220 research outputs found

    On the size of complete caps in PG(3,2h)

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    AbstractLet m2′(3,q) be the largest value of k (k<q2+1) for which there exists a complete k-cap in PG(3,q), q even. In this paper, the known upper bound on m2′(3,q) is improved. We also improve a number of intervals, for k, for which there does not exist a complete k-cap in PG(3,q), q even

    The Classification of the Largest Caps in AG(5, 3)

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    AbstractWe prove that 45 is the size of the largest caps in AG(5,3), and such a 45-cap is always obtained from the 56-cap in PG(5,3) by deleting an 11-hyper-plane

    A characterization of multiple (n-k)-blocking sets in projective spaces of square order

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    In [10], it was shown that small t-fold (n - k)-blocking sets in PG(n, q), q = p(h), p prime, h >= 1, intersect every k-dimensional space in t (mod p) points. We characterize in this article all t-fold (n k)-blocking sets in PG(n, q), q square, q >= 661, t < c(p)q(1/6)/2, vertical bar B vertical bar < tq(n-k) + 2tq(n-k-1) root q, intersecting every k-dimensional space in t (mod root q) points

    Structural recovery of ion implanted ZnO nanowires

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    5 pagesInternational audienceIon implantation is an interesting method to dope semiconducting materials such as zinc oxide provided that the implantation-induced defects can be subsequently removed. Nitrogen implantation followed by anneals under O2 were carried out on zinc oxide nanowires in the same conditions as in a previous study on bulk ZnO [J. Appl.Phys. 109, 023513 (2011)], allowing a direct comparison of the defect recovery mechanisms. Transmission electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence were carried out to assess the effects of nitrogen implantation and of subsequent anneals on the structural and optical properties of ZnO nanowires. Defect recovery is shown to be more effective in nanowires compared with bulk material due to the proximity of free surfaces. Nevertheless, the optical emission of implanted and annealed nanowires deteriorated compared to as-grown nanowires, as also observed for unimplanted and annealed nanowires. This is tentatively attributed to the dissociation of excitons in the space charge region induced by O2 adsorption on the nanowire surface

    Recursos de osteosíntesis en fémur porótico.

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    Objetivos. Exponer dos técnicas quirúrgicas de refuerzo de una osteosíntesis convencional en situaciones especiales de debilidad ósea del fémur, como son las fracturas periprotésicas, las fracturas patológicas y los fracasos de osteosíntesis previas en pacientes de edad avanzada. La debilidad del hueso puede llegar a dificultar la realización de osteosíntesis estables en fracturas de fémur porque impide el correcto anclaje del material, ya sean agujas, cerclajes o especialmente tornillos. Material y método. Se evaluaron 13 pacientes (media de edad de 78,3 años), 9 de los cuales sufrieron fracturas periprotésicas de fémur, dos fracasos de osteosíntesis previas, un caso de pseudoartrosis tras una fractura periprotésica y una fractura diafisaria en un fémur muy osteoporótico, en los cuales se han utilizado dos técnicas de refuerzo del hueso: el cementado endomedular y el implante de contraplacas atornilladas de aloinjerto óseo congelado. Resultados. Se realizó un seguimiento de estos pacientes en un período que oscila entre 12 y 72 meses (media de 26,2 meses). En un caso se produjo una pseudoartrosis de la fractura por ocupación accidental del foco de fractura por el cemento acrílico. En los 12 casos restantes se consiguió la consolidación. Conclusiones. El cementado endomedular y la utilización de contraplacas atornilladas de aloinjerto óseo son dos recursos técnicos útiles en situaciones especiales en las que es necesario realizar una osteosíntesis estable sobre un hueso muy débil

    Determinants of response to a parent questionnaire about development and behaviour in 3 year olds: European multicentre study of congenital toxoplasmosis.

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    Background: We aimed to determine how response to a parent-completed postal questionnaire measuring development, behaviour, impairment, and parental concerns and anxiety, varies in different European centres. Methods: Prospective cohort study of 3 year old children, with and without congenital toxoplasmosis, who were identified by prenatal or neonatal screening for toxoplasmosis in 11 centres in 7 countries. Parents were mailed a questionnaire that comprised all or part of existing validated tools. We determined the effect of characteristics of the centre and child on response, age at questionnaire completion, and response to child drawing tasks. Results: The questionnaire took 21 minutes to complete on average. 67% (714/1058) of parents responded. Few parents (60/1058) refused to participate. The strongest determinants of response were the score for organisational attributes of the study centre (such as direct involvement in follow up and access to an address register), and infection with congenital toxoplasmosis. Age at completion was associated with study centre, presence of neurological abnormalities in early infancy, and duration of prenatal treatment. Completion rates for individual questions exceeded 92% except for child completed drawings of a man (70%), which were completed more by girls, older children, and in certain centres. Conclusion: Differences in response across European centres were predominantly related to the organisation of follow up and access to correct addresses. The questionnaire was acceptable in all six countries and offers a low cost tool for assessing development, behaviour, and parental concerns and anxiety, in multinational studies

    A facile and green route to terpene derived acrylate and methacrylate monomers and simple free radical polymerisation to yield new renewable polymers and coatings

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    We present new acrylic monomers derived directly from abundant naturally available terpenes via a facile, green and catalytic approach. These monomers can be polymerised to create new polymers with a wide range of mechanical properties that positions them ideally for application across the commodity and specialty plastics landscape; from packaging, cosmetic and medical, through to composites and coatings. We demonstrate their utility through formation of novel renewable polymer coatings

    Influence of Apolipoprotein E Plasma Levels and Tobacco Smoking on the Induction of Neutralising Antibodies to Interferon-Beta

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    Interferon-beta (IFN-beta) therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a potential for induction of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Because immune reactivity depends on changes in lipoprotein metabolism, we investigated whether plasma lipoprotein profiles could be associated with the development of NAbs. Thirty-one female MS patients treated with subcutaneously administered IFN-beta were included. Demographic and clinical characteristics were compared between NAbs response groups using t tests for continuous and logistic regression analysis and Fisher's exact tests for categorical data, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression was used to evaluate the effect of potential confounders. Patients who developed NAbs had lower apoE levels before treatment, 67 (47-74) mg/L median (interquartile range), and at the moment of NAb analysis, 53 (50-84) mg/L, in comparison to those who remained NAb-negative, 83 (68-107) mg/L, P = 0.03, and 76 (66-87) mg/L, P = 0.04, respectively. When adjusting for age and smoking for a one-standard deviation decrease in apoE levels, a 5.6-fold increase in the odds of becoming NAb-positive was detected: odds ratios (OR) 0.18 (95% CI 0.04-0.77), P = 0.04. When adjusting for apoE, smoking habit became associated with NAb induction: OR 5.6 (95% CI 1.3-87), P = 0.03. These results suggest that apoE-containing lipoprotein metabolism and, possibly, tobacco smoking may be associated with risk of NAb production in female MS patients treated with IFN-beta