1,011 research outputs found

    Preliminary effects of fertilization on ecochemical soil condition in mature spruce stands experiencing dieback in the Beskid Śla̧ski and Żywiecki Mountains, Poland

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    In recent years, there has been the phenomena of spruce dieback in Europe. Significant areas of spruce low mortality now cover both sides of the Polish southern border. We evaluated ecochemical parameters influencing the heavy dieback occurring in mature spruce stands in the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Dolomite, magnesite and serpentinite fertilizers were applied to experimental plots located in 100-year-old stands in the autumn of 2008. The experimental plots were located in the mid-elevational forest zone (900-950 m) on two nappes of the flysch Carpathians: Magura (Ujsoły Forest District) and Silesian (Wisła Forest District). The saturation of the studied soils demonstrates moderate resilience of soils in Wisła Forest District in relation to acid load and high flexibility of the Ujsoły soils. After application of the fertilizers, an increase of Mg, Ca and Mb was noted in the soil solution, determined in the overlaying highly acidic organic horizons through the ion-exchange buffering mechanism of highly protonated functional groups with high buffering capacity. Magnesium concentration increased following fertilization, presenting a potential improvement of forest growth capacity without the hazard of adverse side effects of liming. Aluminium stress in old spruce is unlikely, while trees in the control plots in Wisła Forest District may already be sensitive to aluminium stress. Serpentinite fertilization improved the supply of soils in magnesium without causing significant changes in the pH of the soil. Such changes in the pH were found in dolomite and magnesite fertilizer. © The Author(s) 2014

    The Cardiac Effects of Performance-Enhancing Medications: Caffeine vs. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids.

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    Several performance-enhancing or ergogenic drugs have been linked to both significant adverse cardiovascular effects and increased cardiovascular risk. Even with increased scrutiny on the governance of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in professional sport and heightened awareness of the associated cardiovascular risk, there are some who are prepared to risk their use to gain competitive advantage. Caffeine is the most commonly consumed drug in the world and its ergogenic properties have been reported for decades. Thus, the removal of caffeine from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of banned substances, in 2004, has naturally led to an exponential rise in its use amongst athletes. The response to caffeine is complex and influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Whilst the evidence may be equivocal, the ability of an athlete to train longer or at a greater power output cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, its impact on the myocardium remains unanswered. In contrast, anabolic androgenic steroids are recognised PEDs that improve athletic performance, increase muscle growth and suppress fatigue. Their use, however, comes at a cost, afflicting the individual with several side effects, including those that are detrimental to the cardiovascular system. This review addresses the effects of the two commonest PEDs, one legal, the other prohibited, and their respective effects on the heart, as well as the challenge in defining its long-term implications

    Star forming galaxies in the AKARI deep field south : identifications and spectral energy distributions

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    Aims. We investigate the nature and properties of far-infrared (FIR) sources in the AKARI deep field south (ADF-S). Methods. We performed an extensive search for the counterparts to 1000 ADF-S objects brighter than 0.0301 Jy in the WIDE-S (90 μm) AKARI band in the public databases (NED and SIMBAD). We analyzed the properties of the resulting sample: statistics of the identified objects, quality of position determination of the ADF-S sources, their number counts, redshift distribution, and comparison of morphological types, when the corresponding information was available. We performed a simplifield analysis of the clustering properties of the ADF-S sources and compliled spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects with the highest quality photometry, using three different models. Results. Among 1000 investigated ADF-S sources, 545 were identified with sources at other wavelengths in public databases. From them, 518 are known galaxies and 343 of these were previously known as infra-red sources. Among the remaining sources, there are two quasars and both infrared and radio sources of unknown origin. Among six stellar identifications, at least five are probably the effect of contamination. We measured the redshifts of 48 extragalactic objects and determined the morphological types of 77 galaxies. We present SED models of 47 sources with sufficiently good photometric data. Conclusions. We conclude that the bright FIR point sources observed in the ADF-S are mostly nearby galaxies. Their properties are very similar to the properties of the local population of optically bright galaxies, except for unusually high ratio of peculiar or interacting objects and a lower percentage of elliptical galaxies. The percentage of lenticular galaxies is the same as in the optically bright population, which suggests that galaxies of this type may frequently contain a significant amount of cool dust. It is possible that source confusion plays a significant role in more than 34% of measurements. The SEDs correspond to a variety of galaxy types, from very actively star forming to very quiescent. The AKARI long wavelength bands data have enabled us to determine for the first time that these galaxies are objects with very cool dust

    MUSE observations of the giant low surface brightness galaxy Malin 1: Numerous HII regions, star formation rate, metallicity, and dust attenuation

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    Giant low-surface brightness (GLSB) galaxies are an extreme class of objects with very faint and extended gas-rich disks. Malin 1 is the largest GLSB galaxy known to date, but its formation is still poorly understood. We use VLT/MUSE IFU spectroscopic observations of Malin 1 to reveal, for the first time, the presence of Hα\alpha emission distributed across numerous regions along its disk, up to radial distances of \sim100 kpc. We made an estimate of the dust attenuation using the Balmer decrement and found that Malin 1 has a mean Hα\alpha attenuation of 0.36 mag. We observe a steep decline in the star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR}) within the inner 20 kpc, followed by a shallow decline in the extended disk. Similarly, the gas phase metallicity we estimated shows a steep gradient in the inner 20 kpc, followed by a flattening of the metallicity in the extended disk with a relatively high value of \sim0.6 ZZ_{\odot}. We found that the normalized abundance gradient of the inner disk is similar to values found in normal galaxies but with an extreme value in the extended disk. A comparison of the star formation rate surface density and gas surface density shows that, unlike normal disk galaxies or other LSBs, Malin 1 exhibits a very low star formation efficiency. Owing to the detection of emission lines over a large part of the disk of Malin 1, this work sheds light on the star formation processes in this unique galaxy, highlighting its extended star-forming disk, dust attenuation, almost flat metallicity distribution in the outer disk, and exceptionally low star-formation efficiency. Our findings contribute to a more detailed understanding of the formation of the giant disk of Malin 1 and also constrain possible proposed scenarios on the nature of GLSB galaxies in general.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Clustering of the AKARI NEP deep field 24<i>μ</i>m selected galaxies

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    Aims. We present a method of selection of 24 μm galaxies from the AKARI north ecliptic pole (NEP) deep field down to 150 μJy and measurements of their two-point correlation function. We aim to associate various 24 μm selected galaxy populations with present day galaxies and to investigate the impact of their environment on the direction of their subsequent evolution. Methods. We discuss using of Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithm applied to infrared photometric data to perform star-galaxy separation, in which we achieve an accuracy higher than 80%. The photometric redshift information, obtained through the CIGALE code, is used to explore the redshift dependence of the correlation function parameter (r0) as well as the linear bias evolution. This parameter relates galaxy distribution to the one of the underlying dark matter. We connect the investigated sources to their potential local descendants through a simplified model of the clustering evolution without interactions. Results. We observe two different populations of star-forming galaxies, at zmed ∼ 0.25, zmed ∼ 0.9. Measurements of total infrared luminosities (LTIR) show that the sample at zmed ∼ 0.25 is composed mostly of local star-forming galaxies, while the sample at zmed ∼ 0.9 is composed of luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) with LTIR ∼ 1011.62 L⨀. We find that dark halo mass is not necessarily correlated with the LTIR: for subsamples with LTIR = 1011.15 L⨀ at zmed ∼ 0.7 we observe a higher clustering length (r0 = 6.21 ± 0.78 [h−1Mpc]) than for a subsample with mean LTIR = 1011.84 L⨀ at zmed ∼ 1.1 (r0 = 5.86 ± 0.69 h−1Mpc). We find that galaxies at zmed ∼ 0.9 can be ancestors of present day L∗ early type galaxies, which exhibit a very high r0 ∼ 8h−1 Mpc.</p

    Variation of optical and infrared properties of galaxies with their surface brightness

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    Although low surface brightness galaxies (LSBs) contribute a large fraction to the number density of galaxies, their properties are still poorly known. LSBs are often considered dust poor, based only on a few studies. We use, for the first time, a large sample of LSBs and high surface brightness galaxies (HSBs) with deep observational data to study their dust properties as a function of surface brightness. Our sample consists of 1631 optically selected galaxies at z<0.1z < 0.1 from the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) wide field. We use the large set of data available in this field, from UV to FIR. We measured the optical size and the surface brightness of the targets, and analyzed their spectral energy distribution using the CIGALE fitting code. We found that the specific star formation rate and specific infrared luminosity (total infrared luminosity per stellar mass) remain mostly flat as a function of surface brightness for both LSBs and HSBs that are star-forming but decline steeply for the quiescent galaxies. The majority of LSBs in our sample have negligible dust attenuation (AV<0.1_{V} < 0.1 mag), except for about 4% of them that show significant attenuation with a mean AV_{V} of 0.8 mag. We found that these LSBs also have a high r\textit{r}-band mass-to-light ratio (M/Lr>3M/L_r>3 M_{\odot}/L_{\odot}), and show similarity to the extreme giant LSBs from the literature, indicating a possibly higher dust attenuation in giant LSBs as well. This work provides a large catalog of LSBs and HSBs with detailed measurements of their several optical and infrared physical properties. Our results suggest that the dust content of LSBs is more varied than previously thought, with some of them having significant attenuation making them fainter than their intrinsic value. This will have serious implications for the observation and analysis of LSBs with current/upcoming surveys like JWST and LSST.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). Exploring the dependence of the three-point correlation function on stellar mass and luminosity at 0.5<z<1.1

