175 research outputs found

    Investigation of Vacuum Arc Anode Temperatures of Cu-Cr and Pure Cu Contacts

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    The present contribution reports on investigations of electrode temperatures for pure Cu electrodes and Cu–Cr electrodes of different diameters exposed to vacuum arcs with sinusoidal currents of 5-15 kA and an axial magnetic field up to 180 mT. It is found that surface temperatures of pure Cu electrodes are significantly lower than for Cu–Cr electrodes of the same diameter. This must be explained by different thermal properties of both materials. Reducing the diameter of Cu–Cr electrodes it is found that surface temperatures increase, but moreover it is shown that the enthalpy stored in the electrode bulk material may effect electrode temperatures on timescales much longer than the current pulse width, particularly if there is no effective heat dissipation after current zero

    Magnetic properties of G-band bright points in a sunspot moat

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    We present simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations of four visible and three infrared spectral lines from the VTT (Tenerife), together with speckle-reconstructed filtergrams in the G band and the CaII H line core from the DOT (La Palma). After alignment of the data sets, we used the G-band intensity to locate bright points (BPs) in the moat of a regular sunspot. With the cospatial and cotemporal information provided by the polarimetric data, we characterize the magnetic, kinematic, and thermal properties of the BPs. We find that (a) 94 % of the BPs are associated with magnetic fields; (b) their field strengths range between 500 and 1400 G, with a rather flat distribution; (c) the contrast of BPs in the G band depends on the angle between the vector magnetic field and the line of sight; (d) the BPs harbor downflows of magnetized plasma and exhibit Stokes V profiles with large area and amplitude asymmetries; (e) the magnetic interior of BPs is hotter than the immediate field-free surroundings by about 1000 K at equal optical depth; and (f) the mean effective diameter of BPs in our data set is 150 km, with very few BPs larger than 300 km. Most of these properties can be explained by the classical magnetic flux tube model. However, the wide range of BP parameters found in this study indicates that not all G-band BPs are identical to stable long-lived flux tubes or sheets of kG strength.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 20 pages, 21 figures in main text, 6 fig. in the Appendices, 3 figures as jpg (fig. 5, C1, C2

    Dynamics of lane formation in driven binary complex plasmas

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    The dynamical onset of lane formation is studied in experiments with binary complex plasmas under microgravity conditions. Small microparticles are driven and penetrate into a cloud of big particles, revealing a strong tendency towards lane formation. The observed time-resolved lane formation process is in good agreement with computer simulations of a binary Yukawa model with Langevin dynamics. The laning is quantified in terms of the anisotropic scaling index, leading to a universal order parameter for driven systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, movies available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/pke/lane-formation

    Nonlinear vertical oscillations of a particle in a sheath of a rf discharge

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    A new simple method to measure the spatial distribution of the electric field in the plasma sheath is proposed. The method is based on the experimental investigation of vertical oscillations of a single particle in the sheath of a low-pressure radio-frequency discharge. It is shown that the oscillations become strongly nonlinear and secondary harmonics are generated as the amplitude increases. The theory of anharmonic oscillations provides a good qualitative description of the data and gives estimates for the first two anharmonic terms in an expansion of the sheath potential around the particle equilibrium.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Vertical pairing of identical particles suspended in the plasma sheath

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    It is shown experimentally that vertical pairing of two identical microspheres suspended in the sheath of a radio-frequency (rf) discharge at low gas pressures (a few Pa), appears at a well defined instability threshold of the rf power. The transition is reversible, but with significant hysteresis on the second stage. A simple model, which uses measured microsphere resonance frequencies and takes into account besides Coulomb interaction between negatively charged microspheres also their interaction with positive ion wake charges, seems to explain the instability threshold quite well.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, May 14th (2001

    Buildings behaving badly:A behavioral experiment on how different motivational frames influence residential energy label adoption in the Netherlands

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    Heating buildings contributes to approximately 36% of Europe’s energy demand and several EU member states have adopted mandatory energy labels to improve energy efficiency by promoting home weatherization investments. This paper focuses on the perception of the energy label for residential buildings in the Netherlands and the role of different frames (egoistic, biospheric and social norms and neutral frames) in motivating adoption of energy labels for housing. We used a behavioral email experiment and an online survey to investigate these motivational factors. We find that biospheric frames are weaker than the other three motivational frames in terms of engaging interest in the energy label, but that the biospheric frame results in higher willingness to pay (WTP) for the energy label. We also find that age (rather than income) correlates with higher willingness to pay for home energy labels

    Stray-light contamination and spatial deconvolution of slit-spectrograph observations

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    Stray light caused by scattering on optical surfaces and in the Earth's atmosphere degrades the spatial resolution of observations. We study the contribution of stray light to the two channels of POLIS. We test the performance of different methods of stray-light correction and spatial deconvolution to improve the spatial resolution post-facto. We model the stray light as having two components: a spectrally dispersed component and a component of parasitic light caused by scattering inside the spectrograph. We use several measurements to estimate the two contributions: observations with a (partly) blocked FOV, a convolution of the FTS spectral atlas, imaging in the pupil plane, umbral profiles, and spurious polarization signal in telluric lines. The measurements allow us to estimate the spatial PSF of POLIS and the main spectrograph of the German VTT. We use the PSF for a deconvolution of both spectropolarimetric data and investigate the effect on the spectra. The parasitic contribution can be directly and accurately determined for POLIS, amounting to about 5%. We estimate a lower limit of about 10% across the full FOV for the dispersed stray light. In quiet Sun regions, the stray-light level from the close surroundings (d< 2") of a given spatial point is about 20%. The stray light reduces to below 2% at a distance of 20" from a lit area for both POLIS and the main spectrograph. A two-component model of the stray-light contributions seems to be sufficient for a basic correction of observed spectra. The instrumental PSF obtained can be used to model the off-limb stray light, to determine the stray-light contamination accurately for observation targets with large spatial intensity gradients such as sunspots, and also allows one to improve the spatial resolution of observations post-facto.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted by A&A. Version V2 revised for language editin

    Solar granulation from photosphere to low chromosphere observed in BaII 4554 A line

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    The purpose of this paper is to characterize the statistical properties of solar granulation in the photosphere and low chromosphere up to 650 km. We use velocity and intensity variations obtained at different atmospheric heights from observations in BaII 4554 A. The observations were done during good seeing conditions at the VTT at the Observatorio del Teide on Tenerife. The line core forms rather high in the atmosphere and allows granulation properties to be studied at heights that have been not accessed before in similar studies. In addition, we analyze the synthetic profiles of the BaII 4554 A line by the same method computed taking NLTE effects into account in the 3D hydrodynamical model atmosphere. We suggest a 16-column model of solar granulation depending on the direction of motion and on the intensity contrast measured in the continuum and in the uppermost layer. We calculate the heights of intensity contrast sign reversal and velocity sign reversal. We show that both parameters depend strongly on the granulation velocity and intensity at the bottom photosphere. The larger the two parameters, the higher the reversal takes place in the atmosphere. On average, this happens at about 200-300 km. We suggest that this number also depends on the line depth of the spectral line used in observations. Despite the intensity and velocity reversal, about 40% of the column structure of granulation is preserved up to heights around 650 km.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Search for photospheric footpoints of quiet Sun transition region loops

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    CONTEXT:The footpoints of quiet Sun Transition Region (TR) loops do not seem to coincide with the photospheric magnetic structures appearing in traditional low-sensitivity magnetograms. AIMS: To look for the so-far unidentified photospheric footpoints of TR loops using G-band bright points (BPs) as proxies for photospheric magnetic field concentrations. METHODS: Comparison of TR measurements with SoHO/SUMER and photospheric magnetic field observations obtained with the Dutch Open Telescope. RESULTS: Photospheric BPs are associated with bright TR structures, but they seem to avoid the brightest parts of the structure. BPs appear in regions that are globally redshifted, but they avoid extreme velocities. TR explosive events are not clearly associated with BPs. CONCLUSIONS: The observations are not inconsistent with the BPs being footpoints of TR loops, although we have not succeeded to uniquely identify particular BPs with specific TR loops.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 10 pages, 10 figures. Due to size limitations, the quality of fig3 is not goo