331 research outputs found

    Restructuring of air passenger transport in Santa Catarina: from regional aviation to the hub system

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    When analyzing the airflows of the state of Santa Catarina, we observe that there is a change in its typology This means that, in addition to the movement, regional routes with multiple stopovers were gradually replaced by the longer ones, connected to the operational centers of the companies, which are located on important nodes of the urban network. Cities with less regional influence stopped operating flights and the supply became increasingly concentrated. There is also the improvement of the variables that involve occupancy fees, seat offering, among others, within the scope of Corporate Logistics. It is also noteworthy the performance of State Logistics in transport planning via regulatory pacts (standards and taxes) and investments focused on aviation restructuring. In this sense,this work aims to understand how the process of territorial reconfiguration of commercial passenger aviation took place in Brazil with the state of Santa Catarina as the highlight in the analysis.Ao analisar os fluxos aéreos no estado de Santa Catarina, observamos uma mudança na sua tipologia, principalmente entre 2000 e 2005. Isso quer dizer que, além da movimentação, as rotas regionais com múltiplas escalas foram sendo substituídas aos poucos pelas mais longas, conectadas aos centros operacionais das companhias, localizados em importantes nós da rede urbana. Cidades com menor influência regional deixaram de operar voos, e a oferta passou a ser cada vez mais concentrada. Há também o melhoramento de variáveis que envolvem taxas de ocupação e oferta de assentos, entre outras, no âmbito da logística corporativa. Destacam-se ainda o efeito da logística de Estado no planejamento de transpor- tes via pactos normativos (normas e tributos) e os investimentos concentrados na reestruturação da aviação. Nesse sentido, este trabalho visa compreender o processo de reconfiguração territorial da aviação comercial de passageiros no Brasil por meio do que aconteceu em Santa Catarina.Analizando los flujos del tráfico aéreo del estado de Santa Catarina, observamos que hay un cambio en su tipología. Esto significa que, además del movimiento, las rutas regionales con escalas múltiples fueron reemplazadas gradualmente por las más largas, conectadas a los centros operativos de las empresas, que se encuentran en nodos importantes de la red urbana. Las ciudades con menos influencia regional han dejado de operar vuelos y la oferta se ha concentrado cada vez más. También hay una mejora en las variables que involucran tasas de ocupación, disponibilidad de asientos, entre otros, dentro del alcance de la logística corporativa. También es destacable el papel de la logística del Estado en la planificación del transporte mediante pactos normativos (normas e impuestos) e inversiones concentradas en la reestructuración de la aviación. En este sentido, este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender cómo se llevó a cabo el proceso de reconfiguración territorial de la aviación comercial de pasajeros en Brasil, concentrando los análisis en la escala espacial del estado de Santa Catarina

    Formation and Stability of Synaptic Receptor Domains

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    Neurotransmitter receptor molecules, concentrated in postsynaptic domains along with scaffold and a number of other molecules, are key regulators of signal transmission across synapses. Employing experiment and theory, we develop a quantitative description of synaptic receptor domains in terms of a reaction-diffusion model. We show that interactions between only receptor and scaffold molecules, together with the rapid diffusion of receptors on the cell membrane, are sufficient for the formation and stable characteristic size of synaptic receptor domains. Our work reconciles long-term stability of synaptic receptor domains with rapid turnover and diffusion of individual receptors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Supplementary Materia


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    Intricate issues of contract law stem from a rather plain question: is one party, suspecting that the other party will not fulfill his obligations in compliance with the terms of the contract, entitled, prior to the date agreed upon for performance, to suspend his own performance and demand additional guarantees, or even to avoid the contract? International uniform law envisages a number of situations in which a breach is said to have occurred prior to the time agreed upon for performance. In the area of international sales contracts, arts. 71, 72, and 73(2) of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereafter ” CISG” ), applicable to both the buyer and the seller, lay down, on the one hand, the situations in which an anticipatory breach is deemed to have occurred and, on the other hand, the remedies available to the aggrieved party. In other words, these provisions designate the circumstances in which, even though no breach of contract has yet been committed and the time for performance of the obligation has not yet elapsed, a party may, in order to protect his own interests, temporarily stop complying with his contractual obligations or completely free himself from those obligations. In this respect, arts. 71, 72, and 73(2) CISG differ from arts. 49 and 64 CISG, which govern the right of the aggrieved party to avoid the contract when performance is overdue, that is when the other party has actually committed a fundamental breach of contract. Art. 71 and art. 72 CISG differ in their purpose, their conditions of application, and the solutions that they provide. Art. 72 CISG is based on the AngloAmerican doctrine of anticipatory breach and authorizes the innocent party to declare the contract avoided, without the need to wait until the breach materializes on the date when performance is due, if it is clear that the other party will commit a fundamental breach of contract. Art. 71 CISG, on the other hand, merely authorizes the innocent party to suspend performance if it becomes apparent that the other party will not perform a substantial part of his obligations. In other words, whereas art. 72 CISG is aimed at the termination of the contractual relationship and the release of the parties of their obligations, art. 71 CISG is aimed at keeping the contract intact and on foot. Art. 73(2) CISG, in turn, deals with the issue of anticipatory breach in the specific context of installment contracts. The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (hereafter ”UNIDROIT Principles” ) and the Principles of European Contract Law (hereafter ” PECL” ), represent, like the CISG, attempts to ” promote the unification and/or harmonization of international commercial law.” 1 Today, at the international and European level, the UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL respectively constitute, in the field of transnational commercial contracts, the two sources of nonbinding or soft law2 most commonly referred to. These two sets of Principles are largely inspired by the CISG. Indeed, the Governing Council of UNIDROIT recognized, in its introduction to the UNIDROIT principles, that ” to the extent that the UNIDROIT Principles address issues also covered by the CISG, they follow the solutions found in that Convention.” 3 In fact, the CISG was ” an obligatory point of reference in the preparation of the UNIDROIT Principles.” 4 Similarly, the CISG was, for the drafters of the PECL, ” a particularly fruitful source of ideas.” 5 With these considerations in mind, the present study will attempt, beyond the boundaries of comparative analysis, to draw conclusions regarding the impact of the CISG, with respect to the issue of anticipatory breach, on both the UNIDROIT Principles, and the PECL

    Molecular and cellular basis for pathogenicity of autoantibodies: lessons from murine monoclonal autoantibodies

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    The pathogenesis of autoantibody-mediated cellular and tissue lesions in autoimmune diseases is most straightforwardly attributable to the combined action of self-antigen binding properties and effector functions associated with the Fc regions of the different immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes. The analysis of two different sets of monoclonal autoantibodies derived from lupus-prone mice revealed remarkable differences in the pathogenic potentials of different IgG subclasses: (1) the IgG2a and IgG2b subclasses of anti-red blood cell (RBC) autoantibodies are the most pathogenic and efficiently activate two classes of activating IgG Fc receptors (FcγRIII and FcγRIV) and complement; (2) the IgG3 subclass is less pathogenic and activate only complement; and (3) the IgG1 subclass is the least pathogenic and interact only with FcγRIII. In addition, because of the unique property of IgG3 to form self-associating complexes and generate cryoglobulins, this subclass of rheumatoid factor and anti-DNA autoantibodies became highly pathogenic and induced lupus-like nephritis and/or vasculitis. Since the switch to IgG2a and IgG3 is promoted by Th1 cytokine interferon γ, these results strongly suggest that Th1 autoimmune responses could be critically involved in the generation of more pathogenic autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus. This finding is consistent with the observation that the progression of murine lupus nephritis is correlated with the relative dominance of Th1 autoimmune responses. Finally, the analysis of IgG glycosylation pattern revealed that more sialylated IgG autoantibodies remained poorly pathogenic because of limited Fc-associated effector functions and loss of cryoglobulin activity. This suggests that the terminal sialylation of the oligosaccharide side chains of IgG could be a significant factor determining the pathogenic potential of autoantibodies. Our results thus underline the importance of subpopulations of autoantibodies, induced by the help of Th1 cells, in the pathogenesis of autoantibody-mediated cellular and tissue injurie

    Dynamical Adaptation in Photoreceptors

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    Adaptation is at the heart of sensation and nowhere is it more salient than in early visual processing. Light adaptation in photoreceptors is doubly dynamical: it depends upon the temporal structure of the input and it affects the temporal structure of the response. We introduce a non-linear dynamical adaptation model of photoreceptors. It is simple enough that it can be solved exactly and simulated with ease; analytical and numerical approaches combined provide both intuition on the behavior of dynamical adaptation and quantitative results to be compared with data. Yet the model is rich enough to capture intricate phenomenology. First, we show that it reproduces the known phenomenology of light response and short-term adaptation. Second, we present new recordings and demonstrate that the model reproduces cone response with great precision. Third, we derive a number of predictions on the response of photoreceptors to sophisticated stimuli such as periodic inputs, various forms of flickering inputs, and natural inputs. In particular, we demonstrate that photoreceptors undergo rapid adaptation of response gain and time scale, over ∼ 300 ms—i. e., over the time scale of the response itself—and we confirm this prediction with data. For natural inputs, this fast adaptation can modulate the response gain more than tenfold and is hence physiologically relevant

    Self-assembly and plasticity of synaptic domains through a reaction-diffusion mechanism

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    Signal transmission across chemical synapses relies crucially on neurotransmitter receptor molecules, concentrated in postsynaptic membrane domains along with scaffold and other postsynaptic molecules. The strength of the transmitted signal depends on the number of receptor molecules in postsynaptic domains, and activity-induced variation in the receptor number is one of the mechanisms of postsynaptic plasticity. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the reaction and diffusion properties of receptors and scaffolds at the membrane, alone, yield spontaneous formation of receptor-scaffold domains of the stable characteristic size observed in neurons. On the basis of these experiments we develop a model describing synaptic receptor domains in terms of the underlying reaction-diffusion processes. Our model predicts that the spontaneous formation of receptor-scaffold domains of the stable characteristic size observed in experiments depends on a few key reactions between receptors and scaffolds. Furthermore, our model suggests novel mechanisms for the alignment of pre- and postsynaptic domains and for short-term postsynaptic plasticity in receptor number. We predict that synaptic receptor domains localize in membrane regions with an increased receptor diffusion coefficient or a decreased scaffold diffusion coefficient. Similarly, we find that activity-dependent increases or decreases in receptor or scaffold diffusion yield a transient increase in the number of receptor molecules concentrated in postsynaptic domains. Thus, the proposed reaction-diffusion model puts forth a coherent set of biophysical mechanisms for the formation, stability, and plasticity of molecular domains on the postsynaptic membrane.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award DMR-1206323

    Criação artística e metáforas bíblicas: uma relação de experiência | Artistic creation and biblical metaphors: a relationship of experience

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    Neste artigo, evidenciamos que, para que possamos pensar as metáforas como um campo de experiências para a criação artística e, com isso, possamos usá-las como possibilidade aberta de repensar o mundo em que vivemos, é necessário destacá-las como lugar de experiência; para que isso aconteça, nosso objetivo aqui é indicá-las como uma disposição da compreensão. Procuramos, com isso, convocar o potencial da disposição para que nunca deixemos de empreender uma intensa e inesperada experiência nova, pois, quando as palavras se abrem para novas possibilidades, ao acessá-las pela via da compreensão e experiência, podemos ressignificar o mundo em que vivemos e, sobretudo, a nós mesmos. Alijamos essa compreensão a partir de alguns autores, especialmente Paul Ricoeur, Aristóteles e Friedrich Nietzsche, pois a partir deles,somos capazes de realizar o diálogo com as metáforas bíblicas, como um tipo mais específico de experiência, aproximando a experiência religiosa e o pensamento, no que se refere à criação artística.Palavras-chave: Metáforas bíblicas. Experiência estética. Diálogo. Lugar. AbstractIn this article, we show that, so that we can think of metaphors as a field of experiences for artistic creation and, therefore, also as an open possibility of rethinking the world we live in, it is necessary to highlight them as a place of experience, and for this happen, our aim here is to indicate them as a disposition of understanding. With this, we seek to summon the potential of disposition so that we never stop undertaking an intense and unexpected new experience, because, when words open up to more possibilities, by accessing them through understanding and experience, we can reframe the world in which we live and, above all, ourselves. We jettisoned this understanding from some authors, especially Paul Ricoeur, Aristotle and Friedrich Nietzsche, because from them, we are able to carry out a dialogue with biblical metaphors, as a more specific type of experience, bringing together religious experience and thought in the which refers to artistic creation.Keywords: Biblical metaphors. Aesthetic experience. Dialogue. Place. ORCIDhttp://orcid.org/0000-0002-1770-6021


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    This final project writing aims to find out the satisfaction level the consumers feel on the service given by PT Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo through the dimensions of service quality including Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy. The problem statement developed in this research is to find out the consumer satisfaction level on the performance given by PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo. Technique of collecting data employed was observation, interview, and questionnaire method. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling with 100 respondents. In this research, technique of discussing used was descriptive analysis one, namely, the one to make a systematic, factual and accurate description about an object studied, while the consumer satisfaction was measured using importance performance analysis. From the research on 100 respondents about the service quality given by PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo, it can be found that the results of consumer assessment on the performance given by the company include: viewed from the importance performance analysis, the highest consumer satisfaction level is in service procedure attribute or factor that will be done quickly, it can be seen from the percentage goodness of fit level of 113.28%, while the smallest attribute is that the employees have knowledge to answer the consumers’ question of 71.15%. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the result of Cartesian diagram of factors becomes the primary priority of PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo and should be done because this factor is considered as important by the company and consumers, including: non strategic and not affordable dealer location, unattractive and untidy physical facility appearance. The recommendation given is that from the location side, the dealer should post the banner in front of its building so that the consumers can find the dealer location easily. From physical facility side, the product arrangement should be adjusted with the types of each product. Keywords: Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy