336 research outputs found

    Art therapy and female subjectivity: building a collage

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    Este texto es el resultado de una investigación que ahonda, desde la teoría y la práctica, en el valor que tanto los procesos creativos como las imágenes plásticas surgidas en un espacio arteterapéutico pueden aportar a un grupo psicoterapéutico de mujeres. Para apoyar la resolución de los conflictos en este grupo se enlazan las teorías de arteterapia, la psicoterapia dinámica y la perspectiva de género. Se muestra cómo se han planteado estas relaciones a través de la exposición de tres casos clínicos que son ejemplos de los procesos psíquicos observados.This research work, from theory and practice, is based in the significance of the creative process and the art object in the art therapy sessions with a female therapeutic group. The art therapy, the dynamic psychotherapy and the gender perspective are the theory studied to help the resolution of their conflicts. We show three patient studies like example of the psychical process watched

    Profiling of Organic Compounds in Bioethanol Samples of Different Nature and the Related Fractions

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    Forty-one bioethanol real samples and related fractions, together with a biobutanol sample, have been analyzed with gas chromatography coupled to either mass spectrometry (GC–MS) or flame ionization detection (GC–FID). Bioethanol with different water contents, samples originated from several sources of biomass, first- as well as second-generation specimens, distillation fractions, samples stocked in containers made of four different materials, and, finally, a biobutanol sample have been analyzed. The number of the compounds found through GC–MS has been 130, including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers, nitrogen compounds, organic acids, furane derivates as well as other species (e.g., limonene). Afterward, a quantitative determination of major components of bioethanol has been carried out. The achieved results have revealed that, besides ethanol and, in some cases, water, species such as acetaldehyde, methanol, and higher alcohols, as well as 1,1-diethoxyethane, may be present at concentrations above 500 mg L–1. While the source of bioethanol (nature of the raw material, ethanol generation, or water content) has a direct impact on its volatile organic compound (VOC) profile, the material of the container where the biofuel has been stored does not play a significant role. Finally, the results have demonstrated that, for a given production process, different distillation fractions contain unequal VOC profiles.Authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the financial support (Project Ref. PGC2018-100711-B-I00). C.S. thanks to the Ministry of Education, Spain for the contract FPU 13/01438

    Arteterapia y subjetividad femenina: construyendo un collage.

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    Este texto es el resultado de una investigación que ahonda, desde la teoría y la práctica, en el valor que tanto los procesos creativos como las imágenes plásticas surgidas en un espacio arteterapéutico pueden aportar a un grupo psicoterapéutico de mujeres. Para apoyar la resolución de los conflictos en este grupo se enlazan las teorías de arteterapia, la psicoterapia dinámica y la perspectiva de género. Se muestra cómo se han planteado estas relaciones a través de la exposición de tres casos clínicos que son ejemplos de los procesos psíquicos observados

    Social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health: analysis by gender among university students

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    IntroductionThis research aims to study the role of social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health in university students.MethodsA descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study has been carried out through a self-reported survey answered by 389 students during March and April 2022. The current level of health was the outcome variable. Technostress and academic stress were the criterion variables. Perceived social support was the mediator variable. The sociodemographic variables and ICT use at the educational level were the independent variables.ResultsWomen have higher levels of technostress and academic stress than men. Social support significantly and positively mediates the relationship between academic stress and self-perceived health in men.DiscussionThere is a clear need to develop new social management strategies that assist students in developing stable and long-lasting social networks, which can reduce stress during the student period and provide personal tools for later working life

    Clinical characterization and factors associated with quality of life in Long COVID patients: Secondary data analysis from a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Long COVID patients suffer a negative impact on their quality of life, as well as their functioning, productivity or socialization. There is a need to better understand the individual experience and circumstances surrounding these patients. Objective: To characterize clinical picture of Long COVID patients and to identify factors associated with quality of life. Methods: A secondary data analysis from a randomized clinical trial (RCT) was carried out with 100 Long COVID patients treated by Primary Health Care and residents in the territory of Aragon (northeast of Spain). The main variable of the study was quality of life, evaluated using the SF-36 Questionnaire, in relation to socio-demographic and clinical variables. In addition, ten validated scales were used that contemplated their cognitive, affective, functional and social status, as well as personal constructs. Correlation statistics and linear regression model were calculated. Results: Long COVID patients suffer a decrease in their levels of physical and mental health. On the one hand, the higher number of persistent symptoms (b = -0.900, p = 0.008), worse physical functioning (b = 1.587, p = 0.002) and sleep quality (b = -0.538, p = 0.035) are predictors of worse quality of life, physical subscale. On the other hand, higher educational level (b = 13.167, p = 0.017), lower number of persistent symptoms (b = -0.621, p = 0.057) and higher affective affectation (b = -1.402, p<0.001) are predictors of worse quality of life, mental subscale. Conclusion: It is necessary to design rehabilitation programs that consider both the physical and mental health of these patients, thus obtaining an improvement in their quality of life

    Nasal atypical carcinoid tumor. A case report

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    Introduction: Carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine tumors that are usually located on the gastrointestinal system, but infrequent in the sinus area. Description: The case of a 55-year-old woman with a unilateral nasal mass is described. The pathological analysis shows histological and immunohistochemical characteristics compatible with atypical carcinoid tumor. Discussion: carcinoid tumors may be typical or atypical according to their degree of differentiation. Although rare, they should be considered in differential diagnosis of unilateral polyposis. Treatment is essentially surgical. Conclusions: This case highlights the importance of histopathological analysis of all unilateral nasal lesions.Introducción: Los tumores carcinoides son tumores neuroendocrinos que en su mayoría asientan sobre el sistema gastrointestinal, siendo su localización en el área nasosinusal muy infrecuente. Descripción: Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 55 años de edad con una lesión nasal unilateral. El análisis anatomopatológico evidencia características histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas compatibles con tumor carcinoide atípico. Discusión: los tumores carcinoides pueden ser típicos o atípicos según su grado de diferenciación. Aunque infrecuentes, deben considerarse diagnóstico diferencial en poliposis unilaterales. Su tratamiento es esencialmente quirúrgico. Conclusiones: Este caso clínico destaca la importancia del análisis anatomopatológico de todas las lesiones nasales unilaterales

    El modelo de atención centrado en la persona, aplicado en un centro de día geriátrico para la mejora en las actividades de la vida diaria y habilidades sociales

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    The Center where the study is carried out works with the model of care centered on the person, as fundamental objective intends to maintain or improve the operation in several areas of his life, promoting social skills on residents in an individualized manner. The experience is carried out in two nursing of day (one as a control group and one experimental), directed by two occupational therapists and caregivers fixed in each one of them, located in the residence for greater Los Royales. After making an assessment prior to the residents (cognitive, physical, functional, everyday and affective life skills) and knowing their social skills and peculiarities of aging in an individualized manner, the experimental group are given guidelines to their caregivers that develop a small plan of attention focused on the person that enhances your skills and be able to personal autonomy to promote the maintenance of their capabilities and even see if this improvement is experienced in the resident. Results: The experimentation is carried out for three weeks, and then a statistical analysis with nonparametric tests, where notes the effectiveness in different areas.La experiencia es realizada en dos centros de día geriátricos (uno como grupo control y otro experimental), dirigidos por dos terapeutas ocupacionales, y con cuidadores fijos en cada uno de ellos, ubicados en la Residencia para Mayores Los Royales. Tras realizar una valoración previa a los residentes (Cognitiva, físico, funcional, habilidades de la vida cotidiana y afectiva) y conociendo sus habilidades sociales y valoración propia del envejecimiento de manera individualizada, se instruye a las cuidadoras del grupo experimental que permitan desarrollar un plan de atención centrado en la persona para potenciar las habilidades y el poder de autonomía personal y para favorecer el mantenimiento o mejoría de las habilidades en el residente.Resultados: La investigación se realiza durante tres semanas, con evaluación pretest y postest, y se realiza un análisis estadístico con pruebas no paramétricas en donde se observa la eficacia del mismo en diferentes áreas del usuario

    Modelo integrado para la formación en tecnologías de fabricación para estudiantes de grado en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial: caso práctico.

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació

    An experience in integrated knowledge about Manufacturing Technologies for Students of the Grades of Industrial Engineering

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació