18 research outputs found

    Flammability dynamics in the Australian Alps

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    Forests of the Australian Alps (SE Australia) are considered some of the most vulnerable to climate change in the country, with ecosystem collapse considered likely for some due to frequent fire. It is not yet known, however, whether increasing fire frequency may stabilize due to reductions in flammability related to reduced time for fuel accumulation, show no trend, or increase due to positive feedbacks related to vegetation changes. To determine what these trends have been historically, dynamics were measured for 58 years of mapped fire history. The 1.4 million ha forested area was divided into broad formations based on structure and dominant canopy trees, and dynamics were measured for each using flammability ratio, a modification of probability of ignition at a point. Crown fire likelihood was measured for each formation, based on satellite-derived measurements of the 2003 fire effects across a large part of the area. Contrary to popular perception but consistent with mechanistic expectations, all forests exhibited pronounced positive feedbacks. The strongest response was observed in tall, wet forests dominated by Ash-type eucalypts, where, despite a short period of low flammability following fire, post-disturbance stands have been more than eight times as likely to burn than have mature stands. The weakest feedbacks occurred in open forest, although post-disturbance forests were still 1.5 times as likely to burn as mature forests. Apart from low, dry open woodland where there was insufficient data to detect a trend, all forests were most likely to experience crown fire during their period of regeneration. The implications of this are significant for the Alps, as increasing fire frequency has the potential to accelerate by producing an increasingly flammable landscape. These effects may be semi-permanent in tall, wet forest, where frequent fire promotes ecosystem collapse into either the more flammable open forest formation, or to heathland

    Postwildfire hydrological response in an El Niño–Southern Oscillation–dominated environment

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    The rainfall-runoff events following five fires that occurred within a 40-year period in eucalypt forests of the Nattai catchment, southeastern Australia, were investigated to quantify the postwildfire hydrological response and to provide context for lower than expected erosion and sediment transport rates measured after wildfires in 2001. Daily rainfall and hourly instantaneous discharge records were used to examine rainfall-runoff events in two gauged subcatchments (>100 km2) for up to 3 years after fire and compared with nonfire periods. Radar imagery, available from 2001, was used to determine the intensity and duration of rainfall events. Wildfires in the study catchment appear to have no detectable impact on surface runoff at the large catchment scale, regardless of fire severity, extent or time after fire. Instead, the magnitude of postfire runoff is related to the characteristics of rainfall after fire. Rainfall is highly variable in terms of annual totals and the number, size, and type of events. Rainfall events that cause substantial surface runoff are characterized by moderate-high intensity falls lasting one or more days (≥ 1 year average recurrence interval). These are triggered by synoptic-scale weather patterns, which do not reliably occur in the postfire window and are independent of broad-scale climate dominated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This study highlights the importance of considering the characteristics of rainfall, as well as local factors, in interpreting the postfire hydrological response. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union