77 research outputs found

    Freestanding metasurfaces for optical frequencies

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    We present freestanding metasurfaces operating at optical frequencies with a total thickness of only 40\,nm. The metasurfaces are fabricated by focused ion beam milling of nanovoids in a carbon film followed by thermal evaporation of gold and plasma ashing of the carbon film. As a first example, we demonstrate a metasurface lens based on resonant V-shaped nanovoids with a focal length of 1\,mm. The second example is a metasurface phase-plate consisting of appropriately oriented rectangular nanovoids that transforms a Gaussian input beam into a Laguerre-Gaussian LG1,0{LG_{-1,0}} mode

    The inverse eigenvalue problem for a Hermitian reflexive matrix and the optimization problem

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    The inverse eigenvalue problem and the associated optimal approximation problem for Hermitian reflexive matrices with respect to a normal {k+1}-potent matrix are considered. First, we study the existence of the solutions of the associated inverse eigenvalue problem and present an explicit form for them. Then, when such a solution exists, an expression for the solution to the corresponding optimal approximation problem is obtained

    Evidence for Kosterlitz-Thouless type orientational ordering of CF3_3Br monolayers physisorbed on graphite

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    Monolayers of the halomethane CF3_3Br adsorbed on graphite have been investigated by x-ray diffraction. The layers crystallize in a commensurate triangular lattice. On cooling they approach a three-sublattice antiferroelectric pattern of the in-plane components of the dipole moments. The ordering is not consistent with a conventional phase transition, but points to Kosterlitz-Thouless behavior. It is argued that the transition is described by a 6-state clock model on a triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic nearest neighbor interactions which is studied with Monte-Carlo simulations. A finite-size scaling analysis shows that the ordering transition is indeed in the KT universality class.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A 160-Gb/s OTDM demultiplexer based on parametric wavelength exchange

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    Parametric wavelength exchange (PWE) has been demonstrated as a versatile device in providing different functionalities. In this paper, we will concentrate, numerically and experimentally, on one of these functionalities, namely, all-optical time demultiplexing of 160-Gb/s return-to-zero (RZ) signals based on a pulsed-pump PWE in a 400 m highly nonlinear dispersion-shifted fiber. Experimental results show power penalties < 2.7 dB at bit-error rate of 10-9 for all demultiplexed 10-Gb/s RZ signals. We also derive theoretical expressions for the conversion/residual efficiencies and investigate the impact of pump pulse width and phase mismatch on these efficiencies. Furthermore, the impacts of pulsed-pump wavelength and power level on the characteristics of the switching window are investigated numerically. As a result, the demultiplexer can be easily upgraded to an add-drop multiplexer because of the complete exchange nature of PWE, which is justified by the surviving channels' waveform performance. © 2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Critical behavior of the frustrated antiferromagnetic six-state clock model on a triangular lattice

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    We study the anti-ferromagnetic six-state clock model with nearest neighbor interactions on a triangular lattice with extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. We find clear indications of two phase transitions at two different temperatures: Below TIT_I a chirality order sets in and by a thorough finite size scaling analysis of the specific heat and the chirality correlation length we show that this transition is in the Ising universality class (with a non-vanishing chirality order parameter below TIT_I). At TKT(<TI)T_{KT}(<T_I) the spin-spin correlation length as well as the spin susceptibility diverges according to a Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) form and spin correlations decay algebraically below TKTT_{KT}. We compare our results to recent x-ray diffraction experiments on the orientational ordering of CF3_3Br monolayers physisorbed on graphite. We argue that the six-state clock model describes the universal feature of the phase transition in the experimental system and that the orientational ordering belongs to the KT universality class.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Recent advances in organic synthesis using light-mediated n-heterocyclic carbene catalysis

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    The combination of photocatalysis with other ground state catalytic systems have attracted much attention recently due to the enormous synthetic potential offered by a dual activation mode. The use of N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) as organocatalysts emerged as an important synthetic tool. Its ability to harness umpolung reactivity by the formation of the Breslow intermediate has been employed in the synthesis of thousands of biologically important compounds. However, the available coupling partners are relatively restricted, and its combination with other catalytic systems might improve its synthetic versatility. Thus, merging photoredox and N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalysis has emerged recently as a powerful strategy to develop new transformations and give access to a whole new branch of synthetic possibilities. This review compiles the NHC catalyzed methods mediated by light, either in the presence or absence of an external photocatalyst, that have been described so far, and aims to give an accurate overview of the potential of this activation modeL.M. acknowledges the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) for the financial support (PEJD-2019-PRE/AMB-16640 and SI1/PJI/ 2019-00237) and for an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” contract (2017-T2/AMB-5037

    Digitale Technologien im Medizinstudium - zielgerichtet und Lerner-zentriert anwenden

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