550 research outputs found


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp

    Drag reduction on a blunt body by self-adaption of rear flexibly hinged flaps

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    We study the aerodynamics of a blunt-based body with rear flexibly-hinged rigid flaps, subject to a turbulent flow of Reynolds number Re = 12000, under aligned and cross flow conditions with yaw angle β = 0◦ and β = 4◦. To that aim, different values of the equivalent torsional stiffness are considered, to cover the range of reduced velocity U∗ = (0, 3.48] in water tank experiments. The effect of the angular deflection of plates on the drag and near wake flow is analyzed, experimentally and numerically. The results show that, in the range of U∗ herein considered, the plates undergo an inwards quasi-static, self-adaptive deflection, which is symmetric for yaw angles β = 0◦ and asymmetric for β = 4◦. In particular, the plates feature small mean deformation angles for values of U∗ < 1, whereas a sharp and monotonic increase of such deflection occurs for U∗ > 1, i.e. for lower values of the hinge’s stiffness, with an asymptotic trend towards the larger values of U∗. A critical value of reduced velocity of U∗ ≃ 0.96 is obtained as the instability threshold above which plates depart from their initial equilibrium position. The progressive streamlining of the trailing edge translates into significant reductions of the associated mean drag coefficients. Thus, reductions close to 19% with respect to reference static plates configurations are obtained for the most flexible case of U∗ = 3.48 for both β = 0◦ and β = 4◦. A close inspection of the near wake reveals that the inwards progressive mean displacement of the plates yields a reduction in the recirculation bubble size. A symmetric evolution of the recirculating bubble is observed for β = 0◦, whereas the bubble becomes asymmetric for β = 4◦, with a larger leeward clockwise vortex. In both cases, the drag coefficient is shown to vary linearly with the global aspect ratio of the recirculating bubble. The analysis of the numerical results shows that the reduced extension of the recirculating bubble significantly alters the formation length and intensity of the eddies size and associated pressure. It is observed that despite the local pressure decrease in the vortices shed from the trailing edges, the plates self adaption reduces their size and prevents the eddies from entering the cavity, thus, creating a dead flow region with a consequent pressure increase at the body base.Junta de Andalucia FEDER-UJA 1262764Universidad de JaenEuropean CommissionSpanish MCIN/AEI PDC2021-121288-I00European Union Next Generation EU/PRT

    A Scoping Review of the Influence of Mindfulness on Men’s Sexual Activity

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    Mindfulness practice and mindfulness-based interventions are widely known, especially for women’s sexuality. However, it is currently unknown how this practice affects the experience of male sexuality, possibly due to the existence of pharmacological treatments that are usually the first choice of treatment for men. The objectives of this study are to explore the influence of mindfulness on different components of men’s sexuality from a scoping review of relevant scientific articles existing in the literature. A literature search from 2010 to 2022 was carried out in the electronic databases MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Dialnet, SciELO Citation Index, and Redalyc. Out of the 238 studies, 12 that met the defined selection criteria were selected. The analysis of these studies seems to indicate that the practice of mindfulness favours different variables of male sexuality, such as satisfaction and sexual functioning or genital self-image. Mindfulness-based interventions represent a valuable and promising contribution. No adverse effects were detected from the review of scientific articles considered in this work. Nevertheless, more randomized studies with active control groups are necessary to establish the benefits of mindfulness-based interventions in sex therapy for men

    Late Variscan, Permo-Carboniferous, Al-K plutonism in the South Portuguese Zone : El Crispinejo cordierite-bearing granite

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    The El Crispinejo granite forms part of a small, but distinctive late intrusive suite of cordierite-bearing peraluminous granites in the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ). This granite has the best outcrop relationships of the suite. It cross-cuts different members of the Sierra Norte Batholith of the SPZ and the Carboniferous Volcano-Sedimentary Complex of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, producing contact metamorphism. This late pluton has a high K content which results in a contrasting geophysical response (K-Th-U) with respect to the surrounding trondhjemitic granitoids of the TTG suite of the Sierra Norte Batholith. A concordant monazite-zircon U-Pb ID-TIMS age of 300.5 +0.5/-1.5Ma demonstrates Permo-Carboniferous age for this late Variscan magmatic event. The granite is associated with a series of ore showings (F-Pb-Zn and Sn-W) which are completely different from the nearby, massive sulphide and manganese ore deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, indicating the unique character of this intrusion

    In vitro characterization of solute transport in the spinal canal

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    This paper presents results of an experimental investigation of solute transport in a simplified model of the spinal canal. The work aims to provide increased understanding of the mechanisms responsible for drug dispersion in intrathecal drug delivery (ITDD) procedures. The model consists of an annular channel bounded externally by a rigid transparent tube of circular section, representing the dura mater, and internally by an eccentric cylindrical compliant insert, representing the spinal cord. The tube, closed at one end, is connected to a rigid acrylic reservoir, representing the cranial cavity. The system is filled with water, whose properties are almost identical to those of the cerebrospinal fluid. A programmable peristaltic pump is employed to generate oscillatory motion at frequencies that are representative of those induced by the cardiac and respiratory cycles. Laser induced fluorescence is used to characterize the dispersion of fluorescent dye along the canal and into the cranial cavity for different values of the relevant Womersley number and different eccentricities of the annular section. The present work corroborates experimentally, for the first time, the existence of a steady bulk flow, associated with the mean Lagrangian motion, which plays a key role in the transport of the solute along the spinal canal. The measurements of solute dispersion are found to be in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions obtained using a simplified transport equation derived earlier on the basis of a two-timescale asymptotic analysis. The experimental results underscore the importance of the eccentricity and its variations along the canal and identifies changes in the flow topology associated with differences in the Womersley number, with potential implications in guiding future designs of ITDD protocols.This work was supported by the coordinated project, PID2020-115961RB-C31, PID2020-115961RB-C32, and PID2020-115961RA-C33, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and by the Junta de Andalucia and European Funds, Project No. P18-FR-4619. F. Moral-Pulido wants to thank the Spanish Ministry of Universities for the financial support provided by the Fellowship FPU18/05694. The work of A. L. Sánchez was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation through Grant No. 1853954

    The South Bank Exhibition, Londres 1951: un análisis desde The Architectural Review

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    La exposición Festival of Britain de Londres de 1951 ocupa un destacado lugar en la historia de la arquitectura inglesa de la postguerra por ser el punto de arranque de la recuperación urbana del South Bank de Londres. Tuvo un gran apoyo y protagonismo en The Architectural Review, que publicó varios artículos y un número monográfico con el fin de mostrar como el master plan de la exposición se ajustaba a los ideales del Visual Planning y del Townscape que la revista venía difundiendo desde hacía unos años. Pero también fue criticada por un grupo de jóvenes arquitectos liderados por Reyner Banham que como reacción propondrían una arquitectura alternativa que fue denominada como el New Brutalism.The Festival of Britain exhibition held in London in 1951 occupies a noteworthy place in the history of British architecture of the post-war period. This is because it constituted the starting point for the urban renewal of London’s South Bank. It was given strong support and great prominence by The Architectural Review, which published several articles and a monographic issue about it, in order to show how the master plan for the exhibition matched the ideals of Visual Planning and Townscape that the journal had been putting forward for some years previously. However, it was also the subject of criticism from a group of young architects, headed by Reyner Banham, who reacted to it by advocating an alternative style of architecture that was termed New Brutalism

    Estatus epiléptico no convulsivo secundario a encefalopatía hiperamonémica inducida por valproato

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    Sr. Editor: La encefalopatía hiperamonémica inducida por valproato (EHV) es una entidad poco frecuente que se caracteriza clínicamente por un cuadro agudo o subagudo que puede presentar alteración del nivel de consciencia, confusión, signos y síntomas neurológicos focales, y progresar asociando crisis epilépticas, ataxia, estupor y coma1. En la mayoría de los pacientes los niveles de amonio están elevados sin signos de fallo hepático, y también pueden observarse alteraciones en el electroencefalograma (EEG), habitualmente un enlentecimiento delta generalizado1. A pesar de que las crisis epilépticas son uno de los síntomas reconocidos en esta entidad, solo se han comunicado 2 casos de estatus epiléptico inducido por valproato (VPA)2, 3. A continuación describimos el caso de una paciente que sufrió un estatus epiléptico no convulsivo (EENC) secundario a una EHV. Mujer de 57 años, con antecedentes de enfermedad renal crónica secundaria a nefropatía intersticial, en tratamiento con hemodiálisis desde 2007, con trasplante renal en 2009 y rechazo crónico del injerto, en tratamiento con prednisona 5 mg/24 h. Seis meses antes del ingreso presenta un primer episodio de crisis tónico-clónica generalizada (CTCG) tras una sesión de diálisis, valorada en urgencias con un estudio analítico general y una tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) cerebral que no mostraron alteraciones significativas, sospechándose como origen un posible desequilibrio metabólico en el contexto de la diálisis. Ante un segundo episodio un mes después, dado que de nuevo no se observaron alteraciones metabólicas significativas, y al observarse en el EEG descargas epileptiformes temporales derechas, se inicia tratamiento con VPA a dosis de 500 mg/12 h y se remite a consulta externa de neurología para completar estudio y seguimiento..

    Mindfulness in Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction and Erotic Fantasies in a Non-Clinical Sample

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    he goal of this study is to better understand the relation between the practice of Mindfulness and the sexual activity, sexual satisfaction and erotic fantasies of Spanish-speaking participants. This research focuses on the comparison between people who practice Mindfulness versus naïve people, and explores the practice of Mindfulness and its relation with the following variables about sexuality: body awareness and bodily dissociation, personal sexual satisfaction, partner and relationship-related satisfaction, desire, subjective sexual arousal, genital arousal, orgasm, pain, attitudes towards sexual fantasies and types of sexual fantasies. The sample consisted of 106 selected adults, 32 men and 74 women, who completed six measures on an online survey platform: (a) Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), (b) Scale of Body Connection (SBC), (c) New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (NSSS), (d) Scale of Sexual Activity in Women (SSA-W) and Men (SSA-M), (e) Hurlbert Index of Sexual Fantasy (HISF), (f) Wilson’s Sex Fantasy Questionnaire. In the MAAS, Body Awareness subscale (SBC), NSSS, SSA-W and SSA-M, HISF and intimate fantasies subscale (Wilson’s questionnaire), people in the Mindfulness condition showed higher scores and these differences were statistically significant. These results may have relevant implications in the sexuality of clinical and non-clinical samples

    Improving our own knowledge through analysing an episode from teachers’ practice – different focuses of analysis

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    Una de las formas esenciales para lograr una mejor comprensión del contenido del conocimiento del profesor está ligada al análisis de su práctica. Esa práctica puede ser encarada de una forma amplia que no se limite sólo a la práctica de clase. Por otro lado, una discusión y reflexión sobre una misma situación de la práctica desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas puede contribuir también a una mejor comprensión no solo de la práctica sino también de los instrumentos metodológicos y teóricos en los que se sustenta el análisis. En esta comunicación presentamos y discutimos parte del trabajo desarrollado en la reunión intermedia del grupo de investigación sobre el conocimiento y desarrollo profesional del profesor de la SEIEM y cuyo foco de atención fue la discusión de las potencialidades del análisis de un mismo episodio desde cinco focos teóricos distintos.One of the core ways allowing obtain an ampler and deeper understanding on the content of teachers’ knowledge concerns analysing teachers’ practices. Such practice can be perceived in a broader way, not limited to classroom practice. On the other side, discussing and reflecting on the same situation with different theoretical and methodological approaches seems to contribute also for obtaining a deeper understanding not only on such practice but also on the used approaches for such analysis. In this paper we present and discuss part of the work developed in the intermeeting of the group research teachers’ knowledge and development of SEIEM concerning the potentialities of analyzing one episode using five different theoretical approaches