5,470 research outputs found

    Decompositions of unitary evolutions and entanglement dynamics of bipartite quantum systems

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    We describe a decomposition of the Lie group of unitary evolutions for a bipartite quantum system of arbitrary dimensions. The decomposition is based on a recursive procedure which systematically uses the Cartan classification of the symmetric spaces of the Lie group SO(n). The resulting factorization of unitary evolutions clearly displays the local and entangling character of each factor.Comment: 11 pages, revtex

    Correlators of supersymmetric Wilson-loops, protected operators and matrix models in N=4 SYM

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    We study the correlators of a recently discovered family of BPS Wilson loops in N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Mills theory. When the contours lie on a two-sphere in the space-time, we propose a closed expression that is valid for all values of the coupling constant gg and for any rank NN, by exploiting the suspected relation with two-dimensional gauge theories. We check this formula perturbatively at order O(g4){\cal O}(g^4) for two latitude Wilson loops and we show that, in the limit where one of the loops shrinks to a point, logarithmic corrections in the shrinking radius are absent at O(g6){\cal O}(g^6). This last result strongly supports the validity of our general expression and suggests the existence of a peculiar protected local operator arising in the OPE of the Wilson loop. At strong coupling we compare our result to the string dual of the N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM correlator in the limit of large separation, presenting some preliminary evidence for the agreement.Comment: 20 page, 8 figure

    Phase transitions, double-scaling limit, and topological strings

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    Topological strings on Calabi--Yau manifolds are known to undergo phase transitions at small distances. We study this issue in the case of perturbative topological strings on local Calabi--Yau threefolds given by a bundle over a two-sphere. This theory can be regarded as a q--deformation of Hurwitz theory, and it has a conjectural nonperturbative description in terms of q--deformed 2d Yang--Mills theory. We solve the planar model and find a phase transition at small radius in the universality class of 2d gravity. We give strong evidence that there is a double--scaled theory at the critical point whose all genus free energy is governed by the Painlev\'e I equation. We compare the critical behavior of the perturbative theory to the critical behavior of its nonperturbative description, which belongs to the universality class of 2d supergravity. We also give evidence for a new open/closed duality relating these Calabi--Yau backgrounds to open strings with framing.Comment: 49 pages, 3 eps figures; section added on non-perturbative proposal and 2d gravity; minor typos correcte

    Impure Aspects of Supersymmetric Wilson Loops

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    We study a general class of supersymmetric Wilson loops operator in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, obtained as orbits of conformal transformations. These loops are the natural generalization of the familiar circular Wilson-Maldacena operator and their supersymmetric properties are encoded into a Killing spinor that is not pure. We present a systematic analysis of their scalar couplings and of the preserved supercharges, modulo the action of the global symmetry group, both in the compact and in the non-compact case. The quantum behavior of their expectation value is also addressed, in the simplest case of the Lissajous contours: explicit computations at weak-coupling, through Feynman diagrams expansion, and at strong-coupling, by means of AdS/CFT correspondence, suggest the possibility of an exact evaluation.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure

    A large sample study of spin relaxation and magnetometric sensitivity of paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells

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    We have manufactured more than 250 nominally identical paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells (30 mm diameter bulbs) for multi-channel atomic magnetometer applications. We describe our dedicated cell characterization apparatus. For each cell we have determined the intrinsic longitudinal, \sGamma{01}, and transverse, \sGamma{02}, relaxation rates. Our best cell shows \sGamma{01}/2\pi\approx 0.5 Hz, and \sGamma{02}/2\pi\approx 2 Hz. We find a strong correlation of both relaxation rates which we explain in terms of reservoir and spin exchange relaxation. For each cell we have determined the optimal combination of rf and laser powers which yield the highest sensitivity to magnetic field changes. Out of all produced cells, 90% are found to have magnetometric sensitivities in the range of 9 to 30 fTHz. Noise analysis shows that the magnetometers operated with such cells have a sensitivity close to the fundamental photon shot noise limit

    The gamma-ray burst monitor for Lobster-ISS

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    Lobster-ISS is an X-ray all-sky monitor experiment selected by ESA two years ago for a Phase A study (now almost completed) for a future flight (2009) aboard the Columbus Exposed Payload Facility of the International Space Station. The main instrument, based on MCP optics with Lobster-eye geometry, has an energy passband from 0.1 to 3.5 keV, an unprecedented daily sensitivity of 2x10^{-12} erg cm^{-2}s$^{-1}, and it is capable to scan, during each orbit, the entire sky with an angular resolution of 4--6 arcmin. This X-ray telescope is flanked by a Gamma Ray Burst Monitor, with the minimum requirement of recognizing true GRBs from other transient events. In this paper we describe the GRBM. In addition to the minimum requirement, the instrument proposed is capable to roughly localize GRBs which occur in the Lobster FOV (162x22.5 degrees) and to significantly extend the scientific capabilities of the main instrument for the study of GRBs and X-ray transients. The combination of the two instruments will allow an unprecedented spectral coverage (from 0.1 up to 300/700 keV) for a sensitive study of the GRB prompt emission in the passband where GRBs and X-Ray Flashes emit most of their energy. The low-energy spectral band (0.1-10 keV) is of key importance for the study of the GRB environment and the search of transient absorption and emission features from GRBs, both goals being crucial for unveiling the GRB phenomenon. The entire energy band of Lobster-ISS is not covered by either the Swift satellite or other GRB missions foreseen in the next decade.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Paper presented at the COSPAR 2004 General Assembly (Paris), accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research in June 2005 and available on-line at the Journal site (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02731177), section "Articles in press

    Hidden geometric correlations in real multiplex networks

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    Real networks often form interacting parts of larger and more complex systems. Examples can be found in different domains, ranging from the Internet to structural and functional brain networks. Here, we show that these multiplex systems are not random combinations of single network layers. Instead, they are organized in specific ways dictated by hidden geometric correlations between the individual layers. We find that these correlations are strong in different real multiplexes, and form a key framework for answering many important questions. Specifically, we show that these geometric correlations facilitate: (i) the definition and detection of multidimensional communities, which are sets of nodes that are simultaneously similar in multiple layers; (ii) accurate trans-layer link prediction, where connections in one layer can be predicted by observing the hidden geometric space of another layer; and (iii) efficient targeted navigation in the multilayer system using only local knowledge, which outperforms navigation in the single layers only if the geometric correlations are sufficiently strong. Our findings uncover fundamental organizing principles behind real multiplexes and can have important applications in diverse domains.Comment: Supplementary Materials available at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v12/n11/extref/nphys3812-s1.pd

    Image restoration using the chiral Potts spin-glass

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    We report on the image reconstruction (IR) problem by making use of the random chiral q-state Potts model, whose Hamiltonian possesses the same gauge invariance as the usual Ising spin glass model. We show that the pixel representation by means of the Potts variables is suitable for the gray-scale level image which can not be represented by the Ising model. We find that the IR quality is highly improved by the presence of a glassy term, besides the usual ferromagnetic term under random external fields, as very recently pointed out by Nishimori and Wong. We give the exact solution of the infinite range model with q=3, the three gray-scale level case. In order to check our analytical result and the efficiency of our model, 2D Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out on real-world pictures with three and eight gray-scale levels.Comment: RevTex 13 pages, 10 figure

    Three-Dimensional Electronic Structure of type-II Weyl Semimetal WTe2_2

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    By combining bulk sensitive soft-X-ray angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and accurate first-principles calculations we explored the bulk electronic properties of WTe2_2, a candidate type-II Weyl semimetal featuring a large non-saturating magnetoresistance. Despite the layered geometry suggesting a two-dimensional electronic structure, we find a three-dimensional electronic dispersion. We report an evident band dispersion in the reciprocal direction perpendicular to the layers, implying that electrons can also travel coherently when crossing from one layer to the other. The measured Fermi surface is characterized by two well-separated electron and hole pockets at either side of the Γ\Gamma point, differently from previous more surface sensitive ARPES experiments that additionally found a significant quasiparticle weight at the zone center. Moreover, we observe a significant sensitivity of the bulk electronic structure of WTe2_2 around the Fermi level to electronic correlations and renormalizations due to self-energy effects, previously neglected in first-principles descriptions