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    The three-point correlation function (3PCF) is a powerful probe to investigate the clustering of matter in the Universe in a complementary way with respect to lower-order statistics, providing additional information with respect to the two-point correlation function and allowing us to shed light on biasing, nonlinear processes, and deviations from Gaussian statistics. In this paper, we analyse the first data release of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS), determining the dependence of the three-point correlation function on luminosity and stellar mass at z=[0.5,1.1]z=[0.5,1.1]. We exploit the VIPERS Public Data Release 1, consisting of more than 50,000 galaxies with B-band magnitudes in the range 21.6MB5log(h)19.9-21.6\lesssim M_{\rm B}-5\log(h)\lesssim-19.9 and stellar masses in the range 9.8log(M[h2M])10.79.8\lesssim\log(M_\star[h^{-2}\,M_\odot])\lesssim 10.7. We measure both the connected 3PCF and the reduced 3PCF in redshift space, probing different configurations and scales, in the range 2.5<r2.5<r\,[Mpc/h]<20<20. We find a significant dependence of the reduced 3PCF on scales and triangle shapes, with stronger anisotropy at larger scales (r10r\sim10 Mpc/h) and an almost flat trend at smaller scales, r2.5r\sim2.5 Mpc/h. Massive and luminous galaxies present a larger connected 3PCF, while the reduced 3PCF is remarkably insensitive to magnitude and stellar masses in the range we explored. These trends, already observed at low redshifts, are confirmed for the first time to be still valid up to z=1.1z=1.1, providing support to the hierarchical scenario for which massive and bright systems are expected to be more clustered. The possibility of using the measured 3PCF to provide independent constraints on the linear galaxy bias bb has also been explored, showing promising results in agreement with other probes.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): PCA-based automatic cleaning and reconstruction of survey spectra

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    Identifying spurious reduction artefacts in galaxy spectra is a challenge for large surveys. We present an algorithm for identifying and repairing residual spurious features in sky-subtracted galaxy spectra with application to the VIPERS survey. The algorithm uses principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the galaxy spectra in the observed frame to identify sky line residuals imprinted at characteristic wavelengths. We further model the galaxy spectra in the rest-frame using PCA to estimate the most probable continuum in the corrupted spectral regions, which are then repaired. We apply the method to 90,000 spectra from the VIPERS survey and compare the results with a subset where careful editing was performed by hand. We find that the automatic technique does an extremely good job in reproducing the time-consuming manual cleaning and does it in a uniform and objective manner across a large data sample. The mask data products produced in this work are released together with the VIPERS second public data release (PDR-2).Comment: Find the VIPERS data release at http://vipers.inaf.i

    A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE).XIII. The role of ram-pressure stripping in transforming the diffuse and ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Virgo cluster

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    Low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSBs) contribute to a significant fraction of all the galaxies in the Universe. Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) form a subclass of LSBs that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years (although its definition may vary between studies). Although UDGs are found in large numbers in galaxy clusters, groups, and in the field, their formation and evolution are still very much debated. Using a comprehensive set of multiwavelength data from the NGVS (optical), VESTIGE (Hα\alpha narrowband), and GUViCS (UV) surveys, we studied a sample of 64 diffuse galaxies and UDGs in the Virgo cluster to investigate their formation history. We analyzed the photometric colors and surface-brightness profiles of these galaxies and then compared them to models of galaxy evolution, including ram-pressure stripping (RPS) events to infer any possible strong interactions with the hot cluster gas in the past. While our sample consists mainly of red LSBs, which is typical in cluster environments, we found evidence of a color variation with the cluster-centric distance. Blue, HI-bearing, star-forming diffuse galaxies are found at larger distances from the cluster center than the rest of the sample. The comparison of our models with multifrequency observations suggests that most of the galaxies of the sample might have undergone a strong RPS event in their lifetime, on average 1.6 Gyr ago (with a large dispersion, and RPS still ongoing for some of them). This process resulted in the transformation of initially gas-rich diffuse blue galaxies into gas-poor and red ones that form the dominant population now, the more extreme UDGs having undergone the process in a more distant past on average. The RPS in dense environments could be one of the major mechanisms for the formation of the large number of quiescent UDGs we observe in galaxy clusters.Comment: 57 pages, 14 Figures, accepted for publication in A&