3,087 research outputs found

    Sorority in Mozambican literature: An analysis of the novel Niketche. A Story of polygamy

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    This article performs a brief analysis about a peculiar conception of sorority in the novel Niketche. A story of polygamy, by the mozambican writer Paulina Chiziane. Chiziane creates a group of different women who are examples of the different realities that they live in that country, melting pot of religions and traditions, where they are instructed to consider the others like potential rivals, but finally discover their potential as collaborators.Este articulo pretende ser un breve análisis sobre una particular concepción de sororidad en la novela Niketche. una historia de poligamia, de la escritora mozambiqueña Paulina Chiziane. Chiziane crea un grupo de diferentes mujeres que acaban siendo ejemplos de las diferentes realidades que viven en ese país, crisol de creencias y tradiciones, donde son educadas para considerar a las otras como rivales en potencia pero finalmente descubren su potencial como colaboradora

    “Flying off”. Programme for the protection of the Iberian Imperial Eagle

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    [Resumo] Co obxectivo de contribuír á recuperación da aguia imperial ibérica, unha das rapaces máis ameazadas de Europa, endémica da península Ibérica e “en perigo”, SEO/BirdLife desenvolve o Programa Alzando o Voo, estruturado en tres grandes liñas de actuación, xestión de hábitat, conservación e participación e sensibilización e difusión. Para levar a cabo estas liñas de traballo e alcanzar o obxectivo de contribuír á conservación da aguia imperial ibérica faise imprescindible o uso dos instrumentos sociais de comunicación, sensibilización, participación e educación[Abstract] With the objective of contributing to the recovery of the Iberian Imperial Eagle, one of the birds of prey which is most under threat in Europe, rife in the Iberian Peninsula and “In Danger”, the SEO Bird Life organization developed the campaign known as “Flying Off”, which is strucyured into three major lines of action, that is, management of the habitat, protection and participation, and informing the public opinion and providing information. In order to carry out these lines of action and to reach the objective of contributing to the protection of the Iberian Imperial Eagle, there exists a great need for the use of the social instruments of communication, informing the public opinion, participation and educatio

    Evolution of documents on architectural projects in Alicante, Spain, from late 19th century to the present

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    La imagen que hoy tenemos de la documentación mínima a exigir en un proyecto edificatorio ha cambiado a lo largo de los años. Así, las exigencias establecidas en cualquiera de los campos de la arquitectura han ido in crescendo con el paso del tiempo debido a nuevos requerimientos que están mucho más patentes, si cabe, en el ámbito de la expresión gráfica arquitectónica. El objetivo prioritario de este trabajo es estudiar la evolución de la documentación oficial aportada en los proyectos de arquitectura presentados desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad en la provincia de Alicante (España) para, con su mejor comprensión y el análisis sintético de sus características, discernir cuál ha sido la generación de material gráfico en este tiempo y cómo se han materializado los distintos proyectos arquitectónicos en cada periodo.The image we have today about the minimum documentation required in a building project has not been constant over the years. Thus, the regulations in architectural projects have increased over time due to new and more visible requirements in the field of architectural graphic expression. The main objective of this work is to study the evolution of formal documents provided in architectural projects from the late nineteenth century to the present in the province of Alicante (Spain) in order to discern, with a better understanding and synthetic analysis of their features, the generation of graphical material and how different projects have been materialized in each period

    Restauración de templos religiosos: intervención en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Belén en Crevillente (Alicante)

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    Heritage conservation has raised historical problems usually centered in defects resulting from water leaks. Thus, any intervention is presented as a difficult task, both due to building techniques to be used and the lack of economic resources in many cases. In relation to the temples existing in Alicante (Spain), water drainage is solved with pitched roofs on slope formation (in vaulted naves) or directly supported on the vaulted elements (in the domes). Since those construction systems are composed by brick and plaster, the presence of moisture is problematic, and represents a risk of losing the strength capacity and therefore the stability of the dome. An example of this problem is the dome of the church “Nuestra Señora de Belén” in Crevillente, built with solid bricks, it has the highest diameter of the province (18th century). This historic building has been restored on several occasions in the recent years due to moisture, cracks or fissures. The study of these works give an idea of the difficulties of maintenance, conservation and proper restoration of such kind of buildings as unique and valued constructions in our heritage

    3D teaching: the ideal complement for professionals in design and construction

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    Today, the requirement of professional skills to university students is constantly increasing in our society. In our opinion, the content offered in official degrees need to be nourished with different variables, enriching their global professional knowledge in a parallel way; that is why, in recent years, there is a great multiplicity of complementary courses at university. One of the most socially demanded technical requirements within the architectural, design or engineering field is the management of 3D drawing software, becoming an indispensable reality in these sectors. Thus, this specific training becomes essential over two-dimension traditional design, because the inclusion of great possibilities of spatial development that go beyond conventional orthographic projections (plans, sections or elevations), allowing modelling and rotation of the selected items from multiple angles and perspectives. Therefore, this paper analyzes the teaching methodology of a complementary course for those technicians in the construction industry interested in computer-aided design, using modelling (SketchupMake) and rendering programs (Kerkythea). The course is developed from the technician point of view, by learning computer management and its application to professional development from a more general to a more specific view through practical examples. The proposed methodology is based on the development of real examples in different professional environments such as rehabilitation, new constructions, opening projects or architectural design. This multidisciplinary contribution improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and the independent development of three-dimensional solutions. Thus, the practical implementation of new situations, even suggested by the students themselves, ensures active participation, saving time during the design process and the increase of effectiveness when generating elements which may be represented, moved or virtually tested. In conclusion, this teaching-learning methodology improves the skills and competencies of students to face the growing professional demands of society. After finishing the course, technicians not only improved their expertise in the field of drawing but they also enhanced their capacity for spatial vision; both essential qualities in these sectors that can be applied to their professional development with great success

    Construction of Structures I in Moodle: a new teaching methodology in the Degree of Building Engineer

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    The subject of Construction of Structures I studies, from a constructive point of view and taking into account current legislation, reinforced concrete structures used in buildings, through the acquisition of knowledge and construction criteria required in the profession of a Technical Architect. The contents acquired in this course are essential for further professional development of technicians and are closely related to many of the subjects taught in the same or other courses of the Degree in Technical Architecture at the University of Alicante. The aim of this paper is to present, analyze and discuss the development of a new methodology proposed in the mentioned subject, as it supposed an important change in the traditional way of teaching Construction and Structures I. In order to incorporate new teaching tools in 2013-2014, the course has been implemented by using a Moodle software tool to promote blended learning with online exercises. Our Moodle community allows collaborative work within an open-source platform where teachers and students share a new and personalized learning environment. Students are easily used to the interface and the platform, value the constant connection with teachers or other fellows and completely agree with the possibility of making questions or share documents 24 hours a day. The proposed methodology consists of lectures and practical classes. In the lectures, the basics of each topic are discussed; class attendance, daily study and conducting scheduled exercises are indispensable. Practical classes allow to consolidate the knowledge gained in theory classes by solving professional exercises and actual construction problems related to structures, that shall be compulsorily delivered online. So, after the correction of the teacher and the subsequent feedback of students, practical exercises ensure lifelong learning of the student, who can download any kind of material at any time (constructive details, practical exercises and even corrected exams). Regarding the general evaluation system, goals achievement is assessed on an ongoing basis (65% of the final mark) along the course through written and graphic evidences in person and online, as well as a individual development of a workbook. In all cases, the acquisition of skills, the ability to synthesize, the capacity of logical and critical thinking are assessed. The other 35 % of the mark is evaluated by a complementary graphic exam. Participation in the computing platform is essential and the student is required to do and present, at least 90% of the practices proposed. Those who do not comply with the practices in each specific date could not be assessed continuously and may only choose the final exam. In conclusion, the subject of Construction of Structures I is essential in the development of the regulated profession of Technical Architect as they are considered, among other professional profiles, as specialists in construction of building structures. The use of a new communication platform and online teaching allows the acquisition of knowledge and constructive approaches in a continuous way, with a more direct and personal monitoring by the teacher that has been highly appreciated by almost 100% of the students. Ultimately, it is important to say that the use of Moodle in this subject is a very interesting tool, which was really well welcome by students in one of the densest and important subjects of the Degree of Technical Architecture

    Aprender para comunicar; bases de partida en entornos de humedales Ibéricos.

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    A study focused on the perception and knowledge of wetlands among the students of the Faculties of Education in Faro (Portugal), Ciudad Real and Toledo (Spain), located near protected wetlands, is presented in this article. The results show that, in general, students have vague ideas about the functioning, values and functions of wetlands before working on them. This fact changes after their work in the classroom, although a lack of understanding of important issues that they should communicate in the classroom in their teaching function remains.En este artículo se presenta un estudio realizado con alumnos de las Facultades de Educación de Faro (Portugal), Ciudad Real y Toledo (España), situadas cerca de humedales protegidos, relativo al conocimiento y percepción de estos espacios. Los resultados muestran que, generalmente, los alumnos tienen vagas nociones sobre el funcionamiento, valores y funciones de los humedales antes de trabajar con ellos. Tras el trabajo en el aula este hecho cambia, aunque persisten carencias en la compresión de aspectos relevantes que deberían comunicar en las aulas en su futuro ejercicio docente

    Infrared thermography applied to historical domes: identification and analysis of building systems

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    El uso específico de la termografía infrarroja como técnica no destructiva permite el estudio de sistemas constructivos en edificios históricos (caracterización de materiales, disposición constructiva o identificación de elementos originales). Así, se muestra una aplicación práctica en templos en la provincia de Alicante construidos entre finales del siglo XVII y principios del xix, donde se analiza la complementariedad de las imágenes termográficas de 140 cúpulas (junto con datos recopilados in situ, dibujos originales y levantamiento de planos) como herramienta de estudio en fases de análisis previas a una restauración. En conclusión, la investigación detalla una aplicación termográfica al estudio de distintos aspectos como el reconocimiento de materiales empleados (90,71 % ladrillo macizo, 6,43 % ladrillo hueco y 2,86 % piedra), variaciones de espesor interior y exterior (75,71 % perfil apuntado, 17,86 % perfil semiesférico y 6,43 % perfil rebajado), caracterización de grietas/fisuras (estado de conservación) e identificación de cúpulas originales (96,43 %) o restauradas (3,57 %).The specific use of infrared thermography as a non-destructive technique allows the study of constructive systems in historic buildings (characterization of materials, construction layers and identification of original / restored elements). Thus, a practical application is shown in temples built between the late seventeenth and the early nineteenth century in the province of Alicante, where complementarity of thermographic images of 140 domes is analysed (along with data collected in situ, original drawings and draw up plans) as a research tool in analysis phases prior to a restoration. In conclusion, research shows how thermography is applicable to the study of different aspects such as the recognition of materials used (90.71 % solid brick, 6.43 % hollow brick and 2.86 % stone), thickness variations (75.71 % pointed shape, 17.86 % hemispherical shape and 6.43 % low shape), characterization of cracks / fissures (conservation conditions) and identification of original (96.43 %) o restored domes (3.57 %)