3,406 research outputs found

    Creation of a virtual museum as a learning tool in the teaching of the Manufacturing Engineering subject

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    Teaching subjects such as Manufacturing Engineering requires the use of effective teaching tools, which help students in their learning process. While the traditional transmission model can be effective when teaching concepts and theoretical contents, others activities are essential to allow students to participate, act or reflect, thus developing skills and competences, such us communication, teamwork, and creativity. This paper presents a learning tool based on the creation of a virtual museum related to the Manufacturing Engineering field, which is included as a coursework in the teaching program of the subject "Manufacturing Engineering". This subject is taught at the second year of different degrees at the Industrial Engineering School of the University of Malaga and a percentage of its final grade comes from this activity. The museum is materialized through the posters whose format is similar to those presented at conferences and whose content may be referred to three topics (object, process or biography). Once the students are given the necessary instructions, each project is selected by a work group and its development is supervised in the next two sessions by the lecturer. In the final stage, each group give the presentation about their work. The analysis of the students’ grades obtained from both this activity and the whole subject makes it possible to quantify the impact of this type of activities on the student learning and achievement. Eventually, best posters will be part of the department collection, being accessible to students in subsequent years.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On split Leibniz algebras

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    Con intención de acometer la estructura de álgebras de Leibniz arbitrarias (sin restricciones ni en su dimensión ni en su cuerpo base), definimos las álgebras de Leibniz split como la generalización natural de las álgebras de Lie split. Desarrollando técnicas de conexiones de raíces para estas álgebras, mostramso que son suma de una subespacio de una subálgebra abeliana e ideales bien definidos, tales que estos ideales tienen producto nulo cuando se multiplican dos distintos. En caso de que una álgebra de Leibniz split sea de longitud máxima caracterizamos su simplicidad en términos de conexiones de raíces

    The Messinian record of the outcropping marginal Alborán basin deposits: significance and implications

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    The Messinian record of marginal Alboran basins, such as the Sorbas Basin in southern Spain, consists of a shallow-marine succession with intercalated evaporites. The pre-evaporite sequence comprises a bryozoan-bivalve, temperate-carbonate unit overlain by tropical carbonates. The latter, in turn, consists of two superimposed units: a bioherm unit with coral (Porites, Tarbellastraea, and Siderastraea) and algal (Halimeda) mounds, and a coral (Porites)-stromatolite fringing reef unit. Climatic fluctuations in the Alboran area, linked to the Neogene glacial-interglacial oscillations, are thought to be responsible for the change from temperate to tropical conditions. Evaporites are mainly selenite gypsum deposits. The first post-evaporite unit is a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate marginal deposit, with small coral (Porites) patches and huge microbial (stromatolite and thrombolite) domes, changing basinward to silts and marls containing planktonic foraminifers. An incised erosion surface was scoured on top of the pre-evaporitic fringing reef unit. This erosion surface formed during drawdown and desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea, when huge masses of salt were deposited in its center. Deposition of gypsum at the very margin of the Alboran Sea took place later in small, barred, satellite perched basins. In these silled basins marine incursions became more and more frequent until a full connection with the Mediterranean Sea was established by the end of the Messinian. Reflooding was completed during the Messinian, as demonstrated by the marine marls with planktonic foraminifers found on top of the evaporites. This situation is comparable to that of the western Mediterranean (DSDP Site 372; ODP Site 975), where the upper evaporites are directly overlain by Messinian marls with planktonic foraminifers. During the initial stages of marine recolonization, microbes coexisted with, but outcompeted, the normal marine biota. This resulted in the widespread proliferation of microbial carbonates (stromatolites and thrombolites).This work was supported by DGICYT (Spain) Project PB93-1113 and by “Fundación Ramón Areces” Project: “Cambios climáticos en el sur de España durante el Neógeno.

    Evidence about asymmetric price transmission in the main European fuel markets: from TAR-ECM to Markov-switching approach

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    This paper presents new evidence on the existence of asymmetries in the transmission of shocks in oil prices in the main European fuel markets and their relation to the so-called rockets and feathers effect. Our approach differs from the existing literature in two ways: (1) the data used: we use forward prices rather than spot prices because fuel leaders use forward contracts to buy crude oil. (2) The methodological approach is different. We adopt a more sophisticated econometric model, the Markov-switching model, and use it to contrast the robustness of the results obtained with the TAR-ECM methodology with an endogenous threshold (nonzero threshold). In general, the results show evidence of an asymmetric response of gasoline and diesel prices to changes in the price of crude oil, both in the short-run and with respect to the adjustment towards long-run equilibrium. These price asymmetries fall in line with the “rockets and feathers” hypothesis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-67305-PBanco de España | Ref. PR71/15-20229Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2015-68367-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/02

    Desarrollo y validación de una escala sobre disciplina parental en contextos familiares en situación de riesgo psicosocial

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    Este artículo describe el desarrollo de una escala para evaluar las creencias de padres y madres en situación de riesgo psicosocial sobre las estrategias disciplinarias durante la adolescencia. Se presentan los resultados psicométricos obtenidos en el proceso de construcción de la escala con una investigación en la que participaron 197 familias usuarias de los servicios sociales comunitarios de la ciudad de Sevilla. Los análisis factoriales realizados (exploratorio y confirmatorio) evidenciaron la existencia de dos factores con índices estadísticos adecuados: disciplina inductiva y disciplina coercitiva. Con objeto de aportar evidencias de validez, se relacionaron estos dos factores con otras dimensiones del funcionamiento familiar teóricamente relacionadas con las prácticas disciplinarias, obteniéndose resultados que apoyan la validez y fiabilidad del instrumento desarrollado para evaluar un ámbito fundamental de las prácticas educativas de las familias en situación de riesgo psicosocialDevelopment and validation of an instrument for measuring parents’ beliefs about behavioral control as educative practices with adolescents in psychosocial risk situations is presented. The development and dimensionality of the proposed scale was examined with a sample made of 197 families at psychosocial risk that benefited from preservation services in Seville (Andalusia, Spain). Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses evidenced two factors with adequate psychometric properties: inductive discipline and coercive discipline. Evidences for validity were probed through significant correlations with other family functioning measures. The scale developed led us to evaluate a critical aspect of parental discipline in families at psychosocial risk with psychometric guarantees.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) EDU2013-41441-

    On-Surface Hydrogen-Induced Covalent Coupling of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via a Superhydrogenated Intermediate

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    The activation and subsequent covalent coupling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great interest in fields like chemistry, energy, biology, or health, among others. However, this is not a trivial process. So far, it is based on the use of catalysts that drive and increase the efficiency of the reaction. Here, we report on an unprecedented method in which the dehydrogenation and covalent coupling is thermally activated in the presence of atomic hydrogen and a surface. This mechanism, which requires of the superhydrogenation of the PAHs, has been characterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and rationalized by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This work opens a door toward the formation of covalent, PAH-based, macromolecular nanostructures on low-reactive surfaces, thus facilitating its applicability.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    La resistència a la velocitat com a factor condicionant del rendiment del futbolista

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    La identitat pròpia del futbol converteix la resistència a la velocitat en una capacitat complexa i essencial per al rendiment del futbolista. La naturalesa dels seus esforços unida a la seva organització durant el joc, fa que el jugador de futbol hagi de ser entrenat per suportar càrregues de treball intenses i de durada curta, que es repeteixen de forma anàrquica durant la competició. El nostre article pretén d’establir la importància d’aquest entrenament específic en el futbol, la seva forma d’organitzar-lo, així com establir els controls oportuns per determinar el nivell d’aquesta qualitat complexa. També s’hi apunten els paràmetres de treball i un seguit de tasques que poden ajudar al desenvolupament de la resistència a la velocitat del futbolista

    Influence of surfactants on the electrospinnability of lignin‑PVP solutions and subsequent oil structuring properties of nanofiber mats

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    This work focuses on the improvement of the electrospinnability of low-sulfonate lignin (LSL)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) solutions by the addition of surfactants (SDS, CTAB and Tween-20) as well as on the ability of resulting nanofibers to structure castor oil. Solutions with two LSL/PVP weight ratios (70:30 and 90:10) in DMF were prepared by adding variable surfactant concentrations (0–1 wt.%), and physicochemically characterized. Electrical conductivity, surface tension and rheological measurements were performed. Variations of these physicochemical properties were explained on the basis of surfactant-polymer interactions. The addition of surfactants to LSL/PVP solutions improves electrospinnability, producing more compact and uniform fiber mats in 70:30 LSL/PVP systems, generally reducing the average diameter of the nanofibers and the number of beads. In contrast, nanofiber mats were not obtained with 90:10 LSL/PVP solutions, but different nanostructures composed of particle clusters. Dispersions of nanofiber mats obtained by electrospinning from 70:30 LSL/PVP solutions in castor oil were able to generate physically stable strong oleogels. In general, linear viscoelastic functions of oleogels increased with surfactant concentration. In addition, these oleogels exhibited excellent lubrication performance in a tribological contact, with extremely low values of the friction coefficient and wear diameters, which may lead to potential applications as lubricants.Research project (RTI2018-096080-B-C21) funded by MCIN/ AEI/10. 13039/ 501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe.” Funding for open access charge Universidad de Huelva/CBU

    La resistencia a la velocidad como factor condicionante del rendimiento del futbolista

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    La identidad propia del fútbol convierte la resistencia a la velocidad en una capacidad compleja y esencial para el rendimiento del futbolista. La naturaleza de sus esfuerzos unida a la organización de los mismos durante el juego, hace que el jugador de fútbol tenga que ser entrenado para soportar cargas de trabajo intensas y de duración corta, que se repiten de forma anárquica durante la competición. Nuestro artículo pretende establecer la importancia de este entrenamiento específico en el fútbol, su forma de organizarlo, así como establecer los controles oportunos para determinar el nivel de esta cualidad compleja. También se apuntan los parámetros de trabajo y una serie de tareas que pueden ayudar al desarrollo de la resistencia a la velocidad del futbolista