1,124 research outputs found

    Encuentros pedag?gicos y culturales en la escuela: Una aproximaci?n a la representaci?n de la escuela con estudiantes del grado quinto de la fundaci?n instituto B?rbula de Girardot - Cundinamarca para fomentar la interacci?n comunicativa

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    109 P?ginas.Recurso electr?nico.El trabajo Encuentros pedag?gicos y culturales en la escuela. Una aproximaci?n a la representaci?n de la escuela con estudiantes del grado quinto de la Fundaci?n Instituto B?rbula de Girardot ? Cundinamarca para fomentar la interacci?n comunicativa, es el resultado parcial del trabajo liderado desde el Proyecto RE-PRESENTAR LA ESCUELA del semillero de Investigaci?n LENGUAJE Y TERRITORIO ESCOLAR, y del MACROPROYECTO REDESCUBRIR LA ESCUELA. La investigaci?n es una oportunidad para fomentar la interacci?n comunicativa y el desempe?o de los estudiantes al integrar a la familia con la escuela como un todo de la sociedad. La investigaci?n Encuentros pedag?gicos y culturales en la escuela son espacios para integrar a los estamentos educativos (estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes) mediante procesos de socializaci?n, comunicaci?n y actividades l?dicas desde la interacci?n comunicativa, en el territorio escolar. El acompa?amiento familiar, facilita el apoyo y dedicaci?n que se busca de los padres de familia hacia los hijos en el proceso de ense?anza. El estudio se bas? en las siguientes categor?as: Escuela, Cotidianidad escolar, Lenguaje, Lenguaje simb?lico, Interacci?n comunicativa, Producci?n textual, procesos argumentativos, Espacio escolar, Comunidad educativa, Tejido social, Representaciones sociales, Cultura escolar. Estas categor?as se observaron y caracterizaron a partir de tres fases: ?Caracterizando los estamentos educativos?, ?Crecer y mejorar en el camino del proceso? ?Esparcimiento e integraci?n educativa-familiar? La problem?tica se hizo evidente con los estudiantes del grado quinto que tienen poco acompa?amiento de la familia en los procesos acad?micos y en la interacci?n comunicativa, por lo tanto surge el siguiente interrogante ?c?mo fortalecer el acompa?amiento de la familia a los procesos acad?micos y culturales desde la interacci?n comunicativa con los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Fundaci?n Instituto B?rbula de Girardot? El trabajo de investigaci?n es una estrategia pedag?gica, mediante la integraci?n y participaci?n activa de los estamentos educativos, para fomentar la interacci?n comunicativa en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Fundaci?n Instituto B?rbula de Girardot ? Cundinamarca, tomando como referencia las representaciones sociales que sobre la comunidad educativa tienen los estamentos escolares. La investigaci?n se desarroll? en la Fundaci?n Instituto B?rbula de Girardot -Cundinamarca en el a?o 2010-2012.ABSTRACT. Pedagogic and cultural practical work encounters at the school. An approximation to the representation of the school with students of fifth grade in the Foundation Institute B?rbula Girardot ? Cundinamarca to encourage the communicative interaction, is the partial result of this work, lead since the Project SYMBOLIZE THE SCHOOL of fact-finding breeding ground investigation: LANGUAGE And SCHOOL TERRITORY, and of the MACRO PROJECT REDISCOVERING THE SCHOOL. Investigation is an big opportunity to promote the communicative interaction and the students' achievement to the to integrate to the family with the school as a whole of society. Investigation pedagogic and cultural Encounters at the school are spaces to integrate the educational stratums (students, parents and teachers) by means of socialization processes, communication and ludic activities since the communicative interaction, at the school territory. The familiar accompaniment, make the support easy and dedication that look for of the parents make to the children in the tuition process. The investigation were base in the following categories: School, daily school, Language, Symbolic Language, communicative interaction, textual Production, argumentative processes, school space, educational community, social weave, social representations, school culture. We observed these categories and they characterized as from three phases: ?Characterizing the educational stratums?, Growing and improving on the road to the process leisure and educational familiar integration The problems became evident with the students in fifth grade that they haven?t a lot of familiar accompaniment in the academic processes and in the communicative interaction, therefore appear the following question, How do we reinforce the family's accompaniment to the academic and cultural processes throw the communicative interaction with the students in the fifth grade the Foundation Institute B?rbula of Girardot? Investigation work is a pedagogic strategy, by means of integration and active participation of the educational stratums, to promote the communicative interaction in the students in fifth grade of Foundation Institute B?rbula ? Girardot - Cundinamarca, taking like person giving a reference the social representatives that it is more than enough the school stratums have the educational community. Investigation was development in the Foundation Institute B?rbula Girardot - Cundinamarca since 2010-2012.ADVERTENCIA. ?El programa de Licenciaturas de la Universidad del Tolima, el director del trabajo de grado y el jurado calificador no son responsables de las ideas expuestas por el autor en el presente trabajo.? Art?culo 17, Resoluci?n 015 de Diciembre 18 de 1978, Reglamento de Trabajos de Grado.INTRODUCCI?N 16 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 18 2. OBJETIVOS 19 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 19 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 20 4. METODOLOG?A 21 4.1 DISE?O METODOL?GICO 21 4.1.1 ENFOQUE DE INVESTIGACI?N 21 4.1.2 POBLACI?N 21 4.1.3 MUESTRA 22 4.2 RECOLECCION DE DATOS 23 4.2.2 FORMAS DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 23 4.3 ETAPAS DEL PROCESO 24 5. MARCO REFERENCIAL 27 5.1 ANTECEDENTES 27 5.2 REFERENTE LEGAL 28 5.3 REFERENTES TEORICOS 29 5.3.2 LENGUAJE Y PENSAMIENTO 31 5.3.3 LEER PARA PRODUCIR TEXTOS Y CONSTRUIR CONTEXTOS 34 5.3.4 REPRESENTACI?N DE LA REALIDAD 37 5.3.5 TERRITORIOS Y ESPACIOS ESCOLARES 40 5.3.6 LA CULTURA ESCOLAR Y COMUNIDAD EDUCATIVA: PUENTE DE COMUNICACI?N 44 5.3.7 COMUNICACI?N EFICAZ CON EL USO DEL LENGUAJE 46 RITOS Y REUNIONES 48 MODAS 48 JUEGOS Y DIVERSIONES 48 PATRIMONIO POL?TICO Y CULTURA 48 5.4 REFERENTE PEDAGOGICO 48 5.4.1 ESTRATEGIAS PEDAG?GICAS Y PEDAGOG?A DEL LENGUAJE 48 5.4.2 HABILIDADES INTELECTUALES 51 5.5 REFERENTE PSICOLOGICO 51 6. RESULTADOS 53 6.1 IDENTIDAD Y ESCUELA 53 6.1.1 TODOS SOMOS ESCUELA 53 6.1.2 CAMBIO DE ROLES. A LOS DOCENTES, PADRES DE FAMILIA Y ESTUDIANTES DEL GRADO 54 6. 2 COMUNIDAD UN ESPACIO PARA CREER Y MEJORAR 60 6.2.1 ESPACIO Y TIEMPO PARA TI Y ELLOS 60 6.2.2 LA AUTORIDAD Y RESPONSABILIDAD PARA EJERCER 62 6.3 UN D?A DE ESPARCIMIENTO E INTEGRACI?N EN LA ESCUELA 64 6.3.1 CELEBRACI?N A LAS MADRES BARBULINAS 65 6.3.2 EL DEPORTE UNE 67 6.3.3 D?A DE DIVERSI?N EN FAMILIA 68 7. CONCLUSIONES 72 8. RECOMENDACIONES 74 LISTA DE REFERENCIA 7

    Band Renormalization of Blue Phosphorus on Au 111

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    Most recently, theoretical calculations predicted the stability of a novel two dimensional phosphorus honeycomb lattice named blue phosphorus. Here, we report on the growth of blue phosphorus on Au 111 and unravel its structural details using diffraction, microscopy and theoretical calculations. Most importantly, by utilizing angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy we identify its momentum resolved electronic structure. We find that Au 111 breaks the sublattice symmetry of blue phosphorus leading to an orbital dependent band renormalization upon the formation of a 4 4 superstructure. Notably, the semiconducting two dimensional phosphorus realizes its valence band maximum at 0.9 eV binding energy, however, shifted in momentum space due to the substrate induced band renormalizatio

    Earthquake source effect and impact of the applied methodology to assess the overstrength factors of RC bridges

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    Seismic hazard assessment in several sites worldwide depends on two or more seismic sources. Many countries affected by subduction zones have strong motions earthquakes originated in at least two important seismic sources. In Mexico, interplate earthquakes (subduction process) have epicenters located in the Pacific coast with hypocenter depths less than 45 km and intraplate earthquakes (intermediate-depth earthquakes) normally have epicenters inside the continent with depth hypocenters greater than 45 km. Both seismic sources can potentially produce events with magnitudes Mw greater than 8.0 and, therefore, generate severe damage to the country's infrastructure. The design process of the bridges in Mexico is based on the chapter of Seismic Design of the Manual of Civil Structures of the Federal Electricity Commission. The standard allows to reduce the spectral ordinates of the design spectra by ductility and overstrength. It establishes an overstrength factor of 1.5 to reduce the design spectra, value not well supported by the Manual. This study evaluates the effect of the seismic source and methodology used to compute overstrength factors of common typologies of reinforced concrete bridges. The seismic capacity of the bridges was calculated with nonlinear static analysis and nonlinear time history analysis. The results showed that the importance of the seismic source on the overstrength factors depends on the seismic location of the bridges and, in general terms, nonlinear static analysis overestimates the bridges overstrength.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADON/

    Socializaci?n de diferentes textos para la producci?n escrita en los estudiantes del grado octavo del Colegio San Paulo de Tocancipa S.A.S

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    104 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto de investigaci?n presenta una propuesta did?ctica dirigida (a manejar la producci?n escrita de los estudiantes) que se desarroll? en el grado octavo de educaci?n secundaria en el Colegio San Paulo Tocancip? S.A.S, el cual se encuentra ubicado en Tocancip? (Cundinamarca). La necesidad de plantear y desarrollar este taller de escritura surge como resultado de las experiencias de las de los estudiantes al producir un texto en las diferentes actividades de sensibilizaci?n que realizamos como (leer un cuento y luego plasmar la idea de lo recuerdan del cuento.). Esto nos permiti? centrarnos en lo referente a la ausencia de h?bitos de escritura que presentan los estudiantes al estar expuestos a actividades rutinarias y repetitivas que vinculan el manejo de la lengua escrita. Teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los estudiantes de grado octavo se procede a dise?ar y aplicar una propuesta pedag?gica que busque fortalecer el proceso de escritura de los estudiantes, de tal forma que en este ejercicio partamos de sus gustos e intereses, generando procesos de escritura libres y espont?neos mediados por su imaginaci?n, lo cual a su vez nos permiti? producir una amplia gama de textos, sin tener en cuenta la su naturaleza del mismo para ello utilizamos: cuentos, recetas, carta, micro relato, autobiograf?a entre otros. Que, a lo largo del proceso de investigaci?n, se pudo evidenciar que cambios surgen en la estructura de cada uno de los procesos que desarrollar?amos como: el pensamiento, la asociaci?n, el reconocimiento, la categorizaci?n, la segmentaci?n entre otros.This research project presents a didactic proposal directed (a maneuver of the written production of the students) that was developed in the eighth grade of the secondary education in the School San Pablo Tocancip? S.A.S, which is located in Tocancip? (Cundinamarca). The need to raise and develop this higher writing arises as a result of the students' experiences to produce a text in the various sensitization activities that are performed as (read a story and then translate the idea of the memory of the story). This allowed us to focus on the absence of writing habits that introduce students to being exposed to the routine and repetitive activities that link the management of written language. Taking into account the needs of eighth grade students in the process of designing and applying a pedagogical proposal that seeks to strengthen the writing process of students, so that in this exercise partial of their tastes and interests, generating processes of Free writing And spontaneous mediated by his imagination, which in turn allowed us to produce a wide range of texts, without taking into account the nature of the same used for it: stories, recipes, letter, micro story, autobiography among others. Throughout the research process, it was possible to show that changes arise in the structure of each of the processes that are achieved as: thought, association, recognition, categorization, segmentation among others. Keywords: writing, activities, texts, tools, stories, essay writing, grammar rules

    Overstrength factors of RC bridges supported on single and multi-column RC piers in Mexico

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    Mexico highway network has more than 14,000 bridges. Most of them are reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The bridges design process incorporates the use of an overstrength factor that is not justified and has received little attention in published works. Mexican regulations allow using an overstrength factor for buildings in the range of 2?3, to reduce the design spectra as a function of the selected seismic behavior factor. However, for bridges, a single factor of 1.5 is proposed independent of any design parameter. The bridges in Mexico are mostly simply supported structures with maximum span lengths of 50 m. A relevant and distinctive aspect of the bridges designed in Mexico is the large load amplitudes of the trucks used to define the live load and the high seismic activity in the country. This study determines overstrength factors of a family of medium-length RC bridges composed of simply supported superstructures and substructure made up of single and multi-column RC piers. Non-linear dynamic analyzes using a set of 80 accelerograms were carried out. The results show that the height of the bridges and their seismic location are relevant parameters in the overstrength of the structures. Finally, analytical expressions are proposed to assess the overstrength factors of a very common bridge typology in Mexico and the world.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADON/

    Propuesta pedag?gica literaria para la disminuci?n del acoso escolar en el grado tercero de la instituci?n educativa t?cnica Boyac? Sede principal de Ibagu?

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    102 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl campo de la educaci?n enfrenta varios problemas, uno de los m?s relevantes es la creciente responsabilidad del docente frente a la sana convivencia y el acoso escolar. Algunos de los factores que contribuyen a la problem?tica son la falta de tolerancia, la precariedad de las observaciones de los docentes y directivos y escasez de propuestas creativas que enfrenten dicho problema. El presente documento devela observaciones, reflexiones y propuestas estrat?gicas basadas en la literatura, para mejorar la convivencia. Este trabajo es el resultado de un proceso que se llev? a cabo durante cinco a?os en la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Boyac?. Las estrategias utilizadas se fundamentaron en la l?dica y fueron transversalizadas por la literatura, espec?ficamente por las f?bulas, esto teniendo como fin el de mejorar la convivencia desde la lectura. La investigaci?n que se realiz? por medio de la I.A (Investigaci?n Acci?n) donde los autores tienen un lugar activo, es de corte cualitativo y se inscribe dentro del paradigma cr?tico social; se desarroll?, en tres fases: la planificaci?n, la concreci?n de hechos y la ejecuci?n. A partir de esta investigaci?n se lleg? a la conclusi?n que la implementaci?n de f?bulas como recurso pedag?gico para fomentar la convivencia tiene un impacto notable, sensibiliza frente al acoso escolar y permite la reflexi?n profunda tanto de v?ctimas como de victimarios. De manera que el presente documento es la memoria del trabajo realizado, por lo tanto, compila el resultado investigativo realizado durante cinco a?os. Comprende la descripci?n del problema relacionado al acoso escolar, la propuesta pedag?gica basada en la literatura, la mejora de la convivencia y el an?lisis de los resultados obtenidos.The field of education is facing several problems of teaching order, one of the most important is the growing responsibility of teachers against elements that relate to your institution convivial situations such as bullying. Some of the factors contributing to the problem is the lack of tolerance, poor observations of teachers and principals and shortage of creative proposals that address the problem. This document reveals observations, reflections and strategic proposals based on the literature, to improve coexistence. This work is the result of a process that took place over five years in Technical Educational Institution Boyac?. The strategies used were based on the playful and were mainstreamed in the literature, specifically fables, this having as its goal to improve the living from reading. The research was conducted by the IA (Research Action) where the authors have an active place, is qualitative and is part of the critical social paradigm; was developed in three phases: planning, realization and implementation of events. From this investigation it was concluded that the implementation of fables as an educational resource to promote coexistence has a significant impact, sensitized against bullying and allows deep reflection both victims and victimizers. So herein is memory work, therefore, compiles the research results conducted for five years. Includes description related to bullying problem, the pedagogical approach based on literature, improving coexistence and analysis of results. Keywords: School bullying - Prevention - Literature - Pedagog

    Cancer Cell Internalization of Gold Nanostars Impacts Their Photothermal Efficiency In Vitro and In Vivo: Toward a Plasmonic Thermal Fingerprint in Tumoral Environment

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    Gold nanoparticles are prime candidates for cancer thermotherapy. However, while the ultimate target for nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy is the cancer cell, heating performance has not previously been evaluated in the tumoral environment. A systematic investigation of gold nanostar heat-generating efficiency in situ is presented: not only in cancer cells in vitro but also after intratumoral injection in vivo. It is demonstrated that (i) in aqueous dispersion, heat generation is governed by particle size and exciting laser wavelength; (ii) in cancer cells in vitro, heat generation is still very efficient, but irrespective of both particle size and laser wavelength; and (iii) heat generation by nanostars injected into tumors in vivo evolves with time, as the nanostars are trafficked from the extracellular matrix into endosomes. The plasmonic heating response thus serves as a signature of nanoparticle internalization in cells, bringing the ultimate goal of nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy a step closer. ¸ 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES

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    We present a study of galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster at z~0.165, based on HST ACS F606W, COMBO-17, Spitzer 24um, XMM-Newton X-ray, and gravitational lensing maps, as part of the STAGES survey. We characterize galaxies with strong externally-triggered morphological distortions and normal relatively undisturbed galaxies, using visual classification and quantitative CAS parameters. We compare normal and distorted galaxies in terms of their frequency, distribution within the cluster, star formation properties, and relationship to dark matter (DM) or surface mass density, and intra-cluster medium (ICM) density. We revisit the morphology density relation, which postulates a higher fraction of early type galaxies in dense environments, by considering separately galaxies with a low bulge-to-disk (B/D) ratio and a low gas content as these two parameters may not be correlated in clusters. We report here on our preliminary analysis.Comment: To appear in the ASP conference proceedings of the "Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy", Eds. A. Frebel, J. Maund, J. Shen, M. Siegel. 4 pages, 4 figure