217 research outputs found

    Water, Education and Sustainable Development

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Mestre/Mestra de Educación Primaria. Curso 2016-2017Este traballo "A auga, educación e desenvolvemento sustentable" toma como punto de partida a actual situación da sociedade que está inmersa nun proceso coñecido como cultura da globalización. Por este motivo, avoga por unha educación que persiga o desenvolvemento humano integral que garanta a súa inserción social, que debe comprometer á educación con valores e principios como a paz, a democracia, a xustiza, a liberdade, a equidade, a responsabilidade, a solidariedade, a sustentabilidade. O obxecto da investigación é ser conscientes da existencia dun problema ambiental, concretamente coa auga, para xerar respostas alternativas desde a educación que permitan cambiar a sociedade e concienciala cara o desenvolvemento humano responsable e sustentable. Esta investigación enmárcase na modalidade iniciación á investigación de campo, e partindo da revisión de literatura relacionada co obxecto da investigación xunto co deseño de enquisas para alumnado e profesorado de centros educativos da nosa CCAA e coa análise dos resultados das mesmas, ademais de entrevistas a distintos sectores implicados nesta temática: administración autonómica e sindicatos, conclúese que a educación é un dos piares básicos e imprescindibles na busca do desenvolvemento sustentableEste trabajo "Agua, educación y desarrollo sostenible" toma como punto de partida la situación actual de la sociedad inmersa en un proceso conocido como cultura de la globalización. Aboga por una educación que persiga el desarrollo humano integral que garantice su inserción social, que debe comprometer a la educación con valores y principios como la paz, la democracia, la justicia, la libertad, la equidad, la responsabilidad, la solidaridad y la sostenibilidad. El objetivo de la investigación es ser conscientes de la existencia de un problema ambiental, concretamente con el agua, para generar respuestas alternativas desde la educación que permitan cambiar la sociedad y concienciarla hacia el desarrollo humano responsable y sostenible. Este trabajo se enmarca en la modalidad investigación de campo y partiendo de la revisión de la literatura relacionada con el tema, junto con el diseño de encuestas para alumnado y profesorado de centros educativos de nuestra CCAA, y el análisis de los resultados de las mismas, además de entrevistas a distintos sectores involucrados en esta temática: administración autonómica y sindicatos, se concluye que la educación es uno de los pilares básicos e imprescindibles en la búsqueda del desarrollo sostenibleThis work "Water, education and sustainable development" takes as a starting point the current situation of society immersed in a process known as a culture of globalization. It advocates an education that pursues integral human development that guarantees its social insertion, which must compromise education with values and principles such as peace, democracy, justice, freedom, equity, responsibility, solidarity and sustainability. The objective of the research is to be aware of the existence of an environmental problem, specifically with water, to generate alternative responses from education that allow society to change and raise awareness towards responsible and sustainable human development. This work is part of the field research modality and based on a review of the literature related to the topic, together with the design of surveys for students and teaching staff of our Autonomous Communities, and the analysis of their results, in addition to interviews with different sectors involved in this issue: regional administration and trade unions, it is concluded that education is one of the basic and essential pillars in the pursuit of sustainable developmen

    Determinación del grado de inestabilidad del pie en apoyo monopodal como factor de riesgo en judokas

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    [Resumen] El judo es el deporte individual más practicado en España, siendo este realizado por más de 10 millones de personas en el mundo. Una de las facetas básicas del judo pie consiste en derribar a un rival mediante agarres, desplazamientos y acciones ofensivas y/o defensivas, donde el objetivo es que este caiga sobre su espalda. Es fundamental para la realización de las técnicas mantener un buen equilibrio, no solo para un adecuado rendimiento deportivo, sino para evitar posibles lesiones. No obstante, los estudios que describen la estabilidad dinámica del judoka son muy escasos, en los que no se aportan datos específicos y/o de forma detallada. Por ello, mediante el presente trabajo, se tratará de actualizar y aumentar los conocimientos acerca de la estabilidad del judoka. 1.2. HIPÓTESIS Y OBJETIVOS. La hipótesis del estudio es que los judokas presentan una adecuada estabilidad dinámica durante la práctica de técnicas monopodales, siendo estes capaces de adaptarse a las diferentes situaciones de la práctica deportiva. Por ello, el objetivo es determinar la estabilidad dinámica monopodal de los judokas en la práctica de las técnicas específicas del deporte y permitir relacionarla con diferentes características de los judokas. 1.3. METODOLOGÍA. Se trata de un estudio observacional transversal de metodología cuantitativa realizado sobre los judokas de las provincias gallegas de A Coruña y Pontevedra. Se seleccionará una muestra de 433 participantes. En ella se medirá la estabilidad dinámica de los participantes a través de la prueba “Y Balance Test” complementada con una plataforma de presiones. Para ello, ser realizará una entrevista individualizada y una exploración física para determinar las diferentes variables del estudio.[Resumo] O judo é o deporte individual máis practicado en España, sendo este realizado por máis de 10 millóns de persoas en todo o mundo. Unha das facetas básicas do judo pé consiste en derribar ao rival mediante agarres, desprazamentos e acción defensivas e/ou ofensivas onde o obxectivo é que caia sobre as súas costas. É fundamental para a realización das probas manter un bo equilibrio, non só para un rendemento deportivo óptimo, se non para evitar posibles lesións. Non obstante, os resultados que describe a estabilidade dinámica do judoka son moi escasos, nos que non se atopan datos específicos ou de maneira detallada. Por isto, mediante o presente traballo, tratarase de actualizar e aumentar os coñecementos a cerca da estabilidade do judoka. 2.2. HIPÓTESE E OBJECTIVOS. A hipótese do estudo é que os judokas presentan unha adecuada estabilidade dinámica durante a práctica de técnicas monopodais, sendo estes capaces de adaptarse ás diferentes situacións da práctica deportiva. Por isto o obxectivo é determinar a estabilidade dinámica monopodal dos judokas na práctica das técnicas específicas do deporte e permitir relacionala con diferentes características dos judokas. 2.3. METODOLOXÍA. Trátase dun estudo observacional transversal de metodoloxía cuantitativa realizado sobre os judokas das provincias galegas de A Coruña e Pontevedra. Seleccionarase unha mostra de 433 participantes. Nela medirase a estabilidade dinámica dos participantes a través da proba “Y Balance Test” complementada cunha plataforma de presións. Para isto, realizarase unha entrevista individualizada e unha exploración física para determinar as diferentes variables do estudo.[Abstract] Judo is the most practiced individual sport in Spain, being performed by more than 10 million people in the world. One of the basic facets of judo pie is to knock down an opponent through grips, displacements and offensive and / or defensive actions, where the objective is for it to fall on its back. It is essential for the realization of the techniques to maintain a good balance, not only for an adequate sports performance, also to avoid possible injuries. However, studies describing the dynamic stability of the judoka are very scarce, in which specific data are not provided and / or in detail. Therefore, through this work, we will try to update and increase knowledge about the stability of judoka. 3.2. OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESIS. The hypothesis of the study is that judokas present an adequate dynamic stability during the practice of monopodal techniques, being able to adapt to the different situations of sports practice. Therefore, the objective is to determine the monopodal dynamic stability of the judokas in the practice of the specific techniques of the sport and to allow it to be related to different characteristics of the judokas. 3.3. METHODOLOGY. This is a cross-sectional observational study of quantitative methodology carried out on the judokas of the Galician provinces of A Coruña and Pontevedra. A sample of 433 participants will be selected. In it, the dynamic stability of the participants will be measured through the "Y Balance Test" complemented by a pressure platform. To do this, an individualized interview and a physical examination will be carried out to determine the different variables of the study.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2021/202

    The Central role of KNG1 gene as a genetic determinant of coagulation pathway-related traits: Exploring metaphenotypes

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    Traditional genetic studies of single traits may be unable to detect the pleiotropic effects involved in complex diseases. To detect the correlation that exists between several phenotypes involved in the same biological process, we introduce an original methodology to analyze sets of correlated phenotypes involved in the coagulation cascade in genome-wide association studies. The methodology consists of a two-stage process. First, we define new phenotypic meta-variables (linear combinations of the original phenotypes), named metaphenotypes, by applying Independent Component Analysis for the multivariate analysis of correlated phenotypes (i.e. the levels of coagulation pathway–related proteins). The resulting metaphenotypes integrate the information regarding the underlying biological process (i.e. thrombus/clot formation). Secondly, we take advantage of a family based Genome Wide Association Study to identify genetic elements influencing these metaphenotypes and consequently thrombosis risk. Our study utilized data from the GAIT Project (Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia). We obtained 15 metaphenotypes, which showed significant heritabilities, ranging from 0.2 to 0.7. These results indicate the importance of genetic factors in the variability of these traits. We found 4 metaphenotypes that showed significant associations with SNPs. The most relevant were those mapped in a region near the HRG, FETUB and KNG1 genes. Our results are provocative since they show that the KNG1 locus plays a central role as a genetic determinant of the entire coagulation pathway and thrombus/clot formation. Integrating data from multiple correlated measurements through metaphenotypes is a promising approach to elucidate the hidden genetic mechanisms underlying complex diseases.Postprint (published version

    DC Josephson effect between two Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states

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    Motivated by recent experiments [Nat. Phys. 16\textbf{16}, 1227 (2020)], we present here a theoretical study of the DC Josephson effect in a system comprising two magnetic impurities coupled to their respective superconducting electrodes and which exhibit Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states. We make use of a mean-field Anderson model with broken spin symmetry to compute the supercurrent in this system for an arbitrary range of parameters (coupling between the impurities, orientation of the impurity spins, etc.). We predict a variety of physical phenomena such as (i) the occurrence of multiple 0π0-\pi transitions in the regime of weak coupling that can be induced by changing the energy of the YSR states or the temperature; (ii) the critical current strongly depends on the relative orientation of the impurity spins and it is maximized when the spins are either parallel or antiparallel, depending on the ground state of the impurities; and (iii) upon increasing the coupling between impurities, triplet superconductivity is generated in the system and it is manifested in a highly nonsinusoidal current-phase relation. In principle, these predictions can be tested experimentally with the existing realization of this system and the main lessons of this work are of great relevance for the field of superconducting spintronics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Role of Gold-Alumina Template in the Electrochemical Deposition of CeO2 Nanotubes

