67 research outputs found

    Conformally covariant quantization of Maxwell field in de Sitter space

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    In this article, we quantize the Maxwell ("massless spin one") de Sitter field in a conformally invariant gauge. This quantization is invariant under the SO0(2,4)_0(2,4) group and consequently under the de Sitter group. We obtain a new de Sitter invariant two-points function which is very simple. Our method relies on the one hand on a geometrical point of view which uses the realization of Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces as intersections of the null cone in \setR^6 and a moving plane, and on the other hand on a canonical quantization scheme of the Gupta-Bleuler type.Comment: v2 is is the definitive (improved compare to v1) versio

    Conformal invariance: from Weyl to SO(2,d)

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    The present work deals with two different but subtilely related kinds of conformal mappings: Weyl rescaling in d>2d>2 dimensional spaces and SO(2,d) transformations. We express how the difference between the two can be compensated by diffeomorphic transformations. This is well known in the framework of String Theory but in the particular case of d=2d=2 spaces. Indeed, the Polyakov formalism describes world-sheets in terms of two-dimensional conformal field theory. On the other hand, B. Zumino had shown that a classical four-dimensional Weyl-invariant field theory restricted to live in Minkowski space leads to an SO(2,4)-invariant field theory. We extend Zumino's result to relate Weyl and SO(2,d) symmetries in arbitrary conformally flat spaces (CFS). This allows us to assert that a classical SO(2,d)SO(2,d)-invariant field does not distinguish, at least locally, between two different dd-dimensional CFSs.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. There are slight modifications to match with the published versio

    Conformal use of retarded Green's functions for the Maxwell field in de Sitter space

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    We propose a new propagation formula for the Maxwell field in de Sitter space which exploit the conformal invariance of this field together with a conformal gauge condition. This formula allows to determine the classical electromagnetic field in the de Sitter space from given currents and initial data. It only uses the Green's function of the massless Minkowskian scalar field. This leads to drastic simplifications in practical calculations. We apply this formula to the classical problem of the two charges of opposite signs at rest at the North and South Poles of the de Sitter space.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Revte

    Irrigation and energy: Issues and challenges

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    Water‐efficient agriculture has implied a large increase in energy consumption for irrigation in recent decades. In many irrigation systems, energy costs are now threatening their sustainability. However, new opportunities have arisen for the use of renewable energies in the irrigation sector. These are some of the aspects of the multifaceted multiple‐actor 'water–food–energy' nexus. Technical, economic and environmental issues are linked in many ways, involving farmers, water users' associations, energy suppliers, engineers and other stakeholders. The ICID session 'Irrigation and energy' triggered discussions on these multiple dimensions. This paper presents a synthesis of the presentations, discussions and conclusions. Four main questions are addressed: How do irrigation productivity and sustainability of water resources exploitation change when farmers have access to energy? What do we know about energy efficiency in irrigation systems, at farm and collective network levels? How can this efficiency be optimized by using advanced technologies, modelling tools, improved management? Is energy production an opportunity for irrigation systems? These questions have been posed based on multiple case studies from different parts of the world. The BRL network, in southern France, illustrates advanced strategies and opportunities to reduce energy consumption and develop energy production at a network level. General conclusions are drawn from this synthesis, illustrating trade‐offs and synergies that can be identified in the irrigation sector at different scales, while opportunities for future research are proposed

    SARS-CoV-2 congenital infection and pre-eclampsia-like syndrome in dichorionic twins: A case report and review of the literature

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    Although the route of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is mainly respiratory, vertical transmission seems possible.1 We report the case of a woman with a dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy admitted to Hospital ClĂ­nico Universitario Lozano Blesa at 38+4 weeks of gestation due to severe pre-eclampsia in the context of a SARS-CoV-2 infection (positive nasopharyngeal PCR; Viasure, CerTest Biotec., Zaragoza, Spain) with a probable transplacental transmission of the virus to both twins..

    Enterprise 2.0: Research challenges and opportunities

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. Blending Web 2.0 technologies with enterprise information systems is setting up the stage for a new generation of information systems that will help enterprises open up new communication channels with their stakeholders. Contrary to traditional enterprises with top-down command flow and bottom-up feedback flow, the same flows in Enterprise 2.0 cross all levels and in all directions bringing people together in the development of creative and innovative ideas. The power of Web 2.0 technologies stems from their ability to capture real-world phenomena such as collaboration, competition, and partnership that can be converted into useful and structured information sources from which enterprises can draw information about markets’ trends, consumers’ habits, suppliers’ strategies, etc. This paper discusses the research efforts that our international research group has put into the topic of Enterprise 2.0 (aka Social Enterprise). In particular, our research group advocates that existing practices for managing enterprise information systems need to be re-visited in a way that permits to capture social relations that arise inside and outside the enterprise, to establish guidelines and techniques to assist IT practitioners integrate social relations into their design, development, and maintenance efforts of these information systems, and last but not least to identify and tackle challenges that prevent capturing social relations

    Noise-driven amplification mechanisms governing the emergence of coherent extreme events in excitable systems

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    The physics governing the formation of extreme coherent events, i.e., the systemwide emergence of an observable taking extraordinary values in a short time window, is a relevant yet elusive problem to a variety of disciplines ranging from climate science to neuroscience. Despite their inherent differences, systems exhibiting episodes of extreme coherence can be abstracted as a set of coupled nonlinear elements in a noisy and networked environment. Here, we propose a model describing the generation of extreme coherence by exploring theoretically and numerically the capacity of noise and network correlations to amplify a critical core of the system and trigger an extreme event. Although we principally center our study in modeling bursting phenomena in neuronal circuits, we extend our analysis to other systems such as algae blooms and infectious diseases. We show that extreme events originate in a relatively small core of the system and that different cores may coexist. We also show that the amplification mechanisms within a system are highly robust, so that the deletion of central nodes leads to other nodes taking leadership

    Restriction-based Fragmentation of Business Processes over the Cloud

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    Despite the elasticity and pay-per-use benefits of cloud computing (aka fifth utility computing), organizations adopting clouds could be locked-into single cloud providers, which is not always a “pleasant” experience when these providers stop operations. This is a serious concern for those organizations that who would like to deploy (core) business processes on the cloud along with tapping into these 2 benefits. To address the lock-into concern, this paper proposes an approach for decomposing business processes into fragments that would run over multiple clouds and hence, multiple providers. To develop fragments, the approach considers both restrictions over ownersof business processes and potential competition among cloud providers.Onthe one hand, restrictions apply to each task in a business process and are specialized into budget to allocate, deadline to meet, and exclusivity to request. On the other hand, competition leads cloud providers to offer flexible pricing policies that would cater to the needs and requirements of each process owner. A policy handles certain clouds’ properties referred to as limitedness, non-renewability, and nonshareability that impact the availability of cloud resources and hence, the whole fragmentation. For instance, a non- shareable resource could delay other processes, should the current process do not release this resource on time. During fragmentation interactions between owners of processes and providers of clouds happen according to 2 strategies referred to as global and partial. The former collects offers about cloud resources from all providers, while the latter collects such details from particular providers. To evaluate these strategies’ pros and cons, a system implementing them as well as demonstrating the technical feasibility of the fragmentation approach using credit-application case study, is also presented in the paper. The system extends BPMN2- modeler Eclipse plugin and supports interactions of processes’ owners with clouds’ providers that result to identifying the necessary fragments with focus on cost optimization

    Liaison sans fils à 60 GHz et réseau domestique multi-gigabit/s basé sur une infrastructure radio sur fibre bas coût

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    National audienceLe projet FUI8 ORIGIN (Optical Radio Infrastructure for Gigabit/s Indoor Network) s'adresse au marché du Réseau Local Domestique (RLD) en proposant une infrastructure bas coût qui combine l'efficacité de la fibre optique pour la diffusion radio avec les avantages d'une transmission sans fils. Les premiÚres réalisations et les tests réussis sont présentés dans ce papier
