691 research outputs found

    Arquitectura para gestão de actividades em plataformas distribuídas de e-Learning

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    Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologia da ComunicaçãoO desenvolvimento de LMSs bem como dos conteúdos a serem utilizados nos cursos que os mesmos suportam, tem sido feito pelos produtores de software e de conteúdos, sem atender a quaisquer normas, fazendo com que não seja possível a compatibilização dos diferentes sistemas existentes. Preocupações de reuso e interoperabilidade estão na base de diversos projectos de normalização nesta área, levados a cabo por organizações e consórcios internacionais, envolvendo organismos governamentais, empresariais e académicos de todo o mundo. Até ao momento, os principais esforços têm sido canalizados para a questão da construção de unidades de aprendizagem (conteúdos) que possam ser reutilizáveis, estando em curso trabalhos relacionados com a normalização dos LMSs, por forma a que estes possam gerar, utilizar e trocar entre si, conteúdos com as mais diversas amplitudes, indo do simples texto até ao curso completo. Algumas das organizações e consórcios que mais se têm evidenciado neste tipo de trabalho incluem a ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), o IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc., o AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee), e o IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electriical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee), entre outros. O projecto SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) da ADL é talvez aquele que neste momento melhor representa o esforço que tem sido feito no sentido da normalização referida. Contudo, até à data, nenhum dos projectos conhecidos se preocupou com questões de gestão operacional dos cursos, deixando por cobrir aspectos achados importantes para o aumento da probabilidade de sucesso dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem. A presente tese pretende descrever o trabalho de obtenção de um referencial para a camada de gestão on-line dos processos de e-learning suportados por LMSs. Tal camada é proposta de forma a poder integrar-se no todo que constiui uma plataforma de ensino/aprendizagem desenvolvida de acordo com as recomendações SCORM e, para além da proposta de uma camada de metadados de gestão, apresenta a forma como a referida integração poderá ser realizada.The development of the LMSs as well as the development of the contents to be used inside the courses that the LMSs support has been done without any standard guidelines. This fact addresses the problem of the existence of non compatible systems in the e-learning market. So, interoperability and reuse are the concerns of several organizations and consortia involving governmental and corporate members. Till now, the main efforts of those organizations and consortia are focused on the building and delivering of contents that could be reused. Simultaneously there are some works running towards a standardized process of LMSs development, so that it could be possible to create courses and generate, use and interchange contents among them. Those contents could have different levels of granularity, beginning on a simple text and ending in a complete course. Some of the most important organizations and consortia working in the area are ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc, AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee, IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee) and others. The ADL SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) project is perhaps the one that, at this moment, better represents the efforts made in the standardization works referred. However, till today, there isn’t any known project covering the on-line management of activities execution during a course operationalization. We believe that such such management capabilities could allow better results in what concerns the success of the teaching/learning process. This thesis describes the work done towards a proposal of a referential for an on-line management layer to be integrated in the global architecture of a LMS. Doing this work, we had in mind the need of integration of the proposed new layer with the existent SCORM recommendations for the LMSs development. The integration process and the management metadata are also presented and described

    Association between inflammatory infiltrates and isolated monosomy 22/del(22q) in meningiomas

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.Meningiomas contain highly variable levels of infiltrating tissue macrophages (TiMa) and other immune cells. In this study we investigated the potential association between the number and immunophenotype of inflammatory and other immune cells infiltrating the tumor as evaluated by multiparameter flow cytometry, and the clinico-biological, cytogenetic and gene expression profile (GEP) of 75 meningioma patients. Overall, our results showed a close association between the amount and cellular composition of the inflammatory and other immune cell infiltrates and the cytogenetic profile of the tumors. Notably, tumors with isolated monosomy 22/del(22q) showed greater numbers of TiMa, NK cells and (recently)-activated CD69+ lymphocytes versus meningiomas with diploid and complex karyotypes. In addition, in the former cytogenetic subgroup of meningiomas, tumor-infiltrating TiMa also showed a more activated and functionally mature phenotype, as reflected by a greater fraction of CD69+, CD63+, CD16+ and CD33+ cells. GEP at the mRNA level showed a unique GEP among meningiomas with an isolated monosomy 22/del(22q) versus all other cases, which consisted of increased expression of genes involved in inflammatory/immune response, associated with an M1 TiMa phenotype. Altogether, these results suggest that loss of expression of specific genes coded in chromosome 22 (e.g. MIF) is closely associated with an increased homing and potentially also anti-tumoral effect of TiMa, which could contribute to explain the better outcome of this specific good-prognosis cytogenetic subgroup of meningiomas.This work was partially supported by grants from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PIC/IC/83108/2007, FCT, Portugal), Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS/FEDER 06/0312 and RETICC RD06/0020/0035, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Madrid, Spain), Caja Burgos (Spain), and Fundación MMA (exp 75312010 and 87692011, Madrid, Spain). Patrícia Domingues is supported by grant (SFRH/BD/64799/2009) from FCT. Maria Dolores Tabernero is supported by IECSCYL (Soria, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Distribuição corporal e sazonalidade do berne (larva de Dermatobia hominis) em bovinos tratados ou não com flor de enxofre

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    In order to test the larvicidal activity of flowers of sulphur in the control of "berne" (larva of Dermatobia hominis), 50 male yearlings were supplied with a mineral supplement containing 13.289% of basic sulphur for 14 months. Another group, also 50 male yearlings, received common salt with phosphorus. Larvae were counted monthly on one side of each animal and their distribution was mapped. Monthly indices of infestation by "berne" were similar throughout the trial for treated and nontreated groups, and no statistical difference (P >0.05) was found when analysed by the Tukey test. There was much monthly variation in the infestations with main intensity in September and October, and this differed statistically (P 0.05) in the degree of infestation during the months of major infestation (July, August, September and October). However, from November onwards, when lower infestation rates occurred, a significant difference (P 0,05) quando analisados pelo teste de Tukey. Houve grande variação mensal nas infestações, sendo os meses de setembro e outubro os que apresentaram as maiores intensidades, diferindo estatisticamente (P 0,05) no grau de infestação das diferentes partes de acordo com o teste de Tukey, nos meses de maiores infestações (jul, ago, set e out). Entretanto, a partir de novembro, quando se observava menor infestação, verificou-se diferença significativa (P <0,05), sendo as regiões da paleta e do tronco as mais infestadas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, nas condições do experimento, a flor-de-enxofre não apresentou efeito larvicida nas populações parasitárias do berne, e que, portanto, a adição de enxofre ao sal mineral não é uma prática eficiente para o controle desse ectoparasito

    Orchestrating an SFC-enabled SSL/TLS traffic processing architecture using MANO

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    The heterogeneity of 5G requirements commands more complex network architectures, imposing the need for network orchestration. ETSI NFV MANO is the standard which defines a common framework for vendors and operators to integrate their orchestration efforts. In this paper, we evaluated how an ETSI NFV MANO compliant orchestrator (OSM) fares while orchestrating an SFC-enabled SSL/TLS encrypted traffic processing architecture, which supports both edge and cloud deployments. A quantitative evaluation was carried-out, which assessed the responsiveness and overheads of OSM, as well as the actual functionality of our SSL/TLS processing architecture (with edge computing components). A qualitative evaluation was also carried-out, providing insight into the maturity of the current OSM release, what works well, what requires workarounds, and the actual limitations. A demonstration of the architecture evaluated in this work was accepted as a contribution to the ETSI OSM PoC Framework.publishe

    Sensitive and specific serodiagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs by using peptides selected from hypothetical proteins identified by an immunoproteomic approach

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    In Brazil, the percentage of infected dogs living in areas where canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is endemic ranges from 10 to 62%; however, the prevalence of infection in dogs is probably higher than figures reported from serological studies. In addition, problems with the occurrence of false-positive or false-negative results in the serodiagnosis of CVL have been reported. The present work analyzed the potential of synthetic peptides mapped from hypothetical proteins for improvement of the serodiagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs. From 26 identified leishmanial proteins, eight were selected, considering that no homologies between these proteins and others from trypanosomatide sequence databases were encountered. The sequences of these proteins were mapped to identify linear B-cell epitopes, and 17 peptides were synthesized and tested in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for the serodiagnosis of L. infantum infection in dogs. Of these, three exhibited sensitivity and specificity values higher than 75% and 90%, respectively, to differentiate L. infantum-infected animals from Trypanosoma cruziinfected animals and healthy animals. Soluble Leishmania antigen (SLA) showed poor sensitivity (4%) and specificity (36%) to differentiate L. infantum-infected dogs from healthy and T. cruzi-infected dogs. Lastly, the three selected peptides were combined in different mixtures and higher sensitivity and specificity values were obtained, even when sera from T. cruzi-infected dogs were used. The study’s findings suggest that these three peptides can constitute a potential tool for more sensitive and specific serodiagnosis of L. infantum infection in dogsThis work was supported by grants from the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa from UFMG (Edital 07/2012), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nano-biofarmacêutica (INCT-NANOBIOFAR, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) (CBB-APQ-02364-08, CBB-APQ-00356-10, CBB-APQ-00496-11, and CBB-APQ-00819-12), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (APQ-472090/2011-9), and the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Vacinas (INCT-V). E.A.F.C. and A.P.F. are CNPq grant recipients. M.A.C.-F. is a FAPEMIG/CAPES grant recipient. This study was supported in Spain, in part, by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FIS/PI1100095)

    Prognostic stratification of adult primary glioblastoma multiforme patients based on their tumor gene amplification profiles

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    Several classification systems have been proposed to address genomic heterogeneity of glioblastoma multiforme, but they either showed limited prognostic value and/or are difficult to implement in routine diagnostics. Here we propose a prognostic stratification model for these primary tumors based on tumor gene amplification profiles, that might be easily implemented in routine diagnostics, and potentially improve the patients management. Gene amplification profiles were prospectively evaluated in 80 primary glioblastoma multiforme tumors using single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays and the results obtained validated in publicly available data from 267/347 cases. Gene amplification was detected in 45% of patients, and chromosome 7p11.2 including the EGFR gene, was the most frequently amplified chromosomal region – either alone (18%) or in combination with amplification of DNA sequences in other chromosomal regions (10% of cases). Other frequently amplified DNA sequences included regions in chromosomes 12q(10%), 4q12(7%) and 1q32.1(4%). Based on their gene amplification profiles, glioblastomas were subdivided into: i) tumors with no gene amplification (55%); ii) tumors with chromosome 7p/EGFR gene amplification (with or without amplification of other chromosomal regions) (38%); and iii) glioblastoma multiforme with a single (11%) or multiple (6%) amplified DNA sequences in chromosomal regions other than chromosome 7p. From the prognostic point of view, these amplification profiles showed a significant impact on overall survival of glioblastoma multiforme patients (p>0.001). Based on these gene amplification profiles, a risk-stratification scoring system was built for prognostic stratification of glioblastoma which might be easily implemented in routine diagnostics, and potentially contribute to improved patient management.This work was supported by RETICC RD06/0020/0035, RD06/0020/0059 and RD12/0036/0048 grants from Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, (Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER), AES PI16/000476 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER), GRS909A14 (JCYL) and CB16/12/00400 grant (CIBERONC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER)

    Globalização económica e fragmentação geopolítica : a caminho de um mundo de equilíbrios instáveis e temporários?

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    Este texto explora a ideia de que a evolução mundial nos próximos anos vai ser marcada pela interacção complexa entre, por um lado as tensões associadas à Globalização da Economia Mundial, e por outro as Incertezas em torno da Fragmentação Geopolítica Mundial. Começa por identificar os grandes processos envolvidos na primeira "força motriz" - uma ampliação e "regionalização" da Economia Mundial; uma dinâmica de Globalização económica; uma competição acesa entre "Modelos de Capitalísmo"; uma mutação tecnológica abrangente, que modifica as estruturas económicas e a posição relativa das economias; e por último uma regulação económica global que procura responder à acumulação de tensões geradas pela interacção dos processos anteriores. Seguidamente identifica alguns processos chave que organizam a segunda" força motriz", como sejam o avanço da democratização, decorrendo em paralelo com a sobreposição de crises profundas em diversos Estados; um processo de fragmentação e "regionalização" em termos geopolíticos e de segurança; uma alteração na relação de forças entre potências, que está ainda numa fase inconclusiva; uma mutação tecnológica militar que pode influenciar decisivamente essa alteração; e a manifestação de dificuldades na regulação estratégica e geopolítica mundial, pela interacção dos processos anteriores e no contexto da ultrapassagem dos mecanismos de regulação típicos da guerra fria. Por último o texto ilustra algumas das interacções que se podem estabelecer entre as dinâmicas das duas "forças motrizes" sem explorar em profundidade o tema

    O Mestrado Europeu BIM A+

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    O artigo apresenta o enquadramento do Mestrado Europeu BIM A+ (www.bimaplus.org), liderado pela Universidade do Minho em consórcio com a Universidade de Ljubljana (Eslovénia) e o Politecnico di Milano (Itália). Trata-se de um Mestrado com duração de um ano letivo, dirigido a Arquitetos, Engenheiros ou especialidades afins, que conta com financiamento por parte do programa ERASMUS+ durante 4 anos letivos desde 2019/2020.Agradece-se o financiamento ao Mestrado Europeu em Building Information Modelling BIM A+ pela bolsa nº 2018-1482/001-002 do programa ERASMUS