1,527 research outputs found

    Survey on Instruction Selection: An Extensive and Modern Literature Review

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    Instruction selection is one of three optimisation problems involved in the code generator backend of a compiler. The instruction selector is responsible of transforming an input program from its target-independent representation into a target-specific form by making best use of the available machine instructions. Hence instruction selection is a crucial part of efficient code generation. Despite on-going research since the late 1960s, the last, comprehensive survey on the field was written more than 30 years ago. As new approaches and techniques have appeared since its publication, this brings forth a need for a new, up-to-date review of the current body of literature. This report addresses that need by performing an extensive review and categorisation of existing research. The report therefore supersedes and extends the previous surveys, and also attempts to identify where future research should be directed.Comment: Major changes: - Merged simulation chapter with macro expansion chapter - Addressed misunderstandings of several approaches - Completely rewrote many parts of the chapters; strengthened the discussion of many approaches - Revised the drawing of all trees and graphs to put the root at the top instead of at the bottom - Added appendix for listing the approaches in a table See doc for more inf

    LC-MS/MS Quantification Reveals Ample Gut Uptake and Metabolization of Dietary Phytochemicals in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)

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    The honey bee pollen/nectar diet is rich in bioactive phytochemicals and recent studies have demonstrated the potential of phytochemicals to influence honey bee disease resistance. To unravel the role of dietary phytochemicals in honey bee health it is essential to understand phytochemical uptake, bioavailability, and metabolism but presently limited knowledge exists. With this study we aim to build a knowledge foundation. For 5 days, we continuously fed honey bees on eight individual phytochemicals and measured the concentrations in whole and dissected bees by HPLC-MS/MS. Ample phytochemical metabolization was observed, and only 6-30% of the consumed quantities were recovered. Clear differences in metabolization rates were evident, with atropine, aucubin, and triptolide displaying significantly slower metabolism. Phytochemical gut uptake was also demonstrated, and oral bioavailability was 4-31%, with the highest percentages observed for amygdalin, triptolide, and aucubin. We conclude that differences in the chemical properties and structure impact phytochemical uptake and metabolism

    Biblioteker i Ballerup 1814-1982

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    Historien om de Ballerup-biblioteker begynder i Måløv, anno 1813. Da holdt provst Jens Riddermann Schiøth en tale, som han bagefter lod udgive i bogform. En fotokopi af den lille bog på 16 sider står på en hylde i det nuværende bibliotek: »Tale holden af provst J. R. Schiøth, da den efter Hans Majestæt Kongens allernaadigste Befaling nye opbygte Skole i Maaløv blev indviet den 15de Januar, 1813.« På bagsiden af titelbladet står: »Vilde nogle af dem, som jeg tager mig den Frihed at tilstille et Exemplar af denne Tale, give noget derfor, da skal det anvendes til at oprette et Læsebibliothek for Ballerup Sogn.Historien om de Ballerup-biblioteker begynder i Måløv, anno 1813. Da holdt provst Jens Riddermann Schiøth en tale, som han bagefter lod udgive i bogform. En fotokopi af den lille bog på 16 sider står på en hylde i det nuværende bibliotek: »Tale holden af provst J. R. Schiøth, da den efter Hans Majestæt Kongens allernaadigste Befaling nye opbygte Skole i Maaløv blev indviet den 15de Januar, 1813.« På bagsiden af titelbladet står: »Vilde nogle af dem, som jeg tager mig den Frihed at tilstille et Exemplar af denne Tale, give noget derfor, da skal det anvendes til at oprette et Læsebibliothek for Ballerup Sogn

    A Readout System for the STAR Time Projection Chamber

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    We describe the readout electronics for the STAR Time Projection Chamber. The system is made up of 136,608 channels of waveform digitizer, each sampling 512 time samples at 6-12 Mega-samples per second. The noise level is about 1000 electrons, and the dynamic range is 800:1, allowing for good energy loss (dE/dxdE/dx) measurement for particles with energy losses up to 40 times minimum ionizing. The system is functioning well, with more than 99% of the channels working within specifications.Comment: 22 pages + 8 separate figures; 2 figures are .jpg photos to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Dose Optimization for Using the Contrast Agent Gadofosveset in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Domestic Pig Brain

