2,455 research outputs found

    Action video game play and transfer of navigation and spatial cognition skills in adolescents who are blind

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    For individuals who are blind, navigating independently in an unfamiliar environment represents a considerable challenge. Inspired by the rising popularity of video games, we have developed a novel approach to train navigation and spatial cognition skills in adolescents who are blind. Audio-based Environment Simulator (AbES) is a software application that allows for the virtual exploration of an existing building set in an action video game metaphor. Using this ludic-based approach to learning, we investigated the ability and efficacy of adolescents with early onset blindness to acquire spatial information gained from the exploration of a target virtual indoor environment. Following game play, participants were assessed on their ability to transfer and mentally manipulate acquired spatial information on a set of navigation tasks carried out in the real environment. Success in transfer of navigation skill performance was markedly high suggesting that interacting with AbES leads to the generation of an accurate spatial mental representation. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between success in game play and navigation task performance. The role of virtual environments and gaming in the development of mental spatial representations is also discussed. We conclude that this game based learning approach can facilitate the transfer of spatial knowledge and further, can be used by individuals who are blind for the purposes of navigation in real-world environments

    Virtual environments for the transfer of navigation skills in the blind: a comparison of directed instruction vs. video game based learning approaches

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    For profoundly blind individuals, navigating in an unfamiliar building can represent a significant challenge. We investigated the use of an audio-based, virtual environment called Audio-based Environment Simulator (AbES) that can be explored for the purposes of learning the layout of an unfamiliar, complex indoor environment. Furthermore, we compared two modes of interaction with AbES. In one group, blind participants implicitly learned the layout of a target environment while playing an exploratory, goal-directed video game. By comparison, a second group was explicitly taught the same layout following a standard route and instructions provided by a sighted facilitator. As a control, a third group interacted with AbES while playing an exploratory, goal-directed video game however, the explored environment did not correspond to the target layout. Following interaction with AbES, a series of route navigation tasks were carried out in the virtual and physical building represented in the training environment to assess the transfer of acquired spatial information. We found that participants from both modes of interaction were able to transfer the spatial knowledge gained as indexed by their successful route navigation performance. This transfer was not apparent in the control participants. Most notably, the game-based learning strategy was also associated with enhanced performance when participants were required to find alternate routes and short cuts within the target building suggesting that a ludic-based training approach may provide for a more flexible mental representation of the environment. Furthermore, outcome comparisons between early and late blind individuals suggested that greater prior visual experience did not have a significant effect on overall navigation performance following training. Finally, performance did not appear to be associated with other factors of interest such as age, gender, and verbal memory recall. We conclude that the highly interactive and immersive exploration of the virtual environment greatly engages a blind user to develop skills akin to positive near transfer of learning. Learning through a game play strategy appears to confer certain behavioral advantages with respect to how spatial information is acquired and ultimately manipulated for navigation

    Primer reporte de un caso humano de echinococcosis poliquística causada por E. vogeli procedente del área neotropical del Perú, America del Sur

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    We report a human case of polycystic hidatidosis due to Echinococcus vogeli from Contamana (Department of Loreto) village located in the central jungle of Peru. The patient is a 44 year-old lady, teacher, who carried a painless liver mass since a year ago. She was submitted to abdominal surgery and the liver mass was removed and showed multiple cysts containing colorless liquid as is showed in the polycystic hidatidosis. The morphology and measure of the hooks obtained from the liquid contained in the cysts are from Echinococcus vogeli. It is the first report of this parasitism in Perú.Reportamos un caso humano de hidatidosis poliquística debido a Echinococcus vogeli procedente de Contamana (Departamento de Loreto), localidad ubicada en la selva central del Perú. La paciente es una mujer de 44 años de edad, profesora, quien portaba una hepatomegalia no dolorosa de un año de evolución. Sometida a intervención quirúrgica, se removió la masa hepática que macroscópicamente mostró múltiples quistes conteniendo líquido incoloro. El examen microscópico correspondió a una hidatidosis poliquística. El examen y medida de los ganchos obtenidos del contenido de los quistes correspondieron a Echinococcus vogeli. Es el primer reporte de este parasitismo en el Perú

    Hallazgos iniciales de la evaluación de Holguín para su desarrollo como destino turístico inteligente

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    El desarrollo de destinos turísticos inteligentes es un imperativo en el contexto actual y constituye una herramienta fundamental en el progreso del sector y de la sociedad, en general. Para considerar un destino turístico con una gestión inteligente deben tenerse en cuenta un grupo de factores, en continua evolución, entre los que se incluyen: una mejora en sus procesos tanto de gestión interna, como de comercialización; gestión con proveedores; una investigación continua para adaptar los productos y servicios no sólo a la demanda de sus clientes, sino también a sus gustos y costumbres, entre otros. Estos factores pueden ser agrupados en cinco ámbitos fundamentales: Tecnología, innovación, gobernanza, sostenibilidad y accesibilidad, los que bien gestionados, contribuyen a la continua mejora del destino para poder competir en una economía cada vez más globalizada. El destino Holguín posee gran importancia para el turismo en el Nororiente de Cuba, al disponer de buena accesibilidad; significativos atractivos culturales, históricos y naturales y la infraestructura necesaria para su desarrollo turístico; por lo que la presente investigación se planteó como objetivo evaluar la gestión de Holguín para su desarrollo como destino turístico inteligente, para lo cual se determinaron las variables a emplear a través de un análisis de similitudes y luego se empleó el caso de estudio para precisar los aspectos con resultados favorables y los indicadores a transformar para que Holguín se desarrolle como destino inteligente.Presently, the development of smart tourist destinations represents a priority, which constitutes, at the same time, an essential tool for the sector progress as wells as for society in general. For a tourist destination to be considered as a smartly managed destination, numerous and constantly evolving factors should be taken into account: improvement of internal management processes as well as marketing processes; supplying network management; constant research which allows adaptation not only to demand but also to clients' cultural characteristics. These elements can be grouped into five main fields: technology, innovation, governance, sustainability and accessibility. The effect of these aspects on the continuous improvement of destinations and their capacity to compete in a global economy depends on good management. Holguin is an important tourist destination on the northeastern part of the Island, which possesses valuable assets such as accessibility, relevant cultural and natural tourist attractions plus the required infrastructure for its tourist development. Therefore, this research aims at assessing tourist market management in Holguín destination in view of its development as smart tourist destination. The determination of variables to be used in the assessment was carried out through an analysis of similarities. Subsequently, a case study was applied in order to specify the aspects showing favorable outcomes as well as the indicators demanding changes so that Holguín may develop as a smart tourism destination

    Scientometric Analysis of Hiking Tourism and Its Relevance for Wellbeing and Knowledge Management

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    Hiking is a sports activity that takes place in the natural environment. From the point of view of well-being, it is an aerobic activity that prevents and improves cardiovascular diseases. According to data provided by the United Nations, within the framework of the International Year of Mountains, mountain tourism represents around 15% to 20% of total world tourism revenue. This approach aims to critically analyze the scientific production on trail tourism (HT) with contributions from authors from around the world from 1991 to 2022, in order to respond to the connection between this research, knowledge management and the sustainable development of the industry. Key knowledge contributions are examined using a scientometric approach as a method (spatial, production, impact, and relational) based on registry data stored in the Web of Science (JCR and ESCI). Regarding the results, there has been an increase in scientific production in the last decade, which is manifested in the quality of the publications

    Evaluation of Functional Capacity by Six- Minute Walk Test in Pediatric Asthma Patients

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    Los pacientes con asma muestran menor tolerancia al ejercicio. La prueba de caminata de 6 minutos (6MWD) evalúa la capacidad funcional (CF). La actividad física eleva los puntajes en el Cuestionario de autopercepción física (PSPQ)

    Variation in the Composition and In Vitro Proinflammatory Effect of Urban Particulate Matter from Different Sites

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    Spatial variation in particulate matter–related health and toxicological outcomes is partly due to its composition. We studied spatial variability in particle composition and induced cellular responses in Mexico City to complement an ongoing epidemiologic study. We measured elements, endotoxins, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two particle size fractions collected in five sites. We compared the in vitro proinflammatory response of J774A.1 and THP‐1 cells after exposure to particles, measuring subsequent TNFα and IL‐6 secretion. Particle composition varied by site and size. Particle constituents were subjected to principal component analysis, identifying three components: C 1 (Si, Sr, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, endotoxin), C 2 (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and C 3 (Zn, S, Sb, Ni, Cu, Pb). Induced TNFα levels were higher and more heterogeneous than IL‐6 levels. Cytokines produced by both cell lines only correlated with C 1 , suggesting that constituents associated with soil induced the inflammatory response and explain observed spatial differences. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:87‐97, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21471Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96321/1/jbt21471.pd

    Hiperendemicidad de fasciolosis y factores de riesgo en niños de edad escolar del distrito de Orurillo, Puno

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    The aim of this study was to determine the association of fasciolosis in school-age children with intestinal parasites, food consumption and animal husbandry. The research was analytical, prospective, cross-sectional, and relational. In total, 295 serological and stool samples were obtained, and an epidemiological interview was carried out on children of both sexes, aged 3 to 19 years from 23 institutions of initial, primary and secondary education, with the informed consent of their parents. The serological diagnosis was made using the IgG immunoblot technique and the IgG ELISA test and the stool diagnosis was made with the rapid sedimentation technique modified by Lumbreras. Risk factors were obtained by epidemiological interview. The prevalence of fasciolosis was 11.2% (95% CI = 7.4-14.9; 33/295). Significant differences were found between educational institutions and communities of origin. Both in univariate and multivariate analyses determined that drinking well water and raising guinea pigs were associated with fasciolosis.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la asociación de fasciolosis en niños de edad escolar con parásitos intestinales, consumo de alimentos y crianza de animales. La investigación fue de tipo analítico, prospectivo, transversal y de nivel relacional. Se obtuvieron 295 muestras serológicas y coprológicas y se realizó una entrevista epidemiológica a niños de ambos sexos, de 3 a 19 años de 23 instituciones de educación inicial, primaria y secundaria, con el consentimiento informado de sus progenitores. El diagnóstico serológico se realizó mediante la técnica de inmunoblot IgG y la prueba de ELISA IgG y el diagnóstico coprológico se realizó con la técnica de sedimentación rápida modificada por Lumbreras. Los factores de riesgo se obtuvieron mediante entrevista epidemiológica. La prevalencia de fasciolosis fue de 11.2% (IC95%=7.4-14.9; 33/295). Se encontró diferencias significativas entre instituciones educativas y comunidades de procedencia. Tanto en análisis univariado como el multivariado determinaron que beber agua de pozo y criar cuyes estuvieron asociados a fasciolosis

    Lethal iron deprivation induced by non-neutralizing antibodies targeting transferrin receptor 1 in malignant B cells

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    A number of antibodies have been developed that induce lethal iron deprivation (LID) by targeting the transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1/CD71) and either neutralizing transferrin (Tf) binding, blocking internalization of the receptor and/or inducing its degradation. We have developed recombinant antibodies targeting human TfR1 (ch128.1 and ch128.1Av), which induce receptor degradation and are cytotoxic to certain malignant B-cells. We now show that internalization of TfR1 bound to these antibodies can lead to its sequestration and degradation, as well as reduced Tf uptake, and the induction of a transcriptional response consistent with iron deprivation, which is mediated in part by downstream targets of p53. Cells resistant to these antibodies do not sequester and degrade TfR1 after internalization of the antibody/receptor complex, and accordingly maintain their ability to internalize Tf. These findings are expected to facilitate the rational design and clinical use of therapeutic agents targeting iron import via TfR1 in hematopoietic malignancies.Fil: Rodríguez, José A.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Luria Pérez, Rosendo. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados Unidos. Hospital infantil de México “Federico Gómez”; MéxicoFil: López Valdés, Héctor E.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Casero, David. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Daniels, Tracy R.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Patel, Shabnum. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Avila, David. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Leuchter, Richard. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: So, Sokuntheavy. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Ortiz Sánchez, Elizabeth. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Bonavida, Benjamin. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Martínez Maza, Otoniel. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Charles, Andrew C.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Pellegrini, Matteo. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Helguera, Gustavo Fernando. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Penichet, Manuel L.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados Unido

    Simulación en la enseñanza de redes de computadoras en el nivel universitario en tiempos de pandemia

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    Nuestra línea de investigación, tiene como principal objetivo evaluar la influencia de la utilización de software de simulación en la enseñanza de contenidos de redes de computadoras en carreras de grado y cursos de postgrado a fin de contrastar con la enseñanza en laboratorios con equipo real Mikrotik. Para ello, nos planteamos un estudio aplicado, longitudinal y experimental que considera aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos, que permitan determinar si los estudiantes que realizan prácticas en un entorno de simulación aprenden significativamente más que aquellos estudiantes que se capacitan en laboratorios con equipos reales de red. Por otro lado, la educación superior en tiempos de pandemia tuvo que transformarse de manera brusca a un esquema virtual de emergencia para dar respuesta a las necesidades. En ese contexto, los objetivos del proyecto de investigación, al menos durante el período 2020, tuvieron que adaptarse a dichos cambios ya que no disponíamos de la posibilidad de realizar prácticas en laboratorios presenciales de redes durante la cursada.Eje: Arquitectura, redes y sistemas operativos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic