89 research outputs found

    Sustainability of animal origin food waste in Serbia

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    This research analysed attitudes related to food waste sustainability and estimated amounts of animal origin food waste and food packaging waste discarded in Serbia. The field survey covered 494 respondents from Belgrade, Serbia. Results present their degree of agreement with nine selected food waste sustainability statements and their reported quantities of discarded animal origin food waste and food packaging waste. Our study showed respondents have a higher rate of agreement related to the negative social and environmental dimensions of food waste, while they have no opinions associated with the economic dimensions. Regarding animal origin food waste quantities, it is estimated that households dispose around 200 g of waste every week (11.3 kg per year) and slightly under 30 different pieces of food packaging. On an annual basis, 7,234 tons of CO2 emissions can be associated with animal origin food waste and 706.4 tons with food packaging waste in Serbia

    The influence of age on the exploitation period in broiler reproduction of parents in Ross hybrid 308

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    These investigations were intended to identify the influence of parental flock age at heavy hybrid Ross 308 (usage period) on more important reproductive capabilities (carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs,egg mass, one day old chick mass, relative chick mass share in complete egg mass) and consumption of food per processed – hatched chicken (final product of production cycle). Flock usage period lasted for 40 weeks (all eggs), respectively, 38 (brood eggs) weeks and there was possibility, based on achieved results, with evaluation of phenotype correlation, to get some concrete conclusions about the age influence on analyzed parameters during mentioned flock rising period. Phenotype correlationamong investigated characteristics has been identified since second half of parental flock using period, since 41st week age (20th carrying eggs week) up to the end of production process when parental flock was 61 week old (41st egg production week). Flock age has statistically important positive (P < 0.05) influence on carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs until 49st week (rp = 0.391) and on percentage of chicken feasibility regard the complete number of inputted eggs until 50th week (rp = 0.434). There wasstatistically significantly increasing of egg mass and one-day old incubated chicken mass (P < 0.001) as parental flock was older. Complete correlation connectivity has been identified between egg mass and absolute chick mass (P < 0.001), while very strong (P < 0.001) or strong (P < 0.01) correlative connectivity between egg mass and relative chick share [(chicken mass/egg mass) x 100]. Further more, we determined negative correlation between eggs age and food consumption per hatchedchicken for all time of breeding broiler parents, except 61st week when we determined positive coefficient of phenotype correlation (rp = 0.062), but statistically inconsequent

    Evaluación de la inuencia del ciclo vital en la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo sobre el medio ambiente

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the environmental performance of the production of pork products in Serbia. Life cycle assessment calculations have been performed to identify and quantify the environmental impacts from a cradle-to-grave perspective covering four subsystems: ‘pig housing farm’, ‘slaughterhouse’, ‘meat processing plant’ and ‘waste and waste water treatment’. Structured survey has been conducted in order to collect life cycle inventory input data. Six environmental impact potentials were calculated in this study: global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog and human toxicity. The global warming potential associated with the production of 1 kg of pork products is 9.04 kg CO2eq. Acidification potential within the pork meat chain is 9.874 x 10-3 kg SO2eq while the eutrophication potential is 0.0151 kg PO4eq. The largest contributor to the environmental profile of meat production within the pork meat chain is the production of feed and manure management. Contributions of the processing plants are mainly due to water and energy requirement and use of refrigerants in the cold chain.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti utjecaj proizvodnje proizvoda od svinjetine u Srbiji na okoliš. Izračuni za procjenu životnog ciklusa provedeni su kako bi identi.cirali i kvanti.cirali utjecaj na okoliš po načelu „od kolijevke do groba“, koji obuhvaća četiri podsustava: ‘farmu za uzgoj svinja’, ‘klaonicu’, pogone za preradu mesa’ i ‘pogon za zbrinjavanje otpada i otpadnih voda’. U cilju prikupljanja ulaznih podataka inventara životnog ciklusa provedeno je strukturirano istraživanje. Navedenim smo istraživanjem procijenili šest potencijalnih utjecaja na okoliš: potencijal globalnog zatopljenja, potencijal akiseljavanja, potencijal eutro.kacije, potencijal razaranja ozona, potencijal stvaranja fotokemijskog smoga i toksičnost za čovjeka. Potencijal globalnog zatopljenja povezan s proizvodnjom 1 kg proizvoda od svinjetine iznosi 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Potencijal zakiseljavanja unutar lanca svinjskog mesa iznosi 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, a potencijal eutro.kacije 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Na okoliš u lancu svinjskog mesa tijekom proizvodnje najviše utječu proizvodnja stočne hrane i upravljanje gnojivom. Utjecaj pogona za preradu uglavnom se odnosi na zahtjeve za vodu i energiju te uporabu rashladnih sustava u hladnom lancu.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Ein!uss der Herstellung von Schweine!eischprodukten in Serbien auf die Umwelt zu bewerten. Berechungen für die Bewertung des Lebenszyklus wurden vorgenommen, um die Umweltein!üsse zu identi.zieren und quanti.zieren, nach dem Grundsatz „von der Wiege bis zum Grabe“, der vier Teilsysteme umfasst: ‘Schweinezuchtbetrieb’, ‘Schlachtbetrieb’, ‘Fleischverarbeitungsbetrieb’ und ‘Abfall- und Abwasserentsorgungsbetrieb’. Um Eingangsdaten über das Lebenszyklusinventar zu sammeln, wurde eine strukturierte Untersuchung durchgeführt. In der genannten Untersuchung haben wir sechs potentielle Umweltein!üsse ausgewertet: Potential der globalen Erwärmung, Potential der Versauerung, Potential der Eutrophierung, Potential der Ozonzerstörung, Potential der Entstehung von Sommersmog und Toxizität für den Menschen. Das Potential der globalen Erwärmung, das mit der Herstellung von 1 kg Schweine!eischprodukten verbunden ist, beträgt 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Das Potential der Versauerung innerhalb der Schweine!eischkette beläuft sich auf 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq und das Potential der Eutrophierung auf 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Der größte Ein!uss in der Fleischkette während der Herstellung haben die Produktion von Viehfutter und die Verwaltung von Düngemitteln. Die Auswirkung des Verarbeitungsbetriebs bezieht sich größtenteils auf die Wasser- und Energieanforderungen und den Einsatz von Kühlmitteln in der Kühlkette.Obiettivo di questo studio č quello di valutare l’incidenza della produzione dei prodotti di carne suina sull’ambiente in Serbia. I rilevamenti per la valutazione del ciclo vitale sono stati eseguiti ai .ni dell’identi.cazione e della quanti.cazione dell’incidenza sull’ambiente in base al principio “dalla culla alla tomba”, comprendente quattro sottosistemi: “impianto d’allevamento di suini”, “macello/mattatoio”, “impianto di lavorazione delle carni” e “impianto per lo smaltimento dei ri.uti e delle acque reue”. Ai .ni della raccolta dei dati d’ingresso dell’inventario del ciclo vitale animale, č stata eseguita una ricerca strutturata. Mediante detta ricerca, abbiamo valutato sei potenziali fattori d’incidenza sull’ambiente: il potenziale di riscaldamento globale, il potenziale di acidi.cazione, il potenziale di eutro.zzazione, il potenziale di degrado dell’ozono, il potenziale di creazione dello smog fotochimico e di tossicitŕ per l’uomo. Il potenziale di riscaldamento globale legato alla produzione di 1 kg di prodotti di carne suina č pari a 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Il potenziale di acidicazione nell’ambito della catena di produzione della carne suina č pari a 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, mentre il potenziale di eutro.zzazione čpari a 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Sull’ambiente, nel nell’ambito della catena della carne suina, nel corso della produzione, incidono maggiormente la produzione del mangime e la gestione del concime. L’incidenza dell’impianto di lavorazione delle carni si riferisce in prevalenza alle esigenze di acqua ed energia e all’uso di sistemi di ra#reddamento nella catena del freddo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la inuencia de la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo en Serbia sobre el medio ambiente. Los cálculos para evaluar el ciclo vital fueron hechos para identi.car y cuanti.car la inuencia sobre el medio ambiente según el principio ‘’de la cuna a la tumba’’, el cual incluye cuatro subsistemas: ‘la planta para crianza de cerdos’, ‘el matadero’, la planta para el procesamiento de carne’ y ‘la planta para deposito de residuos y aguas residuales’. Fue hecha una investigación estructurada el .n de recoger los datos de entrada del inventario del ciclo vital fue hecha una. Con la investigación mencionada evaluamos seis potenciales impactos sobre el medio ambiente: el potencial de calentamiento global, el potencial de acidi.cación, el potencial de eutro.zación, el potencial de destrucción de la capa de ozono, el potencial de formación de esmog fotoquímico y toxicidad para los seres humanos. El potencial de calentamiento global conectado con la producción de 1 kg del producto de carne de cerdo es 9,04 kg CO2Eq. El potencial de acidi.cación dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo es 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq y el potencial de eutro.zación es 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo los que más inuyen sobre el medio ambiente son la producción del pienso y la gestión del estiércol. La inuencia de la planta para el procesamiento de carne se re.ere principalmente a la demanda de agua y energía, y el uso de los sistemas de enfriamiento en la cadena de frío

    Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals

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    Cognition of chemical composition and nutritive values of triticale grain as well as the effect of its application in non-ruminant animal nutrition were pointed out in this paper. There is a high level of proteins in the grain of triticale (2 to 3% more than wheat and 4% more than rye), with very beneficial amino acid composition, and is the reason for its usage in domestic animals nutrition. Nowadays, people are of the opinion that triticale is one of potential plant species with the brightest perspective in the production of food for domestic animals. Considering the increased production of triticale, some detail researching of its nutritional value is necessary due to the required evaluation of the role and significance in domestic animal nutrition based on triticale. Due to intensive plant breeding programs, there are new varieties of triticale in the market, distinctive by the higher yield and wide range of desired traits. As a result of this, triticale is becoming very attractive and is occupying larger portions of arable land. These review will show if there are some advantages of triticale compared to other cereals and how large the frame of these advantages is, as well as how it will affect the further spreading of triticale on arable land.Key words: Triticale, chemical composition, nutritive capacity, nutrition

    Techno-functional, textural and sensorial properties of frankfurters as affected by the addition of bee pollen powder

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    The objective of this study was to determine whether the addition of different pollen powder concentrations (0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 g/100 g) had an influence on techno-functional, textural and sensorial traits of frankfurters. Examining the techno-functional characteristics of pollen, a conclusion was reached that the higher the concentration, the higher the emulsification and better techno-functional properties. Also, FTIR-ATR analysis has shown that specific pollen molecules provided good emulsifying properties of sausages. On the other hand, sensory analysis showed that sausages with the addition of 1.0% and 1.5% of pollen powder have a more pronounced floral odor. Warner-Bratzler shear force test has shown that the incorporation of pollen caused a more stable product throughout sixty days of storage than the control sample. It could be explained by the formation of more protein-protein interactions due to the addition of non-meat proteins in the formulation of frankfurters and obtaining a more stable product than the control one. All things considered, it can be concluded that pollen exhibits good techno-functional properties and could be utilized in the formulation of frankfurters with improved and steady techno-functional properties during two months of refrigerated storage

    Air Quality Indication in Blace (Southeastern Serbia) Using Lichens as Bioindicators

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    Air quality investigations have not been undertaken in Blace until now. Identifying the presence of different types of epiphytic lichens was performed in the summer 2012 in Blace (southeastern Serbia), and selected rural settlements around Blace, in order to establish the air quality of the area. The analysis of samples from described localities indicated the presence of 25 lichen taxa from 19 genera. Using the Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP), it was found that there are 2 different air pollution zones in Blace: "lichen desert" and "transitional" or "struggle zone", which includes the periphery of the city. In these zones the air is moderately polluted. In the urban area of Blace there is no "normal" zone, but one was detected in the surrounding rural areas

    Magnetic field stabilization for high-accuracy mass measurements on exotic nuclides

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    The magnetic-field stability of a mass spectrometer plays a crucial role in precision mass measurements. In the case of mass determination of short-lived nuclides with a Penning trap, major causes of instabilities are temperature fluctuations in the vicinity of the trap and pressure fluctuations in the liquid helium cryostat of the superconducting magnet. Thus systems for the temperature and pressure stabilization of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the ISOLDE facility at CERN have been installed. A reduction of the fluctuations by at least one order of magnitude downto dT=+/-5mK and dp=+/-50mtorr has been achieved, which corresponds to a relative frequency change of 2.7x10^{-9} and 1.5x10^{-10}, respectively. With this stabilization the frequency determination with the Penning trap only shows a linear temporal drift over several hours on the 10 ppb level due to the finite resistance of the superconducting magnet coils.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Pros and cons of using a computer vision system for color evaluation of meat and meat products

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    The ability of a computer vision system to evaluate the color of meat and meat products was investigated by a comparison study with color measurements from a traditional colorimeter. Pros and cons of using a computer vision system for color evaluation of meat and meat products were evaluated. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the instrumental values in all three dimensions (L*, a*, b*) between the computer vision system and the colorimeter. The computer vision system-generated colors were perceived as being more similar to the sample of the meat products visualized on the monitor, compared to colorimeter-generated colors in all (100%) individual trials performed. The use of the computer vision system is, therefore, considered a superior and less expensive alternative to the traditional method for measuring color of meat and meat products. The disadvantages of the computer vision system are its size, which makes it stationary, and the lack of official manufacturers that can provide ready-to-use systems. This type of computerized system still demands experts for its assembly and utilization

    Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using the Hammerstein-Wiener Model with Improved Orthogonal Functions

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    Hammerstein-Wiener systems present a structure consisting of three serial cascade blocks. Two are static nonlinearities, which can be described with nonlinear functions. The third block represents a linear dynamic component placed between the first two blocks. Some of the common linear model structures include a rational-type transfer function, orthogonal rational functions (ORF), finite impulse response (FIR), autoregressive with extra input (ARX), autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX), and output-error (O-E) model structure. This paper presents a new structure, and a new improvement is proposed, which is consisted of the basic structure of Hammerstein-Wiener models with an improved orthogonal function of Müntz-Legendre type. We present an extension of generalised Malmquist polynomials that represent Müntz polynomials. Also, a detailed mathematical background for performing improved almost orthogonal polynomials, in combination with Hammerstein-Wiener models, is proposed. The proposed approach is used to identify the strongly nonlinear hydraulic system via the transfer function. To compare the results obtained, well-known orthogonal functions of the Legendre, Chebyshev, and Laguerre types are exploited