282 research outputs found

    Caregiver Burden in Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer\u27s: Interventions and Influence of Relationship Roles and Gender

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    Abstract Background: Caregiver burden in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease can cause negative emotional, social, and physical effects on caregivers and impact their quality of life. Objectives: The purpose of this integrative literature review was to determine which interventions are most effective in alleviating caregiver burden. This review also compared the degree of caregiver burden among gender (male vs. female) and family roles (adult-child vs. spouse) to determine how these differences may affect interventions. Method: An integrative literature review was conducted using the databases PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and PsychInfo. Search terms included caregiver, Alzheimer’s, burden, coping, strategies, interventions, dementia, gender, family roles, spouse, and adult-child. Results: Five research articles were selected based on exclusion and inclusion criteria--three were studies on interventions to decrease caregiver burden and two addressed the influences of gender and family roles on caregiver burden. The three intervention studies included social resources, emotional support, and increased problem-solving skills as common factors to decrease caregiver burden. All interventions were equally effective in reducing caregiver burden. The two selected studies addressing gender and family roles demonstrated that female caregivers experienced a higher level of burden than males. Additionally, adult-child caregivers experienced greater caregiver burden when compared to spouse caregivers. Conclusion: Further research is necessary to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the most effective interventions to reduce caregiver burden. This review demonstrated that female adult-child caregivers experience the greatest burden when compared to their counterparts, highlighting the need for future interventions tailored to this specific population

    Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Situs Tokopedia.com Berdasarkan Variabel Ease of Use, E-Scape, Responsiveness, dan Assurance

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    Penelitian ini membahas analisis kepuasan pelanggan situs Tokopedia.com berdasarkan variabel ease of use, e-scape, responsiveness, dan assurance. Keempat variabel tersebut diuji signifikansinya terhadap variabel e-satisfaction untuk mengetahui seberapa besar korelasi antara variabel tersebut dengan kepuasan pelanggan situs Tokopedia.com. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis, terbukti bahwa kesemua variabel, yaitu ease of use, e-scape, responsiveness, dan assurance memiliki hubungan positif dengan variabel e-satisfaction.Dari hasil penelitian, terlihat bahwa secara umum tingkat kepentingan masih di bawah harapan anggota situs Tokopedia.com. Hal ini terlihat bahwa nilai tingkat kinerja sebenarnya dengan tingkat kepentingan anggota situs Tokopedia.com masih bernilai negatif untuk keseluruhan variabel, dengan nilai rata-rata gap secara umum adalah -0,33. Untuk nilai gap terendah dimiliki oleh variabel responsiveness, yaitu dengan nilai gap sebesar -0,15 dan untuk nilai gap tertinggi dimiliki oleh variabel ease of use dengan nilai gap sebesar -0,61.Dalam merancang sebuah program rekomendasi, sebelumnya dilakukan urutan prioritas perbaikan dari tiap variabel dengan cara memperhatikan letak variabel dalam diagram tingkat kepentingan-kinerja sebenarnya serta tingginya gap pada tiap variabel. Urutan perbaikan tersebut dimulai dari variabel ease of use (kuadran I/expected), kemudian dilanjutkan oleh variabel e-scape dan responsiveness (kuadran IV/low impact), dan urutan prioritas terakhir, yaitu variabel assurance (kuadran II/high impact). Rekomendasi program disusun berdasarkan hasil benchmark dengan situs online shopping di Indonesia dan luar negeri. Berdasarkan hasil konfirmasi dengan pihak Tokopedia, maka program rekomendasi yang diajukan, yaitu Most Viewed/Most Selling, Your Recent History, Vertical Research, Recommendation, Web Using Demo, Perluasan Pemanfaatan Browser, Contacts Number, Free Consultation with our Customer Services, Perluasan Cara Pembayaran. dan SSL. online shopping, e-service quality, e-satisfactio

    Ancient origin and maternal inheritance of blue cuckoo eggs

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    Maternal inheritance via the female-specific W chromosome was long ago proposed as a potential solution to the evolutionary enigma of co-existing host-specific races (or 'gentes') in avian brood parasites. Here we report the first unambiguous evidence for maternal inheritance of egg colouration in the brood-parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus. Females laying blue eggs belong to an ancient (∼2.6 Myr) maternal lineage, as evidenced by both mitochondrial and W-linked DNA, but are indistinguishable at nuclear DNA from other common cuckoos. Hence, cuckoo host races with blue eggs are distinguished only by maternally inherited components of the genome, which maintain host-specific adaptation despite interbreeding among males and females reared by different hosts. A mitochondrial phylogeny suggests that blue eggs originated in Asia and then expanded westwards as female cuckoos laying blue eggs interbred with the existing European population, introducing an adaptive trait that expanded the range of potential hosts

    Evasion in the public sector: a case study of the career of specialists in public policies and government management in the state of Minas Gerais

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    Este artigo aborda a evasão na carreira de Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental (EPPGG) no Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais. Seu objetivo principal é investigar as causas da evasão, conhecer em que condições ela ocorre e para onde se direcionam os recursos humanos que dela se desligaram. Apoia-se em pesquisa empírica realizada junto aos ex-integrantes da carreira, explorando os aspectos relacionados ao momento do desligamento, aos condicionantes para sua ocorrência, à relação com a experiência profissional e à direção tomada após a evasão. Foram obtidas 94 respostas de ex-servidores evadidos. A evasão tende a ocorrer logo nos primeiros anos da vida profissional, após o estágio probatório. Caso a saída ocorra antes desse prazo, o ex-servidor deve ressarcir o Estado o custo de seu treinamento. Os evadidos tendem a ganhar mais fora da carreira, a buscar também uma segunda graduação, em sua maioria em Direito, e a realocar-se no próprio serviço público. Apenas uma pequena parte se realoca no setor privado ou no terceiro setor. Como em outros estudos, a insatisfação salarial, e não com o próprio trabalho, parece ser a principal razão para a evasão.Este artículo analiza la evasión en la carrera de Especialista en Políticas Públicas y Gestión Gubernamental (EPPGG) en el estado de Minas Gerais. Su objetivo principal es comprender las razones por las cuales ocurren estas evasiones, las características básicas de los evadidos y sus respectivos destinos profesionales. El trabajo se apoya en una investigación empírica realizada con los antiguos miembros de la carrera, donde se analizan los aspectos relacionados con el momento de la desconexión, las condiciones de su surgimiento, la relación con la experiencia profesional y la dirección tomada después de evadirse. Obtuvimos 94 respuestas a nuestra encuesta. La evasión tendería a ocurrir en los primeros años de trabajo. Caso el servidor deje el gobierno antes de tres años, debe de reembolsar al Estado por su capacitación. Los evadidos tienden a ganar más en la carrera, y también tienden a buscar una segunda titulación (la mayoría en derecho), así como a reubicarse en el propio servicio público. Al igual que en otros estudios, la insatisfacción salarial (y no con el trabajo en sí) parece ser la principal razón para la evasión.This research intends to discuss employee turnover in the Minas Gerais Public Policy and Government Management Specialist career (EPPGG). Its main objective is to understand the reasons why these evasions occur, the main characteristics of the evaded and their professional destiny. To do so, an empirical research was carried out with these career former members, exploring the reasons for this evasion, the conditions for its occurrence, the relation with the professional experience and the direction taken after it. We were able to get 94 answers for our questionnaire. The turnover tends to occur early in the working years. If the worker leaves the government before three years, he should pay the government back for his training. The evaders would tend to earn more out than in the abandoned career. They would also tend to seek a second college degree (most in law school). They also tend to relocate themselves in the public service (not in the private or in the third sectors). As in other studies, wage dissatisfaction seems to be the main reason for avoidance and not with work itself.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 71, n. 3, p. 434-475Desenvolvimento PessoalGestão PúblicaISSN Eletrônico: 2357-8017ISSN Impresso: 0034-924

    The Value of Artificial Stimuli in Behavioral Research: Making the Case for Egg Rejection Studies in Avian Brood Parasitism

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    Experimentation is at the heart of classical and modern behavioral ecology research. The manipulation of natural cues allows us to establish causation between aspects of the environment, both internal and external to organisms, and their effects on animals’ behaviors. In recognition systems research, including the quest to understand the coevolution of sensory cues and decision rules underlying the rejection of foreign eggs by hosts of avian brood parasites, artificial stimuli have been used extensively, but not without controversy. In response to repeated criticism about the value of artificial stimuli, we describe four potential benefits of using them in egg recognition research, two each at the proximate and ultimate levels of analysis: (1) the standardization of stimuli for developmental studies and (2) the disassociation of correlated traits of egg phenotypes used for sensory discrimination, as well as (3) the estimation of the strength of selection on parasitic egg mimicry and (4) the establishment of the evolved limits of sensory and cognitive plasticity. We also highlight constraints of the artificial stimulus approach, and provide a specific test of whether responses to artificial cues can accurately predict responses to natural cues. Artificial stimuli have a general value in ethological research beyond research in brood parasitism, and may be especially critical in field studies involving the manipulation of a single parameter, where other, confounding variables are difficult or impossible to control experimentally or statistically

    O direito à educação do preso no Brasil e seus aspectos legais

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    This essay discourses the right to education of incarcerated people in Brazil. It has a general objective to analyze the legislation around this right. The present investigation is based on the qualitative research approach, from a bibliographic and documental review of already published materials on the main international treaties and the national legislation which discour about the right to education in this segment. It is worth mentioning that despite education being characterized as an instrument of social change, it must not be treated only to this end but as a necessary and concrete right which should be guaranteed, especially for historically marginalized groups.Este trabalho discorre sobre o direito à educação da população em situação de cárcere no Brasil e tem como objetivo geral analisar a legislação em torno desse direito. A presente investigação fundamenta-se na abordagem qualitativa, a partir de uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico e documental que parte do exame dos principais tratados internacionais e da legislação nacional que discorrem acerca do direito à educação desse segmento. É relevante frisar que apesar da educação ser caracterizada como um instrumento de ressocialização, ela não deve ser tratada apenas para este fim, mas sim como um direito necessário e concreto que deve ser garantido em especial para os segmentos historicamente marginalizados.

    Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in an urban Mexican population

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    Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in an urban Mexican population.BackgroundThe present study was primarily designed to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in a Mexican urban population residing in Mexico and to evaluate certain biologic and socioeconomic conditions as risk factors for the development of renal disease.MethodsA population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted, which included 3564 patients of either gender aged >18 years, who were randomly selected from lists of patients assigned to primary care facilities in the city of Morelia. A questionnaire about personal current health status, kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease in close relatives, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and blood and urine samples to measure glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine was obtained for each patient. Creatinine clearance (Ccr) was calculated by the Cockcroft-Gault formula. Patients were classified in 1 of the 5 Ccr categories established by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines.ResultsThe prevalence rate of Ccr < 15mL/min was 1142 per million population, and that of Ccr <60mL/min 80,788 per million population. Alcohol and tobacco consumption, female gender, age >65 years, educational level < primary school, and income <US $4.00/day were significantly associated with reduced Ccr.ConclusionChronic kidney disease prevalence in this population is similar to that seen in industrialized countries. If these figures are similar to those of the entire Mexican population, only l out of 4 patients requiring renal replacement therapy in the country currently has access to it

    Sex Allocation in Relation to Host Races in the Brood-Parasitic Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)

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    Sex allocation theory and empirical evidence both suggest that natural selection should favour maternal control of offspring sex ratio in relation to their ability to invest in the offspring. Generalist parasites constitute a particularly interesting group to test this theory as different females commonly utilize different host species showing large variation in provisioning ability. The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a generalist brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nest of many different passerine birds, but each female tends to specialize on one particular host species giving rise to highly specialized host races. The different host species show large variation in their ability to invest in the parasitic offspring, presenting an opportunity for female cuckoos to bias offspring sex ratio in relation to host species quality. Here, we investigate host-race specific sex allocation controlling for maternal identity in the common cuckoo. We found no evidence of any significant relationship between host race and sex ratio in one sympatric population harbouring three different host races, or in a total of five geographically separated populations. There was also no significant association between host quality, as determined by species-specific female host body mass, and cuckoo sex ratio. Finally, we found no significant relationship between individual cuckoo maternal quality, as determined by her egg volume, and sex ratio within each host race. We conclude that the generalist brood-parasitic common cuckoo show no significant sex-ratio bias in relation to host race and discuss this finding in light of gene flow and host adaptations

    PER-TIM Interactions with the Photoreceptor Cryptochrome Mediate Circadian Temperature Responses in Drosophila

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    Drosophila cryptochrome (CRY) is a key circadian photoreceptor that interacts with the period and timeless proteins (PER and TIM) in a light-dependent manner. We show here that a heat pulse also mediates this interaction, and heat-induced phase shifts are severely reduced in the cryptochrome loss-of-function mutant cryb. The period mutant perL manifests a comparable CRY dependence and dramatically enhanced temperature sensitivity of biochemical interactions and behavioral phase shifting. Remarkably, CRY is also critical for most of the abnormal temperature compensation of perL flies, because a perL; cryb strain manifests nearly normal temperature compensation. Finally, light and temperature act together to affect rhythms in wild-type flies. The results indicate a role for CRY in circadian temperature as well as light regulation and suggest that these two features of the external 24-h cycle normally act together to dictate circadian phase