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    Electrochemical synthesis employing porous membranes previously metalized with a gold layer as a template is an easy and widespread method to obtain 1D nanostructures. Nevertheless, experimental factors for tuning the morphology and structural details of such nanostructures are still investigated. The influence of the amount of gold on morphology and structure of the 1D systems is studied for the first time. For this purpose, CeO2 nanotubes are synthesized via template-based lectrodeposition inside the pores of gold-sputtered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO). X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques, including 3D electron tomography, are applied for the characterization of the template and the nanostructures. On one hand, the results reveal how gold is deposited on top and inside the pores of the AAO as a thin layer or as particles. On the other hand, the 1D systems consist of nanotubes formed by randomly oriented fluorite-like nanocrystals (2–5 nm), which features a network of inner walls whose compactness directly relates to the thickness of the gold-sputtered layer. From the combined analysis of voltage–time curves recorded during electrodeposition and the 2D, 3D structural information, a growth mechanism is proposed, which may enlighten paths to tailor the morphology and properties of CeO2 1D nanostructure

    Modification of betanodavirus virulence by substitutions in the 3’ terminal region of RNA2

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    Betanodaviruses have bi-segmented positive-sense RNA genomes, consisting of RNAs 1 and 2. For some members of the related genus alphanodavirus, the 3' terminal 50 nucleotides (nt) of RNA2, including a predicted stem-loop structure (3'SL), are essential for replication. We investigate the possible existence and role of a similar structure in a reassortant betanodavirus strain (RGNNV/SJNNV). In this study, we developed three recombinant strains containing nucleotide changes at positions 1408 and 1412. Predictive models showed stem-loop structures involving nt 1398–1421 of the natural reassortant whereas this structure is modified in the recombinant viruses harbouring point mutations r1408 and r1408– 1412, but not in r1412. Results obtained from infectivity assays showed differences between the reference strains and the mutants in both RNA1 and RNA2 synthesis. Moreover, an imbalance between the synthesis of both segments was demonstrated, mainly with the double mutant. All these results suggest an interaction between RNA1 and the 3' non-coding regions (3¢NCR) of RNA2. In addition, the significant attenuation of the virulence for Senegalese sole and the delayed replication of r1408–1412 in brain tissues may point to an interaction of RNA2 with host cellular proteinsThis work was supported by grant AGL2014-54532-C2-2-R from the Ministerio de Innovación y Competitividad (Spain), co-funded by FEDERS

    La construcción de la participación escolar. El Geoforo Iberoamericano en 2017

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    La participación escolar es una situación compleja, pues oscila entre las voluntades de su realización y los obstáculos para canalizar los deseos de las personas que son parte integrante de la sociedad educativa. En el caso del Geoforo Iberoamericano hemos asistido al aumento del número de visitas y de opiniones vertidas sobre sus foros de debate pero era preciso analizar cómo se fraguaba dicha participación. Un primer paso es el estudio de qué conceptos se repiten en las opiniones que se manifiestan por alumnos y docentes; una cuestión que abordamos en este balance de 2017. Más adelante ya llegará la fase de las interrelaciones entre sujetos. Además, al mismo tiempo, asistimos a la internacionalización del Geoforo como instrumento que facilita el intercambio de procesos de participación escolar

    Susceptibility of juvenile european sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax) to different viral nervousnecrosis virus (VNNV) isolates

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    In this study, the susceptibility of 5-g juvenile European sea bass was evaluated by intramuscular injection (105 TCID50/g) using isolates belonging to the RGNNV and SJNNV genotypes as well as a reassortant isolate (RGNNV RNA1/SJNNV RNA2) obtained from Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). In these experimental infections, the cumulative mortality was determined. Furthermore, quantification of viral genome, by absolute real time PCR, and infective viral particles, by virus titration, was performed from brains of dead and survivor fish (30 days post-inoculation). In addition, anti-VNNV antibodies in sera from survivor animals were determined by indirect ELISA. Typical symptoms of VNN and mortality were only recorded in fish inoculated with the RGNNV (47% cumulative mortality) and the reassortant (33%) isolates. However, high levels of viral genome and infective viral particles were recorded in brain of survivor fish inoculated with the SJNNV isolate, although did not cause mortality or clinical signs. Specific antibody response, measured by indirect ELISA, was only observed in the VNNV-inoculated groups, with titres of 1/1024, 1/4096 and 1/8192 for RGNNV, SJNNV and reassortant inoculated animals, respectively.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC