614 research outputs found

    «A Baptism of Fire»: Towards a Practical Hybrid Approach for the Lexicographic Indexation of Phraseological Units with Religious Lexical Components in English and Spanish

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    Traditionally, researchers have had a particular interest in the study of the relationship between phraseology and lexicography [e.g., Alonso Ramos (2006); Mellado Blanco (2008); Buendía Castro and Faber (2015); Paquot (2015); Nuccorini (2020)] to the point of having labeled it a «scientific marriage» (Leroyer 2006). In addition, scholars have been increasingly interested in the semantic analysis of phraseological units (henceforth PUs) [e.g., Grčić Simeunović and de Santiago (2016) and Torijano and Recio (2019)]. Among the problems that these and several other studies have pointed out, there is the recurrent reference to inaccuracy and difficulty in indexing PUs in lexicographic resources. Although some scholars consider onomasiological approaches as an interesting starting point [e.g., Bosque (2017) and Siepmann (2008)], a systematic methodology in phraseology that includes both the semantical analysis of the entries and their indexation is still needed./nWe intend to address that need here through the analysis of 242 idioms (199 in Spanish and 43 in English) extracted from a 21,045-idiom database that was compiled from two phraseological dictionaries: the Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual (henceforth DFDEA) (Seco, Andrés et al., 2004), and the Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms (henceforth CCDOI) (Sinclair and Moon 1997). The criteria employed to select the resulting analysis units were: (i) they had to include at least one lexical component related to religion, and (ii) the idiom had to be nominal or verbal. The religious component was identified semi-automatically by using the UCREL's Semantic Analysis System (USAS) (Archer et al., 2002)./nThe contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) it presents a lexicographic analysis of the macrostructure and microstructure of the two phraseological resources previously mentioned, (ii) it offers a model of semantic analysis for PUs with religion-related components, (iii) it proposes an alternative indexation method of PUs in lexicographic resources involving semasiological and onomasiological approaches; and finally, (iv) it shows a systematic way to use semantic and pragmatic information in order to create semantic entries for PUs./nIn conclusion, by closely examining said set of phraseological entries, this study sheds light on the semantic composition of Pus. It also suggests a systematic hybrid approach for their lexicographic indexation in English and Spanish.Tradicionalmente, los investigadores han demostrado un particular interés por el estudio de la relación entre fraseología y lexicografía [p. ej. Alonso Ramos (2006); Mellado Blanco (2008); Buendía Castro y Faber (2015); Paquot (2015); Nuccorini (2020)] hasta el punto de denominarlo «matrimonio científico» (Leroyer 2006). De igual manera, los académicos se han interesado de manera creciente por el análisis semántico de las unidades fraseológicas (en nuestro texto, PUs, por sus siglas en inglés) [e.g., Grčić Simeunović y de Santiago (2016) y Torijano y Recio (2019)]. Entre los problemas que estos y otros estudios han señalado se encuentra la recurrente referencia a la inexactitud y la dificultad para indexar las PUs en los recursos lexicográficos. Aunque algunos investigadores consideran los enfoques onomasiológicos como un interesante punto de partida [e.g., Bosque (2017) y Siepmann (2008)], sigue siendo necesario establecer una metodología sistemática respecto a la fraseología que incluya tanto el análisis semántico de las entradas como su indexación./nNos proponemos abordar esta necesidad analizando 242 modismos (199 en español y 43 en inglés) extraídos de una base de datos con 21.045 modismos que ha sido compilada a partir de dos diccionarios fraseológicos: el Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual (en adelante DFDEA) (Seco, Andrés et al., 2004), y el Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms (en adelante CCDOI) (Sinclair y Moon 1997). Los criterios empleados para seleccionar las unidades resultantes con vistas a su análisis han sido: (i) debían incluir al menos un componente léxico relacionado con la religión, y (ii) el modismo tenía que ser nominal o verbal. El componente religioso fue identificado de manera semi-automática utilizando el UCREL's Semantic Analysis System (USAS) (Archer et al., 2002)./nLas aportaciones de este artículo son las siguientes: (i) presenta un análisis lexicográfico de la macroestructura y la microestructura de los dos recursos fraseológicos antes mencionados, (ii) ofrece un modelo de análisis semántico para las PUs con componentes relacionados con la religión, (iii) propone un método de indexación alternativa de las PUs en recursos lexicográficos que implican enfoques semasiológicos y onomasiológicos; y finalmente, (iv) propone una manera sistemática de utilizar la información semántica y pragmática para crear entradas semánticas para las PUs./nEn conclusión, al examinar dicha serie de entradas fraseológicas, este estudio arroja luz sobre la composición semántica de las PUs. También sugiere un enfoque híbrido sistemático para su indexación lexicográfica en inglés y español

    Factores de riesgo asociados a las infecciones del sitio operatorio en pacientes postoperados en el servicio de cirugía general del Centro Médico Naval, 2015-2016

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a las infecciones del sitio operatorio en los pacientes postoperados en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Centro Médico Naval, 2015 – 2016. Material y métodos: En esta investigación se revisaron y analizaron 716 historias clínicas, correspondiente a los pacientes comprendidos entre las edades de 15 a 93 años, postoperados en el Servicio de Cirugía del Centro Médico Naval, en el periodo junio 2015 - junio 2016. De este número total de intervenidos 124 pacientes manifestaron infecciones en el sitio operatorio, como consecuencia de factores asociados a las características demográficas: edad y sexo; comorbilidades: diabetes y cáncer; condiciones operatorias: tiempo operatorio y tipo de cirugía; y, estancia hospitalaria: días de hospitalización. Esto quiere decir, que 124 pacientes constituye nuestra muestra, o grupo de estudio. De esta cifra 80 son masculinos y 44 femeninos, cuyas edades comprenden de los 15 a los 93 años, entre varones y mujeres. Se usaron los métodos descriptivo, explicativo y deductivo. Descriptivo, porque describe los datos recogidos: sirve para especificar las características y rasgos más sobresalientes que manifiesta el grupo observado, respecto al objeto de estudio. Explicativo, porque busca conocer la razón de los hechos, estableciendo los vínculos de causa-efecto y explicarlos. Es decir, busca determinar las causas de los eventos o fenómenos del estudio. Deductivo, porque a través de la inferencia y razonamiento se arriba a una verdad universal, de la cual se puede obtener conclusiones particulares

    On twin peak quasi-periodic oscillations resulting from the interaction between discoseismic modes and turbulence in accretion discs around black holes

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    Versión preprintGiven the peculiar and (in spite of many efforts) unexplained quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) twin peak phenomena in accretion disc psd observations, the present exploratory analytical article tries to inquire deeper into the relationship between discoseismic modes and the underlying driving turbulence in order to assess its importance. We employ a toy model in the form of a Gaussian white noise driven damped harmonic oscillator with stochastic frequency. This oscillator represents the discoseismic mode. (Stochastic damping was also considered, but interestingly found to be less relevant for the case at hand.) In the context of this model, we find that turbulence interacts with disc oscillations in interesting ways. In particular, the stochastic part in the oscillator frequency behaves as a separate driving agent. This gives rise to 3:2 twin peaks for some values of the physical parameters, which we find. We conclude with the suggestion that the study of turbulence be brought to the forefront of disc oscillation dynamics, as opposed to being a mere background feature. This change of perspective carries immediate observable consequences, such as considerably shifting the values of the (discoseismic) oscillator frequencies.Universidad de Costa Rica/[805-B6-148]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Físic

    A comparison of techniques for robust gender recognition

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    Reprinted, with permission, from [Rojas Bello, R.N., Lago Fernández, L.F., Martínez Muñoz, G., y Sánchez Montañés, M.A., A comparision of techniques for robust gender recognition, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011]. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.Proceedings of 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 11-14 Sept. 2011, BrusselsAutomatic gender classification of face images is an area of growing interest with multiple applications. Appropriate classifiers should be robust against variations such as illumination, scale and orientation that occur in real world applications. This can be achieved by normalizing the images in order to reduce those variations (alignment, re-scaling, histogram-equalization, etc.), or by extracting features from the original images which are invariant respect to those variations. In this work we perform a robust comparison of eight different classifiers across 100 random partitions of a set of frontal face images. Four of them are state-of-the-art methods in automatic gender classification that use image normalization (SVMs, Neural Networks, ADABOOST and PCA+LDA). The other four strategies use invariant features extracted by SIFT (BOW, Evidence Random Trees, NBNN and Voted Nearest-Neighbor). The best strategies are SVM using normalized images and NBNN, the latter having the advantage that no strong image pre-processing is needed.This work has been supported by CDTI (project INTEGRA) and DGUICAM/UAM (project CCG10-UAM/TIC-5864

    Actitudes de estudiantes de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana hacia la Eutanasia

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue medir actitudes hacia la eutanasia de estudiantes universitarios de tres carreras de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana sede Bogotá y determinar si había diferencias en dichas actitudes. Para ello se procedió en dos momentos: una primera fase de creación del cuestionario de medición de actitudes y su validación por expertos y posterior análisis psicométrico. La segunda fase fue la aplicación del cuestionario a la muestra seleccionada de 147 estudiantes. El análisis utilizó descriptivos y un ANOVA que sugirió diferencias entre los grupos en términos de actitudes, siendo los estudiantes de psicología quienes tenían actitudes más favorables hacia la eutanasia, seguidos de cerca por los estudiantes de medicina, y por último los estudiantes de enfermería mostraron tener una actitud menos favorable hacia la eutanasia. Este estudio presenta una contribución importante al desarrollar un cuestionario válido que la comunidad científica puede ahora utilizar para la medición de actitudes hacia la eutanasia, y adicionalmente estableció las actitudes de tres grupos de estudiantes de carreras diferentes.The objective of this research was to measure attitudes towards euthanasia in college students of three careers of the Pontifical Xaverian University of Bogotá and to determine if there are differences among these attitudes. To accomplish this objective, it was proceeded in two moments. The first phase was developing a questionnaire to measure attitudes and its validation was done by experts, and the subsequent psychometric analysis. The second phase consisted in applying the questionnaire to 147 students. The analysis used descriptives and an ANOVA which suggested differences between the groups in terms of attitudes, being the psychology students the ones that showed a better attitude towards euthanasia, followed nearly by the medicine students, and finally the nursing students who showed a less favorable attitude towards euthanasia. This study presents an important contribution by developing a valid questionnaire that the scientific community can now use to measure attitudes towards euthanasia, and it stablished the attitudes of three groups of students of different careers.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Vitalidad lingüística de la lengua paipai de Santa Catarina, Baja California

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    Las lenguas yumanas han recibido poca atención en el campo de la sociolingüística mexicana en las últimas décadas. En aras de suplir esta falta, presentamos un primer estudio sobre la vitalidad lingüística de la lengua paipai de Santa Catarina, Baja California, México. En tanto en el área estudiada se encuentran en coexistencia lenguas como el castellano mexicano y el ko’ahl, estas también forman parte del estudio. Esta primera aproximación tiene dos ejes: en primer lugar, brindar un eje teórico que explique la dinámica sociolingüística en la ecología de la lengua a tratar (Mufwene 2001) y, en segundo lugar, proporcionar un estudio cuantitativo basado en la MFC (Máxima Facilidad Compartida) (Terborg & García 2011) que dé cuenta del estado de vitalidad lingüística del paipai, enriquecido por información cualitativa recopilada in situ

    Torii: Multipath Distributed Ethernet Fabric Protocol for Data Centers with Zero-Loss Path Repair

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    This paper describes and evaluates Torii, a layer-two data center network fabric protocol. The main features of Torii are being fully distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant and with automatic setup. Torii is based on multiple, tree-based, topological MAC addresses that are used for table-free forwarding over multiple equal-cost paths, and it is capable of rerouting frames around failed links on the fly without needing a central fabric manager for any function. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first protocol that does not require the exchange of periodic messages to work under normal conditions and to recover from link failures, as Torii exchanges messages just once. Moreover, another important characteristic of Torii is that it is compatible with a wide range of data center topologies. Simulation results show an excellent distribution of traffic load and latencies, similar to shortest path protocols

    Torii: Multipath Distributed Ethernet Fabric Protocol for Data Centers with Zero-Loss Path Repair

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    This paper describes and evaluates Torii, a layer-two data center network fabric protocol. The main features of Torii are being fully distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant and with automatic setup. Torii is based on multiple, tree-based, topological MAC addresses that are used for table-free forwarding over multiple equal-cost paths, and it is capable of rerouting frames around failed links on the fly without needing a central fabric manager for any function. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first protocol that does not require the exchange of periodic messages to work under normal conditions and to recover from link failures, as Torii exchanges messages just once. Moreover, another important characteristic of Torii is that it is compatible with a wide range of data center topologies. Simulation results show an excellent distribution of traffic load and latencies, similar to shortest path protocols

    Antennas parameterization for the detection of partial discharges

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    Partial discharge (PD) detection is a widely extended technique for electrical insulation diagnosis. Ultrahigh-frequency detection techniques appear as a feasible alternative to traditional methods owing to their inherent advantages such as the capability to detect PDs online and to locate the piece of equipment with insulation problems in substations and cables. In this paper, four antennas are thoroughly studied by means of their theoretical and experimental behavior when measuring electromagnetic pulses radiated by PD activity. The theoretic study of the band of frequencies in which the pulse emits and the measurement of the parameters S11 are complemented with the frequency response and wavelet transform of a set of 500 time signals acquired by the antennas, and the results are analyzed in detail.This work was supported by the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry under Contracts DPI 2009-14628-C03-02 and TEC 2011- 29006-C03-03.Publicad