4,487 research outputs found

    Las posturas publicadas por las Cortes de Toledo de 1207 (Nueva edición)

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    El texto de las posturas de 1207 es un testimonio fundamental para la historia política, cultural y lingüística de Castilla. Recoge las decisiones más antiguas conocidas de una asamblea de Cortes, refleja la variedad de productos y monedas que corrían en los mercados del reino, y lo hace en el romance hablado de toda la vida que los notarios y los poetas estaban empezando a escribir entre fines del siglo XII y principios del XIII en sustitución del latín, único medio de comunicación escrita usado hasta entonces en la España cristiana. Publiqué este texto en 1988, en el contexto de un congreso sobre las Cortes de Castilla y León y desde una perspectiva historicista y lexicográfica. Vuelvo a hacerlo ahora prestando más atención al código de escritura con que se intentaba reflejar un idioma romance que ya había cuajado como lengua, pero que estaba empezando a plasmarse como sistema de escritura

    Consequences of refining biological networks through detailed pathway information : From genes to proteoforms

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    Biologiske nettverk kan brukes til å modellere molekylære prosesser, forstå sykdomsprogresjon og finne nye behandlingsstrategier. Denne avhandlingen har undersøkt hvordan utformingen av slike nettverk påvirker deres struktur, og hvordan dette kan benyttes til å forbedre spesifisiteten for påfølgende analyser av slike modeller. Det første som ble undersøkt var potensialet ved å bruke mer detaljerte molekylære data når man modellerer humane biokjemiske reaksjonsnettverk. Resultatene bekrefter at det er nok informasjon om proteoformer, det vil si proteiner i spesifikke post-translasjonelle tilstander, for systematiske analyser og viste også store forskjeller i strukturen mellom en gensentrisk og en proteoformsentrisk representasjon. Deretter utviklet vi programmatisk tilgang og søk i slike nettverk basert på ulike typer av biomolekyler, samt en generisk algoritme som muliggjør fleksibel kartlegging av eksperimentelle data knyttet til den teoretiske representasjonen av proteoformer i referansedatabaser. Til slutt ble det konstruert såkalte pathway-spesifikke nettverk ved bruk av ulike detaljnivåer ved representasjonen av biokjemiske reaksjoner. Her ble informasjon som vanligvis blir oversett i standard nettverksrepresentasjoner inkludert: små molekyler, isoformer og modifikasjoner. Strukturelle egenskaper, som nettverksstørrelse, graddistribusjon og tilkobling i både globale og lokale undernettverk, ble deretter analysert for å kvantifisere virkningene av endringene.Biological networks can be used to model molecular processes, understand disease progression, and find new treatment strategies. This thesis investigated how refining the design of biological networks influences their structure, and how this can be used to improve the specificity of pathway analyses. First, we investigate the potential to use more detailed molecular data in current human biological pathways. We verified that there are enough proteoform annotations, i.e. information about proteins in specific post-translational states, for systematic analyses and characterized the structure of gene-centric versus proteoform-centric network representations of pathways. Next, we enabled the programmatic search and mining of pathways using different models for biomolecules including proteoforms. We notably designed a generic proteoform matching algorithm enabling the flexible mapping of experimental data to the theoretic representation in reference databases. Finally, we constructed pathway-based networks using different degrees of detail in the representation of biochemical reactions. We included information overlooked in most standard network representations: small molecules, isoforms, and post-translational modifications. Structural properties such as network size, degree distribution, and connectivity in both global and local subnetworks, were analysed to quantify the impact of the added molecular entities.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Higgs decay into two photons from a 3HDM with flavor symmetry

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    In this short letter we show that the excess of events in the decay of Higgs to two photons reported by ATLAS and CMS can be easily accommodated in a flavor renormalizable three Higgs doublet model (3HDM). The model is consistent with all fermion masses, mixing angles, and flavor changing neutral current constraints.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version to be published in PL

    Estudio comparativo de banco de datos de imágenes

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    Actas de las Cuartas Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas el 4, 5 y 6 de julio de 2005 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Las fototecas digitales y tradicionales de la Administración Pública Española

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    Actas de las Quintas Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas del 3 al 5 de julio de 2006 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Cladobotryum mycophilum as Potential Biocontrol Agent

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    A study was conducted to explore the efficacy of potential biocontrol agent Cladobotryum mycophilum against different phytopathogenic fungi. The growth rates of 24 isolates of C. mycophilum were determined, and their antagonistic activity was analysed in vitro and in vivo against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum, Fusarium solani, Phytophthora parasitica, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium aphanidermatum and Mycosphaerella melonis. Most isolates grow rapidly, reaching the opposite end of the Petri dish within 72–96 h. Under dual-culture assays, C. mycophilum showed antagonistic activity in vitro against all phytopathogenic fungi tested, with mycelial growth inhibition ranging from 30 to 90% against all the different phytopathogens tested. Similarly, of all the selected isolates, CL60A, CL17A and CL18A significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the disease incidence and severity in the plant assays compared to the controls for the different pathosystems studied. Based on these results, we conclude that C. mycophilum can be considered as a potential biological control agent in agriculture. This is the first study of Cladobotryum mycophilum as a biological control agent for different diseases caused by highly relevant phytopathogens in horticultur

    Construcción de una herramienta observacional para evaluar las conductas prosociales en las clases de educación física

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    This study describes the construction and validation of an original, "ad hoc" taxonomic system that allows the pro-social behav io u rs produced during compulsory secon dary sch ool physical education classes to be observed. Such behaviours are related to the development of positive values. Technically, the tool combines field format systems and E/ME category systems, which have been developed from a deductive perspective under the theoretical framework of Kohlberg's development of moral reasoning. The tool's optimisation process includes monitoring and analysing the quality of the data and focuses on consensus-based concordance and the analysis of the generalisabil ity theory, which yielded good results
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