1,014 research outputs found

    The use of learning management platforms in school context - a national study

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    This report results from a national study carried out under the Project “Educational application of learning management platforms”, supported and funded by the Computers, Networks, and Internet in Schools department of the Portuguese Ministry of Education- General Directorate for Innovation and Educational Development. This report has been developed by the ICT Competence Centre of the Faculty of Sciences- University of Lisbon, during the school year 2007/2008

    Uma boa prática de integração do Moodle nas escolas

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    Documento produzido no âmbito do Projecto “Utilização educativa de plataformas de aprendizagem” desenvolvido pelo Centro de Competência RTE/PTE da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e financiado pela Equipa RTE/PTE da Direcção Geral de Inova- ção e Desenvolvimento Curricular.Não vamos começar com "Era uma vez" mas pretende-se contar uma história, contextualizada num dado momento no tempo e no espaço, mas que revela, na verdade, a capacidade de poder situarse em vários espaços (escolares) e em diferentes "tempos", passados, presentes ou futuro... A “boa-prática”, ou antes, “a-experiência-prática-que-vive-e-viveudificuldades- mas-onde-se-têm-vindo-a-conseguir-bons-resultados” que a seguir se apresenta foi estruturada com base no relato do um elemento do conselho executivo do Agrupamento de Escolas de Ribamar, no concelho da Lourinhã. As frases que aparecem em itálico são, na verdade, o discurso directo dessa professora


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    Production diseases of dairy cows include several pathologies. These are considered man-made problems, mostly reported in the post-calving period of negative energy balance (NEB), when high-yielding dairy cows are unable to achieve a feed energy intake matching their high production requirements (Mulligan et al., 2008). A correct management of production diseases demands an early diagnostic approach and prognostic parameters. In ruminants, metabolic stress greatly influences the forestomachs physiology, including their immune response ability. Therefore a proper evaluation of production diseases in ruminants should also include markers of the innate immune response to metabolic stress (Amadori, 2016). Since forestomach walls express immune receptors and cytokines, and the rumen liquor is infiltrated by leukocytes, it is reasonable that they play an important role in the local immune response to metabolic stress (Ingvartsen et al., 2003; Trevisi et al., 2014a). My PhD hypothesis implies that ruminal fluids could be an important source of diagnostic information for the identification of herds at risk for production diseases, in addition to the traditional analyses. Accordingly, we further characterized the leukocytes subpopulations in the rumen liquor, highlighting the presence of B cells (the most frequent leukocyte population in the rumen liquor), T cells, and myeloid cells. We also compared the leukocyte composition in rumenocentesis versus esophageal probe samples, and we did not observe any significant statistical difference between the two sample collection techniques. We investigated the origin of the leukocytes of the rumen fluid and demonstrated that they partly derive from the oral cavity and reach the rumen through the saliva. On the basis of these findings, we carried out a field survey of innate immune parameters in rumen fluids of 128 animals from 12 farms, along with clinical inspections, assessment of milk yield, rumen pH and volatile fatty acids (VFA), and evaluation of major metabolic and hematologic parameters. Significant statistical correlations were found between immune markers in rumen fluids and biochemical parameters of dairy cows. In particular, a significant negative correlation was found between CD45 gene expression in rumen fluids (leukocyte infiltration) and ruminal pH. The infiltration of B cells was negatively affected by ruminal pH and high concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA). The same type of regulation was also exerted on the concentrations of IgM and total Ig. Interestingly, total Ig and IgM in rumen fluids showed a strong positive correlation with urea levels in blood, to some extent correlated with feed intake. We also investigated how the alteration of the ruminal microbiota could influence the immunologic profile of the rumen liquor. The use of a low-dose antibiotic (Monensin) led to significant differences in metabolic and immunological parameters in the rumen, and this resulted in a reduction of leukocyte colonization and immunoglobulin concentration in the ruminal fluid. Our procedures were included into a kit and tested in a group of 10 animals, half of them suffering from ruminal stasis; we could detect differences between the two groups in terms of leukocytes infiltration and Ig concentration. At a molecular level, the group with overt pathology showed a marked reduction of IGLC and KRT5 gene expression. Our data suggest that forestomach immune responses could be directed to \u201cdangers\u201d arising within the forestomach environment (diet unbalance, abnormal fermentations), but also arise as reporter system of disease conditions elsewhere in the body. The immune markers could integrate consolidated diagnostic parameters (e.g. rumen pH and VFA, milk cell counts, blood, fecal analytes) and contribute to robust, early diagnosis of production diseases of dairy cattle

    Breaking the Silence: Understanding the practice of Breast ironing in Cameroon

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    This study described the prevalence of breast ironing in Cameroon using information collected through interviews of 5661 girls and women aged 10&82 years of age. Descriptive statistics were made and results showed that the practice of breast ironing is widespread across all provinces with high prevalence in the Littoral Province. In addition the study found that mother’s were the main perpetrators of breast ironing. Further research on the health effects (physical and psychological) on the practice of breast ironing is warranted. Keywords: Breast Ironing, Cameroon, Family violenc

    Incidence of Suicide in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran

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    AbstractBackground:Suicide is a major problem world-wide. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of suicide in East Azerbaijan province, Iran. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted from 2010 to 2011. We analysed some characteristics of the cases of suicide based on the health system database. Variables such as demographics, outcomes (fatal/nonfatal), and methods used were recorded. Data were analysed using Chi-square as well as T-test.Results: A total of 3,768 reported cases of suicide were analysed. More cases were reported by married than single people. The incidence rate of suicide was 101.3 per 100,000. Most of the attempted suicides occurred in younger people. Attempted suicide in women (63.7%) was higher than men (36.3%). The most frequent method of suicide in both sexes was drug overdose. There was a statistically significant relationship between suicide’s outcome and gender, job, marital status and education (p<0.001). The case fatality rate among males was significantly higher than females (OR=3.7, 95% CI: 2.5–5.8). Hanging (72.3%) and drug overdose (0.9%) had the highest and lowest case fatality rate, respectively. Drug overdose was slightly more frequent among women than men (91.3% versus 84.2%). The rate of poisoning increased gradually until the age-group 45-54 years. Drug overdose was more prevalent among single than married people.Conclusions: Due to the high incidence of completed suicide, it is recommended to establish counselling centres for mental ill-health, especially a suicide hotline with appropriate availability to all population

    In Vitro Efficacy of Essential Oils from Melaleuca Alternifolia and Rosmarinus Officinalis, Manuka Honey-based Gel, and Propolis as Antibacterial Agents Against Canine Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius Strains

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    Abstract: Essential oils (EOs) and honeybee products (e.g., honey and propolis) are natural mixtures of dierent volatile compounds that are frequently used in traditional medicine and for pathogen eradication. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial properties of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) EO (TTEO), Rosmarinus ocinalis EO (ROEO), manuka-based gel, and propolis against 23 strains of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (SP) isolated from canine pyoderma. Antimicrobial resistance screening was assessed using a panel of nine antimicrobial agents coupled with a PCR approach. An aromatogram was done for both EOs, using the disk diusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for all the compounds. Among the 23 SP strains, 14 (60.9%) were multidrug-resistant (MDR), 11 strains (47.8%) were methicillin-resistant (MRSP), and 9 (39.1%) were non-MDR. The mean diameter of the inhibition zone for Melaleuca and Rosmarinus were 24.5 8.8 mm and 15.2 8.9 mm, respectively, resulting as statistically dierent (p = 0.0006). MIC values of TTEO and ROEO were similar (7.6 3.2% and 8.9 2.1%, respectively) and no statistical significances were found. Honeybee products showed lower MIC compared to those of EOs, 0.22 0.1% for Manuka and 0.8 0.5% for propolis. These findings reveal a significant antibacterial eect for all the tested products

