23 research outputs found

    À propos du colloque « Pour une recherche et une innovation responsables » : une analyse aux niveaux macro, micro et méso

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    Un colloque intitulé « Pour une recherche et une innovation responsables » s’est tenu le 15 janvier 2021. Organisé par un groupe de travail interinstitutionnel (universités, instituts de recherche, grandes écoles), il visait à réinterroger le rôle et les pratiques de la recherche. Les tables rondes couvraient des thèmes liés à la fois aux finalités sociétales de la recherche pour un meilleur alignement avec les défis du développement durable, aux défis concrets de la gestion de sites et des comportements individuels et collectifs pour diminuer le coût environnemental et sociétal de la conduite des travaux de recherche et enfin aux défis d’apprentissage et de gouvernance de la recherche et de l’innovation pour que les savoirs viennent accompagner des changements de pratiques à l’échelle de l’ensemble des acteurs concernés. Ce texte propose de relire cette conférence à la lumière d’une grille d’analyse macro/micro/méso qui offre un moyen d’appréhender les différents niveaux d’action qui ont été évoqués pendant cette conférence, parfois au sein d’une même table ronde. Le niveau macro a surtout été couvert dans les deux premières tables rondes qui ont fait émerger le constat que les normes globales qui désormais guident la recherche ont fortement évolué. Il a souvent été fait référence au niveau micro pour parler de la multiplication d’initiatives prises par les chercheurs, individuellement ou collectivement, pour diminuer l’impact de leurs recherches sur l’environnement. Le niveau méso est finalement celui qui a le plus occupé les débats avec une série d’instruments, d’outils et d’initiatives pris par différentes organisations pour essayer à l’échelle de collectifs plus larges, de prendre en charge certains défis, gérer d’éventuelles tensions entre injonctions contradictoires venant du niveau macro et ainsi aider à faire bouger les lignes et à engager davantage la recherche vers des pratiques responsables

    Gouvernance internationale de la biodiversité : impliquer tous les utilisateurs de ressources génétiques

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    Этнокультурные стереотипы образа мусульманской женщины

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    Данная статья посвящена изучению коранической основы и социокультурного положения женщины в исламе. Особое внимание было уделено изучению коранического аспекта роли женщины в кругу семьи и роли семьи в целом для исламского мира.Дана стаття присвячена вивченню коранічної основи та соціокультурного положення жінки в ісламі. Особлива увага приділена вивченню коранічного аспекту ролі жінки в колі родини та ролі родини в цілому для ісламського світу.This article is devoted to study of Koran basis and sociocultural status of woman in Islam. The special attention has been paid to study of Koran aspect of the woman’s role in monogynopaedium and the role of monogynopaedium for the Islam world on the whole

    Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture? Four common misconceptions

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    a b s t r a c t The importance of seed provisioning in food security and nutrition, agricultural development and rural livelihoods, and agrobiodiversity and germplasm conservation is well accepted by policy makers, practitioners and researchers. The role of farmer seed networks is less well understood and yet is central to debates on current issues ranging from seed sovereignty and rights for farmers to GMOs and the conservation of crop germplasm. In this paper we identify four common misconceptions regarding the nature and importance of farmer seed networks today. (1) Farmer seed networks are inefficient for seed dissemination. (2) Farmer seed networks are closed, conservative systems. (3) Farmer seed networks provide ready, egalitarian access to seed. (4) Farmer seed networks are destined to weaken and disappear. We challenge these misconceptions by drawing upon recent research findings and the authors' collective field experience in studying farmer seed systems in Africa, Europe, Latin America and Oceania. Priorities for future research are suggested that would advance our understanding of seed networks and better inform agricultural and food policy

    Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture? Four common misconceptions

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    The importance of seed provisioning in food security and nutrition, agricultural development and rural livelihoods, and agrobiodiversity and germplasm conservation is well accepted by policy makers, practitioners and researchers. The role of farmer seed networks is less well understood and yet is central to debates on current issues ranging from seed sovereignty and rights for farmers to GMOs and the conservation of crop germplasm. In this paper we identify four common misconceptions regarding the nature and importance of farmer seed networks today. (1) Farmer seed networks are inefficient for seed dissemination. (2) Farmer seed networks are closed, conservative systems. (3) Farmer seed networks provide ready, egalitarian access to seed. (4) Farmer seed networks are destined to weaken and disappear. We challenge these misconceptions by drawing upon recent research findings and the authors’ collective field experience in studying farmer seed systems in Africa, Europe, Latin America and Oceania. Priorities for future research are suggested that would advance our understanding of seed networks and better inform agricultural and food policy

    Biodiversité et ressources génétiques : la difficulté de la constitution d'un régime international hybride

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    [eng] Hélène Ilbert, Sélim Louafi — Biodiversity and genetic resources : The difficulty of constituting a hybrid international regime Negotiations concerning biodiversity have partially polarised North-South positions. The choice of resorting to intellectual property-rights as a management tool for using and conserving genetic resources is recognised both by the ito and the Biodiversity Convention. However while the trade regime within the framework of the no is an efficient basis for innovation in high-tech countries, the regime governing the use and the conservation of genetic resources within the Convention's framework is still not really enforced.

    La sécurité alimentaire : la construction d’un bien public global ?

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    Soaring of food prices in 2007/08 has put again food security high in the global agenda. Several elements of explanation have been put forward to explain this crisis, including traditional ones such as imbalance supply/demand and stocks, energy effect, dollar effect ; and new factors such as biofuels, financial speculation and low interest rates, export bans. Various arguments linked to this food crisis have also questioned the global nature of food security issue : global insecurity (with the urban food riots), humanitarian (with the worsening situation of the bottom billion), cross-sectoral (with the relationships between agriculture and other related issues such as environment, health, trade rules and market impacts, etc.). Several initiatives have insisted on the need to address more seriously the problem at the global level. Indeed, lack of global coordination on food security has been recognized as a major problem. This lack of coordination could be understood both at the substantive level (i.e. between the different issue-areas which are part of the food security problem) and at the institutional level (i.e. between the different international organizations in charge of food security) leading to the fragmentation of global food security governance. This paper respectively analyses these two dimensions of fragmentation in order to assess the extent to which current global initiatives better address coordination needs for global food security

    Les normes locales de la sécurité semencière : quelle coexistence avec le droit national et international ?

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    The article aims to highlight local norms that affect seed security and to assess their coexistence with national and international legal orders. It is based on the results of an empirical study conducted between 2018 and 2021 in two villages, located respectively in the Centre-West region of Burkina Faso and the Fatick region of Senegal. The article shows the extent to which i) the local norms of these villages are based on rules of reciprocity, alliance and filiation that structure the local production and circulation of seeds, and ii) these local rules reveal an interdependence between object and subject, nature and culture. It then highlights the issues of coexistence of these norms with the national laws of Burkina Faso and Senegal, in particular the 2006 Plant Seeds Act in Burkina Faso and the 1994 Registration of Varieties, Production, Certification and Trade of Seeds or Plants Act in Senegal. Inspired by international models, these laws organize a seed sector focused on cross-border exchanges. They exclude farmers who practice mass selection and use non-certified seeds from the status of seed breeder, producer and seller. Solutions are proposed to encourage collaboration among all actors. The Crop Diversity Commons is identified as a relevant conceptual framework to discuss the recognition of a community of rights and the interdependence between humans and plants, from the perspective of sustainable global seed security

    Le nouveau climat des expéditions naturalistes au sud. L'exemple de santo 2006 au vanuatu

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    During the preparation of the expedition Santo 2006, some tension appeared between certain members of the ni-Vanuatu administration and the French organizers of this huge expedition. In this paper, we analyze the relationships between sciences and societies revealed by the cultural politics of this country. The current international debates about bioprospection along with the notion of Prior Informed Consent and the emergence of ?a new indigenous question? constitute the complex background in which such tension becomes meaningful.Expedition, collects, naturalists, Vanuatu, informed consent, bioprospection

    Présentation. Les systèmes semenciers au prisme de l’évolution des normes

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    Introduction « Le droit a tout changé ! ». Cette citation extraite d’un entretien avec un habitant de la périphérie de Yaoundé en janvier 2023 se rapportait à l’histoire d’un arbre auquel les villageois étaient attachés et qui fournissait plusieurs services (écorces, fruits, ombrage, lieu de discussion) qu’aucun ne pouvait refuser à quiconque, ni même la personne qui avait installé sa maison à côté et l’avait peut-être même planté. L’achat de la parcelle par un citadin a transféré de jure la ..