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    Pigs are useful models in stroke research, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a useful tool for measurements of brain pathophysiology. Perfusion Weighed Imaging (PWI) with standard Gd-based chelates (i.e. gadobutrol) provides crucial information about breakdown of the Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) in patients. Gadofosveset is also a Gd-based contrast agent, but with a higher binding to serum albumin. The prolonged plasma-half life of gadofosveset allows the acquisition of steady state angiographies, which may increase the sensitivity for detection of BBB leakage. We hypothesize that the contrast dosage with gadofosveset can be optimized for PWI and subsequent steady-state Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) in pigs. Anesthetized domestic pigs (females; N=6) were MRI scanned four times in one day: they were initially imaged during a standard gadobutrol bolus injection (0.1 mmol/kg). Then they received three successive gadofosveset bolus injections of varying dosages (0.015-0.09 mmol/kg). Based on projection from our data, we suggest that a bolus injection of 0.0916 mmol/kg gadofosveset would yield contrast similar to that of a standard dose of 0.1 mmol/kg gadobutrol in dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI at 3 T. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the feasibility of gadofosveset based PWI in pig brain research. The relaxation and plasma half-life properties allow detailed steady-state MRA angiographies and may prove useful in detecting subtle BBB disruption of significance in stroke models and human patients

    Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007): 1284-1294, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.031.Coatomer coated (COPI) vesicles play a pivotal role for multiple membrane trafficking steps throughout the eukaryotic cell. Our focus is on βCOP, one of the most well known components of the COPI multi-protein complex. Amino acid differences in βCOP may dictate functional divergence across species during the course of evolution, especially with regards to the evolutionary pressures on obligate intracellular parasites. A bioinformatic analysis of βCOP amino acid sequences was conducted for 49 eukaryotic species. Cloning and sequence analysis of the Toxoplasma gondii βCOP homologue revealed several amino acid insertions unique to T. gondii and one C-terminal insertion that is unique to apicomplexan parasites. These findings led us to investigate the possibility that βCOP experienced functional divergence during the course of its evolution. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis revealed a tree consistent with pan eukaryote distribution and long-branch lengths were observed among the apicomplexans. Further analysis revealed that kinetoplast βCOP underwent the most amount of change, leading to perhaps an overall change of function. In comparison, T. gondii exhibited subtle yet specific amino acid changes. The amino acid substitutions did not occur in the same places as other lineages, suggesting that TgβCOP has a role specific to the apicomplexans. Our work identifies forty-eight residues that are likely to be functionally important when comparing apicomplexan, kinetoplastid, and fungal βCOP.KMH is an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Infectious Disease; SLP was supported by an NIH training grant (NIH/NIAID/TMP T 32 7030); AGM was supported by the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Program in Global Infectious Diseases, also funded by the Ellison Medical Foundation

    Larval dispersal in a changing ocean with an emphasis on upwelling regions

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    Dispersal of benthic species in the sea is mediated primarily through small, vulnerable larvae that must survive minutes to months as members of the plankton community while being transported by strong, dynamic currents. As climate change alters ocean conditions, the dispersal of these larvae will be affected, with pervasive ecological and evolutionary consequences. We review the impacts of oceanic changes on larval transport, physiology, and behavior. We then discuss the implications for population connectivity and recruitment and evaluate life history strategies that will affect susceptibility to the effects of climate change on their dispersal patterns, with implications for understanding selective regimes in a future ocean. We find that physical oceanographic changes will impact dispersal by transporting larvae in different directions or inhibiting their movements while changing environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, and turbidity, will affect the survival of larvae and alter their behavior. Reduced dispersal distance may make local adaptation more likely in well-connected populations with high genetic variation while reduced dispersal success will lower recruitment with implications for fishery stocks. Increased dispersal may spur adaptation by increasing genetic diversity among previously disconnected populations as well as increasing the likelihood of range expansions. We hypothesize that species with planktotrophic (feeding), calcifying, or weakly swimming larvae with specialized adult habitats will be most affected by climate change. We also propose that the adaptive value of retentive larval behaviors may decrease where transport trajectories follow changing climate envelopes and increase where transport trajectories drive larvae toward increasingly unsuitable conditions. Our holistic framework, combined with knowledge of regional ocean conditions and larval traits, can be used to produce powerful predictions of expected impacts on larval dispersal as well as the consequences for connectivity, range expansion, or recruitment. Based on our findings, we recommend that future studies take a holistic view of dispersal incorporating biological and oceanographic impacts of climate change rather than solely focusing on oceanography or physiology. Genetic and paleontological techniques can be used to examine evolutionary impacts of altered dispersal in a future ocean, while museum collections and expedition records can inform modern-day range shifts