321 research outputs found

    Perceções éticas dos TOC : uma análise dos fatores que podem influenciar as suas decisões

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças, apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Ana Maria Gomes Rodrigues.A conduta ética dos indivíduos tem-se evidenciado terreno fértil nos discursos das mais variadas áreas da atividade humana, tendo essas exposições vindo a materializar-se num número crescente de publicações académicas/científicas. O objetivo da presente dissertação foi averiguar a existência ou não de relação entre fatores individuais – género, idade e experiência de trabalho – e situacionais – pares (colegas e superiores hierárquicos) e código de ética – com o processo de tomada de decisões éticas por parte dos TOC. Para enquadrar teoricamente o trabalho empírico, o estudo explora os conceitos teóricos associados à ética e à socialização do indivíduo. O estudo empírico foi realizado através de um questionário distribuído aos TOC nas Reuniões Livres (nas cidades de Aveiro, Coimbra, Covilhã, Leiria e Viseu). A análise do questionário foi feita com recurso ao SPSS, através de testes paramétricos (género, idade, experiência de trabalho e código de ética) e não paramétricos (pares). As conclusões retiradas deste estudo mostram que não há evidências de que os fatores analisados influenciem o processo de tomada de decisões, nomeadamente a perceção ética e a intenção de agir eticamente

    Mobilidade, imobilidade e a-mobilidade: para discutir o Turismo em tempos de COVID-19

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    Mobility has been revisited in recent years, associated with the themes of space, time, territory and place, but rarely involving Tourism, more directly. Analyzing Tourism under the mobility bias, broadens its theoretical scope, among others, by allowing to add to it the concepts of immobility and a-mobility. In these terms, this article aims to discuss the relations between Tourism and the triad Mobility, Immobility and A-mobility, reviewed against the backdrop of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the issues of social isolation associated with it. To this end, it introduces the concept of a-mobility, using the figure of the Paroptic as a metaphor. The investigation procedures resume a review carried out in databases, last June, using the terms <Tourism>, <Tourism>, <Coronavirus> and <Covid-19>, when the absence of the mobility issue was observed, in the corpus resulting from the initial review. At the present time, the question of mobility is taken up again. It is going that during the Pandemic and its immediate aftermath there was a crisis of and in mobility, dramatically affecting tourist practices. The crisis implies that displacements will gain new form and content in the near future, without abandoning mobility.La Movilidad ha sido revisada en años recientes, asociada a los temas espacio, tiempo, territorio y lugar, pero pocas veces involucrando el Turismo, más directamente. Analizar el Turismo bajo el sesgo de la movilidad amplía su alcance teórico, entre otros al permitir añadir a él los conceptos inmovilidad y a-movilidad. En consecuencia, el presente artículo tiene por objeto debatir las relaciones entre Turismo y la triada Movilidad, Imovilidad y A-movilidad, revisada en el contexto de la pandemia Covid-19 y las cuestiones de aislamiento social asociadas. Para ello introduce el concepto de movilidad, recurriendo a la figura del Panóptico como metáfora. Los procedimientos de investigación recogen revisiones realizadas en bases de datos, en junio pasado, utilizando los términos <Turismo>, <Tourism>, <Coronavirus> y <Covid-19>, cuando se constató la ausencia de la cuestión movilidad, en el corpus resultante de la revisión inicial. En la actualidad, se vuelve a plantear la cuestión del concepto de movilidad. Parece ser que durante la pandemia y después de ella se produjo una crisis de la y la movilidad, afectando de manera dramática a las prácticas turísticas. La crisis implica que los desplazamientos adquirirán nueva forma y contenido en un futuro próximo, sin abandonar la movilidad.A Mobilidade tem sido revisitada em anos recentes, associada aos temas espaço, tempo, território e lugar, mas poucas vezes envolvendo o Turismo, mais diretamente. Analisar o Turismo sob o viés da Mobilidade amplia seu escopo teórico, entre outros ao permitir acrescentar a ele os conceitos imobilidade e a-mobilidade. Nesses termos, o presente artigo objetiva discutir as relações entre Turismo e a tríade Mobilidade, Imobilidade e A-mobilidade, revista tendo como pano de fundo a Pandemia da COVID-19 e as questões do isolamento social a ela associadas. Para tal introduz o conceito A-mobilidade, recorrendo a figura do panóptico como metáfora. Os procedimentos de investigação retomam revisão realizadas em bases de dados, em junho último, utilizando os termos <Turismo>, <Tourism>, <Coronavirus> e <Covid-19>, quando foi constatada a ausência da questão mobilidade, no corpus resultante da revisão inicial. No presente momento, retoma-se a questão conceito mobilidade. Encaminha-se que durante a Pandemia e no seu após imediato registrou-se uma crise da e na mobilidade, afetando de modo dramático as práticas turísticas. A crise insinua que os deslocamentos ganharão nova forma e conteúdo no futuro próximo, sem abandonarem a mobilidade

