851 research outputs found

    Promoção da igualdade de género e de prevenção de situações de bullying em contexto associativo

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    O sexismo, a discriminação, a desigualdade e a violência baseada no género bem como as situações de bullying baseadas em estereótipos de género constituem problemáticas que estão presentes na sociedade atualmente. De forma a prevenir estas problemáticas surgiu o programa “Promoção da igualdade de género e prevenção do bullying em crianças em contexto associativo”, que foi conduzido com sete crianças dos cinco aos nove anos. Este programa teve como objetivos gerais promover a igualdade entre géneros e prevenir situações de violência (bullying), e como objetivos específicos, identificar e desconstruir estereótipos de género, consciencializar sobre a discriminação e a desigualdade de género, prevenir comportamentos desviantes e desadequados sobre a desigualdade de género, consciencializar sobre o fenómeno do bullying, identificar estratégias de combate ao bullying, promover relacionamentos saudáveis e positivos, e promover competências sociais. O programa (com dez sessões) seguiu um plano experimental, isto é, contou com dois grupos com iguais indicadores que foram submetidos a um pré-teste e a um pós-teste, mas apenas um dos grupos participou no programa no período entre estes dois testes. Participou também um terceiro grupo de uma faixa etária superior. A meio este foi interrompido devido à pandemia de Covid-19 não tendo sido implementado na totalidade. Apenas a temática referente à igualdade de género foi trabalhada. Os resultados revelam que os três grupos evidenciaram estereótipos de género no pré-teste: o GE mais do que o GC e os mais novos mais que os mais velhos. No pós-teste constatou-se a mesma situação entre os mais novos. Os objetivos do programa foram parcialmente atingidos pois nem todas as crianças do GE alteraram os seus estereótipos de género.Sexism, discrimination, inequality and gender-based violence as well as bullying situations based on gender stereotypes are problems that are present in society today. In order to prevent these problems, the program “Promotion of gender equality and prevention of bullying in children in an associative context” emerged, which was conducted with seven children from five to nine years old. This program had as its general objectives to promote gender equality and prevent situations of violence (bullying), and as specific objectives, to identify and deconstruct gender stereotypes, to raise awareness about gender discrimination and inequality, to prevent deviant and inappropriate behaviors about gender inequality, raise awareness of the phenomenon of bullying, identify strategies to combat bullying, promote healthy and positive relationships, and promote social skills. The program (with ten sessions) followed an experimental plan, that is, it had two groups with equal indicators that were submitted to a pre-test and a post-test, but only one of the groups participated in the program in the period between these two tests. A third group of a higher age group also participated. Halfway through, this was stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic and has not been fully implemented. Only the theme referring to gender equality was addressed. The results reveal that the three groups showed gender stereotypes in the pre-test: the EG more than the CG and the younger ones more than the older ones. In the post-test, the same situation was found among the youngest. The program's objectives were partially achieved as not all children in the GE changed their gender stereotypes

    Heat-related mortality amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Excess mortality not directly related to the virus has been shown to have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, changes in heat-related mortality during the pandemic have not been addressed in detail. Here, we performed an observational study crossing daily mortality data collected in Portugal (SICO/DGS) with high-resolution temperature series (ERA5/ECMWF), characterizing their relation in the pre-pandemic, and how it aggravated during 2020. The combined result of COVID-19 and extreme temperatures caused the largest annual mortality burden in recent decades (~ 12 000 excess deaths [~ 11% above baseline]). COVID-19 caused the largest fraction of excess mortality during March to May (62%) and from October onwards (85%). During summer, its direct impact was residual, and deaths not reported as COVID-19 dominated excess mortality (553 versus 3 968). A prolonged hot spell led mortality to the upper tertile, reaching its peak in mid-July (+ 45% deaths/day). The lethality ratio (+ 14 deaths per cumulated ºC) was higher than that observed in recent heatwaves. We used a statistical model to estimate expected deaths due to cold/heat, indicating an amplification of at least 50% in heat-related deaths during 2020 compared to pre-pandemic years. Our findings suggest mortality during 2020 has been indirectly amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the disruption of healthcare systems and fear of population in attending healthcare facilities (expressed in emergency room admissions decreases). While lockdown measures and healthcare systems reorganization prevented deaths directly related to the virus, a significant burden due to other causes represents a strong secondary impact. This was particularly relevant during summer hot spells, when the lethality ratio reached magnitudes not experienced since the 2003 heatwaves. This severe amplification of heat-related mortality during 2020 stresses the need to resume normal healthcare services and public health awareness.This work was partially funded by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under project IMPECAF (PTDC/CTA-CLI/28902/2017) and project HOLMODRIVE (PTDC/CTA-GEO/29029/2017). AR, PMS, and RT are also grateful by the FCT funding UID GEO 50019 2020–Instituto Dom Luiz. JLG acknowledges FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) for the PhD Grant 2020.05198.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salud mental como efecto del desarrollo psicoafectivo en la infancia (Mental health as an effect on childhood emotional development)

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    Resumen:  Objetivo: Comprender cómo el concepto de salud mental se relaciona con las nociones de interferencias en el desarrollo y recuperación psicoafectiva. Método: El presente artículo tiene como método la revisión documental. Es un estudio sistemático, metódico y organizado de textos, artículos y documentos sobre el tema estableciendo un análisis del concepto de salud mental como efecto del desarrollo psicoafectivo a la luz de la teoría psicodinámica, y las categorías analíticas corresponden al concepto de salud mental, interferencias en el desarrollo y recuperación psicoafectiva. Resultados: La salud mental en la infancia y adolescencia es una preocupación reciente, pues se ha incrementado la incidencia de trastornos mentales en esta población. Las interferencias en el desarrollo se constituyen como dificultades en el curso esperado del desarrollo infantil repercutiendo en la salud mental. En Colombia, niños, niñas y adolescentes se ven expuestos a problemáticas que alteran el desarrollo psicoafectivo e impiden el despliegue de las potencialidades humanas y la consolidación de la personalidad. Conclusión: Se comprende que la salud mental es el efecto de los procesos de integración madurativo-constitucionales, mientras que las interferencias en el desarrollo como: abuso, maltrato, negligencia, abandono, entre otras, representan alteraciones en dicho proceso, pues afectan las condiciones biopsicosociales de los niños y niñas, por lo que la recuperación psicoafectiva se propone como una posibilidad para reestablecer la salud emocional y el balance óptimo indispensable para la superación de la adversidad y el curso esperado del desarrollo. Abstract:  Objective: To understand the relationship between mental health, notions of development interference and emotional development. Method: This paper has a documentary research method. It is based on a systematic, methodic and organized study of texts, articles and documents about the subject through a psychodynamic theory, it was established an analysis of the concept of mental health as an effect of emotional development and analytic categories, development interference and emotional recovery. Results: Because of the statistics of mental disorders increasing on infancy and adolescences, mental health is a recent worry. The development interferences as difficulties on normal child development are associated to the loss of mental health during infancy. In Colombia, children and adolescences are exposed to problems which affect their emotional development and block the deployment of human potentialities and the consolidation of personality. Conclusion: As a result, mental health is then known as the result of the maturatingconstitutional process, meanwhile the development interferences such as: abuse, mistreatment, negligence, neglect, among others, represent alterations in this maturating-constitutional process because all of them affects the child bio-psychosocial conditions, also according to these damages the emotional recovery turn into a proposal to restore the emotional health and the optimal balance necessary to overcome the adversity and promote the normal development on infancy


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    This study investigates early childhood educators’ perception about changes generated in their pedagogical practice in the dimensions of knowing, being and doing, after participating in a training process focused on emotional education and psychoaffective child development in Colombia. In order to understand how pedagogical practices had changed after their participation in the Program´s training, a qualitative research was conducted, applying qualitative questionnaires and semi- structured interviews with 50 educators participating in the training. Results indicate positive changes in theoretical and didactical knowledge, sensitivity to children, as well as professional and personal satisfaction. Participants appreciated especially the training’s focus on their own emotional dimension and the recognition of their history, since they feel a high emotional charge considering the combination of the children’s situations they experience during their work, as well as their own personal background.The results of the study show the need to keep in mind the dimensions being, knowing and doing during the training process of educators, in order to allow a profound understanding of theoretical concepts and practical implications. At the same time, the results raise the question of an ongoing psychological and educational support for educators, in order to allow a permanent reflection of their own emotional reactions to the difficult situations they face in their work, and thus achieve an improvement in their teaching practice

    Efectos psicosociales y psicoafectivos generados en las poblaciones afectadas por las inundaciones en el sur del Atlántico durante el año 2010

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    El artículo describe cuáles son los efectos psicosociales y psicoafectivos generados por las inundaciones que afectaron el sur del Atlántico durante la temporada invernal del año 2010. Se establece una relación entre los resultados de la aplicación Piloto del Programa PISOTON para el Desarrollo Psicoafectivo en el año 2009 frente a las evidencias del diagnóstico poblacional realizado en el año 2010, luego de la inundación. Los resultados de este estudio señalan cómo se vivencian las experiencias traumáticas en la población, que dependen en gran medida de las ganancias y faltantes en cuanto a herramientas psicosociales

    Efectos psicosociales y psicoafectivos generados en las poblaciones afectadas por las inundaciones en el sur del Atlántico durante el año 2010

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    El artículo describe cuáles son los efectos psicosociales y psicoafectivos generados por las inundaciones que afectaron el sur del Atlántico durante la temporada invernal del año 2010. Se establece una relación entre los resultados de la aplicación Piloto del Programa PISOTON para el Desarrollo Psicoafectivo en el año 2009 frente a las evidencias del diagnóstico poblacional realizado en el año 2010, luego de la inundación. Los resultados de este estudio señalan cómo se vivencian las experiencias traumáticas en la población, que dependen en gran medida de las ganancias y faltantes en cuanto a herramientas psicosociales

    Endothelial cell invasion is controlled by dactylopodia

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    Copyright © 2021 the Author(s). Published by PNAS. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND).Sprouting angiogenesis is fundamental for development and contributes to cancer, diabetic retinopathy, and cardiovascular diseases. Sprouting angiogenesis depends on the invasive properties of endothelial tip cells. However, there is very limited knowledge on how tip cells invade into tissues. Here, we show that endothelial tip cells use dactylopodia as the main cellular protrusion for invasion into nonvascular extracellular matrix. We show that dactylopodia and filopodia protrusions are balanced by myosin IIA (NMIIA) and actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) activity. Endothelial cell-autonomous ablation of NMIIA promotes excessive dactylopodia formation in detriment of filopodia. Conversely, endothelial cell-autonomous ablation of Arp2/3 prevents dactylopodia development and leads to excessive filopodia formation. We further show that NMIIA inhibits Rac1-dependent activation of Arp2/3 by regulating the maturation state of focal adhesions. Our discoveries establish a comprehensive model of how endothelial tip cells regulate its protrusive activity and will pave the way toward strategies to block invasive tip cells during sprouting angiogenesis.C.A.F. was supported by a European Research Council starting grant (679368), the European Union H2020-TWINN-2015—Twinning (692322), the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia funding (grants IF/00412/2012, EXPL/BEX-BCM/2258/2013, PTDC/MED-PAT/31639/2017, and PTDC/BIA-CEL/32180/2017 and fellowships CEECIND/04251/2017 and CEECIND/02589/2018), and a grant from the Fondation Leducq (17CVD03).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Programa de educación emocional PISOTÓN para la promoción de la salud mental de niños y niñas en territorios afectados por el conflicto armado colombiano: Un estudio comparativo

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    Estudio comparativo con medición inicial y medición posterior a la implementación del Programa de Educación Emocional Pisotón. Muestra de 6.808 niños y niñas entre 3 y 7 años en 18 departamentos afectados por el conflicto armado colombiano. El instrumento fue Fábulas de Düss, analizándose las respuestas a partir de la clasificación de Bell (1992). Se realizaron pruebas de comparación de proporciones mediante Chi cuadrado y prueba Z, estudiando diferencias significativas entre grupos. En las fábulas 1 a 7 y 9 siempre se cumple que la proporción en el grupo “significativo" y “resistencia” es menor que la proporción en el grupo “normal” después de la implementación del Programa, lo cual indica un aumento estadísticamente significativo en el número de participantes ubicados en la categoría Normal

    Effects of recent minimum temperature and water deficit increases on Pinus pinaster radial growth and wood density in southern Portugal

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    Western Iberia has recently shown increasing frequency of drought conditions coupled with heatwave events, leading to exacerbated limiting climatic conditions for plant growth. It is not clear to what extent wood growth and density of agroforestry species have suffered from such changes or recent extreme climate events. To address this question, tree-ring width and density chronologies were built for a Pinus pinaster stand in southern Portugal and correlated with climate variables, including the minimum, mean and maximum temperatures and the number of cold days. Monthly and maximum daily precipitations were also analyzed as well as dry spells. The drought effect was assessed using the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration (SPEI) multi-scalar drought index, between 1 to 24-months. The climate-growth/density relationships were evaluated for the period 1958-2011. We show that both wood radial growth and density highly benefit from the strong decay of cold days and the increase of minimum temperature. Yet the benefits are hindered by long-term water deficit, which results in different levels of impact on wood radial growth and density. Despite of the intensification of long-term water deficit, tree-ring width appears to benefit from the minimum temperature increase, whereas the effects of long-term droughts significantly prevail on tree-ring density. Our results further highlight the dependency of the species on deep water sources after the juvenile stage. The impact of climate changes on longterm droughts and their repercussion on the shallow groundwater table and P. pinaster’s vulnerability are also discussed. This work provides relevant information for forest management in the semi-arid area of the Alentejo region of Portugal. It should ease the elaboration of mitigation strategies to assure P. pinaster’s production capacity and quality in response to more arid conditions in the near future in the regioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio