1,614 research outputs found

    Anomalous lifetime distributions and topological traps in ordering dynamics

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    We address the role of community structure of an interaction network in ordering dynamics, as well as associated forms of metastability. We consider the voter and AB model dynamics in a network model which mimics social interactions. The AB model includes an intermediate state between the two excluding options of the voter model. For the voter model we find dynamical metastable disordered states with a characteristic mean lifetime. However, for the AB dynamics we find a power law distribution of the lifetime of metastable states, so that the mean lifetime is not representative of the dynamics. These trapped metastable states, which can order at all time scales, originate in the mesoscopic network structure.Comment: 7 pages; 6 figure

    Cambios geomorfológicos y evolución de una barra de arena en la desembocadura del río Lea, Lekeitio-Mendexa (Bizkaia)

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    Se presenta el seguimiento anual de los cambios morfológicos de una barra de arena en la playa de Karraspio (Mendexa, Bizkaia) formada como consecuencia de la rotura del dique construido en el siglo XIX para proteger el puerto de Lekeitio de los continuos aportes sedimentarios transportados por el río Lea. El intenso oleaje y los temporales rompieron el malecón de Lazunarri, permitiendo al río retomar su antigua desembocadura. Mediante el empleo en 2011 de un láser escáner terrestre (TLS) se han analizado desde entonces los cambios morfológicos experimentados por la barra de arena durante los últimos años. El seguimiento se realizó durante cuatro campañas entre octubre de 2012 y octubre de 2014; durante la primavera y verano de 2015 los trabajos de restauración de este malecón implicaron el retorno a las condiciones previas a la rotura.The monitoring of the morphological changes of a sand bar in the beach Karraspio (Lekeitio, Biscay) is presented. The annual coastal dynamics and the sand deposition were affected by several coastal storms given in 2011 that broke the Lazunarri dike in several parts. The dike were constructed in the 19th century to protect the sea port from the Lea River's sediment deposition and modified the estuary forcing the river to flow into the eastern side of the San Nicolas island. A Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) was used to register the morphological response of a sand bar to the changes in the river mouth and coastal dynamics. The monitoring was conducted in four fieldwork campaigns in October 2012, June 2013, October 2013 and October 2014. The preliminary results showed the migration sand-bar axis to the east and the erosion of the area close to the dike

    Cambios geomorfológicos y evolución de una barra de arena en la desembocadura del río Lea, Lekeitio-Mendexa (Bizkaia)

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    Se presenta el seguimiento anual de los cambios morfológicos de una barra de arena en la playa de Karraspio (Mendexa, Bizkaia) formada como consecuencia de la rotura del dique construido en el siglo XIX para proteger el puerto de Lekeitio de los continuos aportes sedimentarios transportados por el río Lea. El intenso oleaje y los temporales rompieron el malecón de Lazunarri, permitiendo al río retomar su antigua desembocadura. Mediante el empleo en 2011 de un láser escáner terrestre (TLS) se han analizado desde entonces los cambios morfológicos experimentados por la barra de arena durante los últimos años. El seguimiento se realizó durante cuatro campañas entre octubre de 2012 y octubre de 2014; durante la primavera y verano de 2015 los trabajos de restauración de este malecón implicaron el retorno a las condiciones previas a la rotura.The monitoring of the morphological changes of a sand bar in the beach Karraspio (Lekeitio, Biscay) is presented. The annual coastal dynamics and the sand deposition were affected by several coastal storms given in 2011 that broke the Lazunarri dike in several parts. The dike were constructed in the 19th century to protect the sea port from the Lea River's sediment deposition and modified the estuary forcing the river to flow into the eastern side of the San Nicolas island. A Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) was used to register the morphological response of a sand bar to the changes in the river mouth and coastal dynamics. The monitoring was conducted in four fieldwork campaigns in October 2012, June 2013, October 2013 and October 2014. The preliminary results showed the migration sand-bar axis to the east and the erosion of the area close to the dike

    Self-sufficient asymmetric reduction of β-ketoesters catalysed by a novel and robust thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase co-immobilised with NADH

