694 research outputs found

    A Specification Language for the WIDE Workflow Model

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    This paper presents a workflow specification language developed in the WIDE project. The language provides a rich organisation model, an information model including presentation details, and a sophisticated process model. Workflow application developers should find the language a useful and compact means to capture and investigate design details. Workflow system developers would discover the language a good vehicle to study the interaction between different features as well as facilitate the development of more advanced features. Others would attain a better understanding of the workflow paradigm and could use the language ms a basis of evaluation for the functionality of workflow systems

    Perception Of Socio-environmental Conflicts In Mining Areas: The Case Of The Mirador Project In Ecuador

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    In order to analyse the socio-environmental conflicts it is essential to pay attention to people's perception, because environmental problems can lead to different forms of conflict according to local economic and socio-cultural context. The main objective of this research is to determine the perception of the public about the different socio-environmental conflicts in the area of influence of the Mirador Project, the first project of large-scale mining in Ecuador. To do so, a representative sample of the general population was used to analyse how socio-environmental conflicts were perceived. Furthermore, the arguments and reasons that led people to take extreme positions on mining were also analysed. In both cases, the opinions about perceived conflicts at the time of the investigation and expected threats with the start of mining phase were examined.192234

    Electrical transport properties of manganite powders under pressure

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    We have measured the electrical resistance of micrometric to nanometric powders of the La5/8y_{5/8-y}Pry_yCa3/8_{3/8}MnO3_3 (LPCMO with y=0.3) manganite for hydrostatic pressures up to 4 kbar. By applying different final thermal treatments to samples synthesized by a microwave assisted denitration process, we obtained two particular grain characteristic dimensions (40 nm and 1000 nm) which allowed us to analyze the grain size sensitivity of the electrical conduction properties of both the metal electrode interface with manganite (Pt / LPCMO) as well as the intrinsic intergranular interfaces formed by the LPCMO powder, conglomerate under the only effect of external pressure. We also analyzed the effects of pressure on the phase diagram of these powders. Our results indicate that different magnetic phases coexist at low temperatures and that the electrical transport properties are related to the intrinsic interfaces, as we observe evidences of a granular behavior and an electronic transport dominated by the Space Charge limited Current mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Physica B Corresponding author: C. Acha ([email protected]

    Anisotropic light emissions in luminescent solar concentrators-isotropic systems

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    In this paper we develop a model to describe the emission profile from randomly oriented dichroic dye molecules in a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) waveguide as a function of incoming light direction. The resulting emission is non-isotropic, in contradiction to what is used in almost all previous simulations on the performance of LSCs, and helps explain the large surface losses measured in these devices. To achieve more precise LSC performance simulations we suggest that the dichroic nature of the dyes must be included in the future modeling efforts

    Pareto and Boltzmann-Gibbs behaviors in a deterministic multi-agent system

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    A deterministic system of interacting agents is considered as a model for economic dynamics. The dynamics of the system is described by a coupled map lattice with near neighbor interactions. The evolution of each agent results from the competition between two factors: the agent's own tendency to grow and the environmental influence that moderates this growth. Depending on the values of the parameters that control these factors, the system can display Pareto or Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical behaviors in its asymptotic dynamical regime. The regions where these behaviors appear are calculated on the space of parameters of the system. Other statistical properties, such as the mean wealth, the standard deviation, and the Gini coefficient characterizing the degree of equity in the wealth distribution are also calculated on the space of parameters of the system.Comment: 9 pages, 9 color .eps figures, submitted to Physica

    Detection of homozygous genotypes for a putatively lethal recessive mutation in the porcine argininosuccinate synthase 1 (ASS1) gene

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    The sequencing of the pig genome revealed the existence of homozygous individuals for a nonsense mutation in the argininosuccinate synthase 1 (ASS1) gene (rs81212146, c.944T>A, L315X). Paradoxically, an AA homozygous genotype for this polymorphism is expected to abolish the function of the ASS1 enzyme that participates in the urea cycle, leading to citrullinemia, hyperammonemia, coma and death. Sequencing of five Duroc boars that sired a population of 350 Duroc barrows revealed the segregation of the c.944T>A polymorphism, so we aimed to investigate its phenotypic consequences. Genotyping of this mutation in the 350 Duroc barrows revealed the existence of seven individuals homozygous (AA) for the nonsense mutation. These AA pigs had a normal weight despite the fact that mild citrullinemia often involves impaired growth. Sequencing of the region surrounding the mutation in TT, TA and AA individuals revealed that the A substitution in the second position of the codon (c.944T>A) is in complete linkage disequilibrium with a C replacement (c.943T>C) in the first position of the codon. This second mutation would compensate for the potentially damaging effect of the c.944T>A replacement. In fact, this is the most probable reason why pigs with homozygous AA genotypes at the 944 site of the ASS1 coding region are alive. Our results illustrate the complexities of predicting the consequences of nonsense mutations on gene function and phenotypes, not only because of annotation issues but also owing to the existence of genetic mechanisms that sometimes limit the penetrance of highly harmful mutations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Caracterización de la durabilidad del hormigón sometido a ciclos hielo deshielo mediante modelos micromecánicos

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    En este trabajo se exponen los resultados previos de la caracterización de la durabilidad del hormigón frente a los ciclos hielo-deshielo mediante la micromecánica. Los modelos micromecánicos permiten estudiar las propiedades globales del material en función de las propiedades microestructurales de las fases constituyentes: propiedades elásticas, fracción de volumen, distribución y orientación de las heterogeneidades así como su geometría. El trabajo se divide en dos partes, un estudio teórico y una posterior validación experimental. En el estudio teórico se aborda el comportamiento de la velocidad a partir de la variación de las características microestructurales por este tipo de deterioro. Estas predicciones se han comparado con las medidas de velocidad ultrasónica, mostrando buenos resultados

    Docencia de arquitectura orientada a servicios

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    Este trabajo presenta los contenidos del curso “Web 2.0: Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios en Java” de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad de Granada. El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al alumno con la programación de ServiciosWeb. Dada la gran variedad de técnicas disponibles para utilizar Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios, se presentan los siguientes temas: utilización de protocolos bien definidos para comunicación y contrato (SOAP y WSDL), creación de Web Services con JAX-WS y orquestación de ServiciosWeb con BPEL. Al final del curso, el alumno será capaz de crear, utilizar y mantener Servicios Web para el desarrollo de aplicaciones interempresariales, utilizando servicios creados o ya disponibles en la web, así como la orquestación lógica de los mismos.SUMMARY: This work presents the contents of the course “Web 2.0: Service Oriented Architecture on Java” from the Graduate School of the University of Granada. The course objective is to familarize students with Web Services programming. Due to the wide variety of available technologies, several subjects are presented: the usage of well-defined protocols to contract and communication (SOAP and WSDL), web services creation using JAX-WS, and service orchestration with BPEL. At the end of the course, students will be capable to create, use and manage Web Services for business applications, using new or available services in the web, and also their logical orchestration.Peer Reviewe

    Aspectos fármaco-epidemiológicos de la enfermedad respiratoria bovina bacteriana en feedlots.: una problemática a resolver

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    La enfermedad respiratoria bovina (ERB) es un proceso infeccioso multifactorial, causado principalmente por virus, bacterias y parásitos. Generalmente afecta a los bovinos menores de dos años de edad en crianza a feedlot, siendo una de las principales causas de morbi-mortalidad en esta categoría. Su tratamiento farmacológico llega a representar un 8% del total de los costos de producción, con alto porcentaje de fracasos terapéuticos. Las tasas de mortalidad debida a ERB son de aproximadamente 50%, presentándose la mayor parte en los primeros 45 días de ingresados los animales al feedlot. Tales fallas terapéuticas se deben a la ausencia de un diagnóstico basado en la evidencia y a la falta de protocolos de terapéutica racional, lo cual impide la correcta identificación de las cepas actuantes, conduciendo al tratamiento empírico de los animales y al desarrollo de resistencia bacteriana. Debido a que Argentina adolece de una falta de información sobre cepas resistentes en animales bajo condiciones de cría en feedlot, consideramos necesario difundir estrategias para optimizar una terapia antimicrobiana basada en evidencia científica, con rotación química de principios activos en animales naturalmente afectados. Se estima que ello incidirá en la reversión del uso indiscriminado de antibióticos y en la aparición de cepas bacterianas resistentes.Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is a multifactorial infectious disease mostly caused by viruses, bacterias and parasites. It usually affects cattle less than 2 years-old in feedlots and is one of the leading causes of morbility and mortality in this category. The pharmacological treatment of BRD involves the 8% of the total production costs, with high failure rates. Approximately 50% of total mortality takes place during the first 45 days within a feeding period. The lack of evidence-based diagnosis and no identification of bacterial strains together with the empirical pharmacological treatment, probably contributes to the development of bacterial resistance. Due to the lack of information on resistant strains in feedlot animals in Argentina, it was considered necessary to optimize antimicrobial therapy based on scientific evidence with chemical rotation of active pharmaceutical ingredients in naturally affected animals. It is expected that this will promote the reversion of the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the appearance of resistant bacterial strains