319 research outputs found

    On fuzzy-qualitative descriptions and entropy

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    This paper models the assessments of a group of experts when evaluating different magnitudes, features or objects by using linguistic descriptions. A new general representation of linguistic descriptions is provided by unifying ordinal and fuzzy perspectives. Fuzzy qualitative labels are proposed as a generalization of the concept of qualitative labels over a well-ordered set. A lattice structure is established in the set of fuzzy-qualitative labels to enable the introduction of fuzzy-qualitative descriptions as L-fuzzy sets. A theorem is given that characterizes finite fuzzy partitions using fuzzy-qualitative labels, the cores and supports of which are qualitative labels. This theorem leads to a mathematical justification for commonly-used fuzzy partitions of real intervals via trapezoidal fuzzy sets. The information of a fuzzy-qualitative label is defined using a measure of specificity, in order to introduce the entropy of fuzzy-qualitative descriptions. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    High throughput FT-MIR analysis of sugars and acids in watermelon

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    Indirect measurements of taste-related compounds are required when a high number of samples has to be analyzed in a short period of time, with a minimum cost. For this purpose, FT-MIR partial least square (PLS) regression models for the prediction of total soluble solids, sugars and organic acids have been developed using three sample sets including breeding lines and commercial varieties of watermelon. Specific models with excellent performance were obtained only for sugars. Nevertheless, a general model supposed a compromise between the best and worse models and offered %RMSEP values of 11.3%, 11.1% and 11.7% for fructose, glucose and sucrose respectively. The model was applied to the selection of high content samples (selection pressure 20% and 30%) obtaining good sensitivity levels and mean percentile of selected samples close to the expected values (100% sensitivity). The robustness of FT-MIR models was assessed with predictions of external assays, obtaining reasonable performances

    A recommender system based on group consensus

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    This paper presents the foundation for a new methodology for a collaborative recommender system (RS). This methodology is based on the degree of consensus of a group of users stating their preferences via qualitative orders-of-magnitude. The structure of distributive lattice is considered in defining the distance between users and the RSs new users. This proposed methodology incorporates incomplete or partial knowledge into the recommendation process using qualitative reasoning techniques to obtain consensus of its users for recommendations.Postprint (published version

    Using qualitative reasoning in modelling consensus in group decision-making

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    Ordinal scales are commonly used in rating and evaluation processes. These processes usually involve group decision making by means of an experts’ committee. In this paper a mathematical framework based on the qualitative model of the absolute orders of magnitude is considered. The entropy of a qualitatively described system is defined in this framework. On the one hand, this enables us to measure the amount of information provided by each evaluator and, on the other hand, the coherence of the evaluation committee. The new approach is capable of managing situations where the assessment given by experts involves different levels of precision. The use of the proposed measures within an automatic system for group decision making will contribute towards avoiding the potential subjectivity caused by conflicts of interests of the evaluators in the group.Postprint (published version

    Propuesta de una modificación de la técnica de apertura craneal en la autopsia médico legal, con fines estéticos

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    existen múltiples técnicas en patología forense para la realización de un autopsia. A lo largo de los años y con la evolución de la medicina y sus ciencias auxiliares, estas técnicas se han ido adaptando a las necesidades tanto del estudio del óbito com o a la necesidad de la reconstrucción lo menos traumática posible para que el fallecido pueda volver a ser visto por sus seres querido s. Presentamos una modificación de la técnica de apertura craneal que nos gusta denominar “La modificación de López Carrasco”, siendo la utilizada en el Servicio de Patología del Instituto de Medicina Legal de Cádiz por su calidad estética final.multiple techniques in forensic pathology for conducting an autopsy. Throughout the years and with the evolution of medicine and its auxiliary sciences, these techniques have been adapted to the needs of both the study of death and the need fo r reconstruction as painless as possible so that the deceased can return to be seen by their loved ones. We present a modification of the technique of cranial opening we like to call "The m odification of López Carrasco" being used i n the Pathology Department of the Inst itute of Legal Medicine of Cádi z for his final aesthetic quality

    Relative infaunal bivalve density assessed from split beam echosounder angular information

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    Management of shellfish resources requires a spatial approach where mapping is a key tool. Acoustic techniques have been rarely used to map infaunal organisms with a patchy distribution. We propose and test the use of split-beam echosounder angular information to assess razor shell presence and relative density. Our statistical approach combines textural analysis of angular echograms, standard unsupervised multivariate methods and hierarchical classification through dendrograms to identify groups of locations with similar clam densities. The statistical analyses show that the classification is consistent with groundtruthing data and that results are insensitive to boat motion or seabed granulometry. The method developed here constitutes a promising tool for assessing the relative density of razor clam grounds.Sánchez-Carnero, N.; Rodríguez-Pérez, D.; Zaragozá Martínez, N.; Espinosa Roselló, V.; Freire Botana, J. (2014). Relative infaunal bivalve density assessed from split beam echosounder angular information. Oceanologia. 56(3):497-522. doi:10.5697/oc.56-3.497S49752256

    Dynamical Continuous Discrete Assessment of Competencies Achievement: An Approach to Continuous Assessment

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    [EN] Learning is a non-deterministic complex dynamical system where students transform inputs (classes, assignments, personal work, gamification activities, etc.) into outcomes (acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies). In the process, students generate outputs in a variety of ways (exams, tests, portfolios, etc.). The result of these outputs is a grade aimed at measuring the (level of) competencies achieved by each student. We revisit the relevance of continuous assessment to obtain this grading. We simultaneously investigate the generated outputs in different moments as modifiers of the system itself, since they may reveal a variation of the level of competencies achievement previously assessed. This is a novelty in the literature, and a cornerstone of our methodology. This process is called a Dynamical Continuous Discrete assessment, which is a form of blended assessment that may be used under traditional or blended learning environments. This article provides an 11-year perspective of applying this Dynamical Continuous Discrete assessment in a Mathematics class for aerospace engineering students, as well as the students' perception of continuous assessments.Research developed within a Project funded by Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion (ICE) through the Educational Innovation and Improvement Project (PIME) A + D 2019, number 1699-B, at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain.Sánchez Ruiz, LM.; Moll López, SE.; Moraño Fernández, JA.; Roselló, M. (2021). Dynamical Continuous Discrete Assessment of Competencies Achievement: An Approach to Continuous Assessment. Mathematics. 9(17):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9172082S11691

    Photoelectrochemical removal of chlorfenvinphos by using WO3 nanorods: Influence of annealing temperature and operation pH

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    A visible-light driven photoelectrochemical degradation process has been applied to a solution polluted with the organophosphate insecticide chlorfenvinphos. Different WO3 nanosheets/nanorods have been used as photoanodes. These nanostructured electrodes have been fabricated by anodization of tungsten and, subsequently, they have been subjected to a thermal treatment (annealing). The combined influence of annealing temperature (400 °C and 600 °C) and operation pH (1 and 3) on the photoelectrocatalytic behavior of these nanorods has been examined through a statistical analysis. Morphological, structural and photoelectrochemical characterizations have also been carried out. The chlorfenvinphos degradation efficiency depended both on annealing temperature and, specially, operation pH. At pH 1 and using an annealing temperature of 600 °C, chlorfenvinphos has been effectively degraded following pseudo-first order kinetics with a coefficient of 7.8 × 10−3 min−1, and notably mineralized (more than 65% of Total Organic Carbon decrease)

    Degradation of Diazinon based on photoelectrocatalytic technique using enhanced WO3 nanostructures: Mechanism and pathway

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    [EN] In this work, a resistant and toxic pesticide called diazinon was degraded through the photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) technique using tungsten oxide (WO3) nanostructures, applying an external bias of 1VAg/AgCl and simulated solar illumination. For this, WO3 nanostructures have been synthesized using electrochemical anodization in 0.05 M hydrogen peroxide and 1.5 M of different acidic electrolytes: H2SO4, CH4O3S or HNO3. Morphology, composition and crystallinity of the samples were evaluated through Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Raman Spectroscopy. Then, the photoelectrochemical properties of the samples were analyzed by Photo-Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (PEIS). The conclusion obtained with these studies was that the nanostructures obtained in the CH4O3S-H2O2 electrolyte presented better photoelectrochemical behavior than the others. The degradation process was checked by UV-Visible, and through Ultra High-Performanc liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS) the courses of the experiments have been controlled and five possible degradation intermediates have been identified. Finally, after 24 h of experiment, 90% degradation efficiency has been achieved, since it has been possible to decrease from 20 ppm to 2 ppm.Authors would like to show their gratitude for the financial support to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Project code: PID2019105844RB-I00) in the acquisition of Laser Raman Microscope (UPOV083E-012) and for the co-finance by the European Social Fund. Authors would also want to express thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Project Code: CTQ2017-90659-REDT) and the Generalitat Valenciana for its support in the Atomic Force Microscope and UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS purchase (IDIFEDER/2018/044). Ramon M. Fernandez Domene also express gratitude to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) for the post-doctoral granting (PAID-10-17) and Gemma Rosello Marquez also thanks the Generalitat Valenciana for the pre-doctoral granting (ACIF/2018/159).Roselló-Márquez, G.; Fernández-Domene, RM.; Sánchez-Tovar, R.; Cifre-Herrando, M.; Garcia-Anton, J. (2021). Degradation of Diazinon based on photoelectrocatalytic technique using enhanced WO3 nanostructures: Mechanism and pathway. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 9(4):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2021.105371S1129

    El espinar esclerófilo de Asparago Albi-Rhamnetum "Bethurici" en el subsector Ribaduriense

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    Se aportan datos ecológicos, florïsticos y fitosociológicos acerca del espinar esclerófilo comprendido en la asociación Asparago albi-Rhamnetum "bethurici" Ladero 1970 del horizonte inferior del piso bioclimático mesomediterráneo seco en el Subsector Ribaduriense (Sector Lusitano-Duriense), límite septentrional de su área.The present work contributes ecological, floristic and phytosociological data about the sclerophilus thombush found in the association Asparago albi-Rhamnetum "bethurici" Ladero 1970 of the lower stratum of dry mesomediterranean bioclimatic level of the Ribaduriense subsector (Lusitano-Duriense sector), the nothermost limit of its area