826 research outputs found

    Low-Cost Transceiver Architectures for 60 GHz Ultra Wideband WLANs

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    Millimeter-wave multiport transceiver architectures dedicated to 60 GHz UWB short-range communications are proposed in this paper. Multi-port circuits based on 90° hybrid couplers are intensively used for phased antenna array, millimeter-wave modulation and down-conversion, as a low-cost alternative to the conventional architecture. This allows complete integration of circuits including antennas, in planar technology, on the same substrate, improving the overall transceiver performances

    Observation Of Singly Ionized Selenium Vacancies In Znse Grown By Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) has been used to investigate singly ionized selenium vacancy V Se + centers in ZnSe epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE). The study included undoped and nitrogen-doped films. Spectra taken at 8 K and 9.45 GHz, as the magnetic field was rotated in the plane from [100] to [010], showed an isotropic signal at g =2.0027±0.0004 with a linewidth of 5.8 G. In the two samples where this signal was observed, estimates of concentration were approximately 1.1×10 17 and 6.3×10 17 cm −3 . The appearance of the EPR signal correlated with an increase in the Zn/Se beam equivalent pressure ratio (during growth) in undoped films and with an increase in the nitrogen concentration in doped films. We conclude that the singly ionized selenium vacancy may be a dominant point defect in many MBE-grown ZnSe layers and that these defects may play a role in the compensation mechanisms in heavily nitrogen-doped ZnSe thin films

    Printing of cotton with eco-friendly, red algal pigment from Gracilaria sp

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    [EN] Natural dyes represent an emerging trend in the textile industry and eco-fashion due to the increasing awareness of the sustainability concept, which must be applied to the surrounding environment. In the light of the stated problem, the search for alternative sources of dyes, revealed the new, eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-carcinogenic and sustainable colorant matter, the algal biomass. In the present work, the suitability and viability of printing cotton fabrics with pigments obtained from the red macroalgae Gracilaria sp., has been investigated. For this aim, phycoerythrin, the red pigment, was extracted from fresh algal biomass, and used in a laboratory pigment-printing process, employing a natural and synthetic printing paste, for process efficiency comparison. The color values and the rubbing and laundering fastness of the printed substrates were evaluated. Results show that a light pink color can be obtained when applying both tested printing processes, and in terms of color fastness, both printing pastes show good behavior. In conclusion, the algal pigments show a high printing capacity on cotton substrates, either when employing the synthetic conventional paste and; moreover, when applying the more sustainable and eco-friendly natural paste.This work was supported by the European research project ¨SEACOLORS¨ (Demonstration of new natural dyes from algae as substitution of synthetic dyes actually used by textile industries) within the LIFE 2013 ¨Environment Policy and Governance project application¨ program.Moldovan, S.; Ferrándiz, M.; Franco, E.; Mira, E.; Capablanca, L.; Bonet-Aracil, M. (2017). Printing of cotton with eco-friendly, red algal pigment from Gracilaria sp. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. 254:1-6. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/19/192011S1625

    The complex TIE between macrophages and angiogenesis

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    Macrophages are primarily known as phagocytic immune cells, but they also play a role in diverse processes, such as morphogenesis, homeostasis and regeneration. In this review, we discuss the influence of macrophages on angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation from the pre-existing vasculature. Macrophages play crucial roles at each step of the angiogenic cascade, starting from new blood vessel sprouting to the remodelling of the vascular plexus and vessel maturation. Macrophages form promising targets for both pro- and anti-angiogenic treatments. However, to target macrophages, we will first need to understand the mechanisms that control the functional plasticity of macrophages during each of the steps of the angiogenic cascade. Here, we review recent insights in this topic. Special attention will be given to the TIE2-expressing macrophage (TEM), which is a subtype of highly angiogenic macrophages that is able to influence angiogenesis via the angiopoietin-TIE pathway

    Pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an independent predictive factor irrespective of simplified breast cancer intrinsic subtypes: a landmark and two-step approach analyses from the EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 phase III trial

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    The present analysis, carried out in the context of a randomized phase III trial, confirms superior outcomes for breast cancer patients for whom chemotherapy induces pathological complete response (pCR) after adjusting for other important prognostic factors. In contrast, when tumours do not achieve pCR, patients have a higher risk of relapse. This effect is observed in all intrinsic subtypes and justifies the current interest in post-neoadjuvant trial

    Strained graphene structures: from valleytronics to pressure sensing

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    Due to its strong bonds graphene can stretch up to 25% of its original size without breaking. Furthermore, mechanical deformations lead to the generation of pseudo-magnetic fields (PMF) that can exceed 300 T. The generated PMF has opposite direction for electrons originating from different valleys. We show that valley-polarized currents can be generated by local straining of multi-terminal graphene devices. The pseudo-magnetic field created by a Gaussian-like deformation allows electrons from only one valley to transmit and a current of electrons from a single valley is generated at the opposite side of the locally strained region. Furthermore, applying a pressure difference between the two sides of a graphene membrane causes it to bend/bulge resulting in a resistance change. We find that the resistance changes linearly with pressure for bubbles of small radius while the response becomes non-linear for bubbles that stretch almost to the edges of the sample. This is explained as due to the strong interference of propagating electronic modes inside the bubble. Our calculations show that high gauge factors can be obtained in this way which makes graphene a good candidate for pressure sensing.Comment: to appear in proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Worksho

    Особливості застосування мотиваційних факторів під час відбору кандидатів на службу до органів Державної фіскальної служби України в умовах інституційної реформи

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    Хома В. О. Особливості застосування мотиваційних факторів під час відбору кандидатів на службу до органів Державної фіскальної служби України в умовах інституційної реформи / В. О. Хома, Е. С. Молдован // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.] ; відп. за вип. М. В. Афанасьєва. – Одеса : Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2016. – Вип. 77. – С. 202-208.У статті наведено основні підходи до розуміння мотивації в сучасній українській науці. Окреслено особливості трудової діяльності у сфері державної служби, серед яких увагу зосереджено на значній кількості демотиваційних факторів. Запропоновано для ефективного процесу мотивації кандидатів на посади в системі органів ДФС України поєднувати як основні "внутрішні" мотиви, так і "зовнішні", зумовлені специфікою функціонування ДФС України.Особенности применения мотивационных факторов при отборе кандидатов на службу в органы Государственной фискальной службы Украины в условиях институциональной реформы. В статье приведены основные подходы к пониманию мотивации в современной украинской науке. Определены особенности трудовой деятельности в сфере государственной службы, среди которых внимание сосредоточено на значительном количестве демотивационных факторов. Предложено для эффективного процесса мотивации кандидатов на должности в системе органов ГФС Украины сочетать как основные "внутренние" мотивы, так и "внешние", обусловленные спецификой функционирования ДФС Украины.Features of the application of motivational factors in the selection of candidates for service in the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in terms of institutional reform. The main approaches to understanding of motivation in modern Ukrainian science are presented in the article. The peculiarities of employment in the field of Civil Service are outlined, including the focus on significant number of de-motivational factors. There is offered to combine as the main “internal” reasons for applicants to positions in the SFS system of Ukraine and “external”, due to specifics of SFS Ukraine to achieve the effective process for motivating of Civil Servants

    Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry

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    Modern humans appeared in Europe by at least 45,000 years ago1–5, but the extent of their interactions with Neanderthals, who disappeared by about 40,000 years ago6, and their relationship to the broader expansion of modern humans outside Africa are poorly understood. Here we present genome-wide data from three individuals dated to between 45,930 and 42,580 years ago from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria1,2. They are the earliest Late Pleistocene modern humans known to have been recovered in Europe so far, and were found in association with an Initial Upper Palaeolithic artefact assemblage. Unlike two previously studied individuals of similar ages from Romania7 and Siberia8 who did not contribute detectably to later populations, these individuals are more closely related to present-day and ancient populations in East Asia and the Americas than to later west Eurasian populations. This indicates that they belonged to a modern human migration into Europe that was not previously known from the genetic record, and provides evidence that there was at least some continuity between the earliest modern humans in Europe and later people in Eurasia. Moreover, we find that all three individuals had Neanderthal ancestors a few generations back in their family history, confirming that the first European modern humans mixed with Neanderthals and suggesting that such mixing could have been common

    A Photonic Atom Probe coupling 3D Atomic Scale Analysis with in situ Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

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    Laser enhanced field evaporation of surface atoms in Laser-assisted Atom Probe Tomography (La-APT) can simultaneously excite phtotoluminescence in semiconductor or insulating specimens. An atom probe equipped with appropriate focalization and collection optics has been coupled with an in-situ micro-Photoluminescence ({\mu}PL) bench that can be operated during APT analysis. The Photonic Atom Probe instrument we have developped operates at frequencies up to 500 kHz and is controlled by 150 fs laser pulses tunable in energy in a large spectral range (spanning from deep UV to near IR). Micro-PL spectroscopy is performed using a 320 mm focal length spectrometer equipped with a CCD camera for time-integrated and with a streak camera for time-resolved acquisitions. An exemple of application of this instrument on a multi-quantum well oxide heterostructure sample illustrates the potential of this new generation of tomographic atom probe.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. The following article has been accepted by the Review of Scientific Instruments. After it is published, it will be found at https://publishing.aip.org/resources/librarians/products/journals

    Techno-economical Analysis of Hybrid PV-WT-Hydrogen FC System for a Residential Building with Low Power Consumption

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    This paper shows a techno-economical analysis on performance indicators of hybrid solar-wind-hydrogen power generation system which supply with electricity a low - energy building, located in Cluj-Napoca. The case study had the main objectives, as follows: cost estimation, evaluation of energy and environmental performance for a fuel cell integrated into a small-scale hybrid system power generation and estimation of electrolytic hydrogen production based on renewable energy resources available on the proposed site. The results presented in this paper illustrate a case study for location Cluj-Napoca. The wind and solar resource can play an important role in energy needs for periods with "peak load" or intermittent energy supply. However, hydrogen production is dependent directly proportional to the availability of renewable energy resources, but the hydrogen can be considered as a storage medium for these renewable resources. It can be said that this study is a small-scale model analysis, a starting point for a detailed analysis of Romania's potential electrolytic production of hydrogen from renewable resources and supply electricity using fuel cells integrated into hybrid energy systems