907 research outputs found

    Looking into the matter of light-quark hadrons

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    In tackling QCD, a constructive feedback between theory and extant and forthcoming experiments is necessary in order to place constraints on the infrared behaviour of QCD's \beta-function, a key nonperturbative quantity in hadron physics. The Dyson-Schwinger equations provide a tool with which to work toward this goal. They connect confinement with dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, both with the observable properties of hadrons, and hence provide a means of elucidating the material content of real-world QCD. This contribution illustrates these points via comments on: in-hadron condensates; dressed-quark anomalous chromo- and electro-magnetic moments; the spectra of mesons and baryons, and the critical role played by hadron-hadron interactions in producing these spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of "Applications of light-cone coordinates to highly relativistic systems - LIGHTCONE 2011," 23-27 May, 2011, Dallas. The Proceedings will be published in Few Body System

    Spin- and charge-density oscillations in spin chains and quantum wires

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    We analyze the spin- and charge-density oscillations near impurities in spin chains and quantum wires. These so-called Friedel oscillations give detailed information about the impurity and also about the interactions in the system. The temperature dependence of these oscillations explicitly shows the renormalization of backscattering and conductivity, which we analyze for a number of different impurity models. We are also able to analyze screening effects in one dimension. The relation to the Kondo effect and experimental consequences are discussed.Comment: Final published version. 15 pages in revtex format including 22 epsf-embedded figures. The latest version in PDF format is available from http://fy.chalmers.se/~eggert/papers/density-osc.pd

    A novel semi-fragile forensic watermarking scheme for remote sensing images

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    Peer-reviewedA semi-fragile watermarking scheme for multiple band images is presented. We propose to embed a mark into remote sensing images applying a tree structured vector quantization approach to the pixel signatures, instead of processing each band separately. The signature of themmultispectral or hyperspectral image is used to embed the mark in it order to detect any significant modification of the original image. The image is segmented into threedimensional blocks and a tree structured vector quantizer is built for each block. These trees are manipulated using an iterative algorithm until the resulting block satisfies a required criterion which establishes the embedded mark. The method is shown to be able to preserve the mark under lossy compression (above a given threshold) but, at the same time, it detects possibly forged blocks and their position in the whole image.Se presenta un esquema de marcas de agua semi-frágiles para múltiples imágenes de banda. Proponemos incorporar una marca en imágenes de detección remota, aplicando un enfoque de cuantización del vector de árbol estructurado con las definiciones de píxel, en lugar de procesar cada banda por separado. La firma de la imagen hiperespectral se utiliza para insertar la marca en el mismo orden para detectar cualquier modificación significativa de la imagen original. La imagen es segmentada en bloques tridimensionales y un cuantificador de vector de estructura de árbol se construye para cada bloque. Estos árboles son manipulados utilizando un algoritmo iteractivo hasta que el bloque resultante satisface un criterio necesario que establece la marca incrustada. El método se muestra para poder preservar la marca bajo compresión con pérdida (por encima de un umbral establecido) pero, al mismo tiempo, detecta posiblemente bloques forjados y su posición en la imagen entera.Es presenta un esquema de marques d'aigua semi-fràgils per a múltiples imatges de banda. Proposem incorporar una marca en imatges de detecció remota, aplicant un enfocament de quantització del vector d'arbre estructurat amb les definicions de píxel, en lloc de processar cada banda per separat. La signatura de la imatge hiperespectral s'utilitza per inserir la marca en el mateix ordre per detectar qualsevol modificació significativa de la imatge original. La imatge és segmentada en blocs tridimensionals i un quantificador de vector d'estructura d'arbre es construeix per a cada bloc. Aquests arbres són manipulats utilitzant un algoritme iteractiu fins que el bloc resultant satisfà un criteri necessari que estableix la marca incrustada. El mètode es mostra per poder preservar la marca sota compressió amb pèrdua (per sobre d'un llindar establert) però, al mateix temps, detecta possiblement blocs forjats i la seva posició en la imatge sencera

    Parametrization of nonlinear and chaotic oscillations in driven beam-plasma diodes

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    Nonlinear phenomena in a driven plasma diode are studied using a fluid code and the particle-in-cell simulation code XPDPI. When a uniform electron beam is injected to a bounded diode filled with uniform ion background, the beam is destabilized by the Pierce instability and a perturbation grows to exhibit nonlinear oscillations including chaos. Two standard routes to chaos, period doubling and quasiperiodicity, are observed. Mode lockings of various winding numbers are observed in an ac driven system. A new diagnostic quantity is used to parametrize various nonlinear oscillations.open10

    Towards the critical behavior for the light nuclei by NIMROD detector

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    The critical behavior for the light nuclei with A36\sim 36 has been investigated experimentally by the NIMROD multi-detectors. The wide variety of observables indicate the critical point has been reached in the disassembly of hot nuclei at an excitation energy of 5.6±\pm0.5 MeV/u.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; Proceeding of 18th Nuclear Physics Division Conference of the Euro. Phys. Society (NPDC18) "Phase transitions in strongly interacting matter", Prague, 23.8.-29.8. 2004. To be published in Nuclear Physics

    A survey of partial differential equations in geometric design

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    YesComputer aided geometric design is an area where the improvement of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. Traditional methods for generating surfaces were initially mainly based upon interpolation algorithms. Recently, partial differential equations (PDE) were introduced as a valuable tool for geometric modelling since they offer a number of features from which these areas can benefit. This work summarises the uses given to PDE surfaces as a surface generation technique togethe

    Mapping of periodically poled crystals via spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    A new method for characterization of periodically poled crystals is developed based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The method is demonstrated on crystals of Y:LiNbO3, Mg:Y:LiNbO3 with non-uniform periodically poled structures, obtained directly under Czochralski growth procedure and designed for application of OPO in the mid infrared range. Infrared dispersion of refractive index, effective working periods and wavelengths of OPO were determined by special treatment of frequency-angular spectra of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the visible range. Two-dimensional mapping via spontaneous parametric down-conversion is proposed for characterizing spatial distribution of bulk quasi-phase matching efficiency across the input window of a periodically poled sample.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    The PIAS-like Coactivator Zmiz1 Is a Direct and Selective Cofactor of Notch1 in T Cell Development and Leukemia

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    SummaryPan-NOTCH inhibitors are poorly tolerated in clinical trials because NOTCH signals are crucial for intestinal homeostasis. These inhibitors might also promote cancer because NOTCH can act as a tumor suppressor. We previously reported that the PIAS-like coactivator ZMIZ1 is frequently co-expressed with activated NOTCH1 in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). Here, we show that similar to Notch1, Zmiz1 was important for T cell development and controlled the expression of certain Notch target genes, such as Myc. However, unlike Notch, Zmiz1 had no major role in intestinal homeostasis or myeloid suppression. Deletion of Zmiz1 impaired the initiation and maintenance of Notch-induced T-ALL. Zmiz1 directly interacted with Notch1 via a tetratricopeptide repeat domain at a special class of Notch-regulatory sites. In contrast to the Notch cofactor Maml, which is nonselective, Zmiz1 was selective. Thus, targeting the NOTCH1-ZMIZ1 interaction might combat leukemic growth while avoiding the intolerable toxicities of NOTCH inhibitors

    A single-nucleotide mutation in GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE protein gene confers resistance to Fusarium wilt in Gossypium hirsutum

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    Fusarium wilt (FW) disease of cotton, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov), causes severe losses in cotton production worldwide. Though significant advancements have been made in development of FW‐resistant Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in resistance screening programs, the precise resistance genes and the corresponding molecular mechanisms for resistance to Fov remain unclear. Herein it is reported that Fov7, a gene unlike canonical plant disease‐resistance (R) genes, putatively encoding a GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR‐LIKE (GLR) protein, confers resistance to Fov race 7 in Upland cotton. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (C/A) in GhGLR4.8, resulting in an amino acid change (L/I), is associated with Fov resistance. A PCR‐based DNA marker (GhGLR4.8SNP(A/C)) is developed and shown to cosegregate with the Fov resistance. CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated knockout of Fov7 results in cotton lines extremely susceptible to Fov race 7 with a loss of the ability to induce calcium influx in response to total secreted proteins (SEPs) of Fov. Furthermore, coinfiltration of SEPs with GhGLR4.8A results in a hypersensitive response. This first report of a GLR‐encoding gene that functions as an R gene provides a new insight into plant–pathogen interactions and a new handle to develop cotton cultivars with resistance to Fov race 7