166 research outputs found

    Alperin's weight conjecture in terms of equivariant Bredon cohomology

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    Alperin’s weight conjecture [1] admits a reformulation in terms of the cohomology of a functor on a category obtained from a subdivision construction applied to a centric linking system [7] of a fusion system of a block, which in turn can be interpreted as the equivariant Bredon cohomology of a certain functor on the G-poset of centric Brauer pairs. The underlying general constructions of categories and functors needed for this reformulation are described in §1 and §2, respectively, and §3 provides a tool for computing the cohomology of the functors arising in §2. Taking as starting point the alternating sum formulation of Alperin’s weight conjecture by Knörr-Robinson [10], the material of the previous sections is applied in §4 to interpret the terms in this alternating sum as dimensions of cohomology spaces of appropriate functors, using further work of Robinson [16, 17, 18]

    Ślady żydowskie w twórczości Andrzeja Barta. Rekonesans

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    The article is an attempt at identifying Jewish traits in Andrzej Bart’s literary work and film documents. The Jewish elements tend to be unevenly distributed and include references to biographies of actual individuals, creating fictional figures, creating visions of real and/or fictional events enriched with symbolic dimensions. The Jewish theme is the core of the plot only in one of the novels (Fabryka muchołapek – The Flytrap Factory). The Jewish elements in Bart’s prose complement each other, or comment on each other, co-creating the writer’s  narration, and are rarely part of a work’s realistic representation. The elements have many roles to play: contextual reference, attempts to present the multi-ethnic structure of Polish society, tackling the subject of the Holocaust, or antisemitism and the difficult Polish –Jewish relations. Bart tends to discuss this issue more frequently in his films, in the Złe miasto? (Evil City?) documentary series and in Radegast, shot in cooperation with Borys Lankosz

    Wydolność funkcjonalna pacjentów operowanych z powodu dyskopatii lędźwiowej we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym

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    Introduction. The main symptom of lumbar disc herniation is pain, which particularly hinders the functioning of the patient. Functional capacity should be understood as the ability to be independent of other people in meeting basic needs, such as: movement, nutrition, controlling the body’s physiological activities or performing hygiene activities. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the functioning of patients after lumbar spine surgery in the early postoperative period. Material and Methods. The study included a group of 52 adult patients after lumbar spine surgery performed at the Department of Neurosurgery of the 10th Military Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic of the SP ZOZ in Bydgoszcz. The method of diagnostic survey was used, the tools were: interview questionnaire, VAS scale, Roland-Morris Low Back Pain Questionnaire, Oswestry Questionnaire and Beck Depression Scale. Results. More than half of the examined patients after lumbar spine surgery felt the intensity of pain at the average level, very strong pain affected nearly 10% (mean 4.44; SD 2.03). According to the Roland-Morris Low Back Pain Questionnaire, nearly 60% of patients showed a moderate level of disability and 35% a high level of disability (mean 15.33; SD 3.85). According to the Oswestry Questionnaire, 53% of patients had moderate disability, 31% had severe disability (mean 54.7%, SD 11.3%). 83% of respondents did not show symptoms of depression (mean 6.98; SD 5.63). Conclusions. The functional capacity of patients after surgery of the lumbar spine turned out to be low, a large part of the respondents showed a medium and high degree of disability. The degree of disability increased with the severity of pain. (JNNN 2022;11(4):147–153)Wstęp. Głównym objawem dyskopatii lędźwiowej są dolegliwości bólowe, które szczególnie utrudniają funkcjonowanie chorego. Wydolność funkcjonalną należy rozumieć jako zdolność do bycia niezależnym od innych osób w zaspokajaniu podstawowych potrzeb, takich jak: poruszanie się, odżywianie, kontrolowanie czynności fizjologicznych organizmu czy wykonanie czynności higienicznych. Cel. Celem pracy była ocena funkcjonowania chorych po operacji kręgosłupa lędźwiowego we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 52 chorych dorosłych, po zabiegach operacyjnych odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa, przeprowadzonych w Klinice Neurochirurgii 10 Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego z Polikliniką SP ZOZ w Bydgoszczy. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, narzędziami były: kwestionariusz wywiadu, skala VAS, Kwestionariusz Bólu Krzyża Rolanda-Morrisa, Kwestionariusz Oswestry i Skala Depresji Becka. Wyniki. Ponad połowa badanych pacjentów po operacji kręgosłupa lędźwiowego odczuwała natężenie bólu na poziomie średnim, bardzo silny ból dotyczył blisko 10% (średnia 4,44; SD 2.03). Według Kwestionariusza Bólu Krzyża Rolanda-Morrisa blisko 60% pacjentów wykazało średni poziom niepełnosprawności a 35% wysoki poziom niepełnosprawności (średnia 15,33; SD 3,85). Według Kwestionariusza Oswestry 53% pacjentów miało mierną niesprawność, 31% poważną niesprawność (średnia 54,7%, SD 11,3%). 83% respondentów nie przejawiało objawów depresji (średnia 6,98; SD 5,63). Wnioski. Wydolność funkcjonalna pacjentów po operacji kręgosłupa odcinka lędźwiowego okazała się niska, duża część badanych wykazała średni i wysoki stopień niepełnosprawności. Stopnień niepełnosprawności rósł wraz z nasileniem dolegliwości bólowych. (PNN 2022;11(4):147–153

    Twórcze podejście do nauczania i wspieranie rozwoju twórczego myślenia u uczniów w edukacji tradycyjnej oraz w edukacji zdalnej podczas pandemii Covid-19

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    The subject of creativity is widely understood and discussed in terms of education. This Article discusses the creative approach to teaching and the methods of developing student creativity. Attention is focused on creative thinking and creative problem solving. Examples of the use of methods which help to develop these competences in practice in pre-school and early-school education are provided. The issue of the Article is addressed in terms of traditional and online education.Zagadnienie twórczości jest szeroko rozumiane i omawiane pod kątem edukacji. Artykuł ten omawia twórcze podejście do nauczania oraz metody rozwijające twórczość uczniów. Uwaga została skupiona wokół zagadnień twórczego myślenia i twórczego rozwiązywania problemów. Podane zostały przykłady zastosowań metod rozwijających te kompetencje w praktyce zarówno w edukacji przedszkolnej, jak i wczesnoszkolnej. Problematyka artykułu rozpatrywana jest pod kątem edukacji tradycyjnej oraz zdalnej

    Miasta i przestrzenie w Leksykonie miast intymnych Jurija Andruchowycza

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    Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu718

    Selected dental disorders in patients with complete unilateral cleft of the primary and secondary palate

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    Introduction. The most common malformations associated with cleft lip and palate are dental abnormalities. Multifactorial etiology and the time of the formation of cleft palate and start building the dental lamina may be the cause of coexistence cleft defects and dental disorders. Aim of the study. Evaluation of the frequency and type of dental disorders in patients with complete unilateral cleft of the primary and secondary have been the subject of the research. Material and methods. The material consisted of panoramic films of 70 children (31girls, 39 boys) aged 8–11 years with a complete unilateral cleft of the primary and secondary. The radiographic evaluation are: dental status, number of teeth, and their construction. Results. In the group of 70 children were found to have abnormalities in the number and morphology of the teeth in a total of 60 patients (29 girls, 31 boys). The most commonly observed disorder was hypodontia (66.4%) found in 44 patients. Missing teeth (89.8%), were mainly found in upper jaw. In 67.7% hypodontia was on the incisors side located in the vicinity of cleft. There were also lack of upper premolars (29%) and central incisors (3.3%). Hyperdontia occurred in 9.6% and concerned maxillary lateral incisors on the cleft side. Another observed disorder was atypical tooth structure (24%) on the lateral incisors in the upper jaw. Conclusions. In patients with complete unilateral cleft palate primary and secondary, dental disorders were most frequently observed in the vicinity of cleft. The main dental disorder was hypodontia

