70 research outputs found

    Características deseables para un SGSI orientado a PYMES

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    La sociedad de la información cada vez depende más de los Sistemas de Gestión de la Seguridad de la Información (SGSI), y poder disponer de estos sistemas ha llegado a ser vital para la evolución de las PYMES. Sin embargo, este tipo de compañías requiere de SGSIs adaptados a sus especiales características, y que estén optimizados desde el punto de vista de los recursos necesarios para implantarlos y mantenerlos. En este artículo se presenta un análisis de las diferentes propuestas que están surgiendo orientadas a implantar los SGSIs en las PYMES, con el objetivo de determinar las características que debería tener una metodología de gestión de seguridad orientada a las PYMES.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Análisis de señales cromatografícas provenientes de muestras de orina, para el análisis de cáncer de próstata usando procesamiento de señales.

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    The early stoppage of prostate cancer is of vital importance for the start-up of the treatment of diagnosed patient, it is for themthat the present project has as objective to look for an alternative tool that allows the possibility of presenting a tool of support for detectingprostate cancer, developing a method of diagnosis based on artificial intelligence, through chromatography signals of flatulence’s come fromurine sample for the study of the area of urology. In this project used mathematical techniques such as SVM and RNA, in order to extract andverify the pattern found. The algorithm of present project was trained 10 signals chromatography came from urine sample, which five wereobtained of groups of control patients, and five of sick patients. For the development of analisys used Matlab 2014ª student version. TheObtaining of positive results took with it the application of techniques of pre and processing about chromatography signals, among which areclipping of interest area, filtering and base line correction whose propose of application allowed the search of typical characteristic patterns ofeach group of patients, due to the presence of abnormal or cancerous cells in the prostate. The system was appreciated, doing used of blind datesand the result contrasted with the expert doctor in the area, allowing of this manner to arrive to punctual conclusions. The software specificitywas 92.86%, rate obtained in the validation of software, whose signals entered come from of urine sample of analyzed patients, but differentfrom the ones used to the treatment.La temprana detección del cáncer de próstata es de vital importancia para la puesta en marcha del tratamiento del paciente. Espor ello que este artículo demuestra que las señales cromatográficas provenientes de muestras de orina tienen relación con enfermedadesrelacionadas con la próstata del hombre. En este trabajo se usaron técnicas matemáticas tales como: SVM y RNA con el fin de extraer y verificarel patrón encontrado en cada señal cromatográfica. El algoritmo fue entrenado con 10 señales de cromatografía provenientes de muestras deorina, de las cuales 7 fueron obtenidas de los grupos de pacientes de control, y 7 de pacientes enfermos. La obtención de resultados positivosllevó consigo la aplicación de técnicas de pre y procesamiento sobre las señales de cromatografías, entre las que se encuentran, recorte de zonade interés, filtrado y corrección de línea base; cuyo propósito de aplicación permitió la búsqueda de los patrones característicos propios de cadagrupo de pacientes, debido a la presencia o no presencia de células anormales o cancerígenas en la próstata. El sistema fue validado haciendouso de datos ciegos y el resultado se contrastó con el medico experto en el área, permitiendo de este modo llegar a conclusiones puntuales. Laespecificidad del software fue del 92.86%, índice obtenido en la validación del software, cuyas señales ingresadas provienen de muestras deorinas de los pacientes analizados, pero diferentes a las utilizadas para el entrenamiento

    Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations

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    [EN] Reverse engineering applied to architectural restoration for the reconstruction of structural surfaces depends on metric precision. Sometimes there are elements on these surfaces whose value is even higher than the building itself. This is the case for many churches whose ceilings have pictorial works of art. Reconstruction requires the existence of some identifiable remainder and/or a surface geometry that enables mathematical development. In our case, the vault has an irregular hemispherical geometry (without possible mathematical development), and there are no significant remains of the painting (which was destroyed by a fire). Through the 3D modelling of the irregular vault and two historic frames with a camera of unknown geometry, an inverse methodology is designed to project the original painting without metric deformations. For this, a new methodology to locate the camera positions is developed. After, a 3D virtual mathematical model of the complete image on the vault is calculated, and from it, partial 3D virtual images are automatically calculated depending on the variable unknown positions of the video cannons (distributed along the upper corridor of the apse) that will project them (visually forming a perfect complete 3D image)Herráez Boquera, J.; Denia Rios, JL.; Priego De Los Santos, E.; Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Martín Sánchez, MT.; Rodríguez Pereña, J. (2021). Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations. Applied Sciences. 11(12):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125323112111

    Publisher Correction : Pancreatic duct ligation reduces premalignant pancreatic lesions in a Kras model of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in mice

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74947-4, published online 27 October 2020 The original version of this Article contained a typographical error in the spelling of the author Patricia Sánchez- Velázquez, which was incorrectly given as Patricia Sánchez Velazquez. Additionally, the author Patricia Sánchez- Velázquez was incorrectly indexed. These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the ArticleS

    Microwave versus radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of liver malignancies: a randomized controlled phase 2 trial

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    [EN] Microwave (MWA) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) are main ablative techniques for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and colorectal liver metastasis (MT). This randomized phase 2 clinical trial compares the effectiveness of MWA and RFA as well as morphology of corresponding ablation zones. HCC and MT patients with 1.5-4 cm tumors, suitable for ablation, were randomized into MWA or RFA Groups. The primary endpoint was short-to-long diameter ratio of ablation zone (SLR). Primary technical success (TS) and a cumulative local tumor progression (LTP) after a median 2-year follow-up were compared. Between June 2015 and April 2020, 82 patients were randomly assigned (41 patients per group). For the per-protocol analysis, five patients were excluded. MWA created larger ablation zones than RFA (p = 0.036) although without differences in SLR (0.5 for both groups, p = 0.229). The TS was achieved in 98% (46/47) and 90% (45/50) (p = 0.108), and LTP was observed in 21% (10/47) vs. 12% (6/50) (OR 1.9 [95% CI 0.66-5.3], p = 0.238) of tumors in MWA vs. RFA Group, respectively. Major complications were found in 5 cases (11%) vs. 2 cases (4%), without statistical significance. MWA and RFA show similar SLR, effectiveness and safety in liver tumors between 1.5 and 4 cm.This work was supported by a grant for medical research from Spanish Government (FIS-PI12/00799) and by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades under "Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad", Grant RTI2018-094357-B-C21.Radosevic, A.; Quesada, R.; Serlavos, C.; Sánchez, J.; Zugazaga, A.; Sierra, A.; Coll, S.... (2022). Microwave versus radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of liver malignancies: a randomized controlled phase 2 trial. Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03802-xS11012

    Fomento del aprendizaje permanente en estudiantes del grado de ingeniería Biomédica, primeros pasos: identificación de áreas a reforzar en gestión de información y aprendizaje autónomo

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    [EN] The ability to search and assess information and autonomous learning are key aspects related to the learning to learn (LtL) competence and are increasingly relevant for students and professionals. For the design of training activities it is extremely important to identify the specific aspects that require further training or reinforcement. In this work, surveys were designed and carried out for students in the 3rd and 4th year of biomedical engineering to collect information related to the abilities of the LtL competence in general, information management in particular, and the use and usefulness of materials available in the subjects from the electronics area. The results obtained show that information management is a highly relevant issue in which students consider not having sufficient training, they point to various specific aspects to work on in the training activities to be developed (eg how to assess the information and source of a resource, how to refine searches, presentation of specialized repositories ...). In addition, the assessment of the students' capacities and the needs for additional teaching materials in the subjects, before and after the implementation of training activities, will allow obtaining indicators to objectively assess their effects.[ES] La capacidad de búsqueda y valoración de la información y el aprendizaje autónomo, son aspectos clave relacionados con la competencia aprender a aprender (AaA) y cada vez son de mayor relevancia para estudiantes y profesionales. Para el diseño de actividades formativas es de suma importancia identificar los aspectos concretos que requieren de mayor formación o refuerzo. En este trabajo se diseñaron y realizaron encuestas para alumnos de 3º y 4º curso de ingeniería biomédica para recabar información relativa a capacidades de la competencia AaA en general, la gestión de la información en particular, y el uso y utilidad de materiales disponibles en las asignaturas del área electrónica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la gestión de la información es un tema de gran relevancia en el que los alumnos consideran no tener formación suficiente, apuntan a diversos aspectos específicos a trabajar en las actividades formativos a desarrollar (p.e. cómo valorar la información y fuente de un recurso, cómo refinar búsquedas, presentación repositorios especializados…). Además, la valoración de las capacidades del alumnado y de las necesidades de materiales didácticos adicionales en las asignaturas, antes y después de la implementación de actividades formativas, permitirá obtener indicadores para valorar de forma objetiva sus efectos.Se agradece a la UPV la financiación de los proyectos PIME/20-21/211 (“Fomento del aprendizaje permanente en estudiantes del grado de ingeniería biomédica”).Garcia Casado, FJ.; Martínez De Juan, JL.; Guijarro Estelles, ED.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Prats Boluda, G.; Ye Lin, Y. (2021). Fomento del aprendizaje permanente en estudiantes del grado de ingeniería Biomédica, primeros pasos: identificación de áreas a reforzar en gestión de información y aprendizaje autónomo. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1217-1232. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.134691217123

    TERASENSE: THz device technology laboratory: final summary

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    The use of THz frequencies, particularly W and G band allows reaching higher resolution and deeper penetration in emerging applications like imaging, sensing, etc. The development of those new applications lays on reliable technologies, background of expertise and know-how. The CDS2008-00068 TERASENSE CONSOLIDER project has given the opportunity to extent upwards in frequency the previous background of the microwaves research group partners. This article summarizes the developments of the TERASENSE work package “THz Device Technology Laboratory”.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 program reference CSD2008-00068 TERASENSE

    TERASENSE: THz device technology laboratory

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    The use of THz frequencies, particularly W and G band allows reaching higher resolution and deeper penetration in emerging applications like imaging, sensing, etc. The development of those new applications lays on reliable technologies, background of expertise and know-how. The CDS2008-00068 TERASENSE CONSOLIDER project has given the opportunity to extent upwards in frequency the previous background of the microwaves research group partners. This article summarizes the developments of the TERASENSE work package “THz Device Technology Laboratory”

    Osimertinib in advanced EGFR-T790M mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients treated within the Special Use Medication Program in Spain : OSIREX-Spanish Lung Cancer Group

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    AURA study reported 61% objective response rate and progression-free survival of 9.6 months with osimertinib in patients with EGFR/T790M+ non-small cell lung cancer. Due to lack of real-world data, we proposed this study to describe the experience with osimertinib in Spain. Post-authorization, non-interventional Special Use Medication Program, multicenter, retrospective study in advanced EGFR/T790M+ non-small cell lung cancer. One hundred-fifty five patients were enrolled (August 2016-December 2018) from 30 sites. Primary objective: progression-free survival. Secondary objectives: toxicity profile, objective response rate, and use of health service resources. 70% women, median age 66. 63.9% were non-smokers and 99% had adenocarcinoma. Most patients had received at least one prior treatment (97%), 91.7% had received previous EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors and 2.8% osimertinib as first-line treatment. At data cutoff, median follow-up was 11.8 months. One hundred-fifty five patients were evaluable for response, 1.3% complete response, 40.6% partial response, 31% stable disease and 11.6% disease progression. Objective response rate was 42%. Median progression-free survival was 9.4 months. Of the 155 patients who received treatment, 76 (49%) did not reported any adverse event, 51% presented some adverse event, most of which were grade 1 or 2. The resource cost study indicates early use is warranted. This study to assess the real-world clinical impact of osimertinib showed high drug activity in pretreated advanced EGFR/T790M+ non-small cell lung cancer, with manageable adverse events. Clinical trial registration number : NCT03790397