596 research outputs found

    Juárez y la caricatura

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    1 archivo PDF (3 páginas). fhtrigintatresSe analiza la obra de los caricaturistas decimonónicos, quienes realizaron estupendas litografías, y la cual muestra una manera distinta de ver la historia, sin trampa, sin demagogia, aunque, hay que decirlo, muchos de esos cartones sólo son perceptibles con un conocimiento de la historia del momento y requiere de un excesivo y minucioso conocimiento de ese moment

    Introducción metodológica a la muerte y los miedos en educación infantil

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    Fear and death can and must be an education object. On having improved one of these terms, the obtained will influence the progress of other. In infantile Education the child is not more afraid to the death that the one that is obstinate him. An Infantile Education that it was supporting to the freest death of the fear would contribute to the formation of freer, objective and critical persons.Miedo y muerte pueden y deben ser objeto de educación. Lo conseguido al mejorar uno de estos términos influirá en la mejora del otro. En Educación infantil el niño no tiene más miedo a la muerte que el que se le inculca. Una Educación Infantil que mantuviera a la muerte más libre del miedo contribuiría a la formación de personas menos condicionadas, más libres, objetivas y críticas

    Fuel poverty analysis in three spanish autonomous regions. Some retrofitting policy considerations

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    A person is to be regarded as living ‘in fuel poverty’ if he is a member of a household living on a lower income in a home which cannot be kept warm at a reasonable cost. This situation is mainly triggered by three factors: low household income, lack of energy efficiency and high energy invoices. Some European countries have already made some advantages towards officially defining fuel poverty in their countries. Nevertheless, in Spain only some research has been done and an official definition of the term is yet to come. This research explores the relation among households’ income, energy expenditure and housing stock in three autonomous regions in Spain in order to evaluate the housing stock of the fuel poor as well as to identify those households more in need. The results of the research allow establishing energy retrofitting priorities of existing housing stock as well as identifying current retrofitting policies limitations on order to tackle fuel poverty

    A Robust Reactive Static Obstacle Avoidance System for Surface Marine Vehicles

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    This paper is centered on the guidance systems used to increase the autonomy of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). The new Robust Reactive Static Obstacle Avoidance System (RRSOAS) has been specifically designed for USVs. This algorithm is easily applicable, since previous knowledge of the USV mathematical model and its controllers is not needed. Instead, a new estimated closed-loop model (ECLM) is proposed and used to estimate possible future trajectories. Furthermore, the prediction errors (due to the uncertainty present in the ECLM) are taken into account by modeling the USV's shape as a time-varying ellipse. Additionally, in order to decrease the computation time, we propose to use a variable prediction horizon and an exponential resolution to discretize the decision space. As environmental model an occupancy probability grid is used, which is updated with the measurements generated by a LIDAR sensor model. Finally, the new RRSOAS is compared with other SOA (static obstacle avoidance) methods. In addition, a robustness study was carried out over a set of random scenarios. The results obtained through numerical simulations indicate that RRSOAS is robust to unknown and congested scenarios in the presence of disturbances, while offering competitive performance with respect to other SOA methods

    Eph/ephrin Signaling and Biology of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells

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    Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as important therapeutic agents, owing to their easy isolation and culture, and their remarkable immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. However, MSCs constitute a heterogeneous cell population which does not express specific cell markers and has important problems for in vivo homing, and factors regulating their survival, proliferation, and differentiation are largely unknown. Accordingly, in the present article, we review the current evidence on the relationships between Eph kinase receptors, their ephrin ligands, and MSCs. These molecules are involved in the adult homeostasis of numerous tissues, and we and other authors have demonstrated their expression in human and murine MSCs derived from both bone marrow and adipose tissue, as well as their involvement in the MSC biology. We extend these studies providing new results on the effects of Eph/ephrins in the differentiation and immunomodulatory properties of MSC

    Un modelo numérico en elementos finitos para la corriente inducida por la marea. Aplicaciones al Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    Mediante un modelo numérico quasi-3D en elementos finitos que resuelve las ecuaciones de aguas someras a través de una técnica de descomposición armónica, se ha estudiado el comportamiento de la marea en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. En esta región se acoplan dos regímenes de marea sustancialmente diferentes, el correspondiente al océano Atlántico y el de la cuenca mediterránea. Los resultados del modelo confirman la preponderancia de la circulación inducida por la marea en el flujo local de la zona. También se ha comprobado la importancia que en este ámbito tienen los efectos de la difusión turbulenta, de la fricción con el fondo, de la geometría del dominio y de la interacción de las componentes mareales con la circulación residual. El empleo de una interpolación de orden superior para la altura de la superficie libre y de una formulación no lineal para la fricción con el fondo debe permitir mejorar el grado de ajuste entre los resultados numéricos obtenidos y los datos disponibles.Tidal wave propagation patterns in the Gibraltar Strait are analyzed by means of a quasi- 3D finite element model of the shallow water equations whose solver is based on a harmonic descomposition technique. In this region, two substantially different tidal regimes are coupled, the one corresponding to the Atlantic Ocean and that of the Mediterranean basin. The model results confirm that the tidal contribution is prevailing within local circulation patterns. Moreover, our solutions suggest that the turbulent diffusion of momentum, bottom friction effects, the geometry of the Strait and the tide-current interactions have an important influence on the tidal propagations patterns. The use both of a higher order interpolation scheme for the sea surface height and a non-linear formulation for bottom friction is envisaged as a means to obtain better agreement between model results and experimental data.Peer Reviewe

    Adaptation under extreme events: predictive maintenance for risk reduction

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    Increasing human and climatic pressures on coastal systems and their infrastructure has resulted in cumulative loses for ecosystem services (e.g. Sanchez-Arcilla et al, 2022) and increasing degradation of coastal and harbour structures (e.g. Kong and Frangopol, 2004; Speijker et al 2000). The result has been a steady increase in risk levels, both for infrastructures (Al-Najjar, 2007) and coastal habitats (Coanda et al., 2020), compounded by a lack of bespoke predictive maintenance (Hermans et al., 2013). A predictive maintenance programme, linking observations and inspections with numerical and/or experimental analyses of water-sediment-structure-ecosystem interactions, specially under extreme conditions, would reduce coastal risks during the life cycle of coastal structures or habitats (Yang et al 2004; Yang et al 2006; Okasha and Frangopol, 2009).This project has received funding from the MCIN / AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and from the “Next Generation EU”/PRTR”, with contract number PLEC2021-007810 (PI-BREAK project). It has also benefitted from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037097 (REST-COAST project).Postprint (published version

    Assessment of the microbiological quality of groundwater in three regions of the Valencian community (Spain)

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    Urban groundwater development was traditionally constrained by concerns about its quality. This study was conducted in the regions of La Ribera Alta and Ribera Baja and La Plana de Requena-Utiel of the Valencian Community (Valencia, Spain) where population density, demand for drinking water and agricultural activities are high. Groundwater bodies (GWBs) are regarded as management areas within each territory, and were used to establish protection policies. This study analyzed eleven GWBs. We used two databases with microbiological measurements from 154 wells over a 7-year period (2004-2011), risk factors and groundwater information. Wells were grouped according to frequency of microbiological contamination using E. coli measurements, category <1, or wells with low-frequency microbiological contamination and high-frequency wells or category 1-100, according to World Health Organization (WHO) quality criteria of drinking water. Of all wells, 18.12% showed high-frequency microbiological contamination with a majority distribution in the Ribera Alta region (26.98%, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found between the two risk categories for flow, static level, well depth and distance from population centres. This paper reveals that the vulnerability classes established by the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) do not match the microbiological results, and that only eight wells with high-frequency contamination coincide with the high vulnerability areas

    Comparación del consumo en unidades físicas de tres tipos de carne por niveles de ingresos, utilizando la verosimilitud empírica

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    Este artículo estudia el consumo de tres tipos de carnes de los hogares españoles y analiza si existe variación en dicho consumo al diferenciar por niveles de renta. Utiliza la metodología de la verosimilitud empírica que permite obtener, la función de verosimilitud para el parámetro de interés, consumo medio, y realizar inferencias a partir de ella. La carne de pollo se consume más en los hogares españoles frente a la de cerdo o ternera, independientemente de los ingresos. Esto lleva a que existen otros factores que influyen más en dicho consumo. Tan sólo en el caso de la carne de ternera se presenta como un factor determinante. Además, se analiza el cambio relativo experimentado por cada tipo de carne ante el cambio en la renta, y ante el cambio de los otros tipos de carne.This paper focuses on consumption in physical units of chicken, pork and beef, and analyses changes in consumption related to income levels. Using an Empirical Likelihood approach we arrive at an estimate for average consumption and its confidence regions, as well as likelihood intervals. Spanish families prefer chicken to beef or pork and income is not the reason. We also study changes in consumption considering changes in income or in alternative products.Investigación parcialmente financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología a través del proyecto BEC 2001-3774

    An approach to gut microbiota profile in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in studies on the implications of gut microbiota (GM) on the behaviour of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) due to a dysbiosis in GM that can trigger onset, development or progression of ASD through the microbiota–gut–brain axis. The aim of this study is to carry out a systematic review of articles from the last 6 years that analyse GM in children with ASD compared to GM in control groups. Children with ASD showed a higher abundance of Roseburia and Candida genera, and lower abundance of Dialister, Bilophila, Veillonella, Streptococcus, Coprococcus and Prevotella genera. Those differences can be attributed to factors such as different nationalities, nature of control groups, place where the sample was taken, gastrointestinal (GI) problems or bacterial detection methods. It is still too early to define a specific GM profile of children with ASD, and future studies should focus on homogenizing the characteristics of samples and control groups. Furthermore, new multicentre studies should also focus on the impact of GM on GI physiology, neurophysiology and behaviour of children with ASD, and on performing psychometric analyses of the correlation between the severity of ASD behavioural symptoms and GM profiles