    Influence of angulation of lower third molar on its ability to erupt – preliminary report

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    Aim. The aim of this study was to compare a degree of the third lower molar state of eruption or retention according to its angulation. There was a group of adolescent patients studied, who needed an orthodontic treatment and sought help in Orthodontic Ward of the Medical University of Gdańsk. Material and methods. Panoramic pictures of 50 patients (36 women and 14 men) were qualified to be measured for the amount of the third lower molars and their angulation, which was described as an external angle between a long axis of the tooth according to a bite line. Results. The amount of third lower molars was defined and revealed that 30 women (83%) had both lower molars, 14 men (100%) had left third lower molar while only 11 men (79%) had a right wisdom tooth. The angulation was determined for both women and men – the angle of the erupted lower third molar oscillated between 31° and 88° (on average 56° +/- 12°) whereas for the retained: from 3° to 90° (average 52° +/- 26°). An observation was made that the lower third molars were usually erupted when their angulation was in the 40° to 70° range. Conclusions. 1. Angulation of the lower third molar has an influence on its ability to erupt. 2. Too big, as well as too small angle of angulation may have a negative influence on the ability of the tooth to erupt. 3. The sex does not have an influence on the state of the tooth eruption

    Twisted equivariant K-theory with complex coefficients

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    Using a global version of the equivariant Chern character, we describe the complexified twisted equivariant K-theory of a space with a compact Lie group action in terms of fixed-point data. We apply this to the case of a compact Lie group acting on itself by conjugation, and relate the result to the Verlinde algebra and to the Kac numerator at q=1. Verlinde's formula is also discussed in this context.Comment: Final version, to appear in Topology. Exposition improved, rational homotopy calculation completely rewritte

    Reversal of endothelial dysfunction by nicotinamide mononucleotide via extracellular conversion to nicotinamide riboside

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    Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR) are effective substrates for NAD synthesis, which may act as vasoprotective agents. Here, we characterize the effects of NMN and NR on endothelial inflammation and dysfunction and test the involvement of CD73 in these effects. Materials and methods: The effect of NMN and NR on IL1β- or TNFα-induced endothelial inflammation (ICAM1 and vWF expression), intracellular NAD concentration and NAD-related enzyme expression (NAMPT, CD38, CD73), were studied in HAECs. The effect of NMN and NR on angiotensin II-induced impairment of endotheliumdependent vasodilation was analyzed in murine aortic rings. The involvement of CD73 in NMN and NR effects was tested using CD73 inhibitor-AOPCP, or CD73/^{-/-} mice. Results: 24 h-incubation with NMN and NR induced anti-inflammatory effects in HAEC stimulated by IL1β or TNFα, as evidenced by a reduction in ICAM1 and vWF expression. Effects of exogenous NMN but not NR was abrogated in the presence of AOPCP, that efficiently inhibited extracellular endothelial conversion of NMN to NR, without a significant effect on the metabolism of NMN to NA. Surprisingly, intracellular NAD concentration increased in HAEC stimulated by IL1β or TNFα and this effect was associated with upregulation of NAMPT and CD73, whereas changes in CD38 expression were less pronounced. NMN and NR further increased NAD in IL1β- stimulated HAECs and AOPCP diminished NMN-induced increase in NAD, without an effect on NR-induced response. In ex vivo aortic rings stimulated with angiotensin II for 24 h, NO-dependent vasorelaxation induced by acetylcholine was impaired. NMN and NR, both prevented Ang II-induced endothelial dysfunction in the aorta. In aortic rings taken from CD73/^{-/-} mice NMN effect was lost, whereas NR effect was preserved. Conclusion: NMN and NR modulate intracellular NAD content in endothelium, inhibit endothelial inflammation and improve NO-dependent function by CD73-dependent and independent pathways, respectively. Extracellular conversion of NMN to NR by CD73 localized in the luminal surface of endothelial cells represent important vasoprotective mechanisms to maintain intracellular NAD