383 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory, pro-proliferative and antimicrobial potential of the compounds isolated from Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume

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    Ethno-pharmacological relevance: Daemonorops draco (D. draco) commonly known as “Dragon's blood” is one of the most used plants by Momok, Anak Dalam and Talang Mamak tribes from Indonesia as a remedy for wound healing. Aim of the study: This study aimed to identify the extract, fractions and compounds responsible for the anti-inflammatory and pro-proliferative activities of the D. draco resin. Additionally, the antimicrobial activity against two bacteria and one yeast species was analysed. Materials and methods: Bio-guided isolation of compounds with anti-inflammatory, pro-proliferative and antimicrobial activities from the D. draco resin was carried out by measuring: the inhibition of NF-κB and activation of Nrf2 in THP-1, HaCaT, NIH-3T3 cells; cell proliferation in NIH-3T3 and HaCaT cells; and the antimicrobial effect on E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans. Results: Guided isolation by bioassay gave rise to the isolation and characterisation by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry of three compounds: 1 (Bexarotene), 2 (Taspine) and 3 (2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone). All compounds showed NF-κB inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 0.10–0.13, 0.22–0.24 and 3.75–4.78 μM, respectively, while the positive control, Celastrol, had an IC50 of 7.96 μM. Likewise, all compounds showed an activating effect of Nrf2 with EC50 values of 5.34–5.43, 163.20–169.20 and 300.82–315.56 nM, respectively, while the positive control, CDDO-Me, had an EC50 of 0.11 nM. In addition, concerning the pro-proliferative activity, compound 1 (IC50 = 8.62–8.71 nM) showed a capacity of 100%, compound 2 (IC50 = 166–171 nM) showed a capacity of 75%, and compound 3 (IC50 = 469–486 nM) showed a capacity of 65%, while FSB 10% (positive control) had a pro-proliferative activity of 100% in the NIH3T3 cell lines (fibroblasts) and HaCaT (keratinocytes). Finally, all the compounds showed antimicrobial activity with MIC values of 0.12–0.16, 0.31–0.39 and 3.96–3.99 μM, respectively, in S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans strains, while the positive control, Ofloxacin, had a MIC of 27.65 μM. Conclusion: This study managed to isolate, for the first time, three compounds (Bexarotene, Taspine and 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone) from the resin of D. draco, with anti-inflammatory, and pro-proliferative as well as antimicrobial activitie

    Caracteres geoquímicos y mineralógicos del yacimiento de Sn y Au de Montejo (Salamanca)

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    [Resumen] El yacimiento situado al S. E. de la Provincia de Salamanca está constituido por una serie de filones de cuarzo brechificado de dirección E-W, subverticales y encajados en materiales pertenecientes al Complejo Esquistograuváquico (Formación Monterrubio, dominando en esta zona esquistos, grauvacas y microconglomerados). Fue explotado durante los años 40 y 50 para Sn y esporádicamente para Au. Se han estudiado al microscopio 80 preparaciones pulidas y transparentes seleccionadas en cuatro sondeos de 250 metros, calicatas y antiguas escombreras, con el fin de caracterizar paragénesis, sucesión de la mineralización y alteraciones hidrotermales relacionadas. También se ha realizado un muestréo en las zonas mineralizadas y con alteración hidrotermal para su estudio geoquímico. Se han analizado: Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr y Ba en 40 muestras. Las relaciones intereleme~ntales más evidentes son: Au-Sn-Bi y Cu-Sb. Por otro lado, se correlacionan los resultados geoquímicos con los diversos tipos de alteraciones hidrotermales.[Abstract] This tin-gold deposit is located in the SE Salamanca province. Mineralization is associated with several quartz-veins and breccias in metamorphic terrains of Precambrian-Cambrian ages (<<Complejo Esquistograuváquico»). Were studied microscopically 80 samples of four drillings (250 m deep) and other surface sampIes. It is presented mineral paragenesis and wall-rocks alterations relationed with mineralization. The geochemical stady include determinations of Au, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Rb, Sr and Ba. A factor analysis on the geochemical data stablished the fo11owing associations: Au-Sn-Bi and Cu-Sb

    NTMC2T5: a newly identified lipid transfer proteins at ER-chloroplast contact sites involved in development and stress response.

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    In plants, fatty acid synthesis takes place at chloroplasts, and they are assembled into glycerolipids and sphingolipids at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Then, the newly ER synthetized lipids are sent back to the chloroplast to form part of their membranes. Since, no vesicular transport has been described between these two organelles, lipid transport might be mediated by lipid transport proteins (LTP) via a non-vesicular pathway.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the maturation process of geopolymer mortars

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    Mechanical and maturation of geopolymers mortars based on fly ash –FA¿ (FAM), properties are studied. The values of FAM in compressive strength were lower than conventional Portland cement mortars (PCM). For geopolymers were achieved in some cases compressive strengths up to 24.42 MPa, but in another study variables an abnormal behaviour was identified with loss of compressive strengths and elastic modulus (reaching only 14.51 MPa and 1.24 GPa). This behaviour can be attributed to a possible reaction between the aggregate and the alkaline medium, which appears to increase with +age of curing. Involvement implies that the reaction impedes or disrupts the geopolymerization process of FA, causing less compressive strength.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Propuesta de modelo integral de evaluación sostenible de la vivienda social en México

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    ResumenDebido al gran impacto de la industria de la construcción en el medio ambiente, la tendencia de la construcción sustentable a nivel mundial es una gran necesidad. La industria de la construcción es la principal actividad humana consumidora de recursos naturales por lo que se han creado herramientas que certifican el nivel de sustentabilidad e impacto ambiental de los edificios. En México aún no se ha desarrollado alguna metodología que evalue el grado de sustentabilidad de vivienda, por lo que se ha visto la necesidad de implementar modelos extranjeros, diseñados por otros países y para otros contextos, no viables de aplicar debido a las diferencias de los sistemas constructivos. El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo producir un modelo de evaluación de sustentabilidad en la vivienda social, creado en base a las características y sistemas constructivos preponderantes en el contexto local. Se analizaron los modelos de sustentabilidad más conocidos a nivel mundial (BREEAM, CASBEE, LEED y VERDE) en las etapas del ciclo de vida del edificio que ellos evalúan y a partir de esta revisión se diseñó una metodología de evaluación para la vivienda social sustentable en el país; la cual se aplicó en un caso estudio local y arrojó como resultado la gran necesidad de reforzar las prácticas sustentables locales ya que el nivel de cumplimiento de los criterios definidos fue tan sólo un 52% de su totalidad

    Revisión bibliográfica de implantología bucofacial del año 2010. Segunda parte

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    La gran cantidad de publicaciones que existen en las múltiples fuentes de información de la literatura científica junto a la baja disponibilidad de tiempo para consultarlas de la que disponen los profesionales de la Odontología, ha motivado a los autores de este artículo a efectuar una revisión de la literatura científica publicada a lo largo del año 2010 en el campo de la Implantología Bucofacial. Se han agrupado los diferentes trabajos en distintos temas (regeneración ósea guiada, elevación del seno maxilar y otras técnicas especiales, factores de crecimiento, implantes cigomáticos, implantes ortodóncicos y complicaciones en la cirugía implantológica), con el fin de facilitar una buena puesta al día

    Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47 during its 2021 ultra-luminous state

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    We present simultaneous optical and near-infrared spectra obtained during the 2021 outburst of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47. The X-ray hardness-intensity diagram and the comparison with similar systems reveal a luminous outburst, probably reaching the Eddington luminosity, as well as a long-lasting excursion to the so-called ultra-luminous state. VLT/X-shooter spectra were taken in two epochs 14 days apart during the early and brightest part of the outburst, while the source was in this ultra-luminous accretion state. The data show strong H and HeI emission lines, as well as high-excitation HeII and OIII transitions. Most lines are single-peaked in both spectra, except for the OIII lines that exhibit evident double-peaked profiles during the second epoch. The Balmer lines are embedded in broad absorption wings that we believe are mainly produced by the contribution of the A2V donor to the optical flux, which we estimate to be in the range of 11 to 14 per cent in the rr band during our observations. Although no conspicuous outflow features are found, we observe some wind-related line profiles, particularly in the near-infrared. Such lines include broad emission line wings and skewed red profiles, suggesting the presence of a cold (i.e. low ionisation) outflow with similar observational properties to those found in other low-inclination black hole transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&