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    β-Hydroxyesters are essential building blocks utilised by the pharmaceutical and food industries in the synthesis of functional products. Beyond the conventional production methods based on chemical catalysis or whole-cell synthesis, the asymmetric reduction of β-ketoesters with cell-free enzymes is gaining relevance. To this end, a novel thermophilic (S)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB27 (Tt27-HBDH) has been expressed, purified and biochemically characterised, determining its substrate specificity towards β-ketoesters and its dependence on NADH as a cofactor. The immobilization of Tt27-HBDH on agarose macroporous beads and its subsequent coating with polyethyleneimine has been found the best strategy to increase the stability and workability of the heterogeneous biocatalyst. Furthermore, we have embedded NADH in the cationic layer attached to the porous surface of the carrier. Since Tt27-HBDH catalyses cofactor recycling through 2-propanol oxidation, we achieve a self-sufficient heterogeneous biocatalyst where NADH is available for the immobilised enzymes but its lixiviation to the reaction bulk is avoided. Taking advantage of the autofluorescence of NADH, we demonstrate the activity of the enzyme towards the immobilised cofactor through single-particle analysis. Finally, we tested the operational stability in the asymmetric reduction of β-ketoesters in batch, succeeding in the reuse of both the enzyme and the co-immobilised cofactor up to 10 reaction cycles

    Estudio experimental en conejos de un nuevo vidrio bioactivo en la reconstrucción de defectos óseos

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    Objetivo: Se evaluó "in vivo" un vidrio bioactivo en la reparación de defectos óseos en animales esqueléticamente maduros e inmaduros. Material y Método: Se intervinieron 32 conejos machos de Nueva Zelanda divididos aleatoriamente en dos Grupos de 16: esqueléticamente maduros e inmaduros respectivamente. En todos ellos, se labró un defecto óseo en la cara lateral del cóndilo femoral. En la mitad de cada Grupo se relleno el defecto óseo con un implante de biovidrio. El resto sirvió como control. En los animales inmaduros, el defecto óseo resultó equivalente a una lesión fisaria tipo VI de Rang. El seguimiento fue de 4 meses. Se realizó un estudio radiográfico mensual, así como un estudio necrópsico, histológico e histomorfométrico de los especimenes. Resultados: Todos los animales finalizaron el estudio. No se observaron desviaciones axiales de las extremidades intervenidas en los animales inmaduros. El vidrio presentó una excelente osteointegración tanto en animales maduros como inmaduros, con evidencia de osteoconducción sobre su superficie, de forma simultánea a a su degradación y reabsorción, sin deformidades o ruturas. Las formación ósea inducida y reabsorción, sin deformidades o roturas. La formació ósea inducida por el vídrio fue la mayor en los niveles inmaduros respecto a los maduros. Los animales control presentaron una reparación del defecto óseo de menor calidad, con variaciones entre individuos. Conclusiones: El comportamiento "in vivo" el vidrio testado permite considerarlo como un material adecuado para la sustitución o reparación ósea, en el relleno de cavidades, la cobertura de superficie de implantes, y la vehiculización de sustancias. En cirugía del cartílago de crecimiento podría utilizarse como material de interposición tras la resección de puentes óseos fisarios.Objective: to evaluate the usefulness of a new bioactive glass in bone defect healing in rabbits. Material & Methods: 32 New Zeland rabbits were randomly distributed in two groups of 16: mature and immature respectively . In all of them, a bone defect was performed in the lateral surface of femoral distal epiphysis. A glass bioactive implant was placed in the bone defect of 8 animals in each group. The others served as control. In the immature rabbits, bone defect results as a Type VI physeal injury of Rang. Follow-up was 4 months. A standardised radiographic study was monthly performed, and after sacrifice, a histological and morphometric study on the femora was done. Results: All the animals survived the follow-up. No axial deviations of distal femoral growth were observed in immature rabbits. The tested glass showed an excellent osteointegration in all the animals, with osteoconduction evidence over its surface, accompanying degradation and resorption phenomena, but without deformities of break. Bone healing over the tested bioactive glass was higher in immature rabbitr than in mature animals. The control animals showed a poor bone defect healing, with variations among individuals. Conclusion: The in vivo behaviour of tested bioactive glasas suggests its use as possible bone substitute for cavities filling, implant surfaces, and as drugs vehicle. In growth plate surgery, it should be use as interposition material afeter physeal bone bridges resection

    ZnO-mesoporous glass scaffolds loaded with osteostatin and mesenchymal cells improve bone healing in a rabbit bone defect

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    The use of 3D scaffolds based on mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBG) enhanced with therapeutic ions, biomolecules and cells is emerging as a strategy to improve bone healing. In this paper, the osteogenic capability of ZnO-enriched MBG scaffolds loaded or not with osteostatin (OST) and human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) was evaluated after implantation in New Zealand rabbits. Cylindrical meso-macroporous scaffolds with composition (mol %) 82.2SiO2–10.3CaO–3.3P2O5–4.2ZnO (4ZN) were obtained by rapid prototyping and then, coated with gelatin for easy handling and potentiating the release of inorganic ions and OST. Bone defects (7.5 mm diameter, 12 mm depth) were drilled in the distal femoral epiphysis and filled with 4ZN, 4ZN + MSC, 4ZN + OST or 4ZN + MSC + OST materials to evaluate and compare their osteogenic features. Rabbits were sacrificed at 3 months extracting the distal third of bone specimens for necropsy, histological, and microtomography (µCT) evaluations. Systems investigated exhibited bone regeneration capability. Thus, trabecular bone volume density (BV/TV) values obtained from µCT showed that the good bone healing capability of 4ZN was significantly improved by the scaffolds coated with OST and MSC. Our findings in vivo suggest the interest of these MBG complete systems to improve bone repair in the clinical practice

    Noble gas isotopes reveal degassing-derived eruptions at Deception Island (Antarctica): implications for the current high levels of volcanic activity

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    Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica with more than twenty explosive eruptions in the past two centuries. Any future volcanic eruption(s) is a serious concern for scientists and tourists, will be detrimental to marine ecosystems and could have an impact to global oceanographic processes. Currently, it is not possible to carry-out low and high frequency volcanic gas monitoring at Deception Island because of the arduous climatic conditions and its remote location. Helium, neon and argon isotopes measured in olivine samples of the main eruptive events (pre-, syn- and post caldera) offer insights into the processes governing its volcanic history. Our results show that: (i) ascending primitive magmas outgassed volatiles with a MORB-like helium isotopic signature (3He/4He ratio); and (ii) variations in the He isotope ratio, as well as intensive degassing evidenced by fractionated 4He/40Ar* values, occurred before the beginning of the main eruptive episodes. Our results show how the pre-eruptive noble gas signals of volcanic activity is an important step toward a better understanding of the magmatic dynamics and has the potential to improve eruption forecasting.This research was supported by the Spanish Government (MICINN) projects: RECALDEC (CTM2009-05919-E/ANT), PEVOLDEC (CTM2011-13578-E/ANT), POSVOLDEC (CTM2016-79617-P)(AEI/FEDER, UE), VOLGASDEC (PGC2018-095693-B-I00)(AEI/FEDER, UE), HYDROCAL (PID2020-114876GB-I00)(MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), EruptING (PID2021-127189OB-I00) (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and Programa Propio’s project (Universidad de Salamanca-2019 modalidad 1B). A.A-V also thanks the JSPS invitation fellowship (S18113) at the University of Tokyo. A.P.S is grateful for his PhD grant “Programa Propio III Universidad de Salamanca-2021 cofounded by Banco de Santander”.Peer reviewe

    Valoración y autoconcepto del alumnado con sobrepeso. Influencia de la escuela, actitudes sedentarias y de actividad física. (Assessment of overweight students´ self-esteem. Influence of school, sedentary habits and physical activity.)

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    Resumen El propósito de este estudio fue diferenciar los niveles de grasa corporal de estudiantes de entre 13 y 15 años, para a partir de ahí conocer las opiniones y actitudes que pueden asociarse con variables como la autoestima, hábitos sedentarios, la frecuencia de actividad física y salud, así como su relación respecto a variables independientes como la edad, sexo y composición corporal. El estudio fue realizado sobre 145 estudiantes de educación secundaria, divididos en dos grupos diferentes según el peso: el normal y sobrepeso. Se obtuvieron medidas de índice de masa corporal y bioimpedancia eléctrica, así como información adicional mediante un doble cuestionario. La validez y fiabilidad se calculó realizando análisis de datos exploratorio con factorización realizada sobre la matriz de correlaciones policórica, y el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach respectivamente. Se hallaron 3 factores que explican el 44% de la varianza. El análisis de resultados mediante ANOVA, expresó diferencias significativas de opinión (p AbstractThis paper is intended to ascertain the body fat percentage of students between 13 and 15 years of age. Based on the former, the study researches opinions and attitudes which may be associated with variables like self-esteem, sedentary habits, frequency of physical activity and health, as well as the correlation between their answers and factors like age, sex and body composition. The study is based on evidence of 145 high school students divided into two groups: normal and overweight. Measurements of body mass index and electrical bioimpedance as well as additional information from a double questionnaire were obtained. Test validity and reliability was achieved using exploratory analysis and applying factorization on the polychoric correlation matrix and Cronbach's alpha. Three factors were found to explain 44% of the variance. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the opinion of normal and of overweight students (p < 0.05). The former scored lower than the latter as regards their teachers' recommendations about extra-curricular physical activity, and considered their physical activity at school ineffective against excess body fat. The study made it clear that many parents were not actively encouraging their overweight children to take up physical activity.</p