199 research outputs found

    Journal Staff

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    When loading a webpage on the Internet it is desirable that it loads as quickly as possible. This master thesis presents several strategies to try and improve the response time of a webpage by optimizing the loading of its component. The tests conducted in this master thesis showedthat using compression will significantly improve the response time of a webpage and using caching for static components will greatly improve the response time for repeated visits of a webpage.NÀr en webbsida laddas pÄ Internet Àr det önskvÀrt att det gÄr sÄ fortsom möjligt att ladda sidan. Den hÀr rapporten redovisar flera strategierför att försöka förbÀttra laddningstiden för en webbsida genom att optimeraladdningen av en webbsidas komponenter. Testen som genomförtsoch redovisas i rapporten visade att man kan minska laddningstidenför en webbsida signifikant genom att tillÀmpa komprimering. Testenvisade ocksÄ att man genom att cacha statiska komponenter kan sparamycket tid för Äterkommande besök av webbsidan

    ErsÀttning av fiskprotein i fiskfoder : effekter pÄ jÀstfloran i tarmen hos röding (Salvelinus alpinus)

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    The aim with this study was to investigate how feeds with different protein sources influence the levels and composition of the yeast flora in the gut of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Arctic charr were fed for two weeks on a control diet (C) with fishmeal (FM) or experimental diets with 40% FM replaced by yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (Y), meal from blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) (M) or a feed with Baltic Sea originated protein; 33% FM, 33% mussel meal (MM) and 33% S. cerevisiae referred to as Baltic blend (BB). The effect of the different feeds was evaluated based on fish growth and the effects on the microbial population, with a focus on yeasts, in different parts of the gut (stomach (S), pylorus (P), mid intestine (MI) and distal intestine (DI)). Differences in the development of the yeast flora composition and yeast loads were investigated using agar plate counts and yeast species identification using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification combined with sequencing of the 28S rRNA gene. The amount of bacteria and moulds were also estimated when examining the agar plates. In addition, the different feeds were analysed for yeast load, yeast species composition and diversity. The study showed that there were differences in yeast load in the gut linked to diet, where the diet containing S. cerevisiae (Y) had a higher yeast load compared to the other diets both before (C: p = 0.003, M: p = 0.016, BB: p = 0.0007) and after the diet intervention (C: p = 0.024, M: p = 0.001, BB: p = 0.001). Differences in amount of yeast could also be linked to time (i.e., before and after) (p = 0.0009) with greater yeast loads at the end of the experiment, where the yeast load in the gut ranged between 4.1–7.5 log CFU g-1 after two weeks of dietary treatment. However, no differences between gut segments were found on yeast load or yeast composition. The domination yeast species found in gut in all diets were Debaryomyces hansenii (68–70% of yeast isolates) followed by Debaryomyces sp. (19–24%). Both D. hansenii and Debaryomyces sp. were more abundant at the end of the study. No differences in yeast composition were found between diets. In all feeds, D. hansenii was found and S. cerevisiae was detected in all feeds except in the control feed (C). The feed with 40% FM replaced by S. cerevisiae (Y) had the highest yeast load with D. hansenii as the dominating yeast specie. The different experimental diets did not impact weight or length between the fish in the study after two weeks trial. The study design lacked tank as a factor for statistical analysis. Hence, the results might only be viewed as indications. Further research is necessary for continued understanding of the feed impact on the yeast flora in gut of Arctic charr

    The Future of the CFE Regime: Consequences for European Security

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    The article offers observations on the background and motivation for the Russian suspension. While the Soviet Union had a strong interest in the CFE Treaty in the late 1980s, in comparison, Russia has significantly less to gain from participating in the Treaty today. This is based primarily on the impact that geopolitical changes in Europe has had on Russia’s strategic and national security interests since the end of the Cold War. It is unlikely that the CFE Treaty can make a significant contribution to European security without Russia’s participation. Among the possible long-term implications of the Russian suspension is reduced military transparency as well as reduced emphasis on conventional arms control in Europe

    Arkitekturpolicy i Markaryds kommun

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    Det hÀr arbetet beskriver, diskuterar och presenterar framtagandet av en arkitekturpolicy i Markaryds kommun. Syftet med arbetet Àr att skapa en bra och lÀttanvÀnd arkitekturpolicy för Markaryds kommun med frÄgestÀllningarna: Hur ser en bra arkitekturpolicy ut? Varför ser slutresultatet av Markaryds arkitekturpolicy ut som den gör? Markaryds kommun Àr en liten kommun med strax över 10 000 invÄnare och har utmaningar i sitt arbete med arkitekturfrÄgor som mÄnga smÄ kommuner kÀmpar med. Resurser och kompetensutmaningar Àr tvÄ frÄgor som uppsatsarbetet behandlar frÄn en liten kommuns perspektiv och som skiljer sig frÄn större kommuners utmaningar. Metoden som anvÀndes för att hitta ett upplÀgg för en arkitekturpolicy som passar Markaryd, Àr en jÀmförelse av sex andra kommunala arkitekturpolicyer. De sex kommunerna Àr av varierad befolkningsstorlek och kan kategoriseras in i tvÄ primÀra upplÀgg av sina arkitekturpolicyer. Den kortfattade och generella arkitekturpolicyn samt den detaljrika och utförliga arkitekturpolicyn. Kommunerna i jÀmförelsen har sedan analyserats ur retoriska perspektiv dÀr syfte och mÄlgrupp samt anpassning till syfte och mÄlgrupp varit avgörande för resultatet. Intervjuer, jÀmförelser, en retorisk analys samt utformandet av Markaryds arkitekturpolicy ligger alla till grund för arbetets undersökande del och utgör arbetets metoder. Metoderna har anvÀnts i arbetet för att komma fram till resultatet av hur en bra arkitekturpolicy ser ut och varför utformandet av Markaryds arkitekturpolicy slutligen blev som den blev. Resultatet av jÀmförelserna av de olika kommunerna tillsammans med Boverkets VÀgledning om arkitekturstrategier intygar om att det finns mÄnga olika vÀgar att gÄ för en arkitekturpolicy. NÀr detta har sammanflÀtats med Markaryds specifika förutsÀttningar, workshoppar med politiker och medborgarÄsikter i ett visionsarbete har en arkitekturpolicy tagit form. Markaryds arkitekturpolicy har i slutÀndan blivit ett kortfattat styrdokument som utgÄr frÄn frÄgestÀllningen Vad Àr mÄlet med arkitektur? PÄ sÄ sÀtt har Markaryds arkitekturpolicy kunnat anpassas för att skapa diskussioner i kommunen snarare Àn att berÀtta hur arkitektur ska vara. Detta lÀmnar utrymme för kommunen att utforska gemensamma visioner mot en starkare arkitektonisk identitet. Uppsatsarbetet kan fungera som stöd för mindre kommuner som planerar eller Àr i fas med att ta fram en egen arkitekturpolicy. I detta arbete kan en mindre kommun följa resonemangen som en mindre kommun behöver handskas med i skapandet av en arkitekturpolicy. De kan Àven fÄ en förklaring till varför arkitekturpolicyns olika delar ser ut som de gör dÄ varje sida i Markaryds arkitekturpolicy behandlas i diskussionen. Som ensam arkitekt eller med ett fÄtal arkitektkollegor pÄ kommunen kan arbetet ses som en röst att bolla tankar med. FrÄgestÀllningarna som tas upp kommer att uppstÄ i alla de kommuner som Àr i processen att skapa en egen arkitekturpolicy. Med utförliga förklaringar och diskussioner kan dÀrmed arbetet klargöra valen som har gjorts.This work describes, discusses and presents the development of an architecture policy in Markaryd municipality. The purpose of the work is to create a good and easy-to-use architecture policy for Markaryd municipality with the questions: What does a good architecture policy look like? Why does the end result of Markaryd's architecture policy look the way it does? Markaryd municipality is a small municipality with just over 10,000 inhabitants and struggles with challenges in the work with architectural issues similar to many other small municipalities. Resources and competence challenges are two issues that this work deals with from a small municipality's perspective since these differ from the challenges of larger municipalities. The method used to find a structure for an architecture policy that suits Markaryd is a comparison of six other municipal architecture policies. The six municipalities are of varying population size and can be categorized into two primary structures in terms of their architecture policies. The concise and general architectural policy as well as the detailed architectural policy. The municipalities in the comparison have been analyzed from rhetorical perspectives where purpose and target group as well as adaptation to purpose and target group have been decisive for the result. Interviews, comparisons, a rhetorical analysis and the formulation of Markaryd's architectural policy all form the basis for the investigative part of the work and constitute the work's methods. The methods have been used in the work to arrive at the result of what a good architectural policy looks like and why the design of Markaryd's architectural policy finally turned out as it did. The results of the comparisons of the different municipalities together with Boverket's (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) Guidance on architectural strategies make evident that there are many different ways to go for an architectural policy. When this has been intertwined with Markaryd's specific conditions, workshops with politicians and civic opinions in a vision work, an architectural policy has taken shape. Markaryd's architecture policy has ultimately become a concise governing document based on the question What is the goal of architecture? In this way, Markaryd's architecture policy has been able to be adapted to create discussions in the municipality rather than to tell how architecture should be. This leaves room for the municipality to explore common visions towards a stronger architectural identity. The thesis work can function as support for smaller municipalities that are planning or are in the process of developing their own architectural policy. In this work, a smaller municipality can follow the reasoning that a smaller municipality needs to deal with in the creation of an architectural policy. They can also get an explanation of why the different parts of the architecture policy look like they do since each page in Markaryd's architecture policy is dealt with in the discussion. As a solo architect or with a few architect colleagues in the municipality, the work can be seen as a voice to brainstorm with. The issues raised will arise in all the municipalities that are in the process of creating their own architectural policy. With detailed explanations and discussions, the work can thus clarify the choices that have been made

    Landscape architectural perspective on refugee camps

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    Arbetet behandlar frÄgan om flyktinglÀgers gestaltning dÀr det mÀnskliga vÀlmÄendet Àr centralt. Psykisk ohÀlsa Àr ett vÀxande problem i hela vÀrlden och mÀnniskor som flyr sina hem bÀr ofta med sig trauman in till sina nya hem i flyktinglÀgren. Som landskapsarkitekt har nyfikenheten för vad en temporÀr plats kan erbjuda sina boende varit en drivkraft samt vad min yrkesgrupp kan bidra med för att förbÀttra situationen för mÀnniskor pÄ flykt. Genom litteraturstudier och samtal med personer pÄ FN har uppsatsen undersökt befintlig planering för flyktinglÀger. FlyktinglÀgren Àr enligt UNHCR menade att vara temporÀra platser och det finns mycket vÀrldspolitik bakom gestaltningen. Det faktum att flyktinglÀger ofta blir permanenta Àr en problematik som arbetet behandlar och visar pÄ att förbÀttring kan ske om bara viljan finns. Grönska och demokratiska utrymmen Àr nÄgra aspekter som forskningen visar skulle kunna förbÀttra den mentala hÀlsan i en stad, detsamma borde gÀlla ett flyktinglÀger. I ett flyktinglÀger spenderas en stor del av dagen i de offentliga rummen och trots detta Àr gestaltningen av dessa rum minimala.This thesis deals with the issue of the design of refugee camps where the human well-being is central. Mental illness is a growing problem around the world and people who flee their homes often carry their trauma with them to their new homes in the refugee camps. As a landscape architect, the curiosity for what a temporary place can offer their residents has been a driving force and what my professional group can contribute to improve the situation for refugees. Through literature studies and conversations with people at the UN, the paper has examined existing planning for refugee camps. According to the UNHCR, the refugee camps are meant to be temporary places and there is a lot of world politic behind the design. The fact that refugee camps often become permanent is a problem that the thesis deals with and shows that improvement can occur if only the will exists. Greenery and democratic spaces are some aspects that research shows could improve mental health in a city, therefor it could also be applied at a refugee camp. In a refugee camp, a large part of the day is spent in the public spaces, and yet the design of these rooms is minimal

    A kinematic game for stroke upper arm motor rehabilitation - a person centred approach

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    This report describes the possibilities of information and communication technology (ICT) in stroke care, addressing a person-centered care approach. Attention is paid to user involvement, design, videogames, and communication between health care professionals mutually as well as with patients, and how to share performance data with an electronic health record. This is the first step towards a supportive ICT system that facilitates interoperability, making healthcare information and services available to citizen’s across organizational boundaries.Peer Reviewe

    Landshypotek’s intended change of contributed capital

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    Landshypotek is today Sweden’s largest lending institution for land and forest owners with loan assets around 50 billion SEK. “Landshypotek AB” is owned by an economic association consisting of 52 000 members and has 19 offices all over Sweden. Its market share of first mortgage loans to land and forest owners is 38 percent. To be a member in Landshypotek ownership of land or forest are compulsory and the members have to place their mortgage in Landshypotek. Landshypotek’s equity for 2010 was barely 3,4 billion SEK which has been built up through patronage refunds on the borrowers (members) interest payments. The members’ contributed capital constitutes just over 1 billion of the equity and the rest (2,4 billion) is Landshypotek’s unallocated equity. The equity is enough to balance today’s lending but since the market is expanding a demand for capital and Landshypotek’s future growth strategy more equity is needed. Landshypotek is therefore considering introducing a change in the financial model at the beginning of the year 2012. In comparison with investor-owned firms, cooperatives are at a disadvantage in raising equity capital. The cooperative equity is not marketable because the distribution of earnings in cooperatives is based on patronage and not investment. As a result there are no incentives for non patrons to invest in a cooperative and cooperatives are therefore restricted to its members to raise equity. But members may be reluctant to increase their illiquid stake in a cooperative because of the non marketability of the equity. The possibility to raise equity through retained earnings may also be met with resistance from the cooperative’s members because it translates into higher costs and lower revenues for the patrons. The aim of the study is to answer the following questions, hence the issue is if Landshypotek’s members be negative towards increasing their illiquid stake? Is the intended change of contributed capital likely to reduce the risk of free-rider problems? Are members with a long time left in Landshypotek likely to be more positive towards the intended change of contributed capital than those with a short time left? Will members terminate their business relationship with Landshypotek due to the intended change of contributed capital? How will the intended change of contributed capital affect a member’s cost of capital? The thesis is conducted as a qualitative case study. The empirical material consists of qualitative research interviews with twelve members in Landshypotek and a study of four scenarios regarding the members’ cost of capital. The conclusion is that Landshypotek’s members will not be negative towards increasing their illiquid stake. The members, regardless of their expected time horizon, are also positive towards the intended change of contributed capital and the members with long time left in Landshypotek are more positive towards the possibility to actively contribute with capital. The intended change of contributed capital is likely to reduce the risk of free-rider problem. It is also revealed that the members will not terminate their business activities with Landshypotek due to the intended change of contributed capital as long as Landshypotek is meeting the objective of ten percent dividend on contributed capital. Finally, the intended change of contributed capital tends to increase the cost of capital for non investing members and decrease it for investing members

    Investment decision of small scale wind power : a case study

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    Wind power is one of the sources of renewable energy which has to be developed further in order to lessen our dependence on non renewable sources of energy. It's mainly oil and coal which have to be replaced by green energy. Wind power is already established in many countries, for example Germany, The United States of America and Denmark but it has to be continually developed and expanded to meet the needs of the growing energy consumption in the world. During the last few years many types of small wind turbines have appeared on the market. These small wind turbines are an alternative to the big wind turbines or power generators which demand huge sums of investment money. A new target group can now buy the small wind turbines in order to cover their own usage of electricity. It could be farmers which want to produce their own energy in order to cover their high energy consumption. It could also be land owners who would like to make use of their land and produce enough power to cover their energy consumption. There are many types of wind turbines fit to meet many different needs. The purpose of this essay is to look into the reasons behind a decision to buy a small wind turbine. The problems facing owners of wind turbines and the obstacles hindering the development and establishing of new wind power stations are also discussed. In order to demonstrate this, a case study has been completed. The empirical material has been collected through six qualitative interviews with owners of wind turbines. The conclusion is that it's only worth it to venture on a wind turbine project if the winds in the area are suitable and strong enough. Another important factor is the place of the wind power station in relation to neighbours and other buildings in the area. The electricity price also plays an important role. If the price of electricity increases it's more profitable to produce electricity oneself. There are also some aspects on why it's not worth while to have your own small wind turbine. It's especially the wind force and the electricity price that are important for the profitability of wind power. If the electricity price decreases the profitability of the wind power decreases with it. If the wind force isn't strong enough the turbines cannot produce enough, if any, electricity. If the wind power station is in such a place that it might disturb neighbours it should not be built. Something which all interviewees thought was important was an increase in the possibilities to sell off the electricity that exceeds the needs of the producer. Solving that problem would add to the profitability of wind turbines and also interest more people in investing in small wind power stations

    Helical CT angiography of fenestrated stent grafting of abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Fenestrated stent grafts have been developed to treat patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) associated with complicated aneurysm necks, such as short necks, severe angulated or poor quality necks (presence of calcification or thrombus). The technique is performed by creating an opening in the graft material so that the stent graft can be placed above the renal and other visceral branches without compromising blood perfusion to these vessels. In most situations, a supporting stent is inserted into the fenestrated vessel to provide fixation of the fenestrated vessel against stent grafts, as well as to preserve patency of the vessel. Helical CT angiography (CTA) is the preferred imaging modality in both pre-operative planning and post-procedural follow-up of fenestrated repair of AAA. The main concerns of fenestrated stent grafting lie in the following two aspects: patency of the fenestrated vessels and position of the fenestrated stents in relation to the artery branches. In this article, the author presents the clinical applications of 2D and 3D visualizations in the follow-up of patients with AAA treated with fenestrated stent grafts, with the aim of providing useful information to readers and increasing their knowledge of an increasingly used technique, fenestrated stent grafting in the treatment of AAA

    Solid-state NMR study of the YadA membrane-anchor domain in the bacterial outer membrane.

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    MAS-NMR was used to study the structure and dynamics at ambient temperatures of the membrane-anchor domain of YadA (YadA-M) in a pellet of the outer membrane of E. coli in which it was expressed. YadA is an adhesin from the pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica that is involved in interactions with the host cell, and it is a model protein for studying the autotransport process. Existing assignments were sucessfully transferred to a large part of the YadA-M protein in the E. coli lipid environment by using 13C-13C DARR and PDSD spectra at different mixing times. The chemical shifts in most regions of YadA-M are unchanged relative to those in microcrystalline YadA-M preparations from which a structure has previously been solved, including the ASSA region that is proposed to be involved in transition-state hairpin formation for transport of the soluble domain. Comparisons of the dynamics between the microcrystalline and membrane-embedded samples indicate greater flexibility of the ASSA region in the outer-membrane preparation at physiological temperatures. This study will pave the way towards MAS-NMR structure determination of membrane proteins, and a better understanding of functionally important dynamic residues in native membrane environments