    Evaluar la Práctica Pedagógica de los Profesores de Educación Superior: Una Propuesta

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    With the Bologna Declaration in 1999, the European Union has unleashed, the reform of Higher Education Institutions (HEI), aiming at the creation of a European Higher Education Area, with the goal of improving the quality of teaching-learning processes. In Portugal, the concern in the pedagogical evaluation of the Professors in Higher Education as a process of personal and professional development is, within the framework of educational policy, of great relevance. Thus, the practice of pedagogical supervision in the classroom context should be generalized in Higher Education establishments, as a strategy of professional development and support to the reflection on teaching practices. The question that arises here is whether the objectives to improve teaching, learning and quality of the school organization, involve, necessarily and exclusively, the use of supervisory procedures. We don't believe so. We stand for the peer interaction, which results in a sharing of knowledge, without hierarchies, and a collaboration of efforts focused on improving the teaching practice and student learning. A qualitative research was carried out, using narrative analysis, supported by webQDA® software, which resulted in the production of a grid to support the peer interaction work.Con la Declaración de Bolonia en 1999, la Unión Europea ha desencadenado la reforma de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (HEI), para la creación un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En Portugal, la preocupación por la evaluación pedagógica de los profesores en educación superior como proceso de desarrollo personal y profesional es, dentro del marco de la política educativa, de gran relevancia. Así, la práctica de la supervisión pedagógica en el contexto del aula debe generalizarse en los establecimientos de educación superior, como estrategia de desarrollo profesional y apoyo a la reflexión sobre las prácticas docentes. La pregunta que surge aquí es si los objetivos para mejorar la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la calidad de la organización escolar implican, necesariamente y exclusivamente, el uso de procedimientos de supervisión. No lo creemos. Defendemos la interacción entre compañeros, lo que se traduce en un intercambio de conocimientos, sin jerarquías, y una colaboración de esfuerzos centrados en mejorar la práctica docente y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Se llevó a cabo una investigación cualitativa, utilizando análisis narrativo, respaldado por el software webQDA®, que resultó en la producción de una cuadrícula para apoyar el trabajo de interacción entre pare

    A closer look at radiation, colour and museum lighting topics

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    Funding Information: Research funding: This work was supported by National Funds through FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Projects (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020 – LAQV; and UIDB/00729/2020 and UIDP/00729/2020 – VICARTE). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2023.Introduction to Conservation Science (ICS) is a curricular unit (CU) from the bachelor's degree in Conservation-Restoration at NOVA School of Science and Technology. This CU was created in 2017 to fill a gap in the academic degree - the need for a bridge between fundamental sciences (1st year) and conservation-restoration diagnosis (3rd year). For this reason, ICS was designed with the main goal of teaching 2nd year students how to look at, approach and solve problems of Cultural Heritage, through the combination of reflexive thinking and object-led analysis. ICS was first designed by an expert in Conservation Science with academic background in physics. However, from the perception of the students' struggle to understand the purpose of ICS subjects to their future professional activity, a professor with expertise in Conservation and Restoration was invited in 2019 to work together in the re-design of the CU, through an integrated approach between the two experts. ICS was then revised with the introduction of new perspectives and topics, as well as new communication routes to students. This work highlights this partnership as a good practice methodology to involve conservation-restoration students into science, focusing on the ICS classes specifically dedicated to radiation, colour, and museum lighting.publishersversionpublishe

    As línguas na investigação científica: práticas e discursos na Universidade de Aveiro

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    Considerando que Instituições de Ensino Superior são espaços onde o conhecimento científico é produzido e disseminado, apresenta-se um estudo de caso da Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, que pretende descrever práticas e discursos institucionais relativamente à utilização das línguas na investigação científica. Para descrição das práticas, foram recolhidos e analisados Relatórios Anuais das Unidades de Investigação da Universidade de Aveiro. Para acesso aos discursos institucionais, foram entrevistados oito atores institucionais, responsáveis pela investigação científica e pelo governo e coordenação da instituição. Os resultados apontam para uma convergência entre as práticas investigativas e os discursos institucionais relativamente ao papel e estatuto que as diferentes línguas adquirem na investigação científica: a língua inglesa surge, tanto nas práticas como nos discursos, como primordial para o processo de internacionalização da ciência; por outro lado, as outras línguas são percecionadas enquanto barreiras a essa internacionalização e ao sucesso científico-profissional do investigador.Considering Higher Education Institutions as settings where scientific knowledge is produced and disseminated, a case study with the University of Aveiro, Portugal, will be presented which aimed at describing institutional practices and discourses concerning the use of languages in scientific research. In order to identify practices within scientific research, documentary analysis of the Annual Reports of the Research Units of the University of Aveiro was carried out. In order to access institutional discourses, eight actors responsible for scientific research and management at the University of Aveiro were interviewed. The results underline that there is a convergence between research practices and the institutional discourses concerning the role and status that different languages have in scientific research: English is, both in practices and discourses, a primordial asset in science internationalisation process; on the other hand, other languages are perceived as barriers to that internationalisation and to researchers’ scientific acknowledgement.Considérant les institutions d’enseignement supérieur comme des espaces où les connaissances scientifiques sont produites et diffusées, on présentera une étude de cas au sein de l’Université de Aveiro, Portugal, qui vise à décrire les discours et les pratiques institutionnels concernant l’utilisation des langues dans la recherche scientifique. Pour une description des pratiques nous avons recueilli et analysé des rapports annuels des unités de recherche de l’Université d’Aveiro. Pour accéder aux discours institutionnels nous avons interrogé huit acteurs institutionnels, responsables de la recherche scientifique et du gouvernement et de l’institution de coordination. Les résultats montrent une convergence entre les pratiques d’enquête et les discours institutionnels concernant le rôle et le statut qu’ acquièrent différentes langues dans la recherche scientifique: la langue anglaise se positionne, à la fois dans la pratique et dans le discours comme un élément central dans le processus d’internationalisation de la science; en revanche, les autres langues sont perçues comme des obstacles à cette internationalisation et au succès scientifique et professionnel du chercheur

    As línguas na internacionalização da Universidade de Aveiro

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    Partindo da análise de documentos que revelam a missão, objectivos e vectores estratégicos da Universidade de Aveiro, apresentamos um estudo com o qual se pretende compreender o papel que as línguas desempenham nas estratégias de internacionalização definidas pela instituição

    Language education at the University of Aveiro before and after Bologna: practices and discourses

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    Higher education plays a fundamental role in the construction of a European citizenship that demands the development of plurilingual competences. Although the Bologna Process highlights that development (relating it to mobility, employability and lifelong learning), language education does not seem to be a priority in the agenda of higher education institutions (Tudor 2006).In the context of curricular restructuring required by the Bologna Process, this article presents a case study of the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal, which set out to describe institutional practices and discourses concerning the use and function of languages in undergraduate and postgraduate education in two academic years (2002–2003 and 2007–2008, before and after the restructuring). In order to identify practices, we analysed the programmes of all language courses.This allowed us to identify the languages and language courses offered, as well as the degree programmes into which they are integrated. In order to access institutional discourses, we interviewed seven actors responsible for training and management at the UA (Rectors, Vice-Rectors, the Head of the Department of Languages and Cultures, The Erasmus Programme Coordinator, and the President of the Students’ Union). The results show that the Bologna Process has had a limiting effect on language education: fewer language courses are offered and fewer degree programmes include them. This converges with the institutional actors’ discourses, since they do not recognize the institution’s responsibility to develop students’ plurilingual competences and tend to value only the instrumental role of English

    Abordagens plurais nos primeiros anos de escolaridade: reflexões a partir de contextos de intervenção

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    Tout en cherchant des réponses aux défis qui se placent, aujourd’hui, aux systèmes éducatifs, dans la gestion de multiples diversités, nous voulons dans ce texte réfléchir sur les approches plurielles, notamment sur les possibilités ouvertes par l’éveil aux langues. Les études présentées montrent différentes formes d’éducation des éléves, dès les premières années de scolarité, au plurilinguisme (respect et mise en valeur de l’autre, de ses langues et de ses cultures ; conscience du langage ; compréhension des problèmes du monde), dans un engagement avec le développement durable et l’intercompréhension.Taking into consideration the challenges facing education today, namely the need to deal with the multiple diversities ever more present within the classrooms, it is our goal in this text to reflect upon the possibilities of plural approaches, in particular of the awakening to languages approach, in the first school years. In this sense, we present two studies which show possible ways of educating young children to value and respect Others with their languages and cultures, to become aware and reflect upon language and linguistic diversity, and to understand World issues, in a serious commitment with pluralism, multiculturalism and an education for sustainable development

    MOOC for All - EXCEL for Beginners

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    MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) significa Curso Online Aberto e Massivo e é um meio de aprendizagem num ambiente virtual que pode ser frequentado por qualquer pessoa. No contexto educativo, os MOOCs têm vindo a ganhar importância, uma vez que proporcionam condições para a criação de redes e comunidades de aprendizagem aberta onde se beneficia da interação, da partilha e da redistribuição de conhecimento. O MS Excel faz parte do “MS Office”, um pacote de produtos que combina vários tipos de software. É uma folha de cálculo eletrónica, indispensável para trabalhos de escritório e documentos em geral que necessitam de ser organizados em pouco tempo e com precisão. Um MOOC sobre Excel irá permitir aos seus participantes adquirirem competências na área da folha de cálculo onde poderão aprender a utilizar as ferramentas principais e a aplicar algumas funções básicas. O MOOC está dividido em quatro módulos: Introdução ao Excel, Funções de Texto, Funções Matemáticas e Datas. Quando concluídas as atividades o participante poderá solicitar o seu certificado de participação. O MOOC será desenvolvido na plataforma e-Raízes Redes.MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) means Open and Massive Online Course and is a means of learning in a virtual environment that can be frequented by anyone. In the educational context, MOOCs have gained in importance as they provide conditions for the creation of networks and open learning communities where they benefit from the interaction, sharing and redistribution of knowledge. MS Excel is part of "MS Office", a product package that combines several types of software. It is an electronic spreadsheet, indispensable for office work and documents in general that need to be organized in a short time and with precision. A MOOC over Excel will enable its participants to acquire competencies in the area of the spreadsheet where they can learn to use the main tools and apply some basic functions. The MOOC is divided into 4 modules: Introduction to Excel, Text Functions, Mathematical Functions, and Dates. When the activities are completed the participant can request their certificate of participation. The MOOC will be developed in the e-Raízes Redes platform.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio