94 research outputs found

    Martian Araneiforms: A Review

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    Araneiforms are enigmatic dendritic negative topography features native to Mars. Found across a variety of substrates and exhibiting a range of scales, morphologies, and activity level, they are hypothesized to form via insolation-induced basal sublimation of seasonal CO2 ice. With no direct Earth analog, araneiforms are an example of how our understanding of extant surface features can evolve through a multipronged approach using high resolution change-detection imaging, conceptual and numerical modeling, and analog laboratory work. This review offers a primer on the current state of knowledge of Martian araneiforms. We outline the development of their driving conceptual hypothesis and the various methodologies used to study their formation. We furthermore present open questions and identify future laboratory and modeling work and mission objectives that may address these questions. Finally, this review highlights how the study of araneiforms may be used as a proxy for local conditions and perhaps even past seasonal dynamics on Mars. We also reflect on the lessons learnt from studying them and opportunities for comparative planetology that can be harnessed in understanding unusual features on icy worlds that have no Earth analog

    Thermal Conductivity of the Martian Soil at the InSight Landing site from HP3 Active Heating Experiments

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    The heat flow and physical properties package (HP3) of the InSight Mars mission is an instrument package designed to determine the martian planetary heat flow. To this end, the package was designed to emplace sensors into the martian subsurface and measure the thermal conductivity as well as the geothermal gradient in the 0-5 m depth range. After emplacing the probe to a tip depth of 0.37 m, a first reliable measurement of the average soil thermal conductivity in the 0.03 to 0.37 m depth range was performed. Using the HP3 mole as a modified line heat source, we determined a soil thermal conductivity of 0.039 +/- 0.002 W/mK, consistent with the results of orbital and in-situ thermal inertia measurements. This low thermal conductivity implies that 85 to 95% of all particles are smaller than 104-173 micrometer and suggests that any cement contributing to soil cohesion cannot significantly increase grain-to-grain contact areas by forming cementing necks, but could be distributed in the form of grain coatings instead. Soil densities compatible with the measurements are 1211(-113+149) kg/m3, indicating soil porosities of 61

    Mars Regolith Properties as Constrained from HP3 Mole Operations and Thermal Measurements

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    The Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP3 onboard the Nasa InSight mission has been on the surface of Mars for more than one Earth year. The instrument's primary goal is to measure Mars' surface heat flow through measuring the geothermal gradient and the thermal condunctivity at depths between 3 and 5m. To get to depth, the package includes a penetrator nicknamed the "Mole" equipped with sensors to precisely measure the thermal conductivity. The Mole tows a tether with printed temperature sensors; a device to measure the length of the tether towed and a tiltmeter will help to track the path of the Mole and the tether. Progress of the Mole has been stymied by difficulties of digging into the regolith. The Mole functions as a mechanical diode with an internal hammer mechanism that drives it forward. Recoil is balanced mostly by internal masses but a remaining 3 to 5N has to be absorbed by hull friction. The Mole was designed to work in cohesionless sand but at the InSight landing a cohesive duricrust of at least 7cm thickness but possibly 20cm thick was found. Upon initial penetration to 35cm depth, the Mole punched a hole about 6cm wide and 7cm deep into the duricrust, leaving more than a fourth of its length without hull friction. It is widely agreed that the lack of friction is the reason for the failure to penetrate further. The HP3 team has since used the robotic arm with its scoop to pin the Mole to the wall of the hole and helped it penetrate further to almost 40cm. The initial penetration rate of the Mole has been used to estimate a penetration resistance of 300kPa. Attempts to crush the duricrust a few cm away from the pit have been unsuccessful from which a lower bound to the compressive strength of 350kPa is estimated. Analysis of the slope of the steep walls of the hole gave a lower bound to cohesion of 10kPa. As for thermal properties, a measurement of the thermal conductivity of the regolith with the Mole thermal sensors resulted in 0.045 Wm-1K-1. The value is considerably uncertain because part of the Mole having contact to air. The HP³ radiometer has been monitoring the surface temperature next to the lander and a thermal model fitted to the data give a regolith thermal inertia of 189 ± 10 J m-2 K-1 s-1/2. With best estimates of heat capacity and density, this corresponds to a thermal conductivity of 0.045 Wm-1K-1, consistent with the above measurement using the Mole. The data can be fitted well with a homogeneous soil model, but observations of Phobos eclipses in March 2019 indicate that there possibly is a thin top layer of lower thermal conductivity. A model with a top 5 mm layer of 0.02 Wm-1K-1 above a half-space of 0.05 Wm-1K-1 matches the amplitudes of both the diurnal and eclipse temperature curves. Another set of eclipses will occur in April 2020

    Stratigraphy and Geologic History of the InSight Landing Site, Mars

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    We describe the local stratigraphy and geologic history of a regolith-covered lava plain at the InSight landing site using orbital and lander observations

    Detailed stratigraphy and bed thickness of the Mars north and south polar layered deposits

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    The Mars polar layered deposits (PLD) likely hold an extensive record of recent climate during a period of high-amplitude orbit and obliquity cycles. Previous work has detected limited evidence for orbital signatures within PLD stratigraphy, but data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) permit renewed analysis of PLD stratigraphy at sub-meter scale. Topography derived from HiRISE images using stereogrammetry resolves beds previously detectable only as alternating light and dark bands in visible images. We utilize these data to measure the thickness of individual beds within the PLD, corrected for non-horizontal bed orientation. Stratigraphic columns and bed thickness profiles are presented for two sites within the NPLD, and show several sets of finely bedded units 1–2 m thick; isolated marker beds 3–4 m thick; and undifferentiated sections. Bed thickness measurements for three sites within the SPLD exhibit only one bed type based on albedo and morphology, and bed thicknesses have a larger mean and variance compared to measurements for the NPLD. Power spectra of brightness and slope derived along the measured stratigraphic sections confirm the regularity of NPLD fine bed thickness, and the lack of a dominant SPLD bed thickness. The regularity of fine bed thickness of the NPLD is consistent with quasiperiodic bed formation, albeit with unknown temporal period; the SPLD thickness measurements show no such regularity

    Near Surface Properties of Martian Regolith Derived From InSight HP3-RAD Temperature Observations During Phobos Transits

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    The Mars moon Phobos passed in front of the Sun from the perspective of the InSight lander on several occasions. The Mars surface temperatures measured by the lander became slightly colder during these transits due to the lower amount of sunlight the surface received at this time. The transits only last 20–35 s and therefore only the very top layer, about 0.3–0.8 mm, of the ground has time to cool significantly. The top layer cools and heats up faster than we expected based on the temperature changes of the day-night cycle, which affects about 4 cm of the ground. Based on this observation we conclude that the material in the top mm of the ground is different from that below. A possible explanation would be an increase of density with depth, a larger fraction of smaller particles such as dust at the top, or a layer where particles are slightly cemented together beginning at 0.2–4 mm below the surface.Additional co-authors: Axel Hagermann, Matthew Siegler, and W Bruce Banerd
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