    Caracterización química del aceite de barú y su subproducto de la región noroeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    This study investigated baru oil and partially defatted baru flour from the northwest region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The physicochemical characterization of the oil was made by determining the fatty acid profile using gas chromatography, lutein, and α- and β- carotenes by means of high-performance liquid chromatography, and total carotenoids by spectrophotometry. The flour was analyzed for its chemical composition, fiber, and mineral contents. Baru oil presented excellent quality parameters and high contents in unsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids. The flour showed relevant levels of proteins, lipids, and dietary fiber, in addition to having representative mineral contents for food such as manganese, magnesium, and copper. Thus, baru oil and the by-product of its extraction offer a rich chemical composition, and their application may add nutritional value to foods in addition to reducing negative environmental impacts.En este estudio se investigó el aceite de barú y la harina de barú parcialmente desengrasada de la región noroeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. La caracterización físico-química del aceite se realizó mediante la determinación del perfil de ácidos grasos mediante cromatografía de gases, luteína y α- y β- carotenos mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y carotenoides totales mediante espectrofotometría. En la harina se analizó su composición química, fibra y contenido mineral. El aceite de barú tiene excelentes parámetros de calidad, un buen contenido de ácidos grasos insaturados y carotenoides. La harina presentó niveles relevantes de proteínas, lípidos y fibra dietética, además de tener un contenido representativo de minerales para la alimentación, como manganeso, magnesio y cobre. Así, el aceite de baru y el subproducto de su extracción tienen riqueza en su composición química y su aplicación puede agregar valor nutricional a los alimentos, además de reducir los impactos ambientales

    Influence of chlorhexidine and zinc oxide in calcium hydroxide pastes on pH changes in external root surface

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    The objective of this study was to assess the influence of chlorhexidine (liquid and gel) and zinc oxide in calcium hydroxide (CH) pastes on root pH in simulated external resorption. One hundred human anterior teeth with a single root canal were selected. After decoronation and root canal instrumentation, the specimens were divided into 4 experimental groups and 1 control group (without intracanal paste): CH + saline (CH+S), CH + 2% chlorhexidine liquid (CH+ CHX), CH + 2% chlorhexidine gel (CH+ CHXg), and CH + 2% chlorhexidine gel + zinc oxide (CH+ CHXg+ZnO). pH was measured using a microelectrode at 3 and 24 h, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after inserting intracanal pastes. Data were analyzed statistically using an ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The CH+CHXg+ZnO group had the highest pH values throughout (p < 0.05). The CH+S and CH+ CHX groups had the highest pH values after 1 week and the CH+ CHXg group after 2 weeks. CH+ CHXg maintained the highest pH until the fourth week compared with CH+ CHX (p < 0.05). The control group remained at a neutral pH at all evaluated times. It can be concluded that chlorhexidine solution or gel maintained the alkaline pH of CH, and chlorhexidine gel allowed a slower decrease in pH over time. CH+ CHXg+ZnO showed the highest pH values and was an effective intracanal medication for maintaining alkaline root pH in the area of resorption3

    Biostratigraphic sequence of Portuguese West-basin. Differentiation during the Lias and Dogger.

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Characterization of the blastogenic response to LPS of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Mitogens are diverse compounds of plant and microbial origin, widely employed to test immunocompetence in animals. The blastogenic response of bovine Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) to lypopolysaccharides (LPS) has been investigated in our laboratories for a long time. In particular, a possible correlation between blastogenic response to LPS and disease resistance of periparturient dairy cows had been observed in previous studies. Most important, low responder cows presented a higher frequency of disease cases after calving, compared with high responder animals. Owing to the above, different aspects of the blastogenic response to LPS were investigated on PBMC of healthy Friesian cows, using a 72-hour Bromodeoxyuridin (BrDU) cell proliferation assay. Stimulation with LPS induced little if any replication of bovine PBMC over 72 hours despite consistent BrDU detection in all the PBMC samples under study. Poor replication of LPS-stimulated PBMC was confirmed by cell cycle and cell growth flow cytometry analyses. In particular, LPS stimulation gave rise to very low percentages of S phase cells, sometimes lower than in control, unstimulated cells, as opposed to Concanavalin A-stimulated PBMC. Magnetic separation and analysis of BrDU-treated bovine PBMC after exposure to LPS showed that both B and CD4 T cells are involved in the blastogenic response to LPS, in contrast with current data based on human and murine models. Finally, LPS caused an early, specific up-regulation of TNF-\u3b1 and TLR4 genes in bovine PBMC, and significant correlations were shown between the expression of inflammatory cytokine and Indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) genes. On the whole, our data indicate that differences in the blastogenic response to LPS could be partly accounted for by heterogenicity of responding cells (B and T lymphocytes), which might also have an impact on induction and regulation of inflammatory responses and endotoxin tolerance