1,016 research outputs found

    Strengthening mathematical skills through MOOCs: a case study

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    [EN] Recently there has been a huge development in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) with the aim to ease and complement the learning process, especially at university level. In this context we presented four MOOCs entitled Basic Mathematics: Numbers and Terminology, Differentiability, Integrals and Algebra on the platforms UPV[X] and EdX, aiming to match the freshmen s level in mathematics at engineering grades. We have used these courses to reinforce theoretical knowledge during the first year of university and to promote them as an educational complement among the students showing more difficulties in mathematics. The implementation of these MOOCs as an element of the learning process has brought new methodological opportunities. The resources and tools offered make learning a more social and collaborative process as connect students with each other, allowing new methodologies focused on problem-solving techniques. In addition, although the MOOCs impose a sequence of contents, this is usually quite adaptable and contributes to the individualization of learning, allowing students to work at their own pace and in an environment of their choice. The procedure has been based on tracking students with lower academic performance or those showing mathematical gaps and offering them the opportunity to reinforce such knowledge through the use of specific MOOCs. The process has been done mainly online but with periodic meetings with the teachers to evaluate student progress. This methodology (based in a blended learning methodology) is intended to enhance the motivation and improve the performance of the students, avoiding dropouts. The results of the students joining these courses are presented versus the results from the students that did not participated.The authors would like to thank the Department of Applied Mathematics for the Teaching Innovation Projects, PID-DMA-2014, which funds this research.López Alfonso, S.; Moll López, SE.; Sánchez, S.; Vega Fleitas, E. (2016). Strengthening mathematical skills through MOOCs: a case study. International Journal for e-Learning Security. 6(1):488-493. https://doi.org/10.20533/ijds.2046.4568.2016.0062S4884936

    Abdominal adiposity, insulin resistance, and oxidized low-density lipoproteins in Latino adolescents

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    Abdominal obesity and insulin resistance (IR) place youth at higher risk for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the underlying mechanisms are not clear. In adults, abdominal obesity and IR contribute to the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Whether similar mechanisms are operational in Latino adolescents is unknown. Therefore, we determined whether IR and abdominal adiposity are associated with higher oxLDL concentrations in Latino adolescents. Data from 123 Latino adolescents (16.3 ± 2.5 years; female = 74) were used for the present analysis. Participants were assessed for waist circumference, fasting serum oxLDL, and insulin sensitivity by the whole body insulin sensitivity index. In separate linear regression models adjusting for age and sex, both waist circumference and insulin sensitivity were significant predictors of oxLDL (β = 1.9; p = 0.002; R(2) = 0.13, β = -1.7; p = 0.006; R(2) = 0.11, respectively). When insulin sensitivity and waist circumference were included in the same model, both remained independent predictors of oxLDL (β = 1.7; p = 0.016 and, β = -1.5; p = 0.055, respectively; R(2) = 0.16). These results suggest that insulin resistance and abdominal adiposity are associated with higher levels of LDL oxidation which may be a mechanism contributing to increased CVD risk in Latino adolescents

    Study of GaAs(Ti) thin films as candidates for IB solar cells manufacturing

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    Thin films of GaAs(Ti) have been deposited by sputtering on glass and n_GaAs substrates under different process conditions. Optical characteristics of these samples have been analyzed to study the potential of this material in intermediate Band solar cell manufacturin

    The Minimum-Uncertainty Squeezed States for for Atoms and Photons in a Cavity

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    We describe a six-parameter family of the minimum-uncertainty squeezed states for the harmonic oscillator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. They are derived by the action of corresponding maximal kinematical invariance group on the standard ground state solution. We show that the product of the variances attains the required minimum value 1/4 only at the instances that one variance is a minimum and the other is a maximum, when the squeezing of one of the variances occurs. The generalized coherent states are explicitly constructed and their Wigner function is studied. The overlap coefficients between the squeezed, or generalized harmonic, and the Fock states are explicitly evaluated in terms of hypergeometric functions. The corresponding photons statistics are discussed and some applications to quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and superfocusing in channeling scattering are mentioned. Explicit solutions of the Heisenberg equations for radiation field operators with squeezing are found.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, 174 references J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Special Issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of quantum state engineering (R. Blatt, A. Lvovsky, and G. Milburn, Guest Editors), May 201

    Low-temperature oxidation effects on the morphological and structural properties of hexagonal Zn nanodisks

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    Ambient-atmosphere oxidation in the temperature range of 90-450 C was performed over Zn films composed by well-faceted hexagonal nanodisks, which were deposited by thermal evaporation. Morphological and structural properties of oxidized Zn nanodisks were studied by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman scattering measurements. It was found that Zn nanodisks keep its original shape only when they are annealed at 90 or 150 C. Smooth oxidation ocurred only on the rectangular faces of Zn nandodisks heated at 150 C. Thermal oxidation at 250 C favored growth of ZnO nanoneedles over the surface of the Zn nanodisks. Hexagonal-shape of Zn nanodisks was transformed completely into a complex morphology composed by different shaped particles, with further increase in oxidation temperature to 450 C

    Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the geologic evolution of the western Sonobari Complex, northwestern Mexico

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    In the southern Sierra Sonobari, NW Mexico, U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology studies allowed to define the provenance and maximum depositional age of the Francisco Gneiss basement of the Sonobari terrane, and to establish the age of some magmatic events in that area. The youngest zircon cluster in paragneisses of the Francisco Gneiss indicates a maximum depositional age of 509 ± 29Ma. The main peaks of the relative probability plot yield ages of 1690 and 1404Ma with minor peaks at 1156, 921, and 517Ma. Major peaks suggest that the main source of sediments was the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic crust of Laurentia. Orthogneiss from the Francisco Gneiss yields a U-Pb zircon upper intercept age of 248 ± 28Ma, which is interpreted as the crystallization age. Crosscutting dykes of metabasite yield an 40Ar/39Ar age of 67 ± 5Ma, which is interpreted as indicating cooling after either a latest Early Cretaceous orogenic event or Late Cretaceous contact metamorphism. Granodiorite intruding the Francisco Gneiss yields a U-Pb age of 64 ± 1Ma, which is interpreted as a magmatic age. The hornblende-plagioclase Macochin Gabbro yields 40Ar/39Ar isochron ages of 54 ± 10Ma and 47 ± 5Ma, which are interpreted as cooling ages after the gabbro intrusion. Geochemical data indicate that the mafic rocks of the Francisco Gneiss correspond to subalkaline basalts of tholeiitic affinity with concentrations of high field strength elements similar to oceanic basalts, suggesting an asthenospheric upper mantle source. However, according to the variation in Th/Yb and U/Yb, the amphibolites display a significant influence of the upper continental crust. The Macochin Gabbro also has a geochemical signature characteristic of subalkaline basalt with tholeiitic affinity, and high field strength elements similar to oceanic basalts. Tectonic discrimination diagrams and elemental distribution suggest that the mafic rocks of both the Francisco Gneiss and Macochin Gabbro were emplaced during rifting in a back-arc setting

    Ensayos de dinteles de fábrica de ladrillo atirantada sobre los nuevos Apoyos Pi, distanciados 6m entre sí

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    Comunicación presentada en las II Jornadas de Investigación en Construcción: "60 años de Informes de la Construcción", celebradas los pasados 22, 23 y 24 de mayo de 2008 en el Instituto "Eduardo Torroja" de Ciencias de la Construcción (IETCC-CSIC) de Madrid.Comparando la Arquitectura de Ladrillos del s.XIX con el empleo del ladrillo en la Arquitectura del s.XX, se puede observar que abunda mayor patología en las fábricas de ladrillo cara vista recientes que en las más antiguas. El primer paso para prevenir la abundante fisuración de la albañilería apreciada en España a finales del siglo pasado, se dio en 1992, con la realización del "Manual Murfor: La fábrica armada", estableciéndose en él los criterios posteriormente contemplados en el "Eurocódigo 6: Estructuras de Fábrica", de recomendar armar con el 0,03% de la sección del muro, y a distancias verticales no mayores de 600mm. Las primeras aplicaciones arquitectónicas de la fábrica armada en España, fueron realizadas por este Arquitecto en sus obras de la Plaza de la Remonta y de El Espinillo, divulgándose por su potencial arquitectónico, tanto en Europa como en América.En este artículo se retoman las posibilidades del incremento de prestaciones de la fábrica armada Murfor con "arcos atirantados ciegos de gran luz", establecidas por primera vez en el Manual español, lo que permite salvar 6m de luz con solamente 2 armaduras Murfor de 5mm de diámetro en la parte inferior de los dinteles.Los autores agradecen la inestimable colaboración de los Institutos de Investigación IBAC de Aachen (Alemania) y el I.E. Torroja de Madrid (España), por haber hecho posible esta interesante colaboración investigadora europea de valor internacional.Peer reviewe

    Wide-bandgap InAs/InGaP quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells

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    Current prototypes of quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells suffer from voltage reduction due to the existence of carrier thermal escape. An enlarged sub-bandgap EL would not only minimize this problem, but would also lead to a bandgap distribution that exploits more efficiently the solar spectrum. In this work we demonstrate InAs/InGaP QD-IBSC prototypes with the following bandgap distribution: EG = 1.88 eV, EH = 1.26 eV and EL > 0.4 eV. We have measured, for the first time in this material, both the interband and intraband transitions by means of photocurrent experiments. The activation energy of the carrier thermal escape in our devices has also been measured. It is found that its value, compared to InAs/GaAs-based prototypes, does not follow the increase in EL. The benefits of using thin AlGaAs barriers before and after the quantum-dot layers are analyzed

    Innervation of the Human Cavum Conchae and Auditory Canal: Anatomical Basis for Transcutaneous Auricular Nerve Stimulation

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    The innocuous transcutaneous stimulation of nerves supplying the outer ear has been demonstrated to be as effective as the invasive direct stimulation of the vagus nerve for the treatment of some neurological and nonneurological disturbances. Thus, the precise knowledge of external ear innervation is of maximal interest for the design of transcutaneous auricular nerve stimulation devices. We analyzed eleven outer ears, and the innervation was assessed by Masson’s trichrome staining, immunohistochemistry, or immunofluorescence (neurofilaments, S100 protein, and myelin-basic protein). In both the cavum conchae and the auditory canal, nerve profiles were identified between the cartilage and the skin and out of the cartilage. The density of nerves and of myelinated nerve fibers was higher out of the cartilage and in the auditory canal with respect to the cavum conchae. Moreover, the nerves were more numerous in the superior and posterior-inferior than in the anterior-inferior segments of the auditory canal. The present study established a precise nerve map of the human cavum conchae and the cartilaginous segment of the auditory canal demonstrating regional differences in the pattern of innervation of the human outer ear. These results may provide additional neuroanatomical basis for the accurate design of auricular transcutaneous nerve stimulation devices

    Adaptive clock with useful jitter

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    Report - Departament Ciències de la ComputacióThe growing variability in nanoelectronic devices due to uncertainties from the manufacturing process and environmental conditions (power supply, temperature, aging) requires increasing design guardbands, forcing circuits to work with conservative clock frequencies. Various schemes for clock generation based on ring oscillators have been proposed with the goal to mitigate the power and performance losses attributable to variability. However, there has been no systematic analysis to quantify the benefits of such schemes.This paper presents and analyzes an Adaptive Clocking scheme with Useful Jitter (ACUJ) that uses variability as an opportunity to reduce power by adapting the clock frequency to the varying environmental conditions and, thus, reducing guardband margins significantly. Power can be reduced between 20% and 40% at iso-performance and performance can be boosted by similar amounts at iso-power. Additionally, energy savings can be translated to substantial advantages in terms of reliability and thermal management. More importantly, the technology can be adopted with minimal modifications to conventional EDA flows.Postprint (published version