10,331 research outputs found

    A geography of illicit crops (coca leaf) and armed conflict in Colombia

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    Colombia is currently the world’s largest producer of coca leaf and the principal producer of opium poppies in the Americas; the plants are the basic raw materials used to produce cocaine and heroin. This document analyses the current relationship between these crops and illegal armed groups in Colombia, using the hypothesis that the geographical intensification of the conflict is the principal cause of expanding illicit crop production. This relationship was analysed using a theoretical model, in which an interaction between illegal armed activity and strategic territorial control lead to cocaine production. Spatial analysis techniques were then applied, especially spatial association indicators; and a clear spatial dynamic was observed, related to the two aspects mentioned above. Non-parametric exercises were also carried out using matching estimators, to determine the effect illegal armed groups have on coca crops, and also to analyse the efficiency of aerial eradication policies. The results suggest that a large percentage of coca production in Colombia is due to the effects of illegal armed activity. We therefore conclude that the expansion of illegal crop growing is a consequence of the expanding conflict. In contrast, coca crops can only be used to explain a small part of the armed conflict in Colombia. In addition, we found that crop eradication via aerial spraying has not been an efficient tool in the fight against coca production in the country

    Wild edible plants as potential antioxidant or nutritional supplements for beverages minimally processed

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    Wild edible plants (WEP) with high antioxidant capacity, Rosa canina fruits, Quercus ballota acorns and Sanguisorba minor (young leaves and stems), were added to orange and kiwifruit juices for increase the nutritional properties. The addition of WEP to orange juice (OJ) and kiwifruit cremogenate (KC) does not affect, or it can even improve, some parameters of consumer's acceptance, although the mixtures increasing sweetness and intensifying the matrix colour without changing the tone are the best valued. The beverages minimally processed with higher TSS were the matrices fortified with Q. ballota, the same that were considered sweetest by the judges. The addition of WEP to OJ did not significantly change the levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid plus dehydroascorbic acid). The addition of R. canina and S. minor increased the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in both matrices (OJ and KC) in more than 30%. Beverages with a high interest for consumers and with high antioxidant properties have been obtained

    Probiotics Treatment Can Improve Cognition in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review

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    Background:In recent years, the existence of the gut-brain axis and the impact of intestinal microbiota on brain function has received much attention. Accumulated evidence has prompted the postulation of the infectious hypothesis underlying or facilitating neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Under this hypothesis, intervention with probiotics could be useful at a preventive and therapeutic level. Objective:The objective of this systematic review is to reveal a benefit of improved cognitive function following the use of probiotics in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Methods:We searched bibliographic databases and analyzed in detail the evidence and methodological quality of five recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials using the Cochrane Tool and the SIGN checklist. Results:Overall, and with satisfactory methodological quality, the evaluated studies support the use of probiotics as a weapon to slow the progression of cognitive decline in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. The reviewed literature also indicates that maximum benefit of probiotics is found in subjects with incipient cognitive dysfunction and has no effect in those with advanced disease or absence of disease. Conclusion:These results support the intervention with probiotics, especially as a preventive approach. However, caution is required in the interpretation of the results as microbiota has not been evaluated in all studies, and further large-scale research with a prolonged study period is necessary to ensure the translatability of the results into real practice

    La reivindicación de la libertad de conciencia en movimientos ciudadanos recientes en España: manifestaciones posteriores al 11-M y 15-M

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    This paper attempts a first approach to the analysis of the demand for freedom of conscience - in the broadest sense of freedom of thought, ideology, belief, religion and worship – in two recent citizen mobilizations in Spain, the demonstrations rejecting the terrorist attack of March 11, 2004 and the so-called 15-M movement, the 2011 Spanish protests by the “Indignados” (indignants). To achieve this goal we analyze textual, visual and aural content on internetEl presente trabajo analiza la reivindicación de la libertad de conciencia – entendida también en su sentido más amplio de libertad de pensamiento, ideología, creencia, religión y culto – subyacente en dos movimientos ciudadanos recientes en España: las manifestaciones de rechazo al atentado terrorista del 11 de marzo de 2004 y el llamado movimiento 15-M surgido en mayo de 2011 en Madrid. Como corpus de análisis utilizan el material gráfico y digital contenido en la red recogido con ocasión de dichas manifestaciones

    Estudio de la actividad de la lipoproteina lipasa en pacientes con mutaciones APOA5 con hiperlipoproteinemia tipo I

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    Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la actividad de la lipoproteína lipasa en pacientes con mutaciones en APOA5 con presencia clara de hiperlipoproteinemia tipo I (HPLI). Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de actividad LPL en 2 pacientes con mutaciones en APOA5 (1: homocigoto c.758T>C; 2: doble heterocigoto c.758T>C & c.326_327insC) sin variantes patogénicas en LPL, GPIHBP1, LMF1 y APOC2. Para cada muestra y un control sano, se efectuó un ensayo convencional de actividad de LPL postheparina utilizando como activador un plasma preheparina inactivado de sujetos normolipémicos. En un segundo ensayo, para cada paciente y un control sano, se utilizó plasma preheparina inactivado de los dos sujetos con mutación de APOA5. La presencia de HPLI fue analizada mediante ultracentrifugación secuencial y cálculo del cociente de triglicéridos en quilomicrones entre triglicéridos en VLDL. Resultados: En nuestro laboratorio, la actividad de LPL postheparina en sujetos normolipémicos es de 56±23mU/mL (deficitarioC mostró actividad LPL normal (94±13mU/mL), cuando fue ensayada con plasma preheparina control. Sin embargo, su plasma preheparina fue incapaz de activar la LPL postheparina propia (16±20mU/mL) y la del control (34±17mU/mL). En el paciente heterocigoto c.758T>C & c.326_327insC, al contrario que el anterior, mostró una actividad LPL casi nula (4±7) cuando fue ensayada con plasma preheparina control. El plasma preheparina de este paciente tampoco fue capaz de activar la LPL postheparina propia (0 mU/mL) y del sujeto control sano (22±7mU/mL). Conclusiones: Mutaciones de APOA5 son responsables de HLP tipo I. Estas mutaciones muestran valores dispares de actividad in vitro de LPL postheparina. En ambos casos su suero preheparina no es capaz de activar la LPL propia ni la de sujetos sanosUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The female writing the taboo: Mary Shelley's Matilda

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    "El Almanaque de las Provincias". Crónica viva de una ciudad en transición (1970-1980)

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    El Almanaque de Las Provincias es una publicación centenaria que podemos enmarcar tanto en el género de revista literaria como en el tradicional almanaquecalendario entregado por los periódicos a sus suscriptores como regalo. En este caso, editado por el diario Las Provincias, decano de la prensa en Valencia, supone una miscelánea de textos (ensayos, artículos, reportajes, poemas), al tiempo que resume lo esencial del año periodístico. El prestigio de sus colaboradores es indiscutible, y el valor histórico de sus páginas, imprescindible para abordar el estudio de 150 años de la vida valenciana. Este trabajo se centra en una década esencial en nuestro pasado más reciente: los años 70, que marcaron el tránsito entre el franquismo y la transición a la democracia, en los que el diario Las Provincias jugó un importantísimo papel, y su Almanaque nos deja un testimonio de primer orden para la investigación histórica.The Almanaque de Las Provincias is a hundred year old publication which can be regarded as a literary magazine as well as the traditional calendar given by the newspapers as a gift for their subscribers. This one in particular, edited by the journal Las Provincias, the oldest diary in Valencia, is a mixture of tests (essays, articles, reports, poems) that summarizes the most important information of the year. With well known journalists and writers, its historical value is irreplaceable in the study of 150 years of Valencian life. This work regards an essential decade in our most recent past: the seventies, which supposed the transition between the dictatorship and the democracy, when Las Provincias played an important role. Its Almanaque leaves us a first class testimony for historical research

    The Sm-Fe- V based 1:12 permanent magnets.

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    137 p.Criticality of the rare earth (RE) metals has encouraged materials researchers to explore RE-lean/free alternatives to Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co permanent magnets. In this context, the Sm-based compounds with ThMn12 (1:12) structure exhibiting intrinsic magnetic properties comparable to that of Nd2Fe14B compounds are considered as one of the alternatives. This thesis aims to develop Sm-based 1:12 magnets with magnetic properties comparable to Nd-Fe-B magnets without using critical raw metals such as Nd, Dy, Tb, Co and with reduced use of Sm. For this purpose, the studies are divided into three parts. The first part of the investigations focuses on the 1:12 phase stabilization and improvement of the intrinsic magnetic properties in the.SmFe12-xVx (x = 2, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5) systems. The second part deal with transferring the intrinsic properties into extrinsic properties, and the main task consisted in developing coercivity on stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric SmFe10V2 alloys. Two approaches were used to achieve this goal (i) through grain size refinement using powder metallurgy route and rapid solidification, and (ii) via bulk magnetic hardening by precipitation of the eutectic Sm-La phase. The third part is devoted to the consolidation of the mechanical milled powders into bulk magnets using hot compaction and hot deformation processes. During this process, the bulk materials developed the proper microstructure and thus the magnetic properties. A maximum coercivity of 1.06 T with M3T = 0.59 T, Mr = 0.42 T and (BH)max = 28 kJ m-3 was obtained in Sm12Fe73V15 isotropic hot compacted. The Curie temperature was measured to be 330°C and the temperature coefficients of remanent magnetization and coercivity were 0.14% C-1 and 0.39% C-1, respectively. Minor hysteresis loops indicate a coercivity mechanism similar to that of the nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnets. Magnets with modified compositions Sm-Fe-(V,M) (M = Ti, Mo, Cu) were synthesized in order to investigate the effect on the magnetic properties of Sm12Fe73V15 when V was reduced or partially substituted by another transition metal. All the mechanically milled powders were successfully consolidated into fully-dense magnets. The most striking result was that magnets with compositions Sm12Fe76.5V11.5 and Sm12Fe73V7.5Mo7.5 developed a texture perpendicular to the deformation direction

    Los estudios feministas y de género

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    When considering gender studies, there is a tendency to reduce them to research exclusively related to women, particularly cisgender women, or topics related to socially and culturally constructed notions of “the feminine.” Similarly, when discussing feminist studies, it may seem unusual because feminism is often perceived solely as a social movement rather than an epistemological perspective. Another relevant aspect of these studies is that we place them in contemporary times, which hinders understanding why we are only now becoming familiar with them despite their long trajectory. In this issue of Calarma Journal, we aim to challenge these misconceptions and demonstrate how gender studies and feminist studies address diverse themes and issues across multiple areas of knowledge. What matters most is the viewpoint and epistemological stance these studies propose and allow us to adoptCuando se piensa en los los estudios de género hay una tendencia a reducirlos a investigaciones que tienen que ver exclusivamente con las mujeres, en particular las mujeres cisgénero, o a temas que se relacionan con lo social y culturalmente construido como “lo femenino”. Igualmente, cuando se habla de los estudios feministas, puede parecer extraño porque se considera al feminismo exclusivamente con un movimiento social, no como una perspectiva epistemológica. Otro aspecto relevante sobre estos estudios es que los ubicamos en la contemporaneidad, lo que impide comprender por qué hasta ahora los estamos conociendo a pesar de su larga trayectoria. Con este número de la Revista Calarma nos hemos propuesto enfrentar estos imaginarios para mostrar cómo, tanto los estudios de género como los feministas, abordan diversos temas/problemas y tienen lugar en múltiples áreas de los conocimientos, porque lo importante es el punto de vista y la postura epistemológica que dichos estudios proponen y permiten asumir