3,429 research outputs found

    GPU acceleration of brain image proccessing

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    Durante los últimos años se ha venido demostrando el alto poder computacional que ofrecen las GPUs a la hora de resolver determinados problemas. Al mismo tiempo, existen campos en los que no es posible beneficiarse completamente de las mejoras conseguidas por los investigadores, debido principalmente a que los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones llegan a ser extremadamente largos. Este es por ejemplo el caso del registro de imágenes en medicina. A pesar de que se han conseguido aceleraciones sobre el registro de imágenes, su uso en la práctica clínica es aún limitado. Entre otras cosas, esto se debe al rendimiento conseguido. Por lo tanto se plantea como objetivo de este proyecto, conseguir mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de una aplicación dedicada al resgitro de imágenes en medicina, con el fin de ayudar a aliviar este problema

    Electrorotation of semiconducting microspheres

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    We study experimentally the electrorotation (ROT) of semiconducting microspheres. ZnO microspheres obtained by a hydrothermal synthesis method are dispersed in KCl aqueous solutions and subjected to rotating electric fields. Two ROT peaks are found in experiments: a counterfield peak and a cofield peak at somewhat higher frequencies. These observations are in accordance with recent theoretical predictions for semiconducting spheres. The counterfield rotation is originated by the charging of the electrical double layer at the particle-electrolyte interface, while the cofield rotation is due to the Maxwell-Wagner relaxation. Additionally, we also found that some microspheres in the sample behaved differently and only showed counterfield rotation. We show that the behavior of these particles can be described by the so-called shell model. The microstructure of the microspheres is analyzed with electron microscope techniques and related to the ROT measurements.Spanish Government Ministry MICINN under Contract No. PGC2018-099217-B-I00Junta de Andalucía Contract No. PEJUS-

    El control político del gobierno en funciones

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis del momento de cese del Ejecutivo estatal, el periodo conocido como gobierno en funciones. Este estudio se centra sobre todo en el control parlamentario, en concreto en sus instrumentos y actuaciones. Durante esta etapa, el control parlamentario cobra aún más importancia que durante el resto de la legislatura debido a que normalmente el gobierno en funciones coincide con momentos de agitación política. La regulación del gobierno en funciones es también objeto de estudio en el trabajo pues es una pieza fundamental en esta fase, en ella se recogen sus aspectos básicos y las limitaciones que acarrea para el Ejecutivo entrar en este periodo. Para complementar a esa regulación, en el trabajo se aborda la jurisprudencia relativa a este momento del gobierno para intentar delimitar de un modo preciso su campo de actuación. En último lugar, se trata este mismo tema brevemente en clave autonómica ya que se dan las mismas condiciones que en el ámbito nacional pero en contextos diferentes como son las comunidades autónomas.Departamento de Derecho Constitucional, Procesal y Eclesiástico del EstadoGrado en Derech

    Niche shifts after long-distance dispersal events in bipolar sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae)

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Bipolar species represent the greatest biogeographical disjunction on Earth, raising many questions about the colonization and adaptive processes behind such striking distribution. We investigated climatic niche differences of five Carex bipolar species in North and South America to assess niche shifts between these two regions. Moreover, we assessed potential distribution changes with future climate change. METHODS: We used 1202 presence data points from herbarium specimens and 19 bioclimatic variables to assess climatic niche differences and potential distributions among the five species using ordination methods and Maxent. KEY RESULTS: The niche overlap analyses showed low levels of niche filling and high climatic niche expansion between North and South America. Carex macloviana and C. maritima showed the greatest niche expansion (60% and 96%, respectively), followed by C. magellanica (45%) and C. microglochin (39%). Only C. canescens did not colonize new environments (niche expansion = 0.2%). In contrast, all species but C. magellanica had niche filling that was <40%; hence, they are absent in the south from many environments they inhabit in North America. Climate change will push all species toward higher latitudes and elevation, reducing the availability of suitable environments. CONCLUSIONS: The colonization of South America seems to have involved frequent climatic niche shifts. Most species have colonized new environments from those occupied in the North. Observed niche shifts appear congruent with time since colonization and with current genetic structure within species. In these cold-dwelling species, climate change will most likely decrease their suitable environments in the future.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2012-3874, CGL2016-77401-

    Short CFD simulation activities in the context of fluid-mechanical learning in a multidisciplinary student body

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    17 p.Simulation activities are a useful tool to improve competence in industrial engineering bachelors. Specifically, fluid simulation allows students to acquire important skills to strengthen their theoretical knowledge and improve their future professional career. However, these tools usually require long training times and they are usually not available in the subjects of B.Sc. degrees. In this article, a new methodology based on short lessons is raised and evaluated in the fluid-mechanical subject for students enrolled in three different bachelor degree groups: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and B.Sc. in Electronic and Automatic Engineering. Statistical results show a good acceptance in terms of usability, learning, motivation, thinking over, satisfaction and scalability. Additionally, a machine-learning based approach was applied to find group peculiarities and differences among them in order to identify the need for further personalization of the learning activity.S

    Abordando la medición automática de la experiencia de la audiencia en línea

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado del Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2020/2021The availability of automatic and personalized feedback is a large advantage when facing an audience. An effective way to give such feedback is to analyze the audience experience, which provides valuable information about the quality of a speech or performance. In this document, we present the design and implementation of a computer vision system to automatically measure audience experience. This includes the definition of a theoretical and practical framework grounded on the theatrical perspective to quantify this concept, the development of an artificial intelligence system which serves as a proof-of-concept of our approach, and the creation of a dataset to train our system. To facilitate the data collection step, we have also created a custom video conferencing tool. Additionally, we present the evaluation of our artificial intelligence system and the final conclusions.La disponibilidad de feedback automático y personalizado supone una gran ventaja a la hora de enfrentarse a un público. Una forma efectiva de dar este tipo de feedback es analizar la experiencia de la audiencia, que proporciona información fundamental sobre la calidad de una ponencia o actuación. En este documento exponemos el diseño e implementación de un sistema automático de medición de la experiencia de la audiencia basado en la visión por computador. Esto incluye la definición de un marco teórico y práctico fundamentado en la perspectiva del mundo del teatro para cuantificar el concepto de experiencia de la audiencia, el desarrollo de un sistema basado en inteligencia artificial que sirve como prototipo de nuestra aproximación y la recopilación un conjunto de datos para entrenar el sistema. Para facilitar este último paso hemos desarrolado una aplicación de videoconferencias personalizada. Además, en este trabajo presentamos la evaluación de nuestro sistema de inteligencia artificial y las conclusiones extraídas.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Short simulation activity to improve the competences in the Fluid-mechanical Engineering classroom using Solidworks ® Flow Simulation

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    7 p.In this paper, a short simulation activity based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is raised in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor degree as an effective support to the theoretical lessons, in order to improve the competences of the Fluid-Mechanical course. The activity provides both visual and numerical information that the student must compare critically with respect the results obtained analytically, using the equations explained in the theoretical classroom. The activity is designed so that it can be integrated quickly (due to the shortage of times in the academic calendars). In this manner its total completion does not exceed four hours of simulation class. This is achieved by optimizing the resources, proposing meshing and simulation strategies that consume little computational time and using the package Solidworks® Flow Simulation, that takes advantage of the geometry parametrically modelled with the software itself to automatically establish the computational domain of the fluid for the based-on CFD analysis, saving excessive preparation times and long computational process.S

    Navigating the future and overcoming challenges to unlock open science

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    Open Science (OS) has been rapidly evolving in recent years, but there is still work to be done to return Science to researchers and citizens who pay for it. Technological advancements have enabled Open Science to transform the way scientific research is conducted, facilitating collaboration and innovation among researchers. As a result, OS is expected to play an increasingly important role in scientific research and innovation in the years to come, driving discoveries and advancements in various fields. However, OS also poses challenges, including the potential for bias and discrimination in research. This chapter explores the challenges that need to be addressed to fully implement OS globally, outlining the barriers that need to be overcome and describing the complexity of the changes that come with this new research approach. Additionally, the chapter discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence on addressing these challenges, while also creating new ones

    Diseño de una embarcación de 7 metros de LOA

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    Este proyecto final de carrera consiste en el diseño de una embarcación bowrider de 7 metros de eslora, propulsada de forma motora

    La reacción en cadena de la polimerasa a dos décadas de su invención

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    La PCR, tÈcnica inventada por Kary B. Mullis en 1983, emplea un par de oligonucleÛtidos para de- limitar una regiÛn de interÈs y una polimerasa para extenderlos, utilizando ambas hebras del gen en cuestiÛn como plantilla. Al repetir este ciclo dece- nas de veces, se duplica cada vez el fragmento de ADN en cuestiÛn. AsÌ se logra copiar millones de veces la secuencia de interÈs, aunque se encuentre entre millones de otras secuencias de ADN. A 20 aÒos de su invenciÛn, la PCR se cataloga como la estrella de las herramientas de la biologÌa mole- cular. En la actualidad son innumerables las aplica- ciones de su utilizaciÛn en m ̇ltiples campos de las ciencias biolÛgicas, agropecuarias y de la salud
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