449 research outputs found

    Los tecno recurso laborales y su impacto en el tecnoestrés. Un caso empírico

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    [Abstract]: The information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have changed how the professors in the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) conduct their activities that benefits their work and personal routines. Nevertheless, the lack of proper ICT tools needed to its implementation (Lack of Work Techno-resources-LWTR) causes stress disturbances, affecting the professor’s health. This research focuses in determine if the LWTR is defined by psychosocial factors as Techno-anxiety and Inefficiency. Also to understand if those factors contribute to the level of technostress in professors of the HEI in the Laja-Bajio region of Guanajuato, Mexico. The analysis includes a sample of 415 professors, and a descriptive, correlational and regression analysis. Results points that professors consider ICT as a factor to increase their self-efficiency, their work in teams and their autonomy, having enough technological equipment to accomplish their work activities. Results also showed that the Techno- anxiety is the factor that mostly influences in the Technostress. Besides, the multiple regression analysis determines the Lack of Work Techno-resources in the professors. In conclusion, this paper contributes to the knowledge of which factors, caused by the ICT, contributes to stress in higher education professors.[Resumen]: Las tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han cambiado la forma de realizar las actividades de los docentes de las Instituciones Educativas de nivel Superior que benefician sus actividades laborales y personales. Sin embargo, si no cuentan con los recursos tecnológicos necesarios y suficientes para utilizar las TIC, la Falta de Tecno-Recursos Laborales (FTRL) pueden generar alteraciones en los niveles de estrés que inclusive afectan su salud. Por ello el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar si el FTRL está definido por los factores psicosociales tecno-ansiedad e ineficacia y si estos contribuyen al nivel de tecno-estrés en los docentes de nivel superior de la Región Laja-Bajío. Con una muestra de 415 docentes, se realizó un análisis descriptivo, correlacional y de regresión. Los resultados señalan que los docentes consideran que las TIC incrementan su autoeficiencia, le facilitan el trabajo en equipo, les permiten autonomía y consideran que cuentan con el equipo tecnológico para realizar sus actividades laborales. También se encontró que la Tecno-ansiedad es la variable que mayormente influye en Tecno-estrés en relación a la ineficacia. Por último, mediante el análisis de regresión múltiple se determinó que, la Falta de Tecno-recursos laborales está determinada tanto por la Tecno-ansiedad como por la Ineficacia, y que ambas contribuyen al nivel de tecno-estrés en el docente de las Instituciones de Educación Superior de la Región Laja-Bajío, Guanajuato, México. Este articulo contribuye al conocimiento de los factores que contribuyen al estrés de los docentes de nivel superior causados por las TIC

    Información y ayuda para la incorporación de la mujer en oficios masculinos. Proyecto "INAyMUJER"

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    En la Formación Profesional actual se mantiene una fuerte discriminación social que provoca una desigualdad ocupacional en función del sexo1. Esta situación es debida fundamentalmente al rol de género que condiciona los estereotipos históricamente transmitidos a través de nuestra cultura2. Es por tanto necesario fomentar acciones y actuaciones formativas para los docentes en los niveles educativo de Primaria, Secundaria Obligatoria y Postobligatoria3, rompiendo el panorama actual, destruyendo barreras, y orientando4 en igualdad de condiciones en nuestro sistema educativo que nos permitan mejorar las oportunidades de elección de la mujer en las especialidades de Formación Profesional masculinas, eliminando la contaminación social existente. Al mismo tiempo es importante conocer las cualificaciones profesionales5 demandadas por las empresas donde la empleabilidad de la mujer es baja o inexistente6 para proporcionar a la mujer una formación en perfiles profesionales de sectores empresariales poco demandados por el colectivo de mujeres, y con una cualificación profesional media-alta requerida por la empresa. Y por último la situación actual de la mujer en la Formación Profesional de Andalucía en especialidades masculinas. El objetivo de éste estudio es una vez analizadas la cuestiones expuestas, desarrollar acciones formativas interviniendo el docente, la empresa y la universidad

    El retrato de Esopo en la Vita Aesopi y sus precedentes literarios

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    12 p.Tras el estudio de los textos analizados en el presente artículo, las autoras del mismo creen que existe en la tradición literaria griega suficiente documentación para concluir que el retrato de Esopo resulta de una amalgama de elementos griegos junto a otros de origen orienta

    Grasshopper Lazarillo, a GPI-anchored Lipocalin, increases Drosophila longevity and stress resistance, and functionally replaces its secreted homolog NLaz

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    Producción CientíficaLazarillo (Laz) is a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked glycoprotein first characterized in the developing nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocerca americana. It belongs to the Lipocalins, a functionally diverse family of mostly secreted proteins. In this work we test whether the protective capacity known for Laz homologs in flies and vertebrates (NLaz, GLaz and ApoD) is evolutionarily conserved in grasshopper Laz, and can be exerted from the plasma membrane in a cell-autonomous manner. First we demonstrate that extracellular forms of Laz have autocrine and paracrine protecting effects for oxidative stress-challenged Drosophila S2 cells. Then we assay the effects of overexpressing GPI-linked Laz in adult Drosophila and whether it rescues both known and novel phenotypes of NLaz null mutants. Local effects of GPI-linked Laz inside and outside the nervous system promote survival upon different stress forms, and extend lifespan and healthspan of the flies in a cell-type dependent manner. Outside the nervous system, expression in fat body cells but not in hemocytes results in protection. Within the nervous system, glial cell expression is more effective than neuronal expression. Laz actions are sexually dimorphic in some expression domains. Fat storage promotion and not modifications in hydrocarbon profiles or quantities explain the starvationedesiccation resistance caused by Laz overexpression. This effect is exerted when Laz is expressed ubiquitously or in dopaminergic cells, but not in hemocytes. Grasshopper Laz functionally restores the loss of NLaz, rescuing stress-sensitivity as well as premature accumulation of aging-related damage, monitored by advanced glycation end products (AGEs). However Laz does not rescue NLaz courtship behavioral defects. Finally, the presence of two new Lipocalins with predicted GPI-anchors in mosquitoes shows that the functional advantages of GPI-linkage have been commonly exploited by Lipocalins in the arthropodan lineage

    La Sima-Refugio del Vaso (SA- 133, Carcabuey, Córdoba). Recuperación de un conjunto cerámico del Neolítico inicial en Sierra Alcaide

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    Presentamos en este trabajo un conjunto de elementos cerámicos neolíticos recuperados en el interior de una sima de difícil acceso situada bajo una pequeña cavidad o refugio, en el entorno de Sierra Alcaide (Carcabuey, Córdoba). Este conjunto cerámico muestra afinidades con otros estudiados procedentes de las Sierras Subbéticas cordobesas, no correspondiendo en apariencia a un contexto sepulcral a diferencia de otros hallazgos ubicados en simas y cavernamientos conocidos en esta área.In this work, we present a Neolithic pottery assemblage recovered inside a vertical sinkhole placed below a small cave or rock shelter, in Sierra Alcaide area (Carcabuey, Córdoba). This pottery set shares features with other examples coming from the Subbetic Mountains in Cordoba. However, these elements apparently do not correspond to a burial context, in contrast to many other findings located inside very difficult to reach sinkholes, in the already known neighborhood

    La mujer no existe

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    Durante los últimos 30 años, desde prácticamente el inicio de nuestra democracia actual, las políticas sociales, desarrolladas por los distintos gobiernos1 para fomentar, promover e impulsar la integración de la mujer en todos los ámbitos de nuestra sociedad han sido muy numerosas y variadas. La integración efectiva y real de la mujer en una sociedad conservadora como la nuestra, en igualdad de condiciones con el hombre, se está consiguiendo muy lentamente y con mucho esfuerzo, existiendo, aún, una contaminación social, que se manifiesta de forma clara en las profesiones que elegimos mujeres y hombres, fundamentalmente debido a los roles de género, que la sociedad nos marca desde pequeños, definiendo determinadas Profesiones como “masculinas”, o “femeninas”. Se mantiene una desigualdad importante en nuestro sistema educativo reglado postobligatorio no universitario y más concretamente en algunos Ciclos Formativos de los dos niveles de nuestra Formación Profesional. La mujer no estudia especialidades tradicionalmente masculinas, y esta desproporción se pone de manifiesto de acuerdo con los datos2 de alumnas/os matriculados en Formación Profesional, y por lo tanto la empleabilidad de la mujer en estos sectores es nula o no existe

    Sex-dependent modulation of longevity by two Drosophila homologues of human Apolipoprotein D, GLaz and NLaz

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    Producción CientíficaApolipoprotein D (ApoD), a member of the Lipocalin family, is the gene most up-regulated with age in the mammalian brain. Its expression strongly correlates with aging-associated neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. Two homologues of ApoD expressed in the Drosophila brain, Glial Lazarillo (GLaz) and Neural Lazarillo (NLaz), are known to alter longevity in male flies. However, sex differences in the aging process have not been explored so far for these genes. Here we demonstrate that NLaz alters lifespan in both sexes, but unexpectedly the lack of GLaz influences longevity in a sex-specific way, reducing longevity in males but not in females. While NLaz has metabolic functions similar to ApoD, the regulation of GLaz expression upon aging is the closest to ApoD in the aging brain. A multivariate analysis of physiological parameters relevant to lifespan modulation uncovers both common and specialized functions for the two Lipocalins, and reveals that changes in protein homeostasis account for the observed sex-specific patterns of longevity. The response to oxidative stress and accumulation of lipid peroxides are among their common functions, while the transcriptional and behavioral response to starvation, the pattern of daily locomotor activity, storage of fat along aging, fertility, and courtship behavior differentiate NLaz from GLaz mutants. We also demonstrate that food composition is an important environmental parameter influencing stress resistance and reproductive phenotypes of both Lipocalin mutants. Since ApoD shares many properties with the common ancestor of invertebrate Lipocalins, we must benefit from this global comparison with both GLaz and NLaz to understand the complex functions of ApoD in mammalian aging and neurodegeneration

    Potential vasorelaxant effects of oleanolic acid and erythrodiol, two triterpenoids contained in 'orujo' olive oil, on rat aorta

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    Orujo' olive oil is obtained by chemical processes from the waste resulting from the mechanical extraction of virgin olive oil. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a new pharmacological property of two natural triterpenoids contained in olive oil, as vasodilatory agents, and to determine their mechanism of action. The two compounds studied were oleanolic acid and erythrodiol. The vasorelaxant effect induced by these pentacyclic triterpenoids was studied in isolated thoracic rat aorta. Oleanolic acid and erythrodiol, accumulatively added, showed vasorelaxant activities in aortic rings with endothelium pre-contracted by 10-6 M-phenylephrine (maximum percentage of relaxation 86.38 (SEM 2.89) and 73.53 (SEM 6.01), respectively). They had almost no relaxant effect on depolarised or endothelium-denuded aortic segments. The relaxation was significantly attenuated by pre-treatment with the NO synthase inhibitor Nω -nitro-L-argi-nine-methylester (L-NAME; 3 × 10-4 M). To characterise the involvement of endothelial factors, in addifion to NO, arteries with endothelium were exposed to 10-5 M-indomethacin (INDO), a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, or INDO plus L-NAME. INDO did not have any significant effect on the relaxant response of both compounds. The combination of L-NAME plus INDO only abolished the oleanolic acid-induced relaxation. The present results suggest that the mechanism of relaxation seems to be mainly mediated by the endothelial production of NO; however, other mechanisms cannot be excluded. It can be concluded that oleanolic acid and erythrodiol may have interesting therapeutic potential as new vasodilator drugs, thus protecting the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the intake of 'orujo' olive oil, as a source of these compounds, might be beneficial in this regard.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología AGL2002-00195Junta de Andalucía CAO01-00

    Spatiotemporal sampling design adapted to heterogeneities and real-time observations. Poster

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    Entropy-based criteria for spatiotemporal sampling design naturally incorporate prior knowledge on structural heterogeneities of processes involved in environmental applications, an important aspect of variation to be considered for risk assessment purposes. Whenever possible, real-time observations must be also integrated for dynamic adaptation of the spatial sampling configurations, eventually under certain restrictions, to account for the actual evolution of the system. In this paper, such information is exploited to redefine, at each time, the region of interest in terms of local density. Procedures are applied to simulated examples where different ranges of memory and spatial dependence, as well as different levels of local variability (fractality), are specified to study the structural influence of the model in the entropy-based spatiotemporal sampling design.This work has been supported in part by projects P05-FQM-00990 of the Andalusian CICYE and MTM2005-08597 of the DGI, Spain

    Dynamical Continuous Discrete Assessment of Competencies Achievement: An Approach to Continuous Assessment

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    [EN] Learning is a non-deterministic complex dynamical system where students transform inputs (classes, assignments, personal work, gamification activities, etc.) into outcomes (acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies). In the process, students generate outputs in a variety of ways (exams, tests, portfolios, etc.). The result of these outputs is a grade aimed at measuring the (level of) competencies achieved by each student. We revisit the relevance of continuous assessment to obtain this grading. We simultaneously investigate the generated outputs in different moments as modifiers of the system itself, since they may reveal a variation of the level of competencies achievement previously assessed. This is a novelty in the literature, and a cornerstone of our methodology. This process is called a Dynamical Continuous Discrete assessment, which is a form of blended assessment that may be used under traditional or blended learning environments. This article provides an 11-year perspective of applying this Dynamical Continuous Discrete assessment in a Mathematics class for aerospace engineering students, as well as the students' perception of continuous assessments.Research developed within a Project funded by Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion (ICE) through the Educational Innovation and Improvement Project (PIME) A + D 2019, number 1699-B, at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain.Sánchez Ruiz, LM.; Moll López, SE.; Moraño Fernández, JA.; Roselló, M. (2021). Dynamical Continuous Discrete Assessment of Competencies Achievement: An Approach to Continuous Assessment. Mathematics. 9(17):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9172082S11691