11,780 research outputs found

    Software prefetching for software pipelined loops

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    The paper investigates the interaction between software pipelining and different software prefetching techniques for VLIW machines. It is shown that processor stalls due to memory dependencies have a great impact into execution time. A novel heuristic is proposed and it is show to outperform previous proposals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modulo scheduling for a fully-distributed clustered VLIW architecture

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    Clustering is an approach that many microprocessors are adopting in recent times in order to mitigate the increasing penalties of wire delays. We propose a novel clustered VLIW architecture which has all its resources partitioned among clusters, including the cache memory. A modulo scheduling scheme for this architecture is also proposed. This algorithm takes into account both register and memory inter-cluster communications so that the final schedule results in a cluster assignment that favors cluster locality in cache references and register accesses. It has been evaluated for both 2- and 4-cluster configurations and for differing numbers and latencies of inter-cluster buses. The proposed algorithm produces schedules with very low communication requirements and outperforms previous cluster-oriented schedulers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The effectiveness of loop unrolling for modulo scheduling in clustered VLIW architectures

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    Clustered organizations are becoming a common trend in the design of VLIW architectures. In this work we propose a novel modulo scheduling approach for such architectures. The proposed technique performs the cluster assignment and the instruction scheduling in a single pass, which is shown to be more effective than doing first the assignment and later the scheduling. We also show that loop unrolling significantly enhances the performance of the proposed scheduler especially when the communication channel among clusters is the main performance bottleneck. By selectively unrolling some loops, we can obtain the best performance with the minimum increase in code size. Performance evaluation for the SPECfp95 shows that the clustered architecture achieves about the same IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) as a unified architecture with the same resources. Moreover when the cycle time is taken into account, a 4-cluster configurations is 3.6 times faster than the unified architecture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fast, accurate and flexible data locality analysis

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    This paper presents a tool based on a new approach for analyzing the locality exhibited by data memory references. The tool is very fast because it is based on a static locality analysis enhanced with very simple profiling information, which results in a negligible slowdown. This feature allows the tool to be used for highly time-consuming applications and to include it as a step in a typical iterative analysis-optimization process. The tool can provide a detailed evaluation of the reuse exhibited by a program, quantifying and qualifying the different types of misses either globally or detailed by program sections, data structures, memory instructions, etc. The accuracy of the tool is validated by comparing its results with those provided by a simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Distributed data cache designs for clustered VLIW processors

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    Wire delays are a major concern for current and forthcoming processors. One approach to deal with this problem is to divide the processor into semi-independent units referred to as clusters. A cluster usually consists of a local register file and a subset of the functional units, while the L1 data cache typically remains centralized in What we call partially distributed architectures. However, as technology evolves, the relative latency of such a centralized cache will increase, leading to an important impact on performance. In this paper, we propose partitioning the L1 data cache among clusters for clustered VLIW processors. We refer to this kind of design as fully distributed processors. In particular; we propose and evaluate three different configurations: a snoop-based cache coherence scheme, a word-interleaved cache, and flexible LO-buffers managed by the compiler. For each alternative, instruction scheduling techniques targeted to cyclic code are developed. Results for the Mediabench suite'show that the performance of such fully distributed architectures is always better than the performance of a partially distributed one with the same amount of resources. In addition, the key aspects of each fully distributed configuration are explored.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Open Access as a way towards a University more adapted to the digital culture context: trends and experiences in the Spanish case

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    En los últimos años las universidades se han sumado al movimiento Open Access como una de las vías para erigirse en instituciones más abiertas, participativas y adaptadas a las demandas de acceso al conocimiento y a las prácticas y culturas digitales propias de la sociedad-red. El presente artículo recorre sus principales manifestaciones, especialmente en cuanto a iniciativas para la publicación de recursos educativos abiertos y para su puesta a disposición a través de repositorios en red, en el caso español.In the last years the universities have joined the Open Access movement, as one way to became in institutions more open, participative and adapted to the demands of access to Knowledge and the digital practices and cultures characteristic of the network society. This article presents an overview of the main expressions in the Spanish University, especially regarding initiatives on open educational resources publication and on institutional repositories and other websites for their cataloging

    Optometría clínica, desde la práctica hacia la teoría

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    La comunicación se presenta en estas Jornadas Docentes versa sobre la inversión de secuencia de actividades en una clase (flipped Classroom, Flipped Learning o clase invertida) (Barnett & Society for Research into Higher Education., 2005) de una asignatura de último curso del Grado en Óptica y Optometría y el Doble Grado en Farmacia, Óptica y Optometría. La experiencia ha resultado muy positiva y muy bien recibida por los alumnos. La participación también ha sido elevada y desde el punto de vista del aprendizaje, la atención y motivación mostrada por los alumnos ha ayudado a la comprensión y entendimiento de los contenidos conceptuales y procedimentales

    Legislación penal nacional e internacional en la protección de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes en condición de víctimas invisibles, con padres o tutores privados de libertad. Un análisis exploratorio de conceptos fundamentales y legislación comparada

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    María Antonia Sánchez González (biografía): Es licenciada en derecho egresada de la Universidad APEC (UNAPEC). Realizó una Maestría en Derecho Penal y Derecho Procesal Penal en UNAPEC. Obtuvo un Diploma en Derecho Notarial por el Instituto Dominicano de Derecho y ha realizado cursos en Gestión de Negocios y Gerencia de Servicios en el marco del programa de educación continuada de UNAPEC. Es cofundadora y actual presidente del Proyecto Educativo Caminante, en Boca Chica. Además de la docencia, ejerce la profesión de abogado en las áreas de la niñez y la adolescencia.A pesar de la existencia de una legislación internacional y nacional que procura la defensa de los menores de edad, aquellos cuyos padres padecen penas de privación de libertad por la comisión de algún delito suelen ser víctimas invisibles y vulnerables, objeto de marginación social. Y es que, de algún modo, la situación penal de los progenitores refuerza la exclusión social de los menores relacionados, que son entonces estigmatizados y que ven afectadas no solo su dignidad y autoestima, sino también la posibilidad de disfrute de sus legítimos derechos a una educación, salud y debida integración en la vida de la comunidad. Como resultado de la desarticulación efectiva entre las regulaciones a favor de la protección de la infancia y el sistema de justicia penal, que todavía se centra sobre todo en la pena y en el adulto culpable, el proyecto de vida de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que dependen de aquel queda muy perjudicado. Su mayor vulnerabilidad y desprotección no es, en los hechos, compensada por un sistema jurídico y político que los defienda de su abandono