1,058 research outputs found

    SIMBA: a web tool for managing bacterial genome assembly generated by Ion PGM sequencing technology

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    Background The evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has considerably reduced the cost per sequenced-base, allowing a significant rise of sequencing projects, mainly in prokaryotes. However, the range of available NGS platforms requires different strategies and software to correctly assemble genomes. Different strategies are necessary to properly complete an assembly project, in addition to the installation or modification of various software. This requires users to have significant expertise in these software and command line scripting experience on Unix platforms, besides possessing the basic expertise on methodologies and techniques for genome assembly. These difficulties often delay the complete genome assembly projects. Results In order to overcome this, we developed SIMBA (SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies), a freely available web tool that integrates several component tools for assembling and finishing bacterial genomes. SIMBA provides a friendly and intuitive user interface so bioinformaticians, even with low computational expertise, can work under a centralized administrative control system of assemblies managed by the assembly center head. SIMBA guides the users to execute assembly process through simple and interactive pages. SIMBA workflow was divided in three modules: (i) projects: allows a general vision of genome sequencing projects, in addition to data quality analysis and data format conversions; (ii) assemblies: allows de novo assemblies with the software Mira, Minia, Newbler and SPAdes, also assembly quality validations using QUAST software; and (iii) curation: presents methods to finishing assemblies through tools for scaffolding contigs and close gaps. We also presented a case study that validated the efficacy of SIMBA to manage bacterial assemblies projects sequenced using Ion Torrent PGM. Conclusion Besides to be a web tool for genome assembly, SIMBA is a complete genome assemblies project management system, which can be useful for managing of several projects in laboratories. SIMBA source code is available to download and install in local webservers at http://ufmg-simba.sourceforge.net

    The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Working Time Allocation and Income: A Study of Elderly Population in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research aims to determine the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on working time allocation and income of elderly population in Indonesia.   Design/methodology/approach: The research uses a descriptive approach with a time series design using macro data issued by Central Bureau of Statistics for 2019 (before the Covid-19 pandemic) and 2021 (the Covid-19 pandemic).   Findings: The results showed more elderly (0.05 percent) enter to the labor market during the Covid-19 pandemic, but on other hand there was higher unemployment of 1.36 percent. There has been a decrease in average working time allocation from 2019 (before the Covid-19 pandemic) to 2021 (during the Covid-19 pandemic) by 2.34 hours per week. The research results also show a decrease in average income during the Covid-19 pandemic of IDR 220,000 per month.   Research limitations/implications: The workforce consist of young and old generation. This research limited to elderly and cannot examine young and more productive worker.   Practical implications: The policy of providing assistance in form of venture capital funds for elderly can be continued and expanded to support productive older people to be allowed to work at home.   Social Implications: The families and relatives of elderly should optimize economic support for elderly   Originality/value: The increase in number of elderly around the world due to good quality of life, advances in medical technology and modern health services. This is the first research that examine the time alocation and income of elderly after Covid 19

    The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic, Grdp, and the City/District Minimum Wages on the Poverty in Banten Province on the Open Unemployment Rate as a Mediation Variable

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze poverty and to know the effect of Covid-19 pandemic, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), and The City/District Minimum Wages on the poverty in Banten province on the open unemployment rate (TPT) as a mediation variable.   Theoretical framework:  Poverty is a primary issue that becomes the attention of every nation's government.  The poverty rate in the province of Banten is the sum of eight districts or cities. Based on the findings of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Sensus Sosial Ekonomi Nasional), the poverty rate in Banten Province in March 2021 was 6.66 percent, up from 5.92 percent in 2020 and 5.09 percent in 2019.   Design/methodology/approach:  This study used a sample of eight districts/cities in the province of Banten. This research employs a quantitative methodology using secondary data sources. Banten Province's Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is the data source for this study.. The time frame considered is three years, from 2019 to 2021.   Findings:  the result of this research shows that Covid-19 Pandemic (as X1), Gross Regional Domestic Product (X2), and The City/District Minimum Wages (X3) show a direct effect on Poverty (Y) in Banten province as 99.2, and indirect effect of Covid-19, Gross Domestic Product and The City/District Minimum Wages through Open Unemployment Rate (Z) on the Poverty (Y) in Banten province as 93.5%.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This study expands theories and concepts for addressing poverty and unemployment, particularly in Banten Province, particularly those related to factors that have a significant impact or influence on poverty and unemployment, so they can be used as references by policymakers in Banten Province when developing programs and policies to address these issues,  especially in light of the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic, which has not been eradicated.   Originality/value: The data value of research originality by measuring and combined the effect of the covid-19 pandemic, GRDP, The City/District Minimum Wages on poverty by using the open unemployment rate variable as mediation for the first time in banten province

    Intention of preserving forest remnants among landowners in the Atlantic Forest: The role of the ecological context via ecosystem services

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    Unravelling the psychological processes determining landowners' support towards forest conservation is crucial, particularly in rural areas of the tropics, where most forest remnants are within private lands. As human–nature connections are known to shape pro‐environmental behaviours, the intention of preserving forest remnants should ultimately be determined by the ecological context people live in. Here, we investigate the pathways through which the ecological context (forest cover), via direct contact with forests and ecosystem services and disservices, influence the psychological antecedents of conservation behaviour (beliefs, attitude and intention of preserving forest remnants). We conceptualized a model based on the Reasoned Action Approach, using the ecological context and these three forest experiences as background factors, and tested the model using Piecewise Structural Equation Modelling. Data were collected through an interview‐based protocol applied to 106 landowners across 13 landscapes varying in forest cover in a consolidated rural region in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Our results indicate that: (a) ecosystem services are more important than disservices for shaping intention of preserving forests, particularly non‐provisioning services; (b) contact with forest has an indirect effect on intention, by positively influencing the frequency of receiving ecosystem services; (c) people living in more forested ecological contexts have more contact with forests, receive ecosystem services more frequently and, ultimately, have stronger intention of preserving forests. Hence, our study suggests a dangerous positive feedback loop between deforestation, the extinction of forest experiences and impairment of human–nature connections. Local demands across the full range of ecosystem services, the balance between services and disservices and the ecological context people live in should be considered when developing conservation initiatives in tropical rural areas

    Sudden unexpected death in Parkinson's disease: Insights from clinical practice

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    Classified as the second most common neurodegenerative disorder associated with aging after Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most common movement disorder. In the last decade, despite advances in treatment, mortality rates linked with PD continued to reach significant figures. Available studies have shown that compared with healthy controls, patients with PD are accompanied by high rates of premature death. This is usually caused by factors such as pneumonia and cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, it has been demonstrated that a significant proportion of patients with PD die suddenly. This is referred to as a sudden and unexpected death in PD (SUDPAR). Here, we focus on the magnitude of SUDPAR. Finally, it is important to learn more about SUDPAR for the implementation of effective prevention strategies

    Homossexualidade e política no Brasil: um estudo sobre opinião pública e representação política

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Ciências Sociais.Este trabalho buscou analisar como vem sendo o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas que abordam a homossexualidade no Brasil, examinando, para isso, a opinião dos eleitores e a representação política em relação a três demandas que se destacam: a união e o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, a adoção homoparental e a criminalização da homofobia. De um lado, analisamos pesquisas de opinião pública que trataram desses temas, realizando cruzamento com algumas variáveis. De outro, examinamos o desenvolvimento de Projetos de Lei, a preferência manifesta dos representantes, o voto destes no processo decisório e sua influência para a situação dessas políticas. Concluímos que os cidadãos brasileiros vêm se posicionando majoritariamente contrários à união e ao casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e à adoção homoparental, e favoráveis à criminalização da homofobia. Já a representação política tem acontecido de forma ambígua, tendo sido os representantes congruentes em relação à maioria do eleitorado até 2011 no que tange à união homossexual e à adoção homoparental, e parcialmente congruentes em relação à criminalização da homofobia. Após 2011, os representantes se mostraram incongruentes, pois não agiram para alterar o estado vigente das políticas e se posicionaram favoráveis ao casamento homossexual. Também ficou claro que, se hoje os homossexuais têm algumas de suas demandas políticas atendidas, isso se deve à atuação do Poder Judiciário e da inércia do Legislativo.This work sought to analyze how the public policies that address homosexuality in Brazil have been developed, examining, for this, the voters' opinion and political representation in relation to three demands that stand out: same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption and criminalization of homophobia. On the one hand, we analyzed public opinion polls that dealt with these issues, crossing with some variables. On the other, we examine the development of Law Projects, the manifest preference of the representatives, their vote in the decision-making process and their influence on the situation of these policies. We conclude that Brazilian citizens have been predominantly opposed to the same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption, and are in favor of criminalizing homophobia. Political representation has taken place in an ambiguous way, with the representatives congruent with the majority of the electorate until 2011 regarding same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption, and partially congruent with regard to the criminalization of homophobia. After 2011, the representatives were incongruent, as they did not act to change the current state of the policies and positioned themselves in favor of same-sex marriage. It was also clear that if today homosexuals have some of their political demands met, this is due to the work of the Judiciary and the inertia of the Legislature

    Metabolic syndrome and short stature in adults from the metropolitan area of São Paulo city (SP, Brazil)

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    A desnutrição pregressa, expressa pela baixa estatura, pode ser fator de risco para síndrome metabólica (SM). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de SM e sua relação com a baixa estatura, possível resultante de desnutrição crônica na infância, em população adulta. Foi feito um estudo transversal em população adulta, com idades entre 20 e 64 anos, residente em município da região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo (SP). A amostra foi composta por 287 indivíduos, sendo 214 (74,6%) do sexo feminino e 75 (25,4%) do sexo masculino. Foram obtidos dados antropométricos, por meio de exame físico, dados bioquímicos (glicemia, colesterol total e frações, triglicérides) pela coleta de sangue em jejum e dados clínicos. A prevalência padronizada por sexo e idade para a síndrome metabólica foi de 34,0% e para a baixa estatura, 29,0%. A análise por regressão logística múltipla demonstrou associação entre a baixa estatura e a SM, ajustada por sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda, tabagismo, etilismo, atividade física, antecedentes familiares de doenças coronarianas, hipertensão arterial, diabetes e índice de massa corporal. Neste estudo, encontrou-se associação entre SM e baixa estatura, sugerindo que a desnutrição pregressa seja fator de risco para essa morbidade.The undernutrition has been appointed as a risk factor to cause chronic diseases in later life. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its relationship to short stature, as evidence of stunting in early life in adults. It is a cross-sectional study of adult population (age 20 to 64 years old) living in the metropolitan area of São Paulo city (SP, Brazil). The sample comprehended a total of 287 individuals, 214 (74.6%) were women and 73 (25.4%) were men. The anthropometric, clinical and biochemical data were collected through the physical exam and the fast blood after 8 hours. The standard prevalence for sex and age to metabolic syndrome was 34.0% and the short stature was 29.0%. In multiple logistic regression analyses the metabolic syndrome showed to be associated to short stature adjusted by sex, age, education, income, smoking, alcohol consumption, family history of coronary disease, hypertension, diabetes and body mass index. In this study was demonstrated association between metabolic syndrome and short stature in adults

    O potencial da teoria de representações sociais (TRS) para a pesquisa com perspectiva de equidade de gênero

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    Strongly rooted in the sociological tradition of social psychology, Social Representations Theory (SRT) has been developing since the sixties as a useful theoretical and practical multidisciplinary social research tool, particularly in European and Latin American contexts. However, since the end of the nineties, and following the consolidation of Social Representations Theory, there has been an important effort to bridge this perspective with other important contemporary critical theories given its emphasis on the way in which social subjects, groups and society as a whole construct and transform meaning rooted in pre-existing knowledge and everyday experience. One of the most prolific and promising exchanges has been established between Social Representations Theory and gender equitable research. This article revises the premises of SRT in order to suggest its relevance for and linkages with diverse studies rooted in a gender perspective with a clear equity goal.Fuertemente anclado en la tradición sociológica de la psicología social, la Teoría de Representaciones Sociales (TRS) se ha desarrollado desde los años sesenta como una perspectiva multidisciplinaria especialmente útil en contextos de investigación europeos y latinoamericanos. Empero, desde finales de los años noventa, una vez consolidada la Teoría de Representaciones Sociales, ha habido un esfuerzo importante por vincularse con otras teorías críticas contemporáneas dado su énfasis en la forma en que las y los sujetos sociales, grupos y la sociedad en general construyen y transforman el conocimiento con base en el conocimiento pre-existente y su experiencia cotidiana. Uno de los intercambios más prolíficos y promisorios se ha establecido entre la Teoría de Representaciones Sociales y la investigación con perspectiva de equidad de género. El presente artículo presenta las premisas básicas de la Teoría de Representaciones Sociales con el fin de asentar su relevancia y conexiones con estudios varios desde la perspectiva de género con una visión de equidad.Fortemente ancorado na tradição sociológica da psicologia social, a Teoria de Representações Sociais (TRS) se desenvolveu desde os anos sessenta como uma perspectiva multidisciplinar especialmente útil em contextos de pesquisa europeus e latino-americanos. Mas, desde o final dos anos noventa, uma vez consolidada a Teoria de Representações Sociais, tem havido um esforço importante por vincular-se com outras teorias críticas contemporâneas dado sua ênfase na forma em que os sujeitos sociais, grupos e a sociedade em geral constroem e transforma o conhecimento com base no conhecimento pré-existente e sua experiência cotidiana. Um dos intercâmbios mais prolíficos e promissores estabeleceu-se entre a Teoria de Representações Sociais e a pesquisa com perspectiva de equidade de gênero. O presente artigo apresenta as premissas básicas da Teoria de Representações Sociais com o objetivo de assentar sua relevância e conexões com vários estudos desde a perspectiva de gênero com uma visão equidade

    Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of endophytic bacteria isolated from banana cultivars in the Amazon.

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    This study aimed to isolate and characterize (the genetic diversity of) endophytic bacteria isolated from the FHIA 18 banana cultivar (grown in the Amazon Basin)

    Technology Education Challenges and Solutions in Latin America

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    The world has become dependent on informa-tion, technology, and telecommunications, better known as Information Technology and Telecommunications (IT&T), a term that encompasses the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science. Increasingly, IT&T is an effective indicator of the difference between developed and developing nations. The competitiveness of a nation is directly related to its incorporation of IT&T which requires a substan-tial restructuring of the forms and procedures in attempting to generate a base for development of science and technology. To achieve this, it is important to revise the education of human technical and scientific resources. This paper summarizes the experience of the Ibero-American Science and Technology Edu-cation (ISTEC) consortium in IT education in Latin America