mechanotransduction in Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Immunobiology

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    Item does not contain fulltextTissue homeostasis is not only controlled by biochemical signals but also through mechanical forces that act on cells. Yet, while it has long been known that biochemical signals have profound effects on cell biology, the importance of mechanical forces has only been recognized much more recently. The types of mechanical stress that cells experience include stretch, compression, and shear stress, which are mainly induced by the extracellular matrix, cell-cell contacts, and fluid flow. Importantly, macroscale tissue deformation through stretch or compression also affects cellular function.Immune cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells are present in almost all peripheral tissues, and monocytes populate the vasculature throughout the body. These cells are unique in the sense that they are subject to a large variety of different mechanical environments, and it is therefore not surprising that key immune effector functions are altered by mechanical stimuli. In this chapter, we describe the different types of mechanical signals that cells encounter within the body and review the current knowledge on the role of mechanical signals in regulating macrophage, monocyte, and dendritic cell function