318 research outputs found

    Extremely high magnetoresistance and conductivity in the type-II Weyl semimetals WP2 and MoP2

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    The peculiar band structure of semimetals exhibiting Dirac and Weyl crossings can lead to spectacular electronic properties such as large mobilities accompanied by extremely high magnetoresistance. In particular, two closely neighbouring Weyl points of the same chirality are protected from annihilation by structural distortions or defects, thereby significantly reducing the scattering probability between them. Here we present the electronic properties of the transition metal diphosphides, WP2 and MoP2, that are type-II Weyl semimetals with robust Weyl points. We present transport and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements, and first principles calculations. Our single crystals of WP2 display an extremely low residual low-temperature resistivity of 3 nohm-cm accompanied by an enormous and highly anisotropic magnetoresistance above 200 million % at 63 T and 2.5 K. These properties are likely a consequence of the novel Weyl fermions expressed in this compound. We observe a large suppression of charge carrier backscattering in WP2 from transport measurements.Comment: Appeared in Nature Communication

    Identification and characterization of dairy cows with different backfat thickness antepartum in relation to postpartum loss of backfat thickness: a cluster analytic approach

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    The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the interindividual variation in the relationship between antepartum (ap) backfat thickness (BFT) and subsequent BFT loss during early lactation in a large dairy herd using cluster analysis; (2) to compare the serum concentrations of metabolites (nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate), metabolic hormones (leptin and adiponectin), and an inflammatory marker (haptoglobin) among the respective clusters; and (3) to compare lactation performance and uterine health status in the different clusters. An additional objective was (4) to investigate differences in these serum variables and in milk yield of overconditioned (OC) cows that differed in the extent of BFT loss. Using data from a large study of 1,709 multiparous Holstein cows, we first selected those animals from which serum samples and BFT results (mm) were available at d 25 (±10) ap and d 31 (±3 d) postpartum (pp). The remaining 713 cows (parity of 2 to 7) were then subjected to cluster analysis: different approaches based on the BFT of the cows were performed. K-means (unsupervised machine learning algorithm) clustering based on BFT-ap alone identified 5 clusters: lean (5–8 mm BFT, n = 50), normal (9–12 mm, n = 206), slightly fat (SF; 13–16 mm, n = 203), just fat (JF; 16–22 mm, n = 193), and very fat (VF; 23–43 mm, n = 61). Clustering by difference between BFT-ap and BFT-pp (ΔBFT) also revealed 5 clusters: extreme loss (17–23 mm ΔBFT, n = 16), moderate loss (9–15 mm, n = 119), little loss (4–8 mm, n = 326), no loss (0–3 mm, n = 203), and gain (−8 to −1 mm, n = 51). Based on the blood variables measured, our results confirm that cows with greater BFT losses had higher lipid mobilization and ketogenesis than cows with less BFT loss. The serum variables of cows that gained BFT did not differ from normal cows. Milk yield was affected by the BFT-ap cluster, but not by the ΔBFT cluster. Cows categorized as VF had lesser milk yield than other clusters. We further compared the OC cows that had little or no BFT loss (i.e., 2% of VF, 12% of JF, and 31% of SF, OC-no loss, n = 85) with the OC cows that lost BFT (OC-loss, n = 135). Both NEFA and BHB pp concentrations and milk yield were greater in OC-loss cows compared with the OC-no loss cows. The serum concentration of leptin ap was greater in OC-loss than in the OC-no loss cows. Overall, OC cows lost more BFT than normal or lean cows. However, those OC cows with a smaller loss of BFT produced less milk than OC cows with greater losses

    Somatostatin subtype-2 receptor-targeted metal-based anticancer complexes

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    Conjugates of a dicarba analogue of octreotide, a potent somatostatin agonist whose receptors are overexpressed on tumor cells, with [PtCl 2(dap)] (dap = 1-(carboxylic acid)-1,2-diaminoethane) (3), [(η 6-bip)Os(4-CO 2-pico)Cl] (bip = biphenyl, pico = picolinate) (4), [(η 6-p-cym)RuCl(dap)] + (p-cym = p-cymene) (5), and [(η 6-p-cym)RuCl(imidazole-CO 2H)(PPh 3)] + (6), were synthesized by using a solid-phase approach. Conjugates 3-5 readily underwent hydrolysis and DNA binding, whereas conjugate 6 was inert to ligand substitution. NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations showed that conjugate formation does not perturb the overall peptide structure. Only 6 exhibited antiproliferative activity in human tumor cells (IC 50 = 63 ± 2 μ in MCF-7 cells and IC 50 = 26 ± 3 μ in DU-145 cells) with active participation of somatostatin receptors in cellular uptake. Similar cytotoxic activity was found in a normal cell line (IC 50 = 45 ± 2.6 μ in CHO cells), which can be attributed to a similar level of expression of somatostatin subtype-2 receptor. These studies provide new insights into the effect of receptor-binding peptide conjugation on the activity of metal-based anticancer drugs, and demonstrate the potential of such hybrid compounds to target tumor cells specifically. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    A Thermosensitive, Chitosan-Based Hydrogel as Delivery System for Antibacterial Liposomes to Surgical Site Infections

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    Prophylaxis and the treatment of surgical site infections (SSIs) with antibiotics frequently fail due to the antibiotic resistance of bacteria and the ability of bacteria to reside in biofilms (i.e., bacterial clusters in a protective matrix). Therefore, alternative antibacterial treatments are required to combat biofilm infections. The combination of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC−) and copper ions (Cu2+) exhibited antibiofilm activity against the staphylococci species associated with SSIs; however, the formation of a water-insoluble Cu(DDC)2 complex limits its application to SSIs. Here, we describe the development and antibiofilm activity of an injectable gel containing a liposomal formulation of Cu(DDC)2 and Cu2+ (lipogel). Lyophilized liposomes were incorporated into a mixture of chitosan (CS) and beta-glycerophosphate (βGP), and the thermosensitive gelling properties of CS-βGP and the lipogel were determined. The liposomes remained stable after lyophilization over six months at 4–6 °C and −20 °C. The sol-gel transition of the gel and lipogel occurred between 33 and 39 °C, independently of sterilization or storage at −20 °C. CS-βGP is biocompatible and the liposomes were released over time. The lipogel prevented biofilm formation over 2 days and killed 98.7% of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and 99.9% of the Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms. Therefore, the lipogel is a promising new prophylaxis and treatment strategy for local application to SSIs.Laurine Kaul, Clara E. Grundmann, Monika Köll-Weber, Hanna Löffler, Artur Weiz, Andrew C. W. Zannettino, Katharina Richter, and Regine Süs

    Tick-borne encephalitis virus in dogs - is this an issue?

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    The last review on Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in dogs was published almost ten years ago. Since then, this zoonotic tick-borne arbovirus has been geographically spreading and emerging in many regions in Eurasia and continues to do so. Dogs become readily infected with TBE virus but they are accidental hosts not capable to further spread the virus. They seroconvert upon infection but they seem to be much more resistant to the clinical disease than humans. Apart from their use as sentinels in endemic areas, however, an increasing number of case reports appeared during the last decade thus mirroring the rising public health concerns. Owing to the increased mobility of people travelling to endemic areas with their companion dogs, this consequently leads to problems in recognizing and diagnosing this severe infection in a yet non-endemic area, simply because the veterinarians are not considering TBE. This situation warrants an update on the epidemiology, clinical presentation and possible preventions of TBE in the dog

    Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Pancreatic Islets and Bone Marrow into Islet-Like Cell Phenotype

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    BACKGROUND:Regarding regenerative medicine for diabetes, accessible sources of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) for induction of insular beta cell differentiation may be as important as mastering the differentiation process itself. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In the present work, stem cells from pancreatic islets (human islet-mesenchymal stem cells, HI-MSCs) and from human bone marrow (bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, BM-MSCs) were cultured in custom-made serum-free medium, using suitable conditions in order to induce differentiation into Islet-like Cells (ILCs). HI-MSCs and BM-MSCs were positive for the MSC markers CD105, CD73, CD90, CD29. Following this induction, HI-MSC and BM-MSC formed evident islet-like structures in the culture flasks. To investigate functional modifications after induction to ILCs, ultrastructural analysis and immunofluorescence were performed. PDX1 (pancreatic duodenal homeobox gene-1), insulin, C peptide and Glut-2 were detected in HI-ILCs whereas BM-ILCs only expressed Glut-2 and insulin. Insulin was also detected in the culture medium following glucose stimulation, confirming an initial differentiation that resulted in glucose-sensitive endocrine secretion. In order to identify proteins that were modified following differentiation from basal MSC (HI-MSCs and BM-MSCs) to their HI-ILCs and BM-ILCs counterparts, proteomic analysis was performed. Three new proteins (APOA1, ATL2 and SODM) were present in both ILC types, while other detected proteins were verified to be unique to the single individual differentiated cells lines. Hierarchical analysis underscored the limited similarities between HI-MSCs and BM-MSCs after induction of differentiation, and the persistence of relevant differences related to cells of different origin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Proteomic analysis highlighted differences in the MSCs according to site of origin, reflecting spontaneous differentiation and commitment. A more detailed understanding of protein assets may provide insights required to master the differentiation process of HI-MSCs to functional beta cells based only upon culture conditioning. These findings may open new strategies for the clinical use of BM-MSCs